Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 268 The Western Expedition

Chapter 268 The Western Expedition ([-])

Fulfilling the promise O(∩_∩)O~ I am very happy. Although the writing is not satisfactory, Gujing thinks he is very hardworking. Welcome friends to make suggestions and correct me! O(∩_∩)O Thank you for your support and encouragement!At this time of excitement and bleakness, it is really great to see the monthly ticket of the rainy night charm fire, the smiling Yirenyan (Qianqian), and the reward of Tang 198996~! O(∩_∩)O Thank you!


Da Zhuang shook his head and said, "In winter, the tree trunks are covered with icicles, so they can't be ignited even if they are set on fire." Zhao Bing couldn't help feeling sorry when he heard this. If he could set fire, he would burn these people to death Northern barbarians, that's good!

After thinking for a while, Zhao Bing confessed to Da Zhuang: "Take your brothers and retreat in. I'll touch it and see what's going on." Just after Zhao Bing finished speaking, Xiao Yong said, "Brother Zhao, I'll go with you, I'm familiar with this forest." Seeing this, Zhao Bing looked at him deeply, and finally nodded.

Xiaoyong followed Zhao Bing all the way carefully towards the direction of the sound, and touched it quietly.But Mo Xuan's side is much more "upright".After all, the northern barbarians are all around outside, and they haven't seen a single person since they entered the forest. If it's not a trap, then it's very likely that the northern barbarians are hunting something...

When they first entered the forest, Mo Xuan and others were afraid that the northern barbarians would come after them, so they all gathered together.However, after entering the forest, Mo Xuan and others discovered that none of the northern barbarians chased them in.What Mo Xuan didn't know was that the teams of northern barbarian cavalry who had chased them before had also gathered outside the forest, and decided to trap Mo Xuan and Zhao Bing's troops in the forest.

As soon as Mo Xuan waved his hand, his subordinates quickly dispersed in a team of five, and slowly marched inside in a fan shape.It took almost half a stick of incense to walk, and it was a coincidence that the direction Mo Xuan walked was exactly the direction Zhao Bing and Xiaoyong figured out.

Zhao Bing saw that there were only five or six people on the other side, and they were moving forward vigilantly, so he concluded that this was a Beiman squad, so he gestured to Xiaoyong, and holding the short knife he had snatched from the Beiman soldiers in his hand, he rolled and charged. up.

Mo Xuan's kung fu is not weak, he was almost shot by the northern barbarians before, and that was just the first time he saw so many dead brothers, and his mind was shocked.At this moment, as soon as he heard the sound, he knew that someone was leaning towards him, and he quietly lifted the saber in his hand, but his toes were already tense, and his back was slightly arched.

Those who followed Mo Xuan were all experts in the guards. Even though their skills were not as good as Mo Xuan's, their battlefield experience was not comparable to Mo Xuan's. When they saw Mo Xuan like this, they all knew that there were enemies waiting for them. When people approached, they pulled away a little distance, leaving space for each other to move.

When Zhao Bing's short knife cut horizontally, Mo Xuan, who had already been on guard, swung the scabbard in a hurry, and then jumped up. When he was about to draw the sword, Zhao Bing had already changed direction and swung the knife forward.At this time, Mo Xuan's subordinates also reacted, seeing that there was only one person in the other party, they immediately surrounded him.

When Mo Xuan's subordinates were about to stab down with their swords, and Zhao Bing wanted to take down Mo Xuan, but Xiaoyong was behind the tree, using the light of the snow to see the military robe of the comer, and shouted: " Stop!"

Zhao Bing was stunned for a moment, and the knife that was brought to Mo Xuan's leg couldn't help but slow down, Mo Xuan dodged it, and Mo Xuan's subordinates had already put the sword on Zhao Bing's neck.When Mo Xuan heard Xiaoyong's voice, he had already looked in Xiaoyong's direction, and one of Mo Xuan's subordinates had already gone towards Xiaoyong.

Under Zhao Bing's puzzled gaze, Xiaoyong walked out with his hands raised high, and he didn't even resist, which made Mo Xuan and others stunned.

Mo Xuan thought it was a trick of the enemy, so he hurriedly turned his head to look at Zhao Bing, and it happened that Zhao Bing was also looking at Mo Xuan.Zhao Bing has already seen that the person who fought against him just now is the leader of this team.

But Zhao Bing, who has not rested for many days and has lost a lot of blood, how can he see clearly at this time?As early as when Ergouzi and Baosheng were allowed to leave, Zhao Bing was dizzy and at the end of his battle...

Zhao Bing couldn't see it clearly, but Mo Xuan could see it clearly. The man in front of him was covered in wounds. How could he be a northern barbarian?That's clear!Mo Xuan called softly without any confirmation: "Zhao Bing?" Zhao Bing was shocked!Even though he had been dealing with the northern barbarians for more than half a month, the northern barbarians would never know his name, so they couldn't help but replied, "Who?"

As soon as he heard Zhao Bing's voice, Mo Xuan had already confirmed it, and couldn't help but took a deep breath and said to his subordinates: "Quickly relax, one of your own." After speaking, he came to Zhao Bing's side in two steps, supported Zhao Bing who was supporting him and asked: "Why are you here?"

But at this time, Zhao Bing didn't remember who the person in front of him was, or Zhao Bing could hardly see clearly, but it was just because of the ear power he had practiced for many years.But at this time Mo Xuan was talking in a low voice, and after several years of absence, Zhao Bing had already forgotten him.But Zhao Bing breathed a sigh of relief when the person in front of him was wearing a military uniform.

Seeing that Zhao Bing didn't answer, and seeing that he was covered in wounds, he thought that the northern barbarians outside would be surrounded by Zhao Bing, so he asked Xiaoyong, "Just the two of you?"

Xiaoyong hesitated for a moment before replying: "My lord, there are still eight people deep in the forest." Mo Xuan frowned and said: "Go, go in and meet them first, I'm afraid they are all seriously injured and urgently need medical treatment." Mo Xuan immediately walked forward.

Seeing this, General Mo Xuan hurriedly took over to support Zhao Bing, and Xiaoyong even followed Zhao Bing all the way.It wasn't until he found Da Zhuang and others that Zhao Bingcai couldn't hold on any longer and passed out.

When Zhao Bing woke up, he had already returned to the border town, and Qi Luo was standing beside him!I saw Qiluo's head was stuck with the hairpin that Baosheng had brought back.It turned out that after Zhao Bing fell into a coma, Mo Xuan led these people all the way and rushed out, and even picked up Ergouzi and Baosheng by the way, but when they returned to the border town, more than a hundred people up and down were all wounded.

Even so, the number one hundred and ten people are no longer afraid of Mo Xuan's status as the queen's concubine's nephew, but admire him from the bottom of his heart!These hundred and ten people have seen Mo Xuan's bravery and morality!Along the way, Mo Xuan tied Zhao Bing behind him, a bow that could be described as superb. After experiencing more than a dozen encounters, big and small, Mo Xuan has faded from his greenness, and his whole person appears to be much calmer.

However, when Mo Xuan returned to the city, he did not receive any awards for rescuing Zhao Bing and finding the people who escaped from the city according to the instructions of Xiaoyong and others. He even lost more than half of the soldiers. , received forty military sticks, and when Zhao Bing woke up, Mo Xuan could only crawl on the bed.

Knowing that Zhao Bing woke up, the Seventh Prince summoned him immediately. Speaking of which, the Seventh Prince also met Zhao Bing. When Lin Ruhai was injured, the Seventh Prince was ordered to investigate and escort Daiyu all the way to Yangzhou. Wasn't it Zhao Bing?

Knowing that Zhao Bingnai is the person next to Daiyu, the Seventh Prince could not help but look him up and down with a half-smile, and then said with a smile: "Back then, you and your master saved my life, or in other words, there was a helping hand. " Speaking of this, the Seventh Prince raised his eyebrows, and continued: "Today we can be regarded as a tie."

Zhao Bing replied very respectfully: "My lord's words are serious, and the little one deserves to be ashamed. Today, thanks to the lord's troops to rescue, otherwise the small family will definitely not be able to reunite again." When he said this, his expression was very sincere, especially those eyes.So he stopped joking, nodded slightly, and asked about the Northern Man.

Zhao Bing introduced in detail what he saw, heard, and did during his trip to the hinterland of the Northern Man.After Zhao Bing finished speaking, General Fuyuan was already a little excited, but he still suppressed his words, and only heard the Seventh Prince ask with interest: "Do you still remember the route? Can you draw it?" Zhao Bing was stunned, his eyes widened. Then it lit up, and nodded hurriedly: "Yes!"

Seeing this, the Seventh Prince looked at General Fuyuan and smiled, and then said: "If you really draw it, I will make you the left vanguard under General Fuyuan's tent!" Zhao Bing immediately clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, my lord! "After speaking, he began to draw on the scroll prepared by the guards.

A few days later, when Mo Xuan was able to go down to the ground and learned that Zhao Bing had actually been to the hinterland of Beiman, he was very excited to find him. When the sled was drawn and built from the drawings, he even laughed and said: "This is really God helping me!"

Immediately, Zhao Bing and Mo Xuan secretly planned a surprise attack. When the two reported it to the Seventh Prince, the Seventh Prince and General Fuyuan were also taken aback!You know, at this time, you have already left the border town for nearly a hundred miles, and you will soon enter the hinterland of Beiman!

But looking at the high spirits of the two, he tentatively asked: "How many people and horses do you need for this raid?" You know, it would be very miserable if there were no horses on this grassland!However, Mo Xuan and Zhao Bing looked at each other, and clasped their fists together and replied, "Report to the lord, the general only needs one hundred war horses, three hundred archers, and two hundred knives and axes!"

Not to mention that the Seventh Prince has never heard of such a configuration, even General Fuyuan frowned immediately, and said slightly angrily: "The battlefield is where you wait for the game?!"

However, Mo Xuan said happily and fearlessly: "The final general wishes to issue a military order!" General Fuyuan felt suffocated, and instead of continuing to entangle with Mo Xuan, he turned his head to look at Zhao Bing and said, "This general thought you were a good man! "Zhao Bing was stunned, thought for a while and then said: "The final general is willing to explain the battle plan in detail. If the general thinks it is feasible, please prepare to fight!" Then he knelt down on one knee.

Seeing this, General Fuyuan looked at the Seventh Prince and saw that the Seventh Prince nodded, so he said in a deep voice: "In that case, let me tell you!" At this moment, Mo Xuan turned his head to look at the soldiers standing on both sides After thinking about it, they were all brought from the capital, and then nodded to Zhao Bing.

The plan was very simple, Zhao Bing took Mo Xuan and five hundred equipped soldiers, pulled by a sled, turned back here, and surrounded them from the other side.

Zhao Bing knew that those gathering points were all in the mountain depression, so he and others would just have to descend from the sky on a sled.Because the sled is not like a horse, you can hear the movement from a long distance. This sled, especially after the thin ice on the grass at night, slides faster than the horse!

As soon as this simple method was explained, the eyes of the Seventh Prince and General Fuyuan were brightened. The two were overjoyed, and the Seventh Prince even smiled and said: "In this case, I will personally lead the army to cover you! You guys You can let go, just remember one thing!"

Speaking of this, the Seventh Prince's expression was very serious, and he could not refuse at all: "If there is any accident, this sled must be destroyed! Can you understand?" Mo Xuan and Zhao Bing had the same heart, and then answered Said: "The last general takes orders!"

That night, Mo Xuan and Zhao Bing took five hundred soldiers, left the army on a sled, and quietly inserted towards the southwest.

The ensuing war was not unexpected to the two, especially when the two chose to raid in the middle of the night!For the northern barbarians, being raided was unprecedented!It's good enough not to surprise others, so what follows is a one-sided massacre!When the Seventh Prince arrived, he often had to drive away the cattle, sheep and horses, and followed behind Mo Xuan and Zhao Bing.

After more than half a month of mopping up, the northern barbarians finally came to their senses and began to gather large troops to surround the Seventh Prince and his party.However, at this time, the Seventh Prince had already returned to the border town with his army.It was General Fuyuan who stayed behind to command the army to cooperate with Mo Xuan and Zhao Bing.

The so-called army led by General Fuyuan was actually only 3 to [-] people, and the rest of the soldiers had already been brought back to the border town by the Seventh Prince.

(End of this chapter)

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