Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 254 Coming from afar

Chapter 254 Coming from afar
I would like to thank tatacoo, Du Ruo, julywolf for their monthly support~O(∩_∩)O~

On the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, Mrs. Wang finally met Mrs. Jia's wishes this time, and prepared a carload of new year gifts for Daiyu.Even when Mrs. Jia added some more to Daiyu from her private treasury, Mrs. Wang did not show any displeasure.

Although most of what Mrs. Jia added to Daiyu were calligraphy and paintings that Mrs. Wang didn't like, in Mrs. Wang's heart, it was not as good as the two strings of Buddhist beads she gave Daiyu!But among them there are still a few extremely precious crappy clothes that make Mrs. Wang jealous.

In this way, under Wang Xifeng, Li Wan, leading Tanchun Xichun and Shi Xiangyun to see her off, Daiyu took the gifts prepared by Jia's mansion early in the morning, led the maids and mothers, and sat in her big carriage with red top and yellow curtains , escorted by two guards and Jia Lian, left the city gate to Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Beijing.

As soon as she returned to Zhuangzi, before Daiyu could wash up, she saw Lin De's family happily walking in. Before Daiyu could speak, Zhixuan asked with a smile, "Sister Jin'er, what kind of happy event did you encounter? Are you so happy?"

Lin De's family glanced at Zhixuan who was packing the box angrily, and said with a straight face on purpose: "Could it be that it's because I haven't seen the girl for a long time that I feel happy when I see her today?"

Before Zhixuan answered, she burst out laughing with a smile, and answered for her: "Sister Jin'er's appearance is not as simple as just seeing the girl. If there is something really happy, Sister Jin'er will say it out." , make the guys happy, even the girl has been very depressed these days."

As soon as Hanxiao finished speaking, Daiyu glared at her immediately, and reprimanded softly: "Don't talk nonsense!" But Jin'er just believed Hanxiao, thinking that Daiyu must have been wronged in Wujun Wangfu and Jiafu these few days.Seeing this, Daiyu didn't want to explain, so she changed the subject and said, "Tell me, why are you so happy?"

Lin De's family was stunned for a moment before remembering the business, and laughed quickly: "Look at me, I almost forgot the business!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Daiyu and asked mysteriously, "Madam, guess who?" coming?"

Seeing Jin'er's happy appearance, Daiyu couldn't help being curious, but she pretended not to care and said, "But the old housekeeper has come to Beijing?" Jin'er stomped her feet and said, "What do you think, girl! Parents are here, I'm still here." Can you hide it from the girl?" Daiyu nodded and said, "So that's the case. Then when someone else came, is sister Jin'er planning to hide it from me?"

When Hanxiao and Zhixuan heard this conversation, they laughed out of joy.Jin'er also lost her temper when Daiyu said it, and said angrily: "Girl, just take me and be happy! As long as the girl is good!"

Seeing Daiyu staring at her fixedly after speaking, Linde's family slapped their heads and said angrily: "Look at me, I almost forgot again! Yinglian and Zhi'er somehow got together and came to pay New Year's greetings to the girl Already!"

Speaking of which, not to mention Daiyu and Zhixuan smiling, even Shinan Linglan standing at the door was stunned!Unbelievably rushed in, pulled the Linde family and asked anxiously: "Is what sister Jin'er said is true? Yinglian came to Beijing?" Linde's family patted their heads angrily and said : "Joking with you, can I still joke with girls?"

When the big maidservant and the young maidservant heard such an affirmative reply from Lin De's family, they immediately became happy, and even Daiyu sighed with a smile on her face: "Just Zhi'er sticks to those rules. Maybe Luo came in early, and still need to wait for you to tease us?" After finishing speaking, Daiyu turned around and walked out, saying as she walked, "Call them to the flower hall."

Seeing that Daiyu had already left the house, the Linde family followed with Xiaoxiao and Zhixuan, but Shinan and Linglan were still on the spot, so they patted them and said, "You are not young anymore, in two years you will be around the girl." It's up to you. Now that the girls are gone, you are still standing here, what's the matter?" After speaking, the Linde family also walked out.

Shinan and Linglan looked at each other, seeing the joy in each other's eyes, they hurried to catch up.

All the way to the flower hall happily, Shinan and Lily of the Valley were even more neatly preparing to serve refreshments. After Daiyu sat down for a while, she saw Zhi'er wearing a bun with a golden inlaid white jade butterfly on her hair as a dowry for her. Heart hairpin.Two white jade hairpins inlaid with turquoise were inserted on the left and right sides, and a thin cotton jacket with water red brocade embroidered with butterflies, hibiscus and flowers came in.

Zhi'er looked at Daiyu with eyes full of gratitude, knelt down deeply and saluted, and when she looked up again, her eyes were already filled with tears, and she couldn't speak for a while.

Daiyu didn't stop her, just looked at her quietly and said with a smile: "Just know you are doing well, of course, we all welcome you back, come back often!" After speaking, Daiyu stood up and walked to Beside Zhi'er, he pulled her up.Yinglian, who was also dressed as a woman, was following Zhi'er. Watching the interaction between Daiyu and Zhi'er, she was both moved and envious.

Yinglian knew very clearly in her heart that she was not as good as Zhi'er, after all Zhi'er came out of his wife's house, even if his wife was gone.

But Yinglian thought that she was the first one in the mansion to receive the grace of the girl. The girl not only found her parents back for herself, but also gave her a family deed, so that she could have the happy life she is today. Life.Looking at Daiyu's eyes, he felt even more grateful and respectful, even though this girl was a few years younger than him.

As a matter of fact, in Lin's residence, not to mention how many years older than Daiyu, even the older generation's family members respect Daiyu from the bottom of their hearts.

Daiyu pulled Zhi'er up, then turned to Yinglian and smiled, "Get up soon? Could it be that Yinglian is also waiting for me to help you?" Yinglian suddenly jumped up from the ground, her face swollen. Flushing red, she said: "I don't dare!" As soon as Yinglian finished speaking, Daiyu was stunned, and then burst out laughing.

Daiyu hadn't smiled like this for a long time, perhaps since Jia Min and Lin Ruhai passed away one after another, Daiyu had never really laughed.I laughed at this moment, and my heart was very happy, but I still looked at Yinglian with an angry look and said: "You are still a slave? Why can't you change it?" She is the maidservant of the girl, and she only obeys the girl's orders."

When Daiyu heard this, she saw that Zhi'er wanted to express her feelings, so she quickly raised her hands to stop her and said, "I don't have anything to say, just two points, one: don't call yourself a slave, it's These sisters in our house are not called slaves. Two: live your life well! Be happy, very happy! Can you do it?"

When Zhi'er heard this, she pursed her lips and lowered her head to laugh, but Yinglian wanted to say something with red eyes, but she couldn't say it in the end.

Daiyu didn't bother to ask, no one had privacy or anything, the visitor was a guest, so Daiyu gave up her seat for the two of them and asked, "How did you two get together?" Zhi'er looked at Yinglian, Seeing that the red circles under Yinglian's eyes haven't faded yet, but her face is full of shyness.

Zhi'er covered her mouth and smiled before explaining softly to Daiyu: "I met Yinglian and his wife on the way, and said that their family, Feng Yuan, was going to participate in the spring festival next year, so Mrs. Zhen and Mrs. Feng hurried away The two of them went to Beijing to prepare for the exam early, and they also stopped by to wish the girl an early year."

Speaking of this, Zhi'er smiled and said, "Zhang Xin is on her annual leave, so she wanted to take this opportunity to come back to see the girl." How could Daiyu not understand?It's not Zhang Xin who wants to come back to see himself, it's Zhi'er who wants to come back to see himself!

Daiyu smiled and nodded, and changed the subject without further questioning: "When did you enter Beijing? How do you know I'm here? But for food?"

Zhi'er didn't answer, she looked at Yinglian, and Yinglian quickly got up and said, "Miss, we went to the capital with sister Zhi'er and brother Zhang yesterday. When we went to the mansion, we saw that the gate was closed Shut up, I only found out about Master Lin after inquiring about it..." Yinglian stopped immediately when she said this, and looked at Zhi'er in a little bewilderment.

Daiyu said angrily: "What are you doing standing up? But my master's hospitality is not good?" Yinglian shook her head and said: "No, no!" But she couldn't say anything else for a while. Come.

Seeing this, Zhi'er sighed and said, "Sit down soon? Don't you know that girls don't like these red tapes the most?" After talking, Zhi'er looked at Daiyu and said, "I found out that the girl lived outside the city, so I wanted to I want to go out of the city to see the girl immediately, but I have to wash up first before I can get over."

When Zhi'er said this, Daiyu interrupted with a stern face: "Could it be that we are born like this?" After speaking, Daiyu pouted: "If that's the case, why come to see me?"

Zhi'er was taken aback, but Daiyu was angry, and hurriedly explained: "Don't be upset, girl, it's not all because of washing up. It's too late to enter the city yesterday, and it's inconvenient to find out that the girl is outside the city." Already." Daiyu thought for a while and nodded, reluctantly accepting Zhi'er's explanation.He asked again: "Where are Zhang Xin and Feng Yuan at this time?"

Zhi'er laughed quickly and said, "I'm chatting with Director Song in the outer courtyard, and it happens that Uncle Lian is also here." Only then did Daiyu smile again.

Daiyu inquired about Zhier Yinglian's recent situation, and when she learned that the two of them were doing well, she nodded in satisfaction and ordered Zhixuan to prepare guest rooms for them in person.

While Zhi'er and Yinglian were leaving, Daiyu hurriedly packed up a gift list and handed it to Nanny Sun and Nanny Tang, and asked them to go to the warehouse to find the items on the list and give them to Huang Fu and Wu respectively. Send it to the county palace.As for the palace, Daiyu was already prepared.

After everything was settled, Lin De's family was invited to accompany her, and she had lunch with Zhi'er and Yinglian before Daiyu could rest.Unexpectedly, just as Daiyu lay down, she heard Hanxiao saying back and forth: "Miss, sister Zhi'er, please see me."

After thinking about it, Daiyu understood that it must have been inconvenient to say something in front of others before, and now she wanted to say it to herself, so she nodded and said: "Just invite Zhi'er in, and we don't shy away from those." Said Daiyu put on a homely robe, leaned on the Arhat bed and waited for Zhi'er.

Zhi'er came in and saw that Daiyu was still the same as in the past, she didn't regard herself as an outsider, so she was very happy, so she hurriedly smiled and said: "It's disturbing the girl to rest. I should come back later, but the girl knows who I am." Er..." Before Zhi'er finished speaking, Daiyu laughed and said, "Sister Zhi'er's mouth is much more eloquent than before."

When Zhi'er heard this, she knew that Daiyu was teasing her, so she blushed, but said nothing.Daiyu pulled Zhi'er to sit down with her on the Arhat bed, ordered Hanxiao to serve tea, and then asked unhurriedly: "But what embarrassing thing did you encounter?"

Zhi'er shook her head and smiled and said, "How can that be? I met Sister Mumian over there, and said she was going to send Hu'er to the Lin Family Academy." Daiyu was surprised when she heard this, "Sister Mumian is in the south? Zhi'er nodded and said: "Who said it wasn't? When I first saw her, I was also shocked."

(End of this chapter)

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