Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 214 Brother Mo is hot?

Chapter 214 Brother Mo is hot?
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As for Jia Amnesty's foreign appointment, everyone in Jia's mansion got the news before he left the Yamen.Jia Lian, his wife and Mrs. Xing were naturally overjoyed, and even Yun Baozhou made a special trip to bring Yingchun back to announce the good news to Mrs. Xing.

Mrs. Wang was also very happy. Jia Zheng just came back from his foreign post. Not only that, he was dismissed from office and brought back a goblin.

For Mrs. Xing's success in the past few years, Mrs. Wang already held a grudge, and now she sneered even more, waiting to see Mrs. Xing end up in a more miserable situation than herself in the future.

Wang Xifeng happily ran to announce the good news to Mrs. Jia, but Mrs. Jia was happy for a while, saying that now that the first wife and second wife are all promising, she is worthy of the old man.But this joy disappeared without a trace after Jia Amnesty came back.

After Jia Amnesty returned to the mansion, before he could change his official robes, he hurried to see Mrs. Jia, saying hello, but in fact he proposed that Mrs. Xing and Jia Lian's family would be brought with him when he took office.

Just listen to Jia Amnesty saying respectfully to Mrs. Jia: "My son has never served outside. I don't know which side is in charge of politics. However, Lian'er has stayed with his brother-in-law in office. I think he is familiar with him. So my son thought about taking Lian with him. It's great for my son to take office together. Besides, the back house also needs someone who can take charge of the matter, so my son wants to take Lian'er and his wife with him."

After listening to the old lady Jia, she looked at Jia She coldly and said, "What is Lian'er going with you? Seeing that the next year will be Chunwei, and Feng girl is still bringing her two little ones with her, so she doesn't have to go with her to endure hardships."

Jia She was already prepared for this, so he didn't look at Mrs. Jia's expression, and hurriedly said with a smile: "My son thinks that Lian'er will also become an official in the future, so it's good for Feng girl to go with her to practice and practice together. My wife is helping me, so there won't be any trouble, and it will let Lian'er gain some insight."

Old Madam Jia didn't want Wang Xifeng to leave just like that, she needed to use Wang Xifeng to contain Mrs. Wang, so she said dissatisfiedly: "How old is Lian'er? It's too early to be an official. It's reasonable to let Lian'er study at ease first, so you can take it with you." Let the eldest lady go with you."

How can Jia Amnesty rest assured that Jia Lian's family will stay in Jia's mansion?Besides, he is also reluctant to part with his eldest grandson, isn't he?Then Jia She said with a smile: "Isn't there still more than a year left? My son thinks that they will go with me to practice for a year and a half, and then come back to prepare for the exam. There should be enough time."

When Mrs. Jia heard this, she frowned deeply, thought for a while and said: "Let's not mention it for now, it is only reasonable to finish the matter of my mother's family visit first." Said: "Although girl Feng is not in charge of the family, she should help her second aunt with this matter. This is a major event for our whole family."

Naturally, Jia Amnesty did not refuse, so he quickly agreed.Seeing this, Mrs. Jia didn't want to talk to him, so she just sent him away.

At this time, not only Jia's family is busy with visiting their relatives, but most of the people in the capital who have daughters in the palace are preparing for their relatives.Only Cheng'en Gong's mansion has never built a family visitation garden, so please ask for a family visitation garden.In the eyes of everyone, it was because the Queen Mother could often invite her family to meet in the palace, and her own sister, Princess Wujun, was also a noble lady of the clan.

Seeing this, Daiyu hesitated for many days, and finally invited Huang Jiyun to Zhuangzi on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. Originally, Daiyu would not send someone to invite him, but Huang Jiyun also wanted to come to celebrate the New Year with Daiyu. In Huang Jiyun's view, Daiyu was not only her own His students are even more like their daughters.So early in the morning, I was choosing a good New Year gift for Daiyu.

The emperor laughed when he found out: "Since that's the case, I'll join in the fun and go with you to see that girl. I haven't seen you for more than a year, but I miss you very much."

The emperor's words made Huang Jiyun break out in a cold sweat, and immediately knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, you can't! What if the body of the Holy One is lost?" The emperor waved his hand and said indifferently, "In this world, It is my world, where can I not go?"

Seeing that Huang Jiyun wanted to persuade him again, the emperor said with a slightly sullen face, "Could it be that I'm that senseless and foolish king who can't be punished if everyone gets it?" Everyone in the world can see it, so who dares to say that the Holy One is a foolish king? If the Holy One is a foolish king, I am afraid that there will be no wise monarch in this world."

Hearing what Huang Jiyun said, the emperor looked at him amusedly and said, "I don't think Ji Yun would be flattering now! If Lin girl said so, I believe it is the truth." After speaking, he looked Huang Jiyun up and down and said: "Speaking of Aiqing, I want to think about whether I have done something stupid recently! Hahahaha"

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun really didn't know what to say, and he also understood that the emperor was determined to go, so he lowered his head and thought for a while, "Maybe it would be better for the Holy Majesty to order Miss Lin to enter the palace?"

Huang Jiyun thought this was the best way, but the emperor shook his head and said: "No need, just let Mo Xuan lead a team of imperial guards and pretend to go with me." Seeing what Huang Jiyun wanted to say, the emperor hurriedly said: " I have already decided on this matter, so Ji Yun doesn't need to say more."

Immediately, the emperor ordered someone to call Mo Xuan. After some orders, Mo Xuan was also hesitant. Seeing this, the emperor was very displeased and said: "Could it be possible that I was made of mud? With the protection of the imperial guards, accidents can happen. Why do I still need the imperial guards? Is this palace really safe?"

The emperor's words were already very serious, Mo Xuan and Huang Jiyun didn't dare to persuade them any more, they looked at each other, and they both took orders.

Daiyu sent someone to invite Huang Jiyun to come to discuss important matters, but she didn't expect the emperor to come in person.Daiyu was taken aback too!If something happened to her Zhuangzi, she couldn't afford it, and she was afraid that her father's reputation would be ruined for the rest of his life.

After Daiyu received the news, she immediately called for Nanny Yang, Nanny Tang, and Nanny Sun. No one knew about the rest, even Song Shi and Zhang Zheng, and Daiyu didn't say anything. I was afraid that something would happen.The three mothers were startled when they heard it, and for a moment the four of them didn't know what to do, but it was Yang who made the final conclusion: "Let's just pretend we don't know."

There was no other way out, Daiyu also felt that this was the only way to go, so she ordered Nanny Tang and Nanny Sun to check the kitchen and pantry, especially the pantry.Although it is not known whether the emperor will have meals here, drinking tea is certain.Don't dare to make a mistake in eating.

Thinking about it, Nanny Tang belongs to Princess Wujun, and Nanny Sun is also an old man beside her, so these two people should not harm the emperor or herself.Dai Yufang was relieved to hand over the tea room and kitchen to these two people.

Just after noon, Huang Jiyun brought the emperor and his party to the outside of Daiyu's village. The carriage of Huang's mansion answered, and several wives and girls from Huang's mansion came to visit Daiyu, and the carriage did not stop outside the gate of the mansion. , pulled directly to the door of the instrument.

Song Shi and Zhang Zheng were also taken aback when they saw the emperor in casual clothes jumping off the carriage.Just about to go forward to salute, but Huang Jiyun waved his hand to stop him.These two people are still very convinced of Huang Jiyun, after all Huang Jiyun lived in the Lin Mansion for a long time.Seeing this, the emperor glanced at Huang Jiyun, Huang Jiyun nodded and said, "They are all old people beside Brother Ruhai."

The emperor nodded to Song Shi and Zhang Zheng and said, "Take good care of your girls, and your benefits are indispensable."

After all, the two still bowed and saluted: "My lord is joking, the girl is just like our own child. The master entrusted the girl to us, and we will do our best to take care of the girl. Don't dare to take advantage of it."

The emperor saw that the two were neither humble nor overbearing, and they looked like Daiyu, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "If there is a master, there must be a servant. I heard that you two have been with Ruhai for many years, but I don't see that you two are contaminated by him." refined spirit."

When Song Shi and Zhang Zheng heard this, they blushed with embarrassment.At this moment, Daiyu had received the news and came out to welcome her.Ignoring the emperor standing on one side, he first squatted down and saluted Huang Jiyun, "Yu'er has seen the master." The emperor looked over angrily when he saw this, making Huang Jiyun dumbfounded, so he had to help Daiyu and call her quietly. Wink.

Daiyu got up and greeted the emperor and said: "Lin Hui has seen Fourth Uncle Wang, but he didn't know that Uncle Wang came. He never greeted him from afar, and hoped to forgive him."

The emperor looked at Daiyu who hadn't seen him for more than a year, and didn't know what to say for a moment, he thought for a while and shook his head and said, "Forget it, what about forgiveness, when have you ever cared about it?" Everyone retreated, only Mo Xuan followed behind.

The emperor stared at Daiyu for a long while before saying quietly: "Since you're here, take me to see your father. I haven't visited him yet."

Daiyu obviously didn't expect the emperor to make such a request, so she couldn't help being stunned, she looked at Huang Jiyun, Huang Jiyun thought for a while and nodded slightly: "In that case, let's go and burn incense sticks to Brother Ruhai."

So Daiyu led the emperor, Huang Jiyun, and Mo Xuan to the small ancestral hall.The small ancestral hall is really small, only three or four square meters in size according to later generations.When you enter the door, you can see the word "Nian" written by Daiyu himself on the south wall, and there is a flat-top table below it. On the table, the tablets of Lin Ruhai and Jia Min are enshrined.

The east and west walls are empty, and there is nothing in the ancestral hall except a thick futon.The emperor couldn't help raising his eyebrows curiously and asked: "On weekdays, is this where you keep filial piety for your father?"

Daiyu nodded and didn't speak, just stretched out her hand to take the incense and lit it, and handed it to the emperor. The emperor looked at her with a half-smile, and said nothing, reached out to take the incense and put it in the incense burner.Daiyu was about to invite the emperor to serve tea in the hall, but at this moment the emperor suddenly turned to Mo Xuan and said, "You also go to offer incense sticks."

Daiyu didn't think much about it, she reached out and took out three more incense sticks to light, but Mo Xuan's cheeks blushed suddenly, he lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Daiyu, took the incense sticks like a thief, and saluted Lin Ruhai respectfully, Then insert the incense into the incense burner.

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun raised his eyebrows, and the way he looked at Mo Xuan changed, as if he found a thief who wanted to steal his treasure, he kept looking up and down.

Mo Xuan is a martial artist, how keen is his sense?Immediately noticing Huang Jiyun's gaze, he turned his head to look, then quickly lowered his head, for some reason, even his neck turned red.At this moment, Dai Yufang noticed something strange, and asked very puzzled: "Brother Mo is hot?"

(End of this chapter)

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