Chapter 346
Thank you, Brother Peak, for a pure reward of love!Thank you Mengwei for your monthly ticket support!


After Mrs. Jia's [-]th birthday, the Jia mansion gradually returned to calm. Shi Xiangyun stayed in the Jia mansion until the twelfth day of the eighth month before bidding farewell to everyone, and returned to the Shi's home with Mrs. Jing Zhonghou.In the Grand View Garden of Jia's Mansion, there are only Tanchun, Li Wen, Li Qi and Daiyu left.

However, because Daiyu was going to enter the palace with Princess Hanyi very early on the [-]th day of the eighth month, Jin'er personally delivered the list of gifts to each prefecture on the [-]th day of the eighth month.

After Daiyu made the gift list, she and Nanny Tang went out with presents for Huang's residence.Jia Lian didn't go to Huang's mansion to pick up Daiyu until he had dinner in Huang's mansion.On the fourteenth day of the eighth month, Daiyu promised early on that she would go to visit Xichun at the Muni Temple outside the city, and asked Miaoyu to go with her, so she took Tanchun to the outside of the city.

In this way, since Shi Xiangyun left, Daiyu did not stay in Jia's mansion, even for Xue Baochai and Shi Xiangyun's make-up ceremony, Nanny Sun and Jin'er were ordered to go separately.

Until the morning of August [-]th, just as the sun was shining, Madam Tang gently woke Daiyu up, and directed An'er and Ning'er to wait for Daiyu to wash up and change into the auspicious clothes of the county magistrate.Sit here and wait for Princess Hanyi to arrive.

Just after Maoshi, when the bell rang seven times, Nanny Qin, who was beside Princess Hanyi, entered Jia's mansion, and soon the people at the door came to inform Daiyu.Of course, everyone in the Jia family should know, and they all received the news.

Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Jia had no objections, but Mrs. Xing was preparing to return to Dengzhou with Sister Qiao after the Mid-Autumn Festival.Princess Hanyi didn't enter the mansion, so she didn't care too much.But Madam Wang went to the palace to meet Yuanchun the day before yesterday, and after having a deep talk with Yuanchun in Fengzao Palace, she had some indescribable feelings about Daiyu.

When Mother Tang accompanied Daiyu out of the Yimen Gate, Mrs. Wang clenched her fists. When Daiyu left the gate of Jia's mansion in a soft sedan chair, Mrs. Wang even almost smashed the porcelain bottle at hand. Fortunately, Zhou Rui's family dissuaded her. down.It wasn't until Daiyu got into Hanyi's car and headed for the palace that Mrs. Wang seemed to lose her strength and collapsed on the pillow.

From the nobles to the common people, the Mid-Autumn Festival is an extremely important day of the year.On weekdays, the solemn and solemn imperial palace looks like it has changed into new clothes. Colorful silks are hung everywhere, making it look joyful and warm.

Daiyu followed Hanyi to the empress's palace, the empress who thought she would be very happy, turned out to be frowning and worried.Even the fifth prince was listless, standing beside the queen.

Daiyu couldn't help but look at Hanyi, but saw that Hanyi also raised his eyebrows slightly, his face full of surprise.After the two of them stepped forward to salute, Han Yi asked with a smile: "Does the Queen Mother not welcome Han Yi and Sister Yu'er?"

As usual, the empress would naturally respond with a smile, but today the empress just twitched the corners of her mouth reluctantly and extended her hand to give her a seat.Daiyu looked at the fifth prince Chengli, while the fifth prince pouted slightly, raised his eyes to look at Daiyu, then quickly lowered his eyebrows.

Not to mention Daiyu, even Hanyi felt that the atmosphere was not right, he couldn't help frowning and asked softly, "But what happened?"

The queen sighed, shook her head wearily and said: "I am in this palace all day long, what can happen?" Seeing that the queen was unwilling to say anything, neither Hanyi nor Daiyu could ask. If there are too many, you don't have to bear the name of inquiring about the palace.

The two had no choice but to try their best to laugh and amuse, hoping that the Queen would be in a better mood, and persuaded the Queen to go to the Imperial Garden for a walk.The fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus wafts in the imperial garden, and Han Yi and Dai Yu even try their best to talk anecdotes along the way, hoping to arouse the Queen's interest.

It wasn't until before dinner that the queen's complexion finally improved, and Han Yi and Dai Yu were relieved.Even the eldest concubine came to pay her respects with the eldest grandson of the emperor. The empress had a smile on her face, Han Yi and Daiyu, and then completely relaxed.

Han Yi originally wanted to find an opportunity to inquire with the eldest concubine who was still living in the palace if something had happened in the palace recently, but instead of the palace servants coming to report: The prince who is next to the sage came over, please The empress went to the banquet.

Queen Fang changed into a bright yellow nine-tailed colorful phoenix robe, and wore a gold phoenix hairpin with spreading wings on her head. The lotus rice-sized oriental pearl was held in the phoenix's mouth and swayed gently as the queen moved.Although it looks solemn and luxurious.But Daiyu inexplicably felt that the empress looked sad.

Following the empress' trip, Daiyu also found that not only the empress was frowning with sorrow, but also the eldest prince concubine was extraordinarily quiet. Although she didn't have much contact with her, Daiyu still felt that the empress and concubine was definitely not like this on weekdays.

Daiyu squinted at Hanyi, presumably Hanyi also noticed the unusualness of the empress and the first princess, and happened to look at Daiyu, the two looked at each other, but did not make a sound, and quietly talked with the first princess. Follow the queen together.Until the four of them followed the queen into the Chonghua Hall and sat separately, Daiyu and Hanyi didn't have a chance to say a word.

The emperor was also dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe like a queen, and sat high on the jade steps. When the queen came, he smiled slightly and nodded.

On the left hand side of the empress at the bottom of the jade steps are the harem concubines, concubines Qi, Yuan Chun and others sitting in this row.The concubine will be the clan princess and prince concubine in the future.The unmarried daughter of the princess, princess, and county lord sits in the third row.Princess Yiqin and the First Prince sit in the second row.Because of her special status, the eldest princess sat in the first position in the second row.

The first concubine sat next to the third concubine, but a silver-haired and graceful Princess Jian.After that is the princess who slipped away.Princess Yiqin sat in the ninth position in the second row, just in front of Daiyu.

Princess Hanyi, as the eldest princess of the Holy Majesty, sat at the first position in the second row, right behind the eldest concubine.Down there is no princess, only a few clan princesses.

Although Daiyu and Princess Hanyi are sitting in the third row, there are seven or eight people in between.Whether it was on purpose or not, Daiyu realized belatedly that her position was actually the first among the county lords.The one on the right is the princess, and the one on the left is the princess.

Although the fifth prince was young, he was also assigned to the third position in the second row to the right of the prince. Only then did Daiyu realize that there was no Eldest Prince on the opposite side.Daiyu couldn't help but look at the eldest princess and concubine in the front row, but only saw half of her back, Princess Hanyi was in the same row as Daiyu, but she couldn't see it...

At this moment, Daiyu looked up at the jade steps, and happened to see a forced smile on the queen's face, and couldn't help but feel moved, fearing that something happened to the eldest prince!But when Daiyu thought about it carefully, she didn't remember hearing any rumors, let alone the Dibao.

Daiyu didn't pay attention to what the emperor said, neither the imperial food on the table nor the singing and dancing performed later failed to attract Daiyu's attention.Daiyu just lowered her head, thinking to herself why the First Prince was not present today, and no one asked any questions.

Seeing this situation, I am afraid that the empress and the eldest prince and concubine are aware of the reason, but there is no news from the palace.Looking at the current situation, even Princess Hanyi probably didn't know about it, otherwise she wouldn't have been surprised by the depression of the empress and the first princess.

What happened to the First Prince?He had no reason not to attend such an important palace banquet, and his absence should not have been so silent.The more Daiyu thought about it, the more frightened she became, her palms and forehead were sweating involuntarily.

The fiery gaze of the fourth prince on the opposite side had already attracted the attention of others, but Daiyu lowered her head and didn't notice because she was thinking about something on her mind.It wasn't until the fourth prince said in shock, "Father!" that Daiyu was awakened.

Daiyu couldn't help but looked up at the fourth prince standing in the middle, but inexplicably found that the fourth prince was also looking at her, and Daiyu looked up at the emperor on the jade steps again, Daiyu really wanted to ask why The prince was not present but no one asked, but he finally understood that on such an occasion, it is not enough for the Holy One to speak freely!If that's the case, I'm afraid it should be--to be proud of being favored!

Daiyu was surprised at the same time, why is the fourth prince not sitting in his seat? Just thinking of this, the emperor frowned and scolded in a cold voice: "Chenghui, what are you going to do? Why don't you sit back for me!" Her expression and tone were all cold and severe that Daiyu had never seen before.

Daiyu couldn't help guessing, could it be that the emperor in the Jinluan Hall was actually like this?Compared with what I saw in the past, it is really different, more majestic, but also colder... Perhaps, this is the majesty of the emperor, this is the coldness of the heights, right?

While Daiyu was thinking wildly, the fourth prince silently lowered his head, returned to his seat and sat down.The emperor nodded when he saw this, and gave marriage contracts to several clan children.It wasn't until this time that Daiyu came back to her senses, remembering that the emperor had sent the news a long time ago that she would bestow a marriage at the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet.

But Daiyu didn't take it to heart, after all, in Daiyu's opinion.I am not a member of the clan, and the title of the county head is just a gift.This marriage banquet has nothing to do with me, so I can't help but restrain my mind and prepare to taste today's imperial dishes.

Unexpectedly, after giving marriages to several clan children one after another, Daiyu suddenly heard the emperor Jinkouyu say: "Yongding Hou's daughter, Lin Hui, the head of Wujun Wangfu County, is gentle and elegant, with a sensitive and intelligent character. I bestow the word: Yulin. I bestow marriage on Mo Xuan, the third son of Duke Cheng'en." So Daiyu is not only engaged to be married, but also to be married... Daiyu can't help feeling a little dazed.

After the emperor finished speaking, he seemed to have just remembered that Mo Xuan was still in the northwest, so he added: "Decree to Mo Xuan, the chief town of Balkhash City in the northwest, to go to Beijing to report on his duties within three months and get married!"

Daiyu was stunned, what's going on?Why have there never been any omens...Even the Empress and Princess Hanyi have never mentioned to me...they are about to get married?I am underage!And it's still a little... well, it's not a kid anymore... but it's also... Could it be that the old cow eats tender grass in the legend?
Daiyu subconsciously looked at the empress, and it happened that the empress smiled kindly at her.Daiyu opened her mouth and wanted to ask what was going on, but she heard the emperor sitting on the high jade steps and said with a smile, "Thank you, Yulin?" The queen also nodded to her.

Daiyu took a few deep breaths, stood up slowly, with a dazed face, but walked to the center of the hall, where the fourth prince was just now, thinking wildly, and kept saying to herself: Fortunately, I still know each other!Fortunately, there are still several months, this matter, maybe...

Seeing Daiyu's "reluctant and unwilling" expression, the fourth prince was even more certain in his heart that Daiyu must be the same as himself, and he was extremely dissatisfied with this marriage offer in his heart.He couldn't help but clenched his fists under the table, and looked at Daiyu more and more hotly.

Seeing Daiyu standing in the middle of the hall in a daze, the queen didn't kneel down, and couldn't help saying: "Yu'er, please thank the sage for your kindness. For your marriage, the sage has worried a lot." The corner of the queen's mouth couldn't help showing a smile .

Seeing the smile on the queen's mouth and the kindness in her eyes, Daiyu couldn't help but take a deep breath, and knelt down gracefully.As soon as Dai Yu finished speaking: "My daughter, Lin Hui, thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace!" The fourth prince raised his head and swallowed the wine in his glass.

The imperial wine was mellow and fragrant, but it was bitter and hard to swallow in the fourth prince's mouth.The fifth prince even lay down on the table and began to cry.

The sound of the fifth prince attracted the attention of others, and these concubines and concubines who participated in the emperor's eldest grandson Xisan all showed a knowing smile, and even the princes and counties who had not seen it with their own eyes also showed a little understanding .

The queen even smiled and stretched out her hand to the fifth prince, "Here comes the little Empress Wu." Hearing this, the fifth prince raised his head to look in the direction of the queen, pursed his mouth, walked over with his head down, and passed by Daiyu. At the side, he raised his head and glanced at Daiyu, but in the end, his eyes were red, and he passed Daiyu without saying anything, and walked to the Queen's side.

The queen smiled and took the fifth prince's hand, wiped his tears, and said with a smile: "Don't cry, you have offended your father, what should I do if I don't marry you in the future?" He laughed and scolded: "Look at how promising you are!" But he didn't say much accusation after all.

 Everyone may wish to guess, can Daiyu get married smoothly? ? ? (*^__^*) Hee hee...

(End of this chapter)

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