Chapter 298

First of all, I would like to thank sime9 for the support of the monthly ticket, and secondly, I am sorry, I am waiting for the flight today, and I will go home after a while~~ Only coded this chapter.Gujing remembers that I owe you two chapters, I will make up O(∩_∩)O~

Such a red coral tree with full color and graceful posture is extremely rare. Madam Tang looked at Tanchun Xichun and others who were following Daiyu, and shook her head gently at Daiyu.Daiyu immediately nodded knowingly and smiled, "Nurse, tell Zhixuan to take out all the presents for the sisters."

Hearing Daiyu talk about the gift, Tanchun Xichun's attention was attracted, even Li Wan and Shi Xiangyun were the same. Only Wang Xifeng looked at Nanny Tang meaningfully, and said with a smile: "Give it to me." Keep the gift, I'll go clean up the table first." After speaking, he really took the two fifteen or sixteen-year-old maids and went out.

It wasn't until this time that Daiyu suddenly realized that she hadn't seen Ping'er, so she whispered, "Why didn't you see Ping'er?" Before the others could answer, Shi Xiangyun laughed first and said, "Sister Lin doesn't know something, and the second sister-in-law will see Ping'er." My son promised someone, and now she is said to let her embroider the dowry in the house!"

As soon as Shi Xiangyun finished speaking, Tanchun added: "It is said that he is the servant of Lian's second brother, and he will still work in the mansion after thinking about it."

Hearing what the two said, Daiyu understood in her heart and didn't say much, she just called everyone to sit down.Shi Xiangyun was restless, and said with a smile, "How boring is it to sit? I won't come to Sister Lin's house for a long time, so I have to take a good look around."

Daiyu said with a smile, "it's up to you to see what's interesting. I'm going to sit down for a while." Hearing what Daiyu said, Tanchun Xichun also became interested, and got up to go to Daiyu with Shi Xiangyun. Wander around the house.

After all, Li Wan is much older. He sat down at the table with Daiyu, and saw Shi Xiangyun and Tanchun Xichun all entered the back room. He hesitated for a moment before laughing in a low voice: "Lan'er is young. Miss Wang Lin..." Before Li Wan finished speaking, Dai Yu lowered her voice and asked, "Sister-in-law Zhu, does she plan to buy some property in Gusu? Or take care of Brother Lan?"

Li Wan's eyes lighted up at Daiyu's words, and he hurriedly asked: "Miss Lin, what do you mean...?" Daiyu nodded and smiled, "Brother Lan is young, I'm afraid it will take three or two years to go to school. Thinking that if sister-in-law Zhu buys some property there, I'm afraid it will be beneficial to Brother Yu Lan."

Just when Li Wan was about to say something more, Tan Chun exclaimed in the back room: "Sister Lin, your jade screen is so beautiful!"

Daiyu looked up at Nanny Tang, and Nanny Tang nodded lightly. Daiyu smiled at Li Wan, got up and went to the inner room.

Although the jade screen has twelve screens, it is not very big. The black jade is inlaid with white jade, sapphire, topaz, pink jade, coral and agate.Vigorous plum blossoms, delicate pink apricot blossoms, bright and eye-catching peach blossoms, graceful and luxurious peonies... fresh and elegant narcissus.December flowers are all on the screen.

Turning around the jade screen, there are figures carved on the back, behind the plum blossom is Princess Shouyang, behind the apricot blossom is Yang Guifei, behind the peach blossom is Mrs. Xi, behind the peony is Li Bai, behind the pomegranate is Zhong Kui...the twelve flower gods, with poems It is also engraved on it.

Not to mention Shi Xiangyun and others, even Daiyu couldn't put it down. Shi Xiangyun smiled and said: "Sister Lin is really too, when can't you see your things? Hurry up and let us look at it enough, you can look at it again." As he spoke, he squeezed in between Tanchun and Daiyu.

Like the red coral tree, this jade screen was not Daiyu's original possession. Judging by Nanny Tang's expression, Daiyu knew that Nanny Tang must know about it, but it's hard to say how many people are there at the moment.Daiyu then didn't ask any questions, got up to pass Shi Xiangyun, and looked at the room.

At this time Li Wan also walked in, besides the red coral tree outside, the twelve jade screens with figures and flowers on the bedside, the most eye-catching thing is the bed curtain hanging on the Babu bed.

From a distance, it is full of embroidered gold peacock tails. Only when you walk in can you find out what gold and silver threads are used?Even silk has never been used.The entire bed curtain is embroidered with a ring of green feathers around the neck of wild ducks, the color is natural and bright, almost the same as that of a real peacock.

When Daiyu looked at the bed curtain, Li Wan leaned over and smiled and said, "I'm afraid this bed curtain is also from your Rongyun Nishang Pavilion? It is really a good thing."

But Daiyu knew that this bed curtain was not made by Rongyun Nishang Pavilion. After all, such a bed curtain only uses the feathers from the necks of wild ducks, and I don't know how many wild ducks are enough.But it was hard to explain, so he just smiled lightly and glanced at Mother Tang who followed.

Nanny Tang was also in a dilemma at this time, there were not many things, only three items, but they were all sent by Mrs. Jia, and she couldn't refuse them.Looking at Daiyu's appearance now, it seems that she doesn't know about it, so she can't help feeling a little uneasy.When Daiyu saw it, Nanny Tang's face was calm, but Daiyu still noticed the traces of sweat on Nanny Tang's forehead with sharp eyes.

Seeing this, Daiyu couldn't hold back for a while, she lowered her head and covered her mouth and laughed. Li Wan asked, "Why? Did I say something wrong?" Daiyu shook her head hastily and laughed, "This bed curtain is not Rong Yun The things in the Nishang Pavilion must have been rewarded by my grandmother."

After Daiyu finished speaking, Tanchun kept nodding her head and said, "I said, why do you look so familiar? What Sister Lin said, I remembered that my ancestors rewarded Baoyu with a crappy dress a few years ago. It’s about the same as this.” As he spoke, he and Shi Xiangyun stepped forward to touch it.Xichun stood still, looking up and down, with unconcealable envy in her eyes.

Seeing this, Daiyu asked Nanny Tang: "Have I delivered all the gifts I prepared for my grandmother?" Nanny Tang immediately understood and said with a smile: "The county magistrate sees that this house has just been tidied up, how could there be time? The old slave will order someone to find it and send it to the Taijun."

Mother Tang didn't wait for Daiyu to answer, so she told Zhixuan, "The white jade arhat is honorable, you go and invite it out yourself, so that the little girl won't have to touch it with her clumsy hands. And the dragon-patterned phoenix-headed stick is too Be more careful." Zhixuan bowed and turned around without saying anything, and went into the small warehouse in the middle.

Tanchun and the others stopped looking around the bed curtain, turned around and came to Daiyu's side, waiting to see the gift Daiyu had prepared for Mrs. Jia.Shi Xiangyun smiled and said: "Sister Lin said she brought us a gift, so let's take it out together. If you don't forget about it later, we will lose a lot."

Li Wan said with a smile, "When did Miss Lin forget your gift?" Daiyu smiled and said, "In that case, let's take it out together. I said let them take it back by themselves, so as to save time." I need you to run errands." Qinghe nodded and then turned around and entered the small warehouse to inform Zhixuan.

After Zhixuan came in and out about ten times, she finally moved all the things out, and Nanny Tang ordered to open all the things in front of Daiyu one by one, and asked Daiyu to take a look and count them again. He wanted Tanchun and the others to see the objects clearly, and the county lord did not take advantage of Jia's house.

Daiyu knew what Nanny Tang was thinking.Tanchun and the others are also talented girls, so they can understand it naturally.Then he gave Daiyu to Mrs. Jia's gifts, which were praised inside and out, although these gifts were indeed carefully selected by Daiyu, and they even asked for the opinion of Princess Wujun. Not exaggerating.

After asking Nanny Tang to bring Qinghe Xueyan to deliver the things to Mrs. Jia, Daiyu then ordered Zhixuan to give the gifts to Tanchun, Xichun, and Shi Xiangyun to the three of them.

Shi Xiangyun was the most impatient, so he quickly opened it. Inside was a piece of the latest pattern of Kesi fabric and two pieces of palace satin. The color was extremely bright, which was very in line with Shi Xiangyun's liking.

Turning to Tanchun, it is the same fabric as mine, only the color is slightly different.But the jewelry is two hairpins, a pair of earrings, and a necklace.

Looking at Xichun, it is very different. Although there are also fabrics, they are extremely elegant brocade and fragrant cloud gauze, and the color is also extremely elegant pink honey.There is no jewelry, and two scrolls are added.Xichun is very fond of it.

Daiyu smiled and said, "Sister Xichun is still young. Don't worry about those jewelries. You can buy them in two years, but you should dress up beautifully at your age."

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, she heard laughter from outside: "Who wants to dress up more beautifully? Let me have a look!" If it wasn't Wang Xifeng, who else could it be?
After arranging the banquet, Wang Xifeng rushed over, happened to be listening to the second part of Daiyu's sentence outside, so she asked with a smile.

Daiyu knew that it was Wang Xifeng who came, so she rushed out to welcome her, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law arranged a banquet, but she went there for a long time, so it can be seen that she is going to kill me. If there is not enough money for a while, it is necessary for sister-in-law to make up for it. "

Wang Xifeng glanced at Daiyu angrily and said: "You are really good at calling people! This not only requires me to contribute, but also my money. Whose reason is this? Seeing me coming, you can I don’t know how to hurry up and take out your good tea and water as a tribute.”

After saying that, Wang Xifeng went into the back room with Daiyu, and seeing a lot of boxes and boxes piled up on the bed, she couldn't help saying angrily: "It's a shame that I've been busy collecting things for you, and you are actually dividing things here."

Shi Xiangyun said with a smile: "Sister Feng, why bother with us? I just sent it to my ancestors. It is a good thing. If Sister Feng is greedy, I will snatch it from my ancestors." Xichun said in a rare way: "Lin Sister is doing things, when did she forget about her sisters-in-law?" She turned her head to look at Daiyu and said with a smile, "Sister Lin, do you think so?"

Xichun is also a girl in her teens, and what Daiyu saw on TV in her previous life and what she read in the original book is less cold and more playful, and she looks very cute with bright eyes.Daiyu also smiled and said, "It seems that sister Xichun knows me best." Then she took out two brocade boxes and handed them to Li Wan and Wang Xifeng.

The size and style of the brocade boxes are exactly the same, and the things inside are also exactly the same, Wang Xifeng doesn't care about these things.Li Wan sees that Wang Xifeng is the same as himself, although he also knows that Daiyu and Wang Xifeng have different feelings, but he is very moved in his heart.

Daiyu laughed and said, "This is a matter between us sisters, so I didn't prepare any gifts from my brothers. Don't tell me about it. It would be bad if I forgot my brothers."

Wang Xifeng laughed and said, "Can your brother still covet your idea?" Tanchun actually knew it in his heart, what are you talking about, brothers?All the people in the first room have left, leaving only Wang Xifeng and his wife. The people living in this house are only people from the second room. The so-called brothers, except Jia Lian, are Baoyu and Huan'er.

Tanchun understands, but don't Xichun, Li Wan and others understand?But when Lan Geer went to Gusu, Daiyu needed to take care of many places. Besides, Daiyu was very good to his mother and child, so he didn't say anything. of.Naturally, I won't talk too much, Tanchun is hard to say.But Shi Xiangyun didn't get these considerations.

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Shi Xiangyun laughed and said, "Sister Feng got something in Lian's second brother's house, so it doesn't count, but sister Lin forgot Baoyu. It really shouldn't be."

Daiyu was not happy when Shi Xiangyun said this, but she just smiled and said, "If I give it away, what can I give it away? I'm afraid it's me, Cousin Baoyu, who may not be able to look up to him, no It takes a lot of thought and it’s not a good thing. As long as we sisters are happy, it will be fine."

When Wang Xifeng saw that Daiyu had finished speaking, Shi Xiangyun himself paused, so he smoothed things over and said, "This is very good, let's have fun between sisters, don't bring those filthy things in." After finishing speaking, Wang Xifeng asked again: "Where is Yu'er looking at your banquet? I see that your room is too small, and I haven't found a place to sit for most of the day."

When Wang Xifeng said this, everyone laughed, didn't they?A group of people stood in the room, which actually blocked the room completely, and the maids also crowded at the door.It's just that everyone wasted energy on gifts before, but no one paid attention to it. Only now did Wang Xifeng bring it up, and then he came to his senses.

Daiyu also smiled and said: "Sister-in-law is true, I just made a small mistake, so I hurriedly stared at it." Said Daiyu went forward to grab Wang Xifeng's gift and said: "It can be seen It's time to give my sister-in-law a gift.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng laughed even more and said: "Oh, hey, let's not talk about whether the guest has no tea or not to sit, and the gift he sent is still willing to take it back? I have opened my eyes today." Said the brocade in his hand He hugged the box even tighter, and raised his voice: "Xiaohong! Come in quickly and send back your grandma's things, so as not to be robbed by someone inadvertently."

That Xiaohong is also funny, originally said what Wang Xifeng said was just a joke, but who would have thought that Xiaohong actually squeezed in from the door.

While taking the brocade box from Wang Xifeng's arms, Xiaohong said: "Grandma, don't worry, this servant will send it back to Grandma's house, and ask Sister Ping'er to watch, no one will be able to take it away," she said. Ignoring the laughter of the whole room, I squeezed out from the door again.

Seeing this, Shi Xiangyun and others also booed: "Since that's the case, we can't stay here anymore. After a while, Lian's second sister-in-law forgot her share and sent it back. Come and get ours." go back.

For a while there was endless laughter in the room, most of the maids outside also left, only Cuimo, Caiping, Biyue and Zhixuan stood outside holding back their laughter.

After laughing for a while, Wang Xifeng saw that it was almost time, so she stopped laughing and asked again: "Yu'er, stop laughing, tell me where the noodles are, what we ate earlier, That's the proper thing to do."

After Wang Xifeng finished speaking, he looked around and found that there was no tea, so he sighed: "Take out the Baihua Niang you brought and honor me. It's a busy meal here, but it's a long time coming to you." I can't even eat tea."

(End of this chapter)

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