Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 324 Daiyu Says Marriage

Chapter 324 Daiyu Says Marriage
Today, I will return a chapter to my dear friends... the third watch!Gujing will try his best to make up for what he owes... Believe me!In addition, thanks to Mengwei, the monthly ticket support of the underwater doll!thanks


Coming out of Mrs. Wang's room, Tanchun thought about it and went to Nuanxiangwu to wait for Daiyu. After all, when Daiyu went to Aunt Zhao's room, she said she had something to do with her, although it might just be an excuse , but Tanchun always felt that he should come, even if it was just to say thank you.

After sending old lady Jia back again, Daiyu resigned from Wang Xifeng and went back to Nuanxiangwu. Hearing that Tanchun had been waiting for a long time, she smiled inwardly and said: After all, she is a smart girl.Daiyu didn't show much on her face, after entering the room to meet with Tanchun, she ordered Zhixuan and the others to prepare refreshments, and even Mother Tang, Daiyu also told her to rest.

Seeing that Daiyu sent everyone out, Tanchun also asked Shi Shu to go back to Qiushuangzhai and let him watch Jia Huan practice calligraphy and study.Although Shi Shu was slightly surprised, after Tanchun's training these days, he bowed and retreated without asking too many questions.

When only Tanchun and Daiyu were left in the room, Tanchun asked, "I don't know why Sister Lin asked me to come?" After speaking, Tanchun paused and said, "I haven't thanked you yet. Sister Lin's previous help."

Seeing this, Daiyu raised her eyebrows and smiled, without beating around the bush, she just asked, "Sister Tanchun, what plans do you have for your future?"

Tanchun didn't expect Daiyu to ask about this matter, he hesitated for a while and said, "What plans can I have as a girl? It's just the words of the matchmaker at the order of my parents."

Hearing Tanchun's answer, Daiyu nodded noncommittally, and stopped mentioning it, and changed the topic to talk about other things.However, seeing that Daiyu didn't mention it any more, Tanchun felt more and more anxious. He couldn't help interrupting what Daiyu was saying, grabbed Daiyu's hand and said, "Good sister..." He only called out, and Tanchun Chun didn't know what to do next.

Daiyu was not in a hurry, she raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile: "What's the matter? Could it be possible to tell you that Hua Hua is a good sister?"

Tanchun thought: Sister Lin is probably upset, what should I do?Tanchun was worried, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Seeing this, Daiyu sighed, shook her head and said, "What do you want me to say?" Just as she was talking, Zhixuan came in with tea and snacks, probably knowing that Daiyu had something to say to Tanchun, so she didn't stop , then quietly backed out.

After Zhixuan went out, Daiyu first poured a cup of tea for Tanchun, then poured a cup for herself unhurriedly, holding the teacup, seeing Tanchun staring at her for a moment, Daiyu said with a smile : "Aren't you going to play Tai Chi with me now?" Hearing what Daiyu said, Tanchun blushed suddenly, but thinking that it was related to his future, he couldn't help but shook his head.

Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said, "Since that's the case, I won't play tricks with you. Just tell me what your plans are for the future. Maybe I can't help you with anything else. How much can I think about this matter for you?" Think about it."

Hearing that Daiyu said that he could think of something for her, Tanchun couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and then he thought that Daiyu herself was still in trouble, so he couldn't help feeling a little discouraged: "What can I think of? What can Sister Lin think of?" ?” After speaking, Tanchun also realized that what he said seemed to be wrong, so he added: “The master doesn’t care about things, so why don’t you keep everything in the wife’s hands in the future?”

Daiyu didn't blame her either, after all she was still hanging in mid-air, although she didn't want to think about it, she didn't rule out that she had no hope for it.

Daiyu sighed and said: "Now you are not young, if you want to do this, you have to plan it earlier, otherwise it will be difficult to say in the future." Speaking of this, Daiyu paused and said: "I won't say anything about it." How about Aunt Zhao, she is your own mother after all, but brother Huan now sees that although the time is not long, he has made great progress, you should pay more attention to it."

Seeing that Tanchun nodded and said nothing, Daiyu asked again: "It's hard to say anything else, you just tell me, whether you must be from a high family, a noble family?"

Tan Chun was stunned for a moment, and asked puzzledly: "Sister Lin, what do you mean...?" Seeing her like that, Daiyu understood that Tan Chun must have never considered other people, so she weighed her words and said: " I'm straightforward, if it's not good, don't bother me."

Tanchun nodded and said: "Sister Lin thinks about planning for me, how can I blame Sister Lin? Sister can just say it, I'll listen."

So Daiyu smiled and said: "I thought, if it's a noble family, it may not be good." Speaking of this, Daiyu raised her eyes and looked at Tanchun's expression carefully. There was no difference on the face, Fang continued: "Although he is the queen of the state, the second uncle is white after all, and you..." Daiyu hesitated for a while when she said this.

Tanchun took over the conversation clearly and said: "And I'm just a concubine." Tanchun said it very calmly, but Daiyu was very helpless with the talk of concubines in this era, but she continued: " Now that you understand, you should know that there are not as many people to choose from as you imagined."

Tanchun stared into Daiyu's eyes and nodded, "Since Sister Lin has told me so much, you might as well tell me what you have to say."

Daiyu looked at the beautiful Tanchun in front of her, and sighed in her heart. After thinking about it, she said tentatively: "If you are an ordinary person, with the talent of Tanchun, she will definitely not be worse than Yingchun." At this point, Daiyu stopped talking.Tanchun still understood what Daiyu meant.

Tanchun thought for a while but shook his head bitterly and said, "How can it be so easy? Yingjie has a real brother to help her, and Fengjie also takes care of her, it's like me..." At the end of Tanchun's speech, he lowered his head sadly, staring at the cup in his hand, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Daiyu gave her an annoyed look and said, "Since I told you this, I really want to help you. Just tell me what you think, and I'll do the rest." After speaking, Daiyu took a sip of tea and continued: "Furthermore, in this way, you can take care of brother Huan just now. In the future, brother Huan will be your reliance if he has a future."

Hearing what Daiyu said with certainty, Tanchun couldn't help but brighten his eyes, and asked, "Sister Lin is serious?" Seeing Daiyu nodding, Tanchun said in a low voice with blushing cheeks: "There is no other request, as long as you are a good person. If you are willing to make progress."

Seeing this, Daiyu tilted her head and covered her mouth with a smile, "What is this guy saying? You should explain it to me."

Seeing this, Tanchun was ashamed and annoyed, and stretched out his hand to squeak Daiyu, saying, "Well, sister Lin, you're trying to trick me and make fun of me!"

The two laughed and chattered for a while, Daiyu Fang said seriously: "If you don't dislike it, I would like to marry you back to our Lin family, but I don't know what you want?" Hearing this suddenly, Tanchun was stunned. Asked: "Sister Lin, what are you talking about?"

Daiyu thought about it for a while without hiding anything, and said softly: "This person is actually a little far away from our residence, and he was out of business five times earlier, but when my father was still alive, he said that he couldn't write two characters in one stroke, so They are also my relatives."

Daiyu paused at this point, seeing that Tanchun listened seriously, she continued, "Now I teach in the Lin Family Academy, and I am motivated by my duty. Aside from other things at home, good fields and houses are not bad at all. But It’s just farming and studying in the heirloom, it can’t compare to those honorable families of high-ranking families, and it can’t even compare to the luxury of this duke’s mansion.”

After hearing what Daiyu said, Tanchun lowered his head and remained silent. Daiyu didn't urge her, but just quietly waited for Tanchun to make a decision. After thinking for a long time, Tanchun looked up at Daiyu and asked, "Sister Lin?" Do you think this person is good?"

Daiyu took a deep breath, and replied very seriously: "I dare not say anything else, but knowledge and talent are good, and in our clan, the old patriarch is strict in discipline, but those nasty things are missing. Besides, if Brother Huan is up to the challenge, he will be able to take him to study in the future, after all, Brother Lan and Brother Chun are all studying in school now."

Tanchun was a little moved when he heard this, and asked in a low voice: "Then, Mrs. Mrs.... and the ancestors, can you agree?"

Daiyu said with a smile: "Don't worry about these things, just say whether you want to or not. Besides, I have my own intentions when I think about you."

Hearing that Daiyu said she had plans, Tanchun couldn't help asking curiously: "Sister Lin, what else can I do?" Tanchun thought Daiyu was just a joke, but Daiyu nodded seriously: "Of course it is. Picture you."

After she finished speaking, Daiyu thought for a while before explaining Lin Family Academy and Tanchun. She was very surprised to hear that Lin Family Academy even had a women's college.Daiyu raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile: "Are you interested in marrying as a schoolteacher and becoming a lady?"

To say that she is satisfied is naturally a lie, after all, does that woman not have the dream of Fengguanxiapei?Especially a girl like Tanchun who grew up in a noble family.But it would be a lie to say that she is not tempted. After all, being able to live according to her own will is not something a concubine like Tanchun can expect, but now the opportunity is in front of her eyes.

Seeing that Tanchun couldn't make up his mind for a while, Daiyu was not in a hurry, poured another cup of tea for Tanchun, and said with a faint smile: "Don't worry, if you've made up your mind, come and tell me, I'll write back and let If the old patriarch sent someone to propose marriage, if he is unwilling, just pretend that I didn’t say anything. We sisters don’t need to hurt our feelings because of this.”

When Tanchun heard what Daiyu said, Fang nodded, then talked about other things with Daiyu, and saw that it was getting late before leaving.

The news of Mrs. Wang's illness spread to Xue's mansion, and Xue Baochai hesitated again and again. At the suggestion of Xue Pan's wife Yan, Aunt Xue brought Xue Baochai and her daughter-in-law Yan to Jia's mansion.

This is the first time Aunt Xue's family has come to Jia's mansion after they moved out. Mrs. Wang is ill and has no family members to visit her. Aunt Xue is very happy to be able to come now.The two sisters talked a lot, and Mrs. Wang looked more energetic.

Apart from visiting Mrs. Jia for a while, Aunt Xue and the other stayed in Mrs. Wang's room until they took their leave after dinner.

During the period, Xue Baochai got together with Daiyu and others. Although the sisters had only met on the day Baoqin got married, they were very affectionate when they saw each other again at this moment. There was a bit of envy and thought in Chun's eyes.

April passed quietly while Mrs. Wang was ill, and in a blink of an eye it was Jia Baoyu's birthday, the Flower Festival. Although Mrs. Wang said she was in good health, she seldom went out since then. Locked himself in the small Buddhist hall.

(End of this chapter)

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