Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 273 Seven Lords Zhang Jing

Chapter 273 The Seventh Prince Returns to Beijing ([-])
Thanks to Spring Bird's Nest, karlking for their monthly ticket support, and thanks to Brother Dingfeng and Sister Rong for their encouragement...


Seeing Daiyu walking in, Mammy Liu and the others were stunned for a moment. They only realized at this time that Daiyu was not by Princess Wujun's side before?Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't remember when Daiyu left.

Daiyu didn't want to pay attention to these things, and went straight to Princess Wujun, seeing that although Princess Wujun closed her eyes, she could still see that her eyes were red and swollen, so she knelt down slowly, and took Princess Wujun's hand lightly. Said: "Yu'er sent someone to bring warm water and ice, and the concubine mother washed it first, and then relieved the swelling of the eyes."

When Daiyu came in, Princess Wujun actually knew about it, but she thought that there were so many people around her, but Daiyu was not there!Princess Wujun felt uncomfortable, so she ignored it, not wanting Daiyu to say such words, Princess Wujun opened her eyes in surprise, and looked at Daiyu who was squatting in front of her.

Daiyu knew what she was thinking just by looking at Princess Wujun's eyes, so she smiled and said, "Sister Wanyu is most worried about Concubine Mother, Concubine Mother, please don't get hurt, Elder Sister knows, I don't know how much I feel so sorry!" Then, without waiting for Princess Wujun to speak, she continued: "Sister is so gentle and kind, she will definitely be happy."

Wan Yu's husband and son-in-law were chosen by King Wu Jun and Princess Wu Jun thousands of times. Hearing what Dai Yu said, she felt relieved and nodded with a slight smile, "Yu'er said yes."

Just as she was talking, Madam Tang brought in two maidservants to bring in warm water and ice.Daiyu didn't say much, got up and gently rolled up her sleeves, reached out to take the brocade handkerchief on the basin, dipped in warm water and wiped her hands with Princess Wujun first, Princess Wujun watched quietly from beginning to end Daiyu didn't make a sound to disturb her, but her eyes became more and more gentle.

When Daiyu twisted the brocade handkerchief again and cleaned her face with Princess Wujun, Princess Wujun took Daiyu's hand and said, "Let them do it, you sit with mother and concubine for a while." As she spoke, she wanted to pull Daiyu Sitting down, Daiyu smiled and said: "Concubine Mother wiped her face first, eat some sugar water later, calm down, there are still many guests ahead, I can't keep bothering Concubine Seven."

Seeing Daiyu like this, Princess Wujun finally nodded with a smile, and asked Daiyu to wipe her face with great enjoyment.While the red and swollen eyes were being boiled with ice, another little maid came in with a tray.

Daiyu looked at it and said with a smile: "But did you boil sugar water?" The little maid held the tray steadily and bowed, "Go back to the county magistrate, it is boiled sugar water according to the magistrate's instructions." Daiyu stepped forward to take it, very satisfied He nodded to the little maid, and then returned to Princess Wujun's side.

Sugar has a relaxing and pleasant effect.This is common sense in modern times.Princess Wujun used sugar water, and she really felt much better in her heart. Several maidservants were very familiar with her and put on a hairpin for Princess Wujun. Then Princess Wujun took Daiyu to the front hall together. .

Seeing Princess Wujun come in, everyone stopped talking and turned their heads.Princess Wujun smiled very elegantly and said: "I was rude just now, I hope you can forgive me."

The Seventh Concubine saw that Princess Wujun really looked good, and everyone saw that Princess Wujun had changed her clothes and put on her makeup again, so they all laughed and chattered a few words, and quickly revealed it.

Wanyun saw that Princess Wujun led Daiyu everywhere, especially when talking with those concubines and wives, she did not forget to introduce Daiyu to them, she couldn't help feeling very uncomfortable, and looked at Daiyu His eyes couldn't help turning cold, but he quickly covered them up.Wanyun didn't know that all this had already fallen into the eyes of caring people.

Just as Princess Wujun greeted all the concubines and wives for a wedding banquet, Hong Shi ran over to ask to see her.Princess Wujun was startled, could it be that something went wrong earlier?But aren't Mo Xuan and the First Prince in front?

Princess Wujun looked back subconsciously, and followed Daiyu, who was beside her with a slight smile on her mouth, but kept silent all the time.

Seeing Princess Wujun's eyes, Daiyu lowered her eyebrows slightly for a moment and said softly: "I have asked the Eldest Prince and Brother Mo before, but at this time the second brother must have something to do, the mother concubine might as well ask Madam Liu to go. Take a look?" Seeing this, Princess Wujun had no choice but to nod to Nanny Liu, and Nanny Liu retreated knowingly.

But who would have thought that after a while Liu Mama came back with a happy face.Madam Liu said in a low voice that everyone could hear, "Reporting to the princess, the second master was begging to see him outside, and he said that the seventh prince returned to the capital, and the Holy Majesty sent Eunuch Li to our residence to summon His Highness the First Prince. The Fourth Prince and Third Master Mo also went. Many other adults also went."

Princess Wujun hadn't reacted to the news brought by Madam Liu. The seventh concubine was not far from Princess Dewu County. When she heard the news, she immediately stood up and asked Nanny Liu repeatedly: "Is this true? Your lord is serious." Into the city?"

Liu Momo looked at Princess Wujun, and replied with a smile: "Second Lord replied in this way, but I don't know the specifics."

As soon as Madam Liu finished speaking, Princess Wujun pulled the corners of her mouth, nodded and said: "Let the girls go behind the scenes." Everyone understood, and the daughters of girls from all families stood up, in twos and threes, along the way. Guided by the servant girl, she passed through the ear room and headed towards the side hall. Daiyu glanced at Princess Wujun, saw Princess Wujun smiled at her, and followed her.

Seeing that the girls had all retreated, the Seventh Princess hurriedly called Hong Shi to come in without waiting for Princess Wujun's orders.

When Hong Shi came in, he naturally needed to greet him first, but the Seventh Princess was anxious at the moment, how could she wait?So without waiting for the next time to salute, he had already asked: "Just now Madam Liu said that you have come to report that the prince has entered the city?"

Hong Shi naturally understood that the prince mentioned by the Seventh Princess was the Seventh Prince, Prince Yi, so he hurriedly bowed and replied, "I want to tell you, Princess Yi, just now the Holy Majesty sent Eunuch Li to call away the eldest prince and the fourth prince, saying that it was for the eldest prince The prince hastened to the city gate to welcome Yiqin Prince's triumphant return, and many ministers of civil and military affairs who came to the banquet also sent their family members one after another, presumably it is true."

After hearing this, how can the Seventh Princess sit still?Turning around, she looked at Princess Wu very apologetically and said, "I'm so sorry, look..." Princess Wu didn't wait for Princess Seven to finish, then smiled and said, "Okay, do we still need such politeness? These empty gifts? This is a happy event! Go back and get ready."

Seeing this, the Seventh Princess patted Princess Wu's hand and said: "Yes, it's a happy event! Today is a very good day, and Yu'er will have a lot of blessings in the future!" After speaking, she changed the subject and continued: " In two days, I will set up wine in the mansion, you must come." After speaking, the Seventh Princess looked at Daiyu with a smile, and said: "Take Yu'er with you."

How similar are "Yu'er" and "Yu'er"?Princess Wujun was stunned for a moment before realizing it, and nodded with a busy smile: "It must be, you go!"

As soon as the Seventh Concubine left, many family members of generals also got up and said goodbye. Princess Wujun naturally knew that these were all family members of the Western Expeditionary Army, and Concubine Qian's sister-in-law, Madam Qian, was among them.This time, no matter how considerate Princess Wujun was, she felt a little distressed in her heart. She had a nice send-off banquet, but in the end, half of it was empty...

No matter how generous the mother is, seeing such a scene, she will feel uncomfortable to some extent, but the princess of Wu County quickly sorted out her mood, looked at her situation here, and could imagine the situation in the front hall, so she told Hong Shi Asked: "You come here to report in person, who is looking after the front hall at this time?"

Hong Shi looked at Princess Wujun, as if he couldn't speak, hesitated for a while, and then said gruffly: "The chief steward is looking after you, and the servants are cleaning up. The guests in front heard that Prince Yi entered the city, and the emperor personally welcomed the capital." rushed over."

Princess Wujun nodded without showing any expression and said: "Since that's the case, go and watch." After speaking, he waved to Hongshi, and Hongshi also understood that it was really not easy for him to stay at this time, so he bowed and saluted After that, he backed out.

Before Hongshi left, he quietly glanced at Concubine Hou who was sitting not far from Concubine Wujun. Concubine Hou smiled slightly, and never said anything from the beginning to the end, just like a spectator.Then Concubine Qian felt a little embarrassed in front of Princess Wujun because of Madam Qian's departure, and was also a little worried about General Fuyuan, after all, that was her greatest reliance.

Princess Wujun retreated when she saw Hongshi, and most of the clansmen and wives who stayed behind were also out of their minds, so she smiled at everyone: "Let's eat quickly, and when we run out, go to the city gate to watch the excitement." For such a happy event, even if you can't participate in the period, you have to be a witness."

When the remaining clansmen and wives heard this, they all laughed, and some even flattered: "What the concubine said is, how can we not go and see such a grand event?"

Princess Wujun saw that everyone had no objection, so she ordered the little maid to bring back all the daughters of the girls who had just left.However, what Princess Wujun and everyone did not expect was that Daiyu did not come back with others.

Daiyu didn't come back by herself, but she sent Nanny Tang to come. Nanny Tang was originally the mother of Princess Wujun's side, and she leaned into Princess Wujun's ear and said a few words, and no one else knew what she said. , but saw Princess Wujun's face changed drastically, she didn't say anything, but she nodded to Nanny Tang again, Nanny Tang gave a slight salute and then retreated immediately.

Although everyone was curious, at this time Princess Wujun didn't say anything, others didn't want to ask more questions, but Concubine Hou obviously didn't regard herself as someone else, so she smiled and said: "The Lord Yu County is too unwilling to put my sister on the table. In your eyes? How can you say that she is also the adopted daughter of our Prince Wu's mansion..."

Before Concubine Hou could finish speaking, Concubine Wujun gave her a cold look, that gaze was like a knife, which made Concubine Hou's heart tighten suddenly, and she swallowed the rest of her words.I couldn't help but feel annoyed in my heart: I really hit the devil, I made up my mind not to provoke that girl, what happened today...

Seeing Concubine Hou being deflated, the happiest thing is Concubine Qian, but at this time Concubine Qian is preoccupied with her brother, General Fuyuan who was temporarily left in the northwest border by the Seventh Prince—General Qian!At this time, Concubine Qian didn't know that General Qian was being retained. If Northwest knew, she didn't know what she would think.

But Concubine Shen Shu didn't think so much, she was very happy seeing this, she even touched Concubine Qian quietly, and glanced at Concubine Hou, but it was obvious that Concubine Qian was not interested.

Concubine Qian is not interested, but there are people who are interested, and the one who is most interested is Concubine Shen's daughter, Wanyun, the third daughter of the Wujun Prince's Mansion.

Wanyun saw Concubine Hou being deflated because of Daiyu, she secretly smiled in her heart: Last time because of Wanrong's incident, I'm afraid that the lone villain of the Lin family has offended Concubine Hou, and now Concubine Hou is even more hurt by the concubine's stare. .Presumably, this account will also be recorded on the lonely evil star, right?
Thinking of this, Wanyun couldn't help laughing.Wanrong had been standing not far from Wanyun, seeing this she couldn't help but asked in surprise: "What are you laughing at, third sister?" Wanrong's voice was not loud, but it happened to be heard by Concubine Hou.Especially when concubine Shen concubine pulled Qian and concubine Qian looked at her, it was also seen clearly by concubine Hou.

Wanyun didn't have time to answer Wanrong's words, so she instinctively felt that someone was looking at her, and raised her head subconsciously, and saw Concubine Hou just retract her gaze...

(End of this chapter)

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