Chapter 261

I would like to thank GraceYe for the love of the monthly ticket, and brother Jianqi Lingtian for the praise and encouragement O(∩_∩)O~ Thank you for your support!

Daiyu's words brightened the eyes of the emperor and empress, but in the end the emperor still frowned and sighed: "The empress is right, now that the treasury is empty, how can there be such silver taels!" Don't want Cathay Mingan?Don't want to achieve eternal feats?Don't you like that the common people live and work in peace and contentment, and the old have something to take care of and the young to depend on?

After all, Daiyu didn't stop Daiyu about the matter of Yinliang. After hearing the emperor's words, Daiyu said with a smile: "Yu'er has an idea, but it must be supported by the sage and aunt." ", and changed to "aunt" to get closer.

As soon as the empress heard Daiyu's name, she knew it was not a trivial matter, but she couldn't veto it before Daiyu said it, so she couldn't help but look at the emperor with a wry smile.

The emperor was also made to laugh and cry by this girl's various titles, but he still nodded and said: "Let's talk about it, if it is really feasible, I will give you another credit! It will be written on your Lin family's family tree in the future! "After speaking, the emperor burst out laughing, obviously remembering what Daiyu said before, to win glory for the Lin family.

Daiyu knew the emperor's words well, but pretended not to know. The empress really didn't know what charade the emperor was playing, but she didn't want to ask, and waited for Daiyu to tell her method.

Daiyu thought about it and said: "The wealth of merchants is the income of merchants. Why can't we also earn this money from merchants?" As soon as Daiyu's words came out, the emperor and queen changed their faces, and the emperor even reprimanded: "You Is this to make me compete with the people for profit?"

Daiyu was startled, but she forced herself to calm down and said, "In the name of the sage, and in the name of our girl's family, who can say anything if they only talk about earning dowry money?" He closed his eyes, frowned and reprimanded: "Nonsense! You are not married yet, who would dare to want you after this?"

Daiyu was very unconvinced and contradicted the queen for the first time, saying: "If it is really possible, Yu'er will never marry for life! In the future, there will be many girls who can marry and young men who can start families! Yu'er is alone. More people, Yu'er thinks, it's worth it!"

Daiyu's words made the queen's eyes red with anger, but the emperor was deeply moved by Daiyu. After thinking about it, he said, "Tell me, what kind of business do you want to do? How do you do it?"

Seeing the emperor's questioning, Daiyu didn't want to miss such an opportunity, so she hurriedly explained: "Yu'er sees that the ladies and wives in the capital love to make new clothes, so she wants to open a tailor shop." The emperor laughed when he heard this. : "How much can a small clothing store make?"

But Daiyu shook her head and said: "If it is an ordinary clothing store, it will naturally not make a lot of money, but if it is only a business of noble women, or even clan women, the money will not be less."

The emperor and the empress looked at each other, they were clearly saying that it was just a child playing house, but he couldn't bear to hurt her heart for the country, so the emperor nodded and said: "In that case, I promise to fully support Yu'er!" After that, he looked at the Queen again and smiled.

Daiyu didn't care what the emperor and the empress thought, but she met her request in a serious manner, so she continued to laugh: "But Yu'er wants to borrow the name of Princess Hanyi, and say that the princess and Yu'er are married. Is it okay? Except for the principal, Yu’er won’t take a single cent of the silver he earns, all of it will be used as a fund for the asylum.”

Well, Daiyu took the meaning of the fund literally: basic funds.After explaining to the emperor and empress, and obtaining the approval and approval of the emperor and empress, he returned to Wujun Wangfu with satisfaction.

Busy days always go by very quickly. In the first month of the first month, Daiyu is busy with the opening of "Rongyun Nishang Pavilion".Even Hanyi, the titular princess who had originally agreed, followed suit.

Until the opening day of "Rongyun Nishang Pavilion" on the second day of February, there were crowds of people, some came for the princess Hanyi, or those who had children in the palace came ahead of time to form a good relationship with Daiyu.However, within a day or two, Princess Wujun detained Daiyu in the palace and did not allow Daiyu to leave the palace at will.

However, the business of "Rong Yun Nishang Pavilion" did not cool down because of this, on the contrary, it became more and more intense.Because Daiyu has already spoken, the three people who spend the most in "Rongyun Nishang Pavilion" will be invited to participate in her upcoming ceremony.

As a girl's coming-of-age ceremony, like a man's crown ceremony, the tea ceremony is also a ceremony to express adulthood. In fact, in Daiyu's view, she does not have the conditions to hold the tea ceremony. If I remember correctly the ancient tea ceremony Righteousness is the ceremony that a woman performs after she gets engaged and before she gets married.And myself...

Thinking of this, Daiyu couldn't help but think of Lin Ruhai and Jia Min. If their parents were still alive, the 15-year-old self would already be engaged, right?
Although Daiyu didn't want to get engaged prematurely, and didn't even think about marrying blindly in ancient times, but she had no parents, no family members, and no one really cared about her future, so Daiyu couldn't help but feel depressed.Therefore, when Princess Wujun officially announced with Daiyu that she would hold a ceremony for her on her birthday, Daiyu objected.

Can Daiyu's objection be effective?The Prince Wu's Mansion has been busy for several months, and Aunt Luo even made for Daiyu herself a pure-colored children's clothing, a simple and elegant skirt, and a dignified and gorgeous deep skirt with a curved train.The queen empress also bestowed a graceful and elegant dress with long sleeves, top and bottom skirts, and accessories such as ribbons.

Princess Wujun even ordered a complete set of mutton fat and white jade hairpin crowns: hairpins, hairpins, and hairpins to create a red gold three-legged prince, red gold plates, red gold bowls and chopsticks, and red gold washrooms.The ebony table, the golden jade mat, the sapphire incense burner... everything is exquisite and precious, and it can be seen that the heart is so deep that Daiyu couldn't bear to refuse any longer, but she felt uneasy in her heart.

But Daiyu didn't know that there were many things here that were not prepared by Princess Wu herself, especially the ebony table, golden jade mat, and sapphire incense burner.What I know is only the Princess Wujun and the Empress.This made the Queen and Princess Wu Jun have two guesses about the rumors, but they didn't reveal it.

And it's not just the queen and Princess Wujun who know the rumors?Who in the entire Wujun palace doesn't know the rumors?Perhaps it was just Daiyu and Wanyu pretending not to know.

No matter what the rumors are, on the day of Daiyu's birthday, a grand ceremony was held. In order to show respect, Princess Wujun specially invited Mrs. Huang to be the guest of honor. Princess Hanyi asked to be the secretary, and Wanyu herself As the praiser, Huang Jiyun even wrote the praise that Wan Yu recited that day with his own handwriting. The gorgeous rhetoric is enviable.

As the guest of honor, when Daiyu's master Aunt Luo came, Princess Wujun stepped forward to greet each other in person. Aunt Luo was seated at the guest of honor seat, and then all the guests were seated at the viewing platform.Princess Wujun delivered a speech in person as Daiyu's adoptive mother.

At the beginning of the ceremony and music, Wanyu, the praiser, came out with music, washed her hands in gold, and stood facing the west.At this time, Daiyu came out wearing crimson clothes and shoes, accompanied by Zhixuan with a smile on her face.After saluting to the guests, he knelt down in front of Wanyu.There was a burst of coolness from the jade mat beneath him.

While Wanyu was reciting the praise that Huang Jiyun had sent a few days earlier, she personally combed Daiyu's bun with her own hands.The joy and smile could not be concealed in the eyes.

After Wanyu finished combing, she placed the jade comb on the south side of the golden jade mat. Princess Wujun followed Mrs. Huang to the east of Daiyu and stood there. After Mrs. Huang washed her hands and dried them, Return to the original seat and sit down.Seeing Daiyu turn around to face east, Hanyi, who is a Yousi, came to Daiyu's side with Luopa, hairpin, and a set of light pink skirts in her hands.

Aunt Luo came to Daiyu again, smiling softly and kindly in her eyes: "On the auspicious day of the lunar month, I will start to add yuan clothes. Abandon your young ambitions, follow your success and become a virtue. Shoukao Weiqi, Jieer Jingfu." Then Kneeling in front of Daiyu, he combed her hair and straightened her hair, then got up and returned to her original position.

After Wanyu symbolically straightened Daiyu, Daiyu got up and stood up, and the invited women, nobles, clansmen, and family members all bowed to Daiyu to congratulate her. The tray fell back.

Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang were also sitting at the guest table, but their moods were quite different.When the rumors spread, Mrs. Jia felt very relieved.Then Mrs. Wang dropped several sets of porcelain in the mansion, and even smashed the Guanyin bottle that Daiyu gave her.At this time, seeing Daiyu holding the ceremony so grandly, I felt even more hatred in my heart.

Regardless of what Mrs. Wang or anyone else thought, Daiyu's wedding ceremony was still going on.Although Daiyu was extremely impatient at this moment, she didn't want to show the slightest bit.

After Daiyu left the room wearing a light pink skirt, she showed it to the guests.Then she faced Princess Wujun. During the regular salute, the old lady Jia had tears in her eyes, and said in her heart: If Min'er hadn't gone early, Min'er would be the one accepting Yu'er's kneeling right now, right?

Just as Mrs. Jia finished thinking, she saw Nanny Sun and Nanny Tang appearing holding the tablets of Lin Ruhai and Jia Min in both hands.Daiyu knelt down again, but this time it was Lin Ruhai and Jia Min's tablets that knelt down, which made the old lady Jia very hot, and Daiyu's heart was also warm.

Daiyu was sitting facing east again; Aunt Luo washed her hands and reset herself again, Princess Hanyi presented a hairpin and a deep purplish red dress, Aunt Luo took it with her own hands, walked up to Daiyu, and chanted loudly: At the time of the moon, it is Shen Erfu. Respect Er Weiyi, Shu Shende. My sister will live for thousands of years, and I will always be blessed by Hu Fu."

Wanyu went to hairpin for Daiyu herself, and Aunt Luo knelt down to put the hairpin on Daiyu's hairpin, and then got up to reset it.Wanyu helps Daiyu symbolically straighten her hair.

All the ladies and relatives bowed to Daiyu, Daiyu retreated again after returning the gift, and this time Wanyu retreated with Daiyu, she wanted to help Daiyu change the hairpin on her head to match Quju deep clothes.

Then Daiyu came out wearing a deep purplish red dress with a curly train to show the guests, and then paid formal salutes to Aunt Luo.This prostration reminded Daiyu of how she knelt down in front of Aunt Luo when she was apprenticed to her teacher, and after that, Aunt Luo never let her kneel down again, except for birthdays.

(End of this chapter)

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