Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 326 Secret Marriage 2 You

Chapter 326
First of all, I would like to thank fgdc2255 for the support of the monthly ticket. In addition, I have paid back one-third of the three chapters owed. I am in the hospital, so I can’t continue to add changes. It will be delayed for a day or two, please understand.


Here, Xichun is busy packing up the box and going to the Muni Nunnery to observe his filial piety. Over there, Jia Zhen has already ordered someone to lock up the Taoist priest of Xuanzhen Temple, and then go back to interrogate her.All of a sudden, the upper and lower Jia mansions, the east and the west, and the two mansions were in a state of turmoil.

Especially Jia Zhen and Jia Rong's father and son are now going to hand over their sons to ask for leave. The weather at the end of April is very hot, and Jia Jing's body can't wait for a moment. After burialing, it was moved to Tielan Temple, the family temple.

Fortunately, the longevity wood and other objects had been stored in the temple in the early years, which was cheap, so Youshi ordered someone to bury Jia Jing.On the one hand, they sent people over and over again to urge Jia Zhenjia Rong and his son to come quickly.He also guarded the Tielan Temple not to be idle, so that in the Ning Mansion, there would be no one to preside over it.

Youshi had no choice, so she took her stepmother to look after the house in Ningfu.Her stepmother brought her two unmarried sisters to live with her before she felt relieved.

But Jia Zhen hastily published the memorial book to ask for leave for herself and Jia Rong. The officials of the Ministry of Rites did not dare to be self-sufficient, and they had the original request.When the emperor saw the memorial, he felt amused in his heart, but asked quietly, "What is Jia Jing's job? Where is the official position?"

The official of the Ministry of Rites said: "He was born as a Jinshi, and his ancestral position has shadowed his son Jia Zhen. Because of old age and illness, Jia Jing often kept quiet in the Xuanzhen Temple outside the capital. Now he died of illness in the temple. His son Zhen, Ren third-class general, his Sun Rong, Ren Long Jinwei, so begging for leave to return to funeral."

Hearing what the official from the Ministry of Rites said, the emperor couldn't help squinting his eyes, raised his eyebrows and said: "Although Jia Jing's white clothes have done nothing to the country, he remembered his grandfather's merits and awarded him the rank of sixth rank. Let his descendants support the coffin from the north. Enter the capital and enter his private house for funerals. After the funeral ceremonies are completed and the coffin is supported and returned to the hometown, the Guanglu Temple will offer sacrifices according to the above regulations. In the court, the princes and princes will allow them to sacrifice and hang. This is yours."

With this decree, not only the people in Jia's mansion thanked him, but even many ministers in the court praised him endlessly.Little did he know that all this had already fallen into the emperor's scheme.

After hearing this decree, Daiyu was even more shocked. Daiyu understood that the emperor wanted to catch them all!Although Daiyu was frightened, she also understood that this matter should not be publicized.

Jia Zhen and his son rode their horses and galloped towards Xuanzhen Temple. On the way, they saw Jia Wangbian and Jia Fan leading their family Ding Fei riding.Jia Zhen hurriedly asked, "What is this for?"

Jia Juan replied: "My sister-in-law is afraid that my brother and nephew will come, and the old lady will be alone on the road, so she asked the two of us to escort the old lady." After hearing this, Jia Zhen nodded and said, "It should be so." Then she asked herself Arrangement after leaving.

Without concealing anything, Jia Juan explained in detail how to guard the Taoist priest, how to ask the imperial physician for examination, how to dress up and move to the family temple Tielan Temple, and how to ask his mother-in-law and two aunts to take care of the mansion on his behalf.

When Jia Rong heard the two aunts coming, she looked at Jia Zhen and smiled.Jia Zhen coughed twice and said, "It's appropriate", "My wife is thinking about it, it's very appropriate." After finishing speaking, she whipped and left, and the shop refused to vote.

After Jia Zhen and Jia Rong got off their horses, they burst into tears, knelt and crawled in from the gate, wept blood in front of the coffin, and cried until dawn that their throats were hoarse.

After You Shi and others had all seen each other, Jia Zhen and his son Fang changed into murderous clothes according to the etiquette, and fell down in front of the coffin, because they wanted to be a director, so they must be less sad, so as to command everyone.After listening to the decree of kindness to all relatives and friends, everyone in Jia's family was grateful, and for a while, he didn't know whether it was sadness or joy... But Jia Lian always felt strange in his heart, but he couldn't say it.

Jia Rong was sent by Jia Zhen to take care of the dead at home, so she hurried home on horseback, not sure if she was busy cleaning up or settling down, or something else.

When Jia Rong got home, she first ordered the front hall to put away the tables and chairs, put down the fans, hang up the filial curtain, and set up a drummer shed archway in front of the door.Then I went in to see my grandmother and those two charming aunts.

Jia Lian didn't know about this matter, and at the moment he was worrying about the imperial decree, but it was hard to tell others about it, and it would be inconvenient to find time to go back.Seeing his restless appearance, Wang Xifeng couldn't help asking a few more questions. Jia Lian hurriedly pulled Wang Xifeng to the corner and told him, "Go back when you have time, and just ask my sister if the imperial decree is in the way."

Wang Xifeng was startled, and quickly asked, "Master, do you think there is something wrong with this decree?" Jia Lian shook his head and said, "I can't say it well, I just feel restless. You must not tell anyone else about this matter." , just ask my sister, if there is really something, my sister will explain it to you."

While the two were talking, Jia Rong had prepared all the affairs in the mansion, rushed to the temple, and returned to Jia Zhen.Jia Zhen then quickly assigned various deacons to serve, and prepared all the use of flags and poles.Choose to invite the coffin into the city at Maoshi on the fourth day of the lunar month, so as to let people know your relatives and friends.

Seeing Jia Rong's return, Wang Xifeng persuaded Mrs. Jia to go home with an excuse. The old lady called Jia Zhen and asked about everything. When she saw that everything had been settled, Fang returned to the city with Wang Xifeng. the mansion.

After returning home, Wang Xifeng arranged for Mrs. Jia immediately, and then went to Nuanxiangwu to find Daiyu. Now Daiyu is the only one left in Liaofengzhai and Nuanxiangwu, but Wang Xifeng saw Daiyu had already set up tea in the yard, as if she had been waiting for a long time, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Your sister knows that I'm thirsty, so why don't you prepare tea for me?"

Daiyu waved her hand without saying a word, ordering Nanny Tang, Zhixuan and others to retreat.Seeing this, Wang Xifeng was heartbroken, and also waved Xiaohong to retreat.

After Wang Xifeng sat down opposite, Daiyu poured tea for Wang Xifeng and said softly, "I don't know if my sister-in-law is looking for me, or..." At this point, Daiyu looked up at Wang Xifeng, paused before continuing to ask Said: "My brother sent my sister-in-law to come."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Wang Xifeng tightened his expression, but seeing that Daiyu was still looking at him steadfastly, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Your brother asked me to come, or I came here by myself. What's the difference?"

Hearing Wang Xifeng's question, Daiyu had an answer in her heart, she couldn't help frowning slightly and said: "If sister-in-law came here by herself, then go back and persuade brother." Having said this, Daiyu lowered her body and turned towards Wang Xifeng. Leaving aside, said in a low voice, "Stop interacting with that side."

Daiyu straightened up after she finished speaking, and continued: "If my brother asks my sister-in-law to come, then tell my brother, just be yourself, don't ask, listen or talk, so you can study with your husband, even Brother Chun's side is fine. Don't worry, the old housekeeper is watching." After speaking, Daiyu was still very worried and said: "Over there in the East Mansion, avoid it if you can."

After Daiyu finished speaking, she didn't care whether Wang Xifeng understood or not, and didn't care what Wang Xifeng's expression was, and went back to the room on her own.

But Wang Xifeng froze on the spot. She could feel that Daiyu was very unusual today, but she couldn't tell what was wrong. She frowned and thought for a while before suppressing her doubts in her heart.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the funeral ceremony was glorious, and there were many guests. From Tiekan Temple to Ningfu, there were more than tens of thousands of people on the road.Among them, there are those who sigh, some who are envious, and some scholars who are half bottled of jealousy. They say that "funeral ceremony is as good as frugality compared with extravagance", and there are different opinions along the way.It will not arrive until the time of application, and the coffin will be parked in the main hall.

Jia Lian was proud of Wang Xifeng's message, so he didn't go to Dongfu to show his face except for three incense sticks in the morning and evening.When others asked about it, they only said that she was in poor health. Jia Zhen was now having a heated fight with her two sister-in-laws, and she was hanging out in the room all day long, and she didn't have the heart to pay attention to Jia Lian, after all, she didn't have much contact with her.

In this way, Jia Lian was relieved, and Jia Baoyu naturally ignored the matter, but since he returned from the Huangfu that day and had a knee-to-shoulder talk with Jia Lian, he has also improved a lot.

Unexpectedly, Jia Jing's coffin was still parked in the front hall of Ningfu, so Jia Lian got the news that Jia Zhen bought a house in Huazhi Lane, the back street, and married all the You sisters back.

How can this matter be hidden from Wang Xifeng?In the original book, Jia Lian married Second Sister You secretly because he was afraid of Wang Xifeng in his heart, so he kept it a secret. Now Jia Zhen is not afraid of You.When Wang Xifeng went to Ning Mansion to offer incense, she had seen the two You sisters, at the time she thought they were two beauties, but she didn't expect it to be so.

Thinking of Daiyu's repeated orders to stay far away from Dongfu, I couldn't help but feel terrified, this unfilial piety is a serious crime!Wang Xifeng didn't say anything, but just confessed to Jia Lian: "We don't care about other people's affairs. It's good to take care of ourselves. Now that the old man is gone, I'm going to inquire about it. Mom and Dad are coming back?"

Jia Lian slapped his head and then remembered, and said with a wry smile: "In the past few days, I don't know who was sent by the East Mansion to inquire about the news, and the master didn't come back with a letter. Maybe I don't know yet. I'll just write Letter to inform."

But Jia Lian didn't know that Jia Amnesty had already received the message and handed over the booklet, but he was still on his way.

After talking so much with Wang Xifeng that day, Daiyu packed up the cages, bid farewell to Mrs. Jia and went back to Zhuangzi. Since Tanchun was the only one left in the garden, Daiyu told Jia The wife said with a smile: "Grandmother is even lonely when she sees me alone outside the city. Why don't you allow Sister Tanchun to go and be my companion?"

Seeing this, Mrs. Jia couldn't do anything wrong, so before Jia Jing's coffin returned home, Daiyu took Tanchun back to Zhuangzi outside the city.Of course, Jia Zhen didn't know about the matter between Jia Zhen and Second Sister You and Third Sister You.

If Daiyu doesn't know, can the emperor also not know?Looking at the letterhead sent by the secret newspaper, the emperor sneered, looked back at the prince who was beside Gongli and said with a smile: "Do you know what it means to be self-inflicted?" After speaking, he burst out laughing.

Seeing this, Wang Gonggong naturally laughed apologetically. After all, the emperor's mood has not been good since the fifth day of the lunar new year. In the past half a month, many people in the palace have lived in low pressure.Seeing the emperor laughing so heartily, the prince suddenly felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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