Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 310 My father is in charge of the house

Chapter 310 My father is in charge of the house

I would like to thank Brother Dingfeng for the reward and encouragement, and thank tatacoo for the comments and monthly ticket support! O(∩_∩)OThank you!


It was the second time for Daiyu to enter the lobby of the Rongxi Hall in Jia's Mansion. The last time when Princess Wujun sent Daiyu over, she was invited in by Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang.This time, she borrowed the light of Princess Hanyi again.

However, Princess Hanyi walked into the Rongxi Hall, and after looking around, she took the first seat and said, "Sister Min, from now on, you will personally teach the second daughter-in-law of Rong Guogong, the birth mother of Concubine Xiande, Jia Wangshi. Rules, if you can't teach them well..."

Before Princess Hanyi finished speaking, the old lady called "Nurse Min" walked up to Princess Hanyi, bowed and saluted and said, "Princess, don't worry, this old slave will definitely do his best!" After finishing speaking, she was still cold He glared at Mrs. Wang who came in at the end.

This nanny is the one who slapped Mrs. Wang twice at the Yimen.Being stared at by her, not to mention Mrs. Wang, even Caiyun Caixia who was following Mrs. Wang, as well as Li Wan and others felt chills all over their bodies...

Princess Hanyi took the main seat, and Mrs. Jia naturally sat beside her. However, among the dozens of chairs in Rongxi Hall, only Princess Hanyi, Mrs. Jia, Daiyu, Jia Youshi and Wang Xifeng sat.

Sitting next to Daiyu, Wang Xifeng turned her face half swollen and looked back coldly at Mrs. Wang, gently pulling the corners of her mouth to reveal a cold smile, then turned around quickly, and everyone except Mrs. Wang and the people around her In the colorful clouds and clouds, no one noticed Wang Xifeng's cold smile.

After listening to Nanny Min's guarantee, Princess Hanyi smiled slightly and said, "In this way, I can rest assured."

After finishing speaking, Princess Hanyi picked up the teacup that was just delivered on the table, brushed it lightly twice, and then said: "Thinking about it carefully, I just wronged Mrs. Jia. I remember the birth mother of sister Yu'er. , and the virtuous concubines in the palace were all brought up by Mrs. Jia himself, I think it is indeed as Yuer said, some people must be too arrogant!"

When Mrs. Wang was told by Princess Hanyi, even though she was covered in silk and satin, she looked extremely embarrassed, and felt extremely wronged.But at this moment, she didn't dare to say anything more, for fear that the eldest princess of His Majesty the emperor would talk to the emperor and empress after returning to the palace, which would affect her daughter Yuan Chun's situation in the palace.

Although Mrs. Wang kept her face calm and even lowered her head with a look of humility and aggrievedness, she roared in her heart: When I give birth to a prince in Yuanchun, you will dare to bully me like this, and dare to be so arrogant !
Princess Hanyi didn't know what Madam Wang was thinking, even if she knew, she didn't care, besides, she didn't come to Jia's mansion today to teach anyone how to behave.

After exchanging a few words with Princess Suihanyi, Mrs. Jia and the others, she got up and said, "Okay, this tea is nothing to eat. I just came to see Yu'er today, so I can talk to her privately." of."

After hearing what Princess Hanyi said, and the princess has already stood up, who would dare to sit still?The old lady Jia also stood up quickly and smiled and said: "It should be so, then please move the princess, Yu'er lives in the garden, when the concubine Xiande visited her relatives, she said it was a pity that the garden was empty, so she ordered the girls to go in Live here, and Yu'er will also live in it when she comes over."

Mrs. Jia didn't dare to mention that Jia Baoyu also lived there. If Princess Hanyi found out, it would cause another commotion.

Daiyu also thought of this, so she hastily smiled and said, "Sister Hanyi doesn't know, this garden is divided into east and west sides. My sisters and my widowed sister-in-law live on the west side, and the west side has the best scenery. Hanyi Sister Yi might as well wander around the west side for a while."

When Princess Hanyi heard what Daiyu said, she raised her eyebrows and did not continue the topic, she just told Wang Xifeng: "Since you are injured, you don't have to follow, go back and get the medicine earlier." Princess Hanyi gave orders to Gong'e behind her: "Look at the medicine I brought with me? Give it to Yiren." She glanced at Daiyu before walking out.

Mrs. Jia led the crowd to send Princess Hanyi out of the gate respectfully, and Daiyu said to Princess Hanyi with a smile: "It's only a few steps away, sister Hanyi, why don't you walk over with me, sisters together It's better to be jovial." Princess Hanyi nodded noncommittally.Dai Yufang turned her head and smiled at Old Madam Jia.

The old lady Jia immediately put the unpleasant idea behind her, and Tanchun looked at Shi Xiangyun with surprise in her eyes.It's a pity that Chun's expression was not obvious on her face, but her eyes were full of admiration towards Daiyu.

When Princess Hanyi and others walked away, Mrs. Jia turned her head and was about to reprimand Mrs. Wang, but she heard the "Nurse Min" who Princess Hanyi ordered to teach Mrs. Wang say in a cold voice to Mrs. Wang: " Whether you accept it or not, since the princess has ordered me to discipline you, you'd better keep the rules for me!"

Saying so, Nanny Min looked at Old Madam Jia imposingly, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "I don't know where the old Madam's house is more suitable to teach the rules?"

Old lady Jia was taken aback for a moment, knowing that Princess Hanyi was not joking, she frowned, and finally said: "There is a big flower hall behind my yard, I wonder if it is suitable?" Nanny Min looked at her with dull eyes, her face like The ashen Mrs. Wang nodded to Mrs. Jia and said: "Then disturb the old lady." After speaking, she ordered Mrs. Wang in a cold voice: "Let's go!"

Mrs. Wang is so angry!In fact, it's not just Mrs. Wang, Jia Zheng is also ashamed and angry with her at this moment.

Being reprimanded by Princess Hanyi in front of her nephews, Jia Zheng has never tried it before, and even heard Princess Hanyi talking about someone yelling in front of the princess and princess, is it still a question? ?Who else could it be but my own wicked Jia Baoyu?

Jia Zheng closed his eyes, followed behind Jia Zhen, Jia Lian and Jia Rong, and led the son-in-law into the south hall.Unexpectedly, at this moment, Lai Da, the know-it-all butler who "runs fast and manages well", ran over again.Attached to Jia Zheng's side, he also learned what happened at Yimen in a low voice.

Jia Zheng was so angry that he almost fainted, but who knows that the calendar is not good today, the son-in-law happened to see Lai Da whispering in his ear, and asked with a smile: "This is?..."

Jia Zheng hurriedly bowed and smiled, "Go back to the son-in-law, this is the chief steward of our house." The son-in-law nodded and asked with a puzzled expression, "Is there something wrong with the chief steward?" Jia Zheng hurriedly replied Said: "It's nothing, it's just some chores."

Just as Jia Zheng finished speaking, the son-in-law spit out a sip of tea in an unimpressive manner. While wiping the corners of his mouth, he looked at Jia Lian in disbelief and asked, "Why? General Jia actually entrusted the mansion to his brother before he took office. Didn't you give it to Brother Jia?"

Although the son-in-law didn't say anything, let alone Jia Zheng, even Jia Baoyu blushed immediately, but Jia Huan went in without knowing it, and replied very proudly: "Back to the son-in-law, this mansion is my father's house." Make the decision." Jia Huan's voice was still in the stage of changing, and he opened his mouth to speak very loudly.Everyone in the room could hear it clearly.

Jia Zheng really wanted to faint, but unfortunately he didn't, and he really wanted to slap Jia Huan to death, but he didn't dare to do it right now.Only an old face blushed, facing the unbelievable eyes of the son-in-law.

The son-in-law didn't continue to ask this question, after all, who in the whole capital doesn't know about Jia's family?At this time, I just wanted to make Jia Zheng a little ugly, after all, he was still very optimistic about Jia Lian.So this topic was quickly revealed, and Shan and Jia Lian talked about other things.Jia Zheng, Jia Zhen, and the others, who were left in embarrassment, didn't know what to do.

Jia Lian didn't want to ruin the matter, after all, the whole family was of flesh and blood, so after thinking about talking to the son-in-law for a while, he smiled at the son-in-law: "If you want to talk about studying, I think I'm in the mansion, although I'm not the best. Well, it’s also considered the hardest one. But when it comes to writing, then I’m much worse.”

Jia Lian introduced Jia Baoyu to the son-in-law while Jia Zheng and others were stunned as he said that, and even said with a smile: "My brother was young a few years ago and did a lot of ridiculous things, but now he is better." Seeing this, the son-in-law didn't make things difficult for Jia Baoyu, chatted for a while, and even asked to see Jia Baoyu's words.

Jia Baoyu has indeed grown a lot in the past few years. Seeing this, he bowed and saluted and said, "I'm afraid that my clumsy behavior will stain the eyes of the son-in-law." The son-in-law raised his eyebrows and smiled, "It's okay!" The waiter waved his hand and said, "You don't have to accompany me, just go. I'll go to the study of the two Jia brothers."

Daiyu led Princess Hanyi out of Rongxi Hall, passed the newly built flower hall behind Mrs. Jia's house, and entered the garden.

Seeing that he didn't enter through the main gate of the garden, Hanyi looked at Daiyu puzzled, and Daiyu smiled and said, "Sister Hanyi doesn't know that several gates of this garden have been closed after the concubine Xiande returned to the palace. However, this door is reserved because it is the most convenient way to get in and out, Yu'er has lived here for a long time, and most of her daily life is through this door."

Hearing what Daiyu said, what else could Hanyi say?He just shook his head and smiled without speaking.Tanchun and Shi Xiangyun looked at the intimacy between Daiyu and Princess Hanyi, although they were envious in their hearts, they did not dare to intervene casually.

Therefore, when Princess Hanyi and Daiyu walked to the Ouxiangxie, only Daiyu was talking, and Princess Hanyi only smiled and listened to Daiyu's introduction.

Along the green bamboo path, Daiyu came to the bamboo bridge in front of the Ouxiangxie. Daiyu smiled at Hanyi: "Passing the Ouxiangxie, it is the place where my sister Xichun and I live. Sister Hanyi must also see you." Will love it."

Han Yifang raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? Yu'er actually lives in the same room as Miss Xichun?" Han Yi couldn't hear any joy or anger at what she said, so Daiyu didn't try to guess, she just smiled and said: "Where is it? No, it's just the opposite door." As she spoke, Daiyu turned her head and smiled at Xichun.

Entering the Ou Champs, seeing the green lotus leaves outside the window, Han Yi turned her head and smiled at Daiyu, "I know why you chose this place." Daiyu shook her head and said, "Where did I choose? It's just that sister Xichun knew that I like lotus flowers, so she specially reserved a few rooms for me first."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Princess Hanyi turned her head to look at Xichun, nodded and smiled at Xichun: "You care about her." This is the first time Princess Hanyi has looked at the girl in Jia's mansion since she arrived in Jia's mansion today It was also the first time to talk to a girl from the Jia family, and Tanchun and Shi Xiangyun looked at Xichun with envy in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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