Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 264 The Fate of a Pillow

Chapter 264 The Fate of a Pillow
Thank you, Baby Kuyu, for your silent support to Gujing all the time. When Gujing didn’t know, in places that Gujing didn’t see... Thank you, Gujing can’t repay you. I can only say that I will be serious and finish this book! O(∩_∩)OThank you!The mutton fat white jade lotus crown is forwarded to you~

After Xingniang explained clearly, the auction began. Daiyu had no interest in it. After talking with Hanyi and Wanyu, they quietly left the table to find Aunt Luo. What about Aunt Luo?

As today's guest of honor, Aunt Luo was arranged not far from Princess Wujun.Seeing Daiyu approaching, Princess Wujun beckoned from a distance, "Come here, Yu'er."

Daiyu originally came to look for Aunt Luo, but she didn't want to be stopped by Princess Wujun, so she had to look at Aunt Luo, seeing Aunt Luo smiling and nodding at her, before walking to Princess Wujun and kneeling slightly to salute.Sweetly shouted: "Mother Concubine" After finishing speaking, without waiting for Princess Wujun to speak, Daiyu knelt down again and saluted: "Yu'er has seen Princess Seven."

Princess Wujun lovingly pulled Daiyu to her side, pointed to the Seventh Princess and said, "You haven't seen it before, this is the Eighth Princess." Then she pointed and said, "That's Princess Min and Princess Dongping. .”

For "Concubine Min" Daiyu didn't have any feelings, she just felt that she was a dignified and beautiful woman, but for Princess Dongping, Daiyu was extremely curious.Daiyu remembered that in the original book, Dongping Palace was the least mentioned. Of course, the seven palaces, the eight palaces, including the Wujun Palace that she is now named, were never mentioned in the original book.

But it was not mentioned. Daiyu was not very curious, but the Dongping Palace, which appeared in the original book and seemed to have a good ending, aroused Daiyu's great curiosity.

Princess Dongping also looks about 30 years old, younger than Princess Wujun. Although she is not stunning, she is well maintained, her skin is firm and fair, without a trace of wrinkles, and she can even smell her body from a distance. Share orchid aroma.

Princess Dongping's black hair was rolled up and hidden behind the half tin, which was dotted with emerald beads, which was very gorgeous, but not dazzling.Magnolia is also embroidered on the autumn-colored shirt with straight sleeves.However, Hanyi's magnolia robe does not give people a sense of nobility and magnificence, on the contrary it looks very plain, but from Daiyu's eyes, the embroidery is excellent.

After Daiyu met with all the concubines one by one, under the teasing of the seventh concubine, she received a lot of meeting gifts, which were precious things, but the jade bracelet presented by Princess Dongping was truly low-key luxury.It is a relic of the royal family of the Tang Dynasty. It looks inconspicuous, but it is the most valuable among all the princesses.

Daiyu accepted the gifts from the concubines, but said with a smile: "The concubines gave Yu'er so many precious gifts, but it made Yu'er very embarrassed." As she spoke, Daiyu tilted her head to look at Princess Wujun and said with a smile : "Mother and concubine, please don't open your mouth, let Yu'er make it easier for the princesses, not to mention Yu'er, even sister Hanyi will not break the rules."

After Daiyu finished speaking, she pursed her lips on purpose, blinked her eyes, she looked very cute, seeing this, the Seventh Princess didn't wait for Princess Wujun to speak, she nodded at Daiyu and said with a smile: "You really are a girl with no eyesight! Are we worthy of competing with others?"

Before Daiyu answered Seventh Princess' words, she heard Princess Min say to the maid next to her, "Go, 7000 taels!"

The Seventh Princess was taken aback, and turned her head to look. On the stage was a set of purple-red folded sleeves, a high-necked pipa placket, a gold and silver double-embroidered tunic pattern shirt, and a light purple two-color gold sprinkled horse-face skirt. Rust flower peacock peony picture, truly gorgeous.

Coupled with the matching red gold inlaid amethyst hairpin, a light gold coat, and a pair of embroidered shoes of the same style, the ladies and wives below have already bid 800 taels.The competition was fierce.The Seventh Princess couldn't help but whisper, is this selling clothes?Or sell gold?Looking at Daiyu who was not looking sideways, the Seventh Princess thought for a while before saying anything.

In fact, at this moment, the Seventh Princess is not the only one who is surprised?Here, anyone can come up with thousands of dollars, but no one has ever thought of buying a set of clothes and going home like this.But when she really looked at that piece of clothing, she remembered that Hanyi said that she couldn't help but let this one piece go.

The concubines gradually focused their attention on the stage, especially Xingniang, who had been in the troupe for many years, had already lost her shyness and was able to speak well, which made the ladies and wives very happy. If you go back with a few things, it will be a matter of loss of identity and decency.

Even Huang Jiyun's mother and two sister-in-laws spent a lot of money today to buy a set of robes for Mrs. Huang.At first, Mrs. Jia was proud to take a set for each of her granddaughters, but in the end she had to take a set, which was the clothes and accessories in the "Xian" book.Although I have regrets in my heart, I am also shocked by the speed at which I am accumulating money.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, Daiyu reported to Princess Wujun, quietly came to Aunt Luo's side, smiled and took Aunt Luo to Lanyuan to enjoy the flowers together.

It was said to be admiring the flowers, but in fact Daiyu was hiding something in her heart. When she arrived in Lanyuan, Daiyu waved away the smiling Zhixuan beside her. Seeing this, Aunt Luo was puzzled, but followed her Xian'er and Zhilan waved back.

Aunt Luo saw that there was no one around, so she kindly pointed Daiyu's forehead and smiled and asked, "It's mysterious, why did you bring Gugu here?" Daiyu pursed her lips and smiled, tilting her head and pretending not to know He asked eagerly: "Yu'er heard that all the praises today are written by the master, but she has never seen the master come to the house. I wonder when the master and aunt?"

As soon as Daiyu finished asking, she saw Aunt Luo's eyes flicker and then quickly disappeared, leaving a slight blush on her cheeks, but Aunt Luo said confidently: "A few days ago, your master sent someone to send someone to Zhuangzi. Jin'er sent it to me personally." After speaking, Aunt Luo asked again: "Why is Yu'er asking?"

In fact, Daiyu already knew that the praise was clearly sent to Rongyun Nishang Pavilion by the former master himself, but now her aunt does not admit it!But Daiyu didn't point it out, just nodded and said: "So that's the case, and it's not for other reasons. Only my aunt knows that Yu'er's strategy is acceptable, but she can't do Fu. She always wants to ask her master for advice, but the master doesn't like it." too busy."

After Daiyu finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Aunt Luo, her big watery eyes flickered and said, "Yu'er thought that Auntie met Master, or Master didn't see me when he came, so I just asked."

Although Aunt Luo was a little shy, she didn't think much about it, so she revealed it again, but she didn't know that when the two were walking and chatting in Lanyuan, all 48 sets of clothes had been auctioned off. The price that Daiyu expected was sold.

However, the proceeds from this auction shocked the emperor and empress after Princess Hanyi deliberately passed them back to the palace.When Daiyu said that she wanted to open a tailor shop, the emperor and empress treated her like a kid and didn't pay much attention.

Even when Daiyu asked Rongyun Nishang Pavilion to take over the garment-making business of the House of Internal Affairs, the emperor never took it to heart, but the empress felt that it was just ordinary clothes, formal court clothes Daiyu was not reckless, but it also fulfilled her , Who knew there would be such a result today!

When the emperor looked at the income and expenditure book sent by Han Yi, the series of numbers on it made the emperor's face very complicated.The emperor was extremely happy that Rongyun Nishang Pavilion could earn money for the court, or for the emperor.But forty or so sets of costumes were sold by Daiyu for more than 60 taels of silver, which also chilled the emperor.

Nowadays, there are not a few officials who still owe silver to the treasury. There are even family members of officials who owe silver on the auction list.

Daiyu and Hanyi didn't know that it was their account book that made the emperor's heart more firm about what Lin Ruhai had remonstrated in that day's legacy.It has also brought on many people, and in the future, the disaster of ransacking the family and exterminating the family!
The net profit of this auction, excluding the principal, was as high as more than 40 taels. This made Han Yi and Wan Yu, who knew about Daiyu's plan, see hope. Surprised!

What kind of adopted daughter did I adopt!Especially when Princess Wujun came back from the palace again, she didn't know what to do with Daiyu.

Not only is the emperor very special to Daiyu, but the empress is also very satisfied. This time when she talked about Daiyu, she praised her even more than before.Even his own prince also praised her very much, and mentioned it in many family letters, and he couldn't love her more than Wanyu.It is even more difficult for me to feel displeased here, and I can only cherish it more and more.

In the days that followed, Daiyu once again lived a closed life. Apart from drawing pictures and teaching Hanxiao how to design clothes, she stayed by Wanyu's side and personally designed a lot for Wanyu. Clothes, if there is no time to make them, I also bring the album and Wanyu with me.

Furthermore, accompanied by Wanyu's playing the piano, he painted and recorded every plant, every tree, every first floor and every pavilion of the Prince's Mansion of Wujun for Wanyu.They even recalled the past with Wan Yu, and drew the former "Qingfengju" according to their memories, and there was even "Xianmengju" that both of them missed very much.Watching Wanyu cover her face and cry from time to time, Daiyu finally had to think of something else, which made Wanyu feel distressed.

Daiyu is good at flowers and flowers, but few people know that Daiyu is also very familiar with people, but she has never painted portraits for Lin Ruhai and Jia Min when she was alone during the filial piety. However, even Wanyu didn't know about it.

When Daiyu smiled and said that she wanted to paint a portrait for Wanyu, Wanyu didn't care too much, but when she took Daiyu's portrait of herself playing the piano, which was drawn by Daiyu with a fusion of Chinese and Western painting skills, Wanyu was dumbfounded.

Seeing that Wanyu was happy, on a whim, Daiyu took Wanyu to play chess with Princess Wujun under the peach blossom tree, while she made portraits of the two at the side. Wanyu's cheerful expression every day, not to mention Daiyu, even Princess Wujun is very happy in her heart.

Wanyu even pulled Daiyu to face the mercury mirror and drew the figures of the two. When Wanyu held the portrait, it was already the day before her makeup, and she was holding the only extremely realistic portrait of the two of them. , Wanyu couldn't help crying for a moment, and when she stopped crying, Wanyu took Daiyu's hand, and after a long time, she choked up and said: "It's great to have you as my sister!"

Daiyu also felt emotional, if not for Wanyu, her current journey would have been much more difficult, right?The fate between people is really hard to say.Thinking back now, the only reason I became attached to Wanyu was because of a pillow...

(End of this chapter)

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