Chapter 238
Hereby, I would like to thank Junma Wujiang for the support of the monthly ticket~Thanks to QQ for reading Birds of Paradise, Paner, DCC and other relatives for their support and love~(*^__^*)~

Just as Jia Lian and Yun Baozhou went out with Huang Jiyun, Hong Shi sneered and said to the waiter at the side: "Why don't you invite your girls out to entertain guests?"

Although there was no person in charge in the hall at the moment, when the words came out later, the expressions of the servants of the Lin family who were standing beside him suddenly changed.Seeing that Mo Xuan's face changed as expected, Hong Shi secretly laughed in his heart.

Just when Mo Xuan was about to argue with him, another person hurriedly came to report: "The Holy Majesty sent Vice Commander Xuan Mo, the servant of the Yellow Gate, into the palace to discuss matters." Everyone in the hall was shocked, and they couldn't help but focus on On Mo Xuan.Mo Xuan himself was also very surprised, but before he could ask anything, he immediately left the hall and went straight to the gate.

After Mo Xuan left, Hong Shi looked at the rest of the people in the room, Jia Baoyu with a dull face, Xue Pan who was a merchant, Jia Huan with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks... Hong Shi sneered, turned his head, and played with the Folding the fan, he didn't say anything about asking Daiyu to come out to entertain the guests, but waited for Jia Lian to come back and say goodbye.

At any rate, Hongshi hadn't forgotten that he came here today to pay homage to Lin Ruhai tomorrow, and he also came here as the prince of Wujun.But now it seems that there is no need to come back tomorrow, but it is necessary to worship today.

When Jia Lian turned around, Hong Shi really got up and said coldly: "I still have something to do, take me to pay homage to Marquis Lin, so that I can return to the city and return to my life." Leading the way, he took Hong Shi to the small ancestral hall where Lin Ruhai's tablet was placed.

When Hong Shi came to the small ancestral hall, he was taken aback for another moment. It looked like the hall, it was empty, but for some reason it looked extraordinarily solemn.Hong Shi paused in front of the door for a while, and then stepped inside, giving Lin Ruhai three pillars of fragrance.

When turning out, Hong Shi asked Jia Lian seemingly unintentionally: "I don't know if the righteous sister lives alone in this village outside the city, are the guards enough? No one comes to untie her on weekdays, so don't get distracted." That's good." Jia Lian laughed blankly and said, "Some of the guards on this village are old people from my uncle's side, and some are sent by the prince. I think it's all right."

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he thought for a while and said, "As for unraveling, I don't need to wait and see. The girls around the village come to her every day to read and practice calligraphy. It's not boring to think about it."

When Hong Shi heard this, he couldn't help but stop, turned his head to look at Jia Lian, and asked in disbelief, "Brother Jia just said that the girls near Zhuangzi come to study and practice calligraphy every day?"

Jia Lian didn't know why later she was so excited, but it wasn't a secret, after a little inquiry, she nodded and smiled and said, "Perhaps my younger sister is alone outside the city, and I don't know if I found those girls to come to relieve my boredom. Speaking of this, Jia Lian sighed and said, "I wanted to persuade my sister to go back to the city, but she didn't want to, and it's hard to force it."

Seeing the wry smile on Jia Lian's face at this moment, Hong Shi didn't seem to be lying, and thought that he might have misunderstood, Hong Shi suddenly became happy, and slightly cupped his hands at Jia Lian and said, "I have something important to do today, so I won't bother you any more. Tomorrow is the day of Lord Lin's death, and my younger brother will definitely come here."

Seeing Hongshi's sudden change of expression, Jia Lian was stunned for a moment before bowing his hand in return.Hong Shi was in a good mood at the moment, so he didn't care about it, smiled slightly, and walked out first.

Jia Lian stopped, stared at Hongshi's back, felt that he seemed to have said something wrong, but couldn't remember for a while, seeing Hongshi walking farther and farther, he hurried to catch up with him and sent him out in person. Zhuangzi's gate.

What Jia Lian didn't expect was that when he returned to the front hall, he saw Xue Pan and Jia Baoyu lowered their heads in embarrassment, while Yun Baozhou frowned, wondering what he was thinking. Watching a good show, but still bowing his head.

To say that Jia Huan really has no ill feeling towards Daiyu, he even thinks that he treats him much better than his own sister Tanchun, at least every time he sends something to Jia's mansion, as long as Jia Baoyu has a share, he also has it. And it's no worse than Jia Baoyu.But today, Jia Huan obviously didn't realize the meaning of what Hong Shi said before.

Not to mention Jia Huan, even Jia Baoyu didn't understand, but when he saw Hongshi walking out, the servants of Lin's mansion were all quietly staring at Hongshi's back, and they felt cold.Jia Baoyu couldn't help being surprised, and couldn't help asking.

Xue Pan looked at the servants of the Lin family who stood by, thought about Xue Baochai's explanation, and the relationship between Jia Lian and Daiyu, and then explained it to Jia Baoyu.Although Xue Pan said that he deliberately lowered his voice, who told him to have a naturally loud voice?
When Yun Baozhou walked in, he just listened to it completely, and the servants of Lin's mansion standing beside him naturally heard it more clearly. The cold air on his body became heavier for a while, and the fighting in the whole hall seemed to be cooled down.

Seeing this, Jia Lian coughed lightly and asked: "What's the matter? Now that there are no outsiders, and the big guys are here to help, then go back and check tomorrow's affairs carefully. Let's go back to the city to have a good drink at night. A glass."

Jia Lian's side quickly stabilized. Although Jia Lian and Yun Baozhou were a little worried, the emperor summoned civil and military officials for no reason, and it was definitely not a trivial matter.But Xue Pan, Jia Baoyu and Jia Huan are completely ignorant and fearless.

But in the backyard, Daiyu needless to say, even Wang Xifeng and Yingchun were extremely worried because of Jia Lian and Yun Baozhou. Also understand that things are not small.Only Xichun and Miaoyu didn't care about this, and they still talked happily.

Daiyu and Wang Xifeng looked at each other, and finally couldn't help but stood up and walked out. Seeing this, Tanchun hurriedly asked, "Sister Feng, what's wrong with Sister Lin?"

Wang Xifeng smiled slightly, pretending not to care and said: "Tomorrow is the anniversary of her father's death, so of course there are things to arrange, we can't help here, and it's better not to make trouble."

After thinking about it, Wang Xifeng added: "I think she is also going to deal with tomorrow's affairs. After all, some things were arranged by Mr. Huang. Now that Mr. Huang enters the palace, she also needs to ask, don't you understand? Just drink tea with peace of mind." After speaking, Wang Xifeng stood up and said, "I'll go and see her."

Xue Baochai looked up at Wang Xifeng, nodded slightly, and pulled Tanchun.Looking back, Tanchun saw that it was Xue Baochai who was pulling her, so he and Xue Baochai gathered around Yingchun again and talked about the child.

Daiyu went outside the courtyard, and ordered Nanny Tang to go into the city to find out as soon as possible under the pretext of delivering desserts to the princess.After listening to the audience, Nanny Yang was also shocked, and hurriedly urged: "There is no need to delay this matter, it is only reasonable to see the princess as soon as possible." After finishing speaking, Nanny Yang looked at Daiyu again and said, "Young lady, do you want to see the concubine?" Write a letter to the princess?"

Daiyu thought for a while and finally shook her head and said: "Don't make any fanfare about this matter, just say that our Zhuangzi has made some desserts, please ask the mother concubine and sister Wanyu to taste it, if it is good, I will also send a copy to the empress."

Mother Tang was very happy when she heard that Daiyu referred to Princess Wujun as her concubine, so she hurriedly nodded and smiled and said, "I don't need it, the county master, don't worry, the old slave will come to fetch it." Go to the kitchen.

After learning about it, Grandma Sun smiled and said: "Young lady, I thought about it as soon as I thought about it. Fortunately, I did make two unique snacks today, and I am going to send them to the girls, so the old sister will send them to the princess first. I'm here to let people do it."

When Mother Tang went out with the food box, all the civil and military officials summoned by the emperor had arrived one after another.At this time, they are gathering in the Dong Nuan Pavilion of Yushu, discussing the urgent report sent earlier.

Huang Jiyun recalled the contents of the urgent report that he had read just now. At the beginning of this year, Nan Bian'er, the king of Nan'an County, was sent to exterminate the Japanese pirates, but there was no result. It was the king of Wu County who went to build a new navy later. The results are still far from each other.Now that there is another foreign invasion in the northwest, what a troubled time!

While Huang Jiyun was meditating, the emperor had already walked in accompanied by Eunuch Su.Huang Jiyun quickly regained his composure and led the crowd to salute.

After the emperor took his seat, Eunuch Su called out.After everyone took their positions, the emperor asked with a sullen face, "Have all your lords circulated the Northwest Emergency Report?" After everyone answered, the emperor asked again, "Do all your lords have a strategy to defend against the enemy?"

At this time, all civil and military officials expressed their views in a hurry, but none of them could come up with a real strategy to defend against the enemy.For a while, the emperor's face became more and more gloomy.

Huang Jiyun saw everything in his eyes, thought for a while and cupped his fists and said: "Just follow the orders of the Holy One!" As soon as Huang Jiyun said this, everyone noticed the ugly face of the emperor, so they followed suit one after another, saying that only by the emperor's orders, the emperor saw this Glancing at Huang Jiyun, his eyes were full of helplessness, he sneered and said, "Only by my order? Then, what do I want you to do?!"

After finishing speaking, the emperor slapped the imperial case and asked loudly: "Where is the general Zhenguo? Where is the minister of the Ministry of War?" Seeing the emperor's anger, General Hong Xiyuan of the Zhenguo and Wei Gucheng, the minister of the Ministry of War, hurriedly held up the imperial wat and said: "My minister, where are you?" !" The emperor stared at the two of them coldly, and asked again: "What do you two have to say about the Northwest War?"

General Zhen Guo said it well, he is a general, but in the final analysis, he is just inherited. Since he became General Zhen Guo, he has never really been on the battlefield. At this time, the emperor obviously did not have the patience to listen to him. Speaking those official words and empty words, I broke out in a cold sweat, but I didn't dare to open my mouth to make a sound.

The Secretary of the Ministry of War was much better, and after pondering for a moment, he tentatively said: "I thought that it would be too late to send troops at this time. Now it is the autumn harvest season, and the food and grass are sufficient. However, it is cold in the northwest, and I am afraid that the soldiers have gone, so it is... ..." Before the Minister of the Ministry of War finished speaking, General Fuyuan came out and said: "I am willing to lead the troops! To defend our majesty and majesty!"

In this way, the emperor no longer listened to what the minister of the Ministry of War would say next, but looked at General Fuyuan with great interest.

The emperor was able to call him, so naturally he valued him very much. This person is only in his early forties, a few years younger than the emperor, with a dark complexion and bright eyes. Although he has inherited the glory of his ancestors, he is not like that. An ignorant dude, even compared to General Zhenguo, he has actually been on the battlefield, and he is the elder brother of Concubine Qian of the Wujun Prince's Mansion.

The emperor could not listen, but the Minister of the Ministry of War had to say it. In this way, General Fuyuan had a dispute with the Minister of the Ministry of War.

The Minister of the Ministry of War believed that the season was wrong and it was not suitable to start a war. The foreigners who came were all cavalry, who came and went like the wind, and couldn't catch up.At this time, sending troops and generals is a waste of money and food.It is advocated that it would be better to strengthen the Northwest garrison when the spring is warm and the flowers bloom in the next year.

However, General Fuyuan believed that the intrusion of foreigners at this time was due to the lack of food and grass, and the second was to test the attitude of the heaven/dynasty. , must not be lightly forgiven.

Immediately before, the civil and military officials who were speaking freely were divided into two factions, arguing endlessly. Seeing that this discussion was about to turn into a quarrel, when the Dongnuange of the imperial study room was about to become a vegetable market, the emperor asked: "What do you think of the Grand Master?"

(End of this chapter)

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