Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 256 Daiyu's Annual Ceremony

Chapter 256 Daiyu's Annual Ceremony

Thanks to tatacoo for the monthly ticket support, I finally caught up...


Wang Gonggong looked at Daiyu and said with a smile: "The county lord is here. I don't know if the majesty's new year ceremony is ready, but the county lord is ready?"

Wang Gonggong's words shocked Princess Wujun and Wanyu again.Princess Wujun couldn't help guessing: Could it be that the prince is waiting here just to wait for Yu'er?Princess Wujun's conjecture was quickly confirmed.

Daiyu nodded slightly to the prince with a smile, and then said with a smile: "Don't worry, the prince, you have agreed to the matter of the sage, how can I forget?" Seeing this, the prince smiled and said: " That being the case, then please ask the concubine and the county master to go in earlier. The sage and empress have already been waiting for a long time."

Daiyu nodded towards the prince, looked up at Princess Wujun, just met the eyes of Princess Wujun, the two looked at each other and smiled, Princess Wujun nodded, and walked in first.

The prince hurried forward to lead the way, but he was going to the garden of the apse. At this time, the empress had already changed out of the bright yellow phoenix robe, and was wearing a red robe with multicolored auspicious clouds and water patterns on the red ground, and a robe full of flowers and blessings.The tall ferret collar set off the empress's slightly thin face, making it extraordinarily beautiful.

The hairpin with flying phoenix and tassels on the double-knife bun perfectly shows the nobleness of the queen. The flower hairpin that covers the temples is a hollowed-out emerald flower leaf shape, which complements the peony top hairpin on the double-knife bun.But a pair of emerald gourd tassel earrings added a bit of softness and charm to the queen.

Princess Hanyi and the eldest concubine who is pregnant with Liujia are on the sidelines.The two also just changed their clothes.Princess Hanyi wears a pearl tassel and a half tassel, paired with a pair of pearl and white jade joint bead earrings.Wearing an orange-red palace satin embroidered with blue peonies, she dragged the floor and swayed the palace dress. Standing beside the queen, she imitated the queen's demeanor.

The eldest princess wears a small and exquisite butterfly peony red gold crown, which is so refreshing that it seems that it cannot add a little weight. A pair of hollow red gold butterfly tassel earrings inlaid with red jewels are very eye-catching, and the necklace is even more eye-catching. Wearing a ruby ​​and green wreath.

Seeing the arrival of the three concubines of Wujun, the queen couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, and her eyes also swept away the impatience of accepting the fate of the ladies and noble daughters when they celebrate the new year.Han Yi took two steps forward to greet Princess Wu, and then pulled Wan Yu and Dai Yu with joyful smiles.

The First Prince Concubine was inconvenient, so she only paid a half-respect to Princess Wujun, while Dai Yu was half a step away from Princess Hanyi, before squatting down to greet the Empress and the First Prince Concubine respectively.

Seeing that Daiyu had just squatted down, the eldest princess called out with a smile on her face, so even though it was the first time to meet the legendary daughter of the Marquis of Yongding, the magistrate, she never made it difficult for her.

When the first princess was looking at Daiyu, Daiyu was also quietly looking at the first princess. The two hanging eyebrows that were very similar to Wang Xifeng should have been very heroic, but at this time she didn't know it was because she was pregnant. It was also because beside the empress, the eldest concubine appeared to be a bit more docile than Princess Hanyi.

After sending the three concubines of Wujun to the queen, the prince left quickly.I didn't see the emperor at first, Princess Wujun and the others were still surprised, but the queen said with a bit of reproach: "I don't know if you came earlier, the sage has been waiting here with you for a long time." She also raped Princess Wujun glance.

Princess Wujun looked back at Wanyu and Daiyu, her eyes were full of helplessness, if not for that virtuous concubine who stopped the way halfway, she would not have arrived at this moment.Princess Wujun didn't wait to open her mouth, Han Yi smiled and said: "It's true, Queen Mother. Could it be that Auntie can't think of coming earlier? It's always delayed somewhere."

Just as he was saying this, he heard the emperor's slightly deep voice with a smile coming from afar: "Is the gift for me ready?" Everyone immediately stopped talking and followed the empress to welcome her out.

The emperor looked at Daiyu who was kneeling behind Princess Wujun, with a faint smile in his eyes, but his face was still serious, he just nodded slightly and said: "Let's get flat!" After speaking, he played with his chest Chaozhu walked in with one hand behind his back.Wang Gonggong also followed suit.

The queen got up first and followed behind the emperor, and the rest of the people also got up one after another. After Wanyu and Daiyu helped Princess Wujun up, they also followed Princess Wujun to a step and a half away from the queen.

Back in the pavilion, the queen sat down next to the emperor, and then gave the seat to Princess Wujun and the pregnant princess.But Princess Hanyi and Wanyu Daiyu could only stand aside.

The emperor looked at the queen who personally handed the teacup to him, nodded with a smile, then turned to look at Daiyu.Seeing that Daiyu looked good, and there was a smile on her face, eyes, and mouth corners, she asked curiously, "Yu'er is happy?"

If anyone thought that the emperor would ask Daiyu first, it was the empress.Everyone looked at Daiyu when they heard the emperor's question, not only Princess Hanyi, but also Princess Wujun and Wanyu.Especially the eldest prince and concubine was full of curiosity.

Daiyu herself was also in a daze, never expecting that the emperor would ask her the first question.Seeing Daiyu's bewildered expression, the queen couldn't help laughing and said, "What is Yu'er thinking? Your majesty will ask you again."

Daiyu was brought back to her mind by the queen's words, and she was about to squat down to salute with a reddish face, but was interrupted by the emperor: "Stand up and talk." After speaking, the emperor frowned and looked at Daiyu, full of disgust: " You find a seat and sit down by yourself, and you won't know how to scold me in your heart for a while!"

Except for the empress, no one had ever seen the way the emperor got along with Daiyu, so they couldn't help being very surprised, but even more surprised to find that Daiyu really chose a seat not far from Princess Wujun to sit down.For a moment, not to mention mixed feelings, in fact, everyone couldn't react, especially the eldest prince and concubine, who was no longer curious but surprised.

In the eyes of the eldest concubine, the emperor has always been majestic and aloof. When have you seen such an emperor?The eldest princess concubine couldn't help feeling a little flustered, she quickly stroked her stomach and lowered her head.

Seeing that Daiyu really sat down, the emperor couldn't help looking at the queen and raising his eyebrows, and gave a muffled laugh. Seeing that the queen gave him a reproachful look, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the place beside Daiyu, and said to Han Yu Wanyu said: "It's all my family, let's sit down and talk." Han Yi and Wan Yu looked at each other, they both pursed their lips and smiled, and sat down at the place pointed by the emperor.

Seeing that everyone was seated, the emperor stopped beating around the bush and asked directly, "Yu'er's annual gift to me hasn't been delivered yet!"

Daiyu raised her eyebrows slightly, raised her eyes to look at the emperor and pursed her lips with a smile, before saying: "Of course, Yu'er's annual ceremony has been prepared." Before the emperor could ask questions, she waited for a group of people who were surprised by the empress. In his eyes, he took out a piece of paper folded into a square from his purse.

Under the surprised eyes of the queen and others, Daiyu handed the note to the emperor with both hands, and bent her knees, squatting down slowly and said: "My daughter Lin Hui, I wish the Holy Majesty a prosperous world, and all nations come to court." !"

As soon as this remark came out, not to mention the Princess Wu and the Great Prince, even Han Yi Wanyu, who was very familiar with Daiyu, was also taken aback.Only the empress looked at Daiyu meaningfully, then turned her head and smiled at the emperor: "The annual gift that the Holy Majesty has been thinking about, Yu'er has delivered it now, and the Holy Majesty can't be stingy."

The emperor glanced at the queen and didn't say a word. Seeing that the prince was about to take the small note that Daiyu held in both hands for him, the emperor waved the prince away without thinking, and reached out to take it himself. Without opening it, he just stared at Daiyu and said, "If it's a good gift, what does Yu'er want?"

Daiyu tilted her head and thought for a while, "It doesn't matter what Yu'er wants, because what Yu'er wants will be there sooner or later, and there is no rush." ​​Hearing Daiyu speak to the emperor like this, everyone The imperial concubine couldn't help but looked up at Daiyu, only to see Daiyu's calm and composed face.

The emperor raised his eyebrows thoughtfully, and before Daiyu could open his mouth, he continued, "In that case, I will save you this gift." After speaking, the emperor saw Daiyu's involuntary stare. eyes, couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Seeing the emperor's appearance as if "the treacherous plan has succeeded", Daiyu's temper was also aroused, pouted, pretending to be indifferent and said: "Yu'er is not in a hurry, but because the Holy Majesty is not in a hurry now. I can’t afford to give Yu’er what she wants!”

After Daiyu said this recklessly, she was startled, and annoyed in her heart: Why can't I change my bad temper!Don't even look where this is!
When Daiyu felt remorse in her heart, she saw that all the people in the pavilion suddenly held their breaths, not even the empress dared to speak easily, and only stared at Daiyu, her eyes were full of worry and blame.

The emperor's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, his eyes narrowed slightly, but the light in them became sharper and sharper.Daiyu knew that she must not panic at this time, let alone dodge!Although the emperor once promised to speak freely, today's words have passed!
Princess Wujun looked at the queen with a nervous expression on her face. If the queen hadn't stopped her with her eyes, Princess Wujun would have already knelt on the ground at this time, begging the emperor for forgiveness.

The emperor stared at Daiyu for a long time, but saw that Daiyu not only showed no repentance, but even refused to give in at all!He couldn't help being furious in his heart, lowered his voice and asked: "Tell me, what's there! It's me, I don't have it?"

What Daiyu was waiting for was this sentence. As soon as the emperor said this, Daiyu let out a big sigh of relief in her heart, but she didn't show it at all on her face. She still had the same demeanor and tone as before, and even her voice was amplified intentionally. Said: "Yu'er wants to ask the Holy Master to build a hundred primary schools in each of the eighteen provinces and seven jurisdictions of the country. I don't know if it is feasible?"

The emperor was taken aback, what is this 'primary school'?The emperor thought about it in his heart, and asked the question out of his mouth.And what the emperor asked was exactly what everyone in the pavilion was wondering about.

Daiyu didn't hide anything, and said with a slight smile: "'Elementary School' can also be called Mengxue. It only enrolls children over the age of six and under the age of 14. Graduation is counted as a child student qualification. Tian/Chao children must enter school when they reach the age of six. . However, if the 14-year-old has not yet graduated, it will be disqualified from continuing to go to school."

Speaking of this, Daiyu didn't care whether the emperor accepted it or not, and then said: "There is also a 'middle school', which will be built sooner or later. 'Middle school' means that students who have obtained the qualifications of children can enter the school and graduate with the title of scholar. 20 If you fail to complete your studies before the age of [-], you don’t have to continue to study, and you can’t waste manpower and material resources and just go to school!”

(End of this chapter)

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