Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 220 The King of Wujun Returns to the South

Chapter 220 Wujun King Returns to the South ([-])
We would like to thank Junma Wujiang, mozart888, for their monthly support for growing vegetables!Also thanks to Mei on QQ reading, Du Ruo for their recommendation and support, as well as Qiushui Yiren, Qumu Caoxin, Shengruxiahua, Zhiruo and other relatives for their encouragement and love! O(∩_∩)O~ There are also cute hermit crabs~ Thank you for following along silently


Coming out of the palace, King Wu Jun didn't go back directly to the mansion, but changed to an unremarkable carriage and went to Daiyu's Zhuangzi outside the city.

Daiyu was very surprised to learn that King Wujun was coming, not Princess Wujun or Wanyu. She had lived here for more than a year, but King Wujun had never been here, but Princess Wujun came more often. Outside the city, even Wan Yu rarely came here.

Moreover, I had very little contact with King Wujun, not even much contact with the emperor, so I don't know why King Wujun came here today.

At this moment, King Wu's carriage had already arrived outside Zhuangzi, so Daiyu couldn't help thinking about it, so she hurriedly cleaned up her makeup, took Madam Tang and Madam Yang, and went out with two big maids and two young maids.

As for her adoptive daughter, apart from meeting the concubine a few times before and after the confession, only on the day of the confession, Prince Wu had carefully scrutinized her.Since Lin Ruhai passed away and Daiyu kept her filial piety, it was the first time that King Wujun met her for more than a year.Looking at it, she became more and more Jingyi.Thinking of the word Jingyi, Prince Wu nodded in his heart.

Daiyu is wearing a light yellow side-breasted shirt with a light green smoky skirt. The shirt is rolled with emerald green edges, inlaid with light green teeth, and embroidered with light yellow winter jasmine flowers, which looks elegant and unique.The smoky skirt made of cloud and mist silk, like smoke and mist, made this girl look more white and tender. No wonder that boy Hongjin had a crush on her.

Hong Jin thought that he hid his thoughts well, but he didn't know that he had already fallen into the eyes of King Wujun, let alone Princess Wujun.The princess of Wujun was also very troubled by this for some time. If it wasn't for Wanyu, she would have been far away from Daiyu.

King Wujun saw that Daiyu's head was full of blue silk, half of which was finished with ingots, fixed with a wooden hairpin, and half of which was braided into fine braids, which were scattered behind her back.Not only does she look fresh and refreshing, but those tiny braids also make her a bit petite and playful. '

Seeing Daiyu's clean earlobe without pendants, Wujun Wang nodded slightly in his heart, secretly thinking that Daiyu was sincere and filial, and looked at Daiyu with softer eyes.

Daiyu welcomed Prince Wujun into the gate, the moon hanging flowers behind the screen wall, on the gate, the luxuriant four seasons roses could no longer be seen, and now the spring flowers like the rust on Daiyu's shirt are planted, goose yellow flowers, clusters , opened on the door opening, hanging down.

King Wu Jun nodded secretly and stepped into the lobby, just like when the emperor first arrived, he was astonished, no matter how it looked, it was too empty, not to mention that there was only a word "Jing" hanging on the wall, without a plaque or a couplet. On the west side, there is a large round table surrounded by a dozen drum stools, and on the east side, there are actually two large desks placed side by side, and a row of bookshelves.

The writing and ink were placed neatly on the desk, but they were strangely placed in the middle of the desk.All kinds of books are neatly arranged on the bookshelf, from enlightenment books to travel classics, although they are all simple works, they are all included.

King Wu Jun couldn't help raising his eyebrows to look at Daiyu and said, "Yu'er isn't going to explain to Weifu?" Also smiled slightly.

Daiyu's crisp voice was naturally pleasant to the ear, but what she said surprised King Wujun.

Daiyu smiled slightly and said: "Yu'er is keeping a filial piety. There are no people in the village on weekdays, so Yu'er made this hall a small study. The east side is where the children of the village come to study. On the bookshelf The books are also copied by the children themselves, because there are so many children, so two desks are set up, and the west side is where the children eat."

King Wujun pointed to the big round table in disbelief and asked, "Are you going to leave them here to eat?" Just as Dai Yu nodded, King Wujun immediately said angrily with a straight face: "Rage! It's just nonsense! Don't forget, you are the county lord of my dynasty! How can you do such a demeaning thing? Every time your mother and concubine come here, don't you know?"

Now Daiyu didn't know how to answer, Princess Wujun naturally knew, but if she answered yes at this time, I am afraid that King Wujun would trouble the princess after returning, if she said she didn't know...

While Daiyu was hesitating, Mother Tang bowed and replied, "Your Majesty, at this time, the Princess naturally knows, even the Holy Majesty. There are forty or fifty of them, and the county lord left these dozen after selection. They are clever and clever children."

In fact, Madam Tang didn't need to explain anything else, just saying "The Holy Majesty also knows", King Wujun understood everything.

King Wujun walked around the hall twice with his hands behind his back and said, "Go and sit in the garden." Then he lifted his feet and walked out.Although King Wujun knew that Daiyu's small study was approved by the Holy One, he still didn't like it when he looked at it.

Seeing this, Daiyu lowered her head and pursed her lips with a smile, and quickly took two steps to catch up with King Wujun and lead the way.Behind the main hall is the inner courtyard, and the ear room on the east is connected to the hall, and entering is the main room of the inner courtyard where Daiyu lives now.Entering the west ear room, you will find a not-so-long corridor, but only a hundred steps away, you will reach the west corner of the garden.

White rhododendrons are planted under a row of weeping willows. The rhododendrons have not yet bloomed at this time, and it looks like a piece of fresh green with high and low.Walking inside is "Xiyuxuan". The Xiaoxuan Pavilion built with thick bamboo looks simple and elegant.

Two creeks surrounded by gravel pass around "Xiyuxuan", looking like green smoke curling up.It is the spring water flowing from the two hot springs at the back of the Zhuangzi, passing through the swimming pool, well, the small swimming pool built by Daiyu in this Zhuangzi is called "Yu Nuan Pavilion". It is a small two-story attic with a swimming pool downstairs and planted There are bluegrass in a circle, and there are several rest and changing rooms.

Far away, a few small bamboo bridges were built on the two streams around "Xiyuxuan", which looked quite interesting. King Wujun was very satisfied with this place, and he stepped in, and the inside was the same color Bamboo tables and chairs, several pots of spring orchids growing well, and one pot has even budded on the rows of tables.

A set of purple sand tea set on the bamboo table is also in the shape of bamboo joints, which shows that the arrangement is very careful.King Wujun sat down at the table first, when a breeze blew, and the white veil in front of the window was blown up by the wind. King Wujun said with a smile: "This is a good place to play the piano and cook tea. If your father is still here, It's really a beautiful thing to talk with your hands."

Speaking of Lin Ruhai, not only Daiyu fell silent, but also Prince Wu fell silent.King Wu's greatest hobbies are drinking and chess. People who play chess like drinking tea, but he likes drinking.

He naturally has no shortage of people to drink with when drinking, but it is rare to meet a chess player when playing chess.Therefore, in the heart of King Wujun, Lin Ruhai can be regarded as a close friend of chess friends.

Daiyu lowered her head and thought for a while and forced a smile: "I'm afraid that Yu'er will not be my father's opponent when playing chess. If I forcefully play chess with my father, I'm afraid I will spoil my father's interest, but Yu'er can play a piece of piano for my father." Without waiting for Prince Wu to answer, Daiyu asked Zhixuan to fetch her guzheng, which was more suitable for Daiyu than guqin.

Seeing this, Mother Tang asked, "I don't know what kind of incense the county lord wants?" Daiyu thought for a while and smiled and said, "You don't need to order agarwood, just take the warm incense that I used a few days ago." King Wujun Hearing what Daiyu said, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows and asked: "Why are you still reluctant to light the agarwood for your father?"

Daiyu covered her mouth with a smile and said: "If the father likes it, he can take it back. Why would he be filial to the father? Only Yu'er thinks that this song must be warm and fragrant to match." Since Daiyu said so, Naturally, Prince Wu would not say anything more.

Daiyu also knew that King Wujun was good at wine, and what Daiyu wanted to play was the song "A Laugh from the Sea", so she didn't serve tea, but ordered someone to make it with all kinds of fruits. He Yi, but still asked Xia He to fetch Baiguo Niang and put it on the table.Daiyu also specially named the flat-bottomed luminous cup as a gift.

Seeing this, Prince Wu laughed and said, "Yu'er knows me too! Hahaha, this grape wine luminous cup, I think Yu'er's Baiguo brew complements each other perfectly."

Xia He came faster than Zhixuan. On the black tray, there was a half-sealed bamboo tube and a black lacquered black lacquer. Looking through the light, it was green and green. The cup was as thin as paper and as bright as paper. Mirror, natural decoration, smooth inside and outside, jade-colored transparent and bright flat-bottomed small wine glass.

After the smiling tray was placed on the bamboo table, the mud seal on the bamboo tube was opened, and a slightly sweet smell of wine wafted out.

The king of Wu County has drunk this Baiguo Niangwu, and he has drunk a lot. Every time Daiyu brews new wine, he will send some to the palace.But when the clear and emerald green wine juice was poured into the black lacquered wine glass, the body of the glass suddenly glowed with brilliance, which made people feel refreshed and exhilarated.It seems that the aroma of the wine is getting stronger.

Prince Wu couldn't help pursing his lips, stretched out his hand to hold the wine glass with two fingers, and took a sip lightly.Suddenly, I feel sweet and sweet, stronger than the taste I drank in the palace.

Just at this moment, a slightly cold fragrance wafted out of the incense burner, King Wu Jun said with a smile: "This should be called Lengxiang, why is it called Nuanxiang?" Daiyu smiled and did not answer, Zhixuan had already Bring the zither.Daiyu knelt aside, not at the same table as King Wujun.Put the guzheng horizontally on the low piano case.

A majestic, unrestrained and self-satisfied song "A Laugh from the Sea", which is a bit vicissitudes, came out in a rush.Daiyu didn't even have a libretto, so King Wu couldn't help but drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, and followed Daiyu's rhythm, hitting the rhythm.

When the song was over, King Wujun couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, and asked after a while: "Who made this song?" Daiyu didn't want to deceive the world, so she shook her head and said, "I don't know who made it. I just heard it by accident. So I remembered it, and felt that this song was suitable for my father, so I presented it to my father to accompany wine." After hearing this, King Wu laughed and said three good things in a row!

Then King Wujun asked if there were words for this song?Daiyu nodded, and played the piano again, her immature and clear voice naturally couldn't sing the vicissitudes of life in "A Laugh from the Sea", but it had a special flavor.

After the song was finished, Daiyu waved her hand to make all the maids and mothers in "Xiyuxuan" back out.Even Mother Tang and Mother Yang never stayed in the pavilion.

Seeing this, Prince Wu also suppressed the smile on his face, but he was not in a hurry to speak, and just looked at Daiyu fixedly.But Daiyu didn't seem to know that King Wu was looking at her, and filled a cup of Baiguo wine with her own hands for King Wu before sighing quietly: "I think my father came to Zhuangzi today, not to visit Yu'er, let alone Yu'er, this glass of fruit wine."

After she finished speaking, Daiyu raised her head and looked back at King Wu. Hearing what Daiyu said, King Wu put a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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