Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 275 Picking up a prince

Chapter 275 Picking up a prince ([-])
Thanks to maozi123 for the support of the monthly ticket, and thanks to Jinghong for the reward and encouragement!Tomorrow I will make up the chapter I owed last weekend, Gujing keeps his word~O(∩_∩)O~

Seeing that Chengli was sitting back on the table with a slightly blushing face, Princess Wujun said with a smile to Daiyu: "Yu'er accompany me inside to talk for a while."

Daiyu understood that Princess Wujun must have something to ask or explain herself, but she looked back at Chengli with some uneasiness.Chengli seemed to feel Daiyu's gaze, so he raised his head from the bowl to look at Daiyu.Seeing that rice was still on the corner of his mouth, Daiyu couldn't help walking over, wiped his mouth with her hand, and said with a smile, "Can I do it myself?"

Chengli had already blushed when Daiyu wiped his mouth for him, now when Daiyu asked, he stopped looking at Daiyu, nodded vigorously, and then buried his head again.

Seeing this, Daiyu didn't say any more, walked back to Princess Wujun, took her arm and walked back.Princess Wujun walked up and down with a smile, and took a good look at Daiyu. Seeing Daiyu was a little embarrassed, she smiled and shook her head, and followed Daiyu.

When they came to Daiyu's embroidered building, Princess Wu took Daiyu next to her and sat on the Arhat bed by the window on the left.The Arhat bed is covered with soft cushions covered with ruffles of verdant green and beautiful Chunlan, which looks very elegant, especially matching the Chunlan embroidered handkerchief on the Kang table that Daiyu called "tablecloth".

Princess Wujun came here for the first time after Daiyu moved in. At this time, she saw that Daiyu arranged the small compartment very delicately. Even Princess Wujun saw it outside just now, and Daiyu changed a lot of things. , not big, nor expensive, but it looks extremely elegant.Can't help but nodded very satisfied.

She has always heard Wanyu say that Daiyu's house is so unique, but today she sees it as it should be.Even the glazed tea set on the kang table and the glazed vase are not very expensive, but Daiyu ingeniously placed a small vine in the vase with water, and the vine leaves hung on the small kang table along with the vase, The green is really lovely.

Princess Wujun couldn't help asking: "What is this?" Daiyu chuckled and said, "Say it, the concubine mother should laugh at Yu'er for being ignorant, so Yu'er won't say it!" On the contrary, he became even more interested, and hurriedly asked: "How do you say this?" After speaking, he also imitated Daiyu, tilting his head and looking at Daiyu.

Daiyu thought for a while and asked Princess Wujun: "My concubine knows, but don't laugh at Yu'er, otherwise Yuer won't talk about it." Seeing this, Princess Wujun raised her eyebrows and agreed.

Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said: "It's a coincidence that the mother and concubine came here. If I came here yesterday or this morning, there would still be roses in this bottle." Things are common outside the city, there are ivy everywhere in the mountains, Yuer calls it ivy, and it is green all year round."

When Princess Wujun heard that it was from the mountains, she couldn't help asking in surprise: "Where did you get that jade?" Seeing that Princess Wujun was so surprised, Daiyu knew that she must have misunderstood, so she smiled and said: "There are jade everywhere in the mountains." Yes, there are also some in our palace, but the gardeners will get rid of them on weekdays, these things absorb nutrients, and other flowers will not grow well."

Speaking of this, Daiyu smiled and said: "I found this Yu'er plant in the flower garden before Chengli. I don't know what it is in my hand. I liked it very much when I saw it, so I asked for it and kept it in this bottle." .” As she spoke, Daiyu reached out and fiddled with the leaves of the ivy twice.

Princess Wujun heard Daiyu mention Chengli, and just remembered her purpose of coming here, so she sighed and asked quite seriously: "Speaking of which, how did Yu'er meet Chengli? How did you know that he is the Fifth Prince?" of?"

Daiyu thought for a while, and after organizing some words, she said: "The concubine mother asked us to go to the side hall to rest for a while, and Yu'er thought of coming back to change clothes." Speaking of this, Daiyu looked down The clothes on his body smiled and said: "Yu'er saw a girl wearing a similar color to Yu'er before, it's always bad if they collide."

Princess Wujun nodded her forehead angrily when she heard her say this, and said, "What's so good? If you don't have to wear clothes, you have to let others choose the color first! Remember, you are the county lord, we Wu The county head of the county prince's mansion! Except for the princess and the princess, there is no one more noble than you, even if you want to change clothes, you should be changed by others, how can you change them?"

Daiyu pulled Princess Wu's arm, and said with a slight smile: "What a big deal, why bother? It's in our palace again, wouldn't it be cheaper to exchange for Yu'er than someone else?"

Princess Wujun heard what Daiyu said, but she said very seriously: "It's not a matter of big or small things, or that it's not cheap! It's a matter of status, understand?" Sighing: "You girl is good at everything, but you don't pay attention to status! This is not acceptable, and you will suffer a lot in the future!"

Daiyu saw that Princess Wujun was very serious, so she didn't argue with her, and continued to explain: "Yu'er knows that mother concubine loves me. When Yu'er came back, she passed by the lotus pond, and picked up a jade pendant near the veranda, with a calendar on the front. On the back, there is auspicious cloud and four-clawed dragon pattern." Princess Wu raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard this.

Daiyu hurriedly continued: "Yu'er knew that this thing was important, so she didn't dare to say anything, so she looked for it along the road, and saw Chengli was walking around among the flowers not far away, as if she was looking for something, but when she asked what was right?" He was looking for the jade pendant. Before Yu'er asked him, he bowed himself and asked Yu'er if he had seen it before. It was tied around his waist again."

From Daiyu's words, Princess Wujun has basically confirmed that she is Chengli, but she still can't figure out why the fifth prince is alone in her mansion.

But it doesn't matter whether Princess Wujun understands it or not, the important thing is that she must send the fifth prince back to the palace safely, but now she is going to the city gate again, so she can't help frowning.Seeing this, Daiyu hurriedly asked: "What did Yu'er do wrong?" Princess Wujun sighed: "Yu'er is right, it's just that the concubine is thinking about how to send him back to the palace."

Princess Wujun thought about going to the gate of the city with Chengli by her side, and handing him over to the emperor by the way?After thinking about it, he felt that it was inappropriate, and it would not be a problem to keep him in the mansion, so he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

Daiyu heard what Princess Wujun said, and said with a smile: "Mother, don't worry, let's go to the gate of the city. Yu'er stays in the mansion to accompany Chengli. If someone comes to pick him up, Yu'er can handle it. If no one comes Pick him up, Yu'er tomorrow..." Thinking that Wanyu will go on a long journey tomorrow and she has to see her off, Daiyu couldn't help but hesitate.

Seeing this, Princess Wujun also understood Daiyu's meaning, so she smiled wryly: "If no one comes to pick him up when I come back, I will send him back in person. Tomorrow, we, mother and daughter, will go see your sister off together. "Daiyu was both touched and sad when she heard what Princess Wujun said, but she finally nodded.

Princess Wujun was about to say something, when Liu Mama saw that it was getting late, she walked in, and first apologized: "I interrupted the conversation between the princess and the county magistrate, but it is late now, and the side concubines have brought their wives We have passed, princess, look..."

Seeing this, Princess Wujun patted Daiyu's hand and said apologetically, "Then I've wronged Yu'er so I can't go to watch the ceremony." But Daiyu smiled and said, "Where is the wronged? Yu'er likes Chengli very much. I am very willing to stay in the mansion and take care of him." Princess Wujun also saw that Chengli and Daiyu got along very well, so she didn't say anything, nodded and walked out.

Daiyu hurriedly followed and came to the main hall, but she saw that Chengli had finished eating and was sitting quietly at the table, neither looking at nor moving.

Seeing Chengli like this, Daiyu felt a little distressed, so she hurriedly smiled and said, "Is Chengli full?" When Chengli saw Daiyu, he immediately bent his eyes, revealing a pair of dimples He laughed and said: "I'm full, Chengli has finished eating! Chengli can grow tall and very strong."

Daiyu didn't expect Chengli to still remember what she said before, she couldn't help nodding and laughing: "Well, Chengli will grow up to be a big man in the future! Tall and mighty." Chengli was very happy and smiled He nodded heavily.

Seeing this, Princess Wujun smiled and said: "Yu'er will stay with Chengli in the mansion." Daiyu hurriedly turned her head and smiled and said, "Yu'er sent Mother and Concubine out." But Princess Wujun stopped her and said, "Our mother and daughter don't have to Mind these."

Princess Wujun said to Nanny Liu after finishing speaking, "You stay here to help Yu'er." At this point, Princess Wujun remembered that she had not told Daiyu that she had arranged an errand for Grandma Sun thing.Then she talked to Daiyu again, and Daiyu said with a smile: "The people here in Yu'er, the mother and concubine can use them. It's not only their face, but also Yu'er's face."

Seeing this, Princess Wujun nodded and walked out first.But Chengli saluted very respectfully: "Respectfully send off Princess Wujun." Seeing Chengli like this, Daiyu was taken aback for a moment, recalling, she seemed to have never sent anyone so respectfully before!Although Nanny Yang taught it and learned it herself, she didn't get used to it.

Thinking of this, Daiyu hurriedly saluted and said, "Yu'er is a respectful send-off to my concubine mother!" Princess Wujun had already walked for a while, when she heard Daiyu's voice suddenly, she couldn't help but stop and almost laughed out loud. In [-], it was the first time for Daiyu to send her off in such a formal way!

Daiyu herself also sighed secretly, after all, she is not a person of this era, it is really awkward to do such a thing!
Seeing Princess Wujun walk away, Mammy Liu smiled at Daiyu and said, "If the county lord has any orders, just tell this old slave, old slave..." Before Mammy Liu finished speaking, Daiyu smiled and said, "Liu Nanny, don't be like this, you are Nanny Yang's good friend, in Yu'er's eyes, Nanny Yang is just like elder Yu'er, Yu'er can't stand you like this."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Chengli asked in a very puzzled voice: "Why can't you bear it? You are the master and she is a slave."

Chengli's words made Daiyu stunned!That's right, this is the thinking of people in this era, but I... Thinking about it before, the princess of Wujun also said to herself, Daiyu didn't explain, just smiled and said: "Old, old, and people The old; the young and the young, and the young of the people. The world can be transported in the palm of your hand."

Seeing that Chengli was still looking at her, Daiyu couldn't help explaining: "Respecting someone who is older than you is to respect her experience, knowledge, life experience and perception, not her identity. Status or wealth!" Daiyu didn't expect Chengli to show a thoughtful expression after hearing this, and couldn't help asking: "Do you understand?"

Chengli thought for a while and shook his head, "I seem to understand, but I don't seem to understand." After hearing what Daiyu said just now, Madam Liu was extremely moved, and felt that she finally understood why Sister Yang was like this I feel sorry for Daiyu.

Seeing that Chengli said he didn't understand yet, Daiyu didn't want to say anything more, but seeing that Hanxiao and Zhixuan had also forgotten about it, she thought about it, walked to the table and sat down, saying: "Master said: What you don't want, you can't do it." Do not do it to others. Chengli hopes that when he is old, he will meet someone younger than himself, and he will not respect himself?" Chengli thought for a while and smiled: "Chengli understands."

(End of this chapter)

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