Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 364 Another year

Chapter 364 Another Year

I was in a hurry in the previous chapter... I forgot to write the title, I'm really sorry... Hehe, I will make it up later.In addition, today's Chapter 2 is presented, and there will be Chapter 3 later, Gujing's promise will be fulfilled~O(∩_∩)O~Thank you for your support!Moreover, Gujing discovered that recently there are many pro-O(∩_∩)O who voted for Gujing's recommendation~

On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, news finally came out from the palace that the eldest prince had passed away, and he was named Prince Cheng, according to the prince's ceremony.All civil and military officials ordered their wives to cry for three days.People in the capital guessed one after another, fortunately it was during the New Year's Eve, otherwise the emperor might fall to court for three days.

But it is also because it is during the new year's festival, so this year cannot be passed. Originally, the inside and outside of the capital was plain because of the concubine and concubine Yuan's passing away. After stopping for a day and a half, I will continue to stop...

Now, because of the news that the eldest prince has passed away during the new year, the world is white again, and many people have rumors of ghosts and ghosts, and the rumors are getting stronger and stronger.

The emperor ordered Qin Tianjian to count the days, and personally led the third prince, fourth prince, fifth prince, including the youngest sixth prince, and the eldest grandson of the emperor, escorted by three thousand imperial guards, to the Taimiao to worship the ancestors, and then went to the altar Jitian, after being so busy, it is already the first month.

On the third day of February, a good news came from the northwest, and General Fuyuan asked for an order to return to the court.At the same time, the prince of Southeast Wujun and the Governor of Huguang each sent back news that Qianxiang Kingdom sent envoys to negotiate peace!The emperor was very happy and ordered the Ministry of Rites to clean up the Siyi Pavilion, and ordered King Wujun to accompany the envoy of Qianxiang Kingdom to Beijing.

It seems that all the troubles of years ago have gradually faded away. Although it is still in the period of national filial piety, the capital has a sense of peace from all over the world.But Daiyu became more and more flustered, she didn't even go to King Wujun immediately to congratulate Princess Wujun.After all, Lord Wujun has returned to his fief for many years, and it is a great thing to be able to return to Beijing like this.

The Seventh Prince, Prince Yi and Huang Jiyun, haven't shown up for several months, they didn't even show up to cry for the Eldest Prince or celebrate the New Year. No one knows where they went or what happened.Just like last year's Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, the eldest prince Chengde did not show up, and no one asked about it.Even the two uncles of the Huang family kept silent.

On the fifth day of February, Daiyu went to Huang's mansion to meet Mrs. Huang and her teacher Luo Sujuan. Luo Sujuan came out wearing a sapphire blue brocade, embroidered eight treasures, blessings and cloud sleeves, and a large vanilla-colored sweater newly produced by Rongyun Nishang Pavilion. Met Daiyu.

Daiyu saw that there was a plain silver jadeite hairpin on her head, and a string of beeswax beads hanging on her chest. When she raised her hand, a jade-encrusted Four Seasons Wishing Bracelet was exposed on her white wrist. Daiyu's heart was already settled.Asked about Huang Jiyun's whereabouts: "Master, Yu'er hasn't seen Master for several months, and made a spring shirt for Master, and I don't know if it fits well."

While talking, Daiyu looked at Luo Sujuan's expression. Seeing her cautious look, Luo Sujuan smiled and said, "Your master's temper, don't you know? I heard from the old lady that when I was young, I was better than this." Running, walking for three to five months, even more than half a year, and then going home only once in several years..."

Before Luo Sujuan finished speaking, Daiyu interrupted her. This was the first time Daiyu interrupted Aunt Luo's words, which made Luo Sujuan stunned for a long time before she recovered.

Hearing Aunt Luo's words, Daiyu was so frightened that she grabbed Aunt Luo's hand and said, "Master, Auntie, you know where the master is, or the master has come back. Right?" Daiyu said with her eyes Staring closely at Aunt Luo's eyes, Aunt Luo lowered her eyelids and became silent.

Daiyu couldn't help but raise her heart, she couldn't help but lower her voice, and said cautiously: "It's still, master..." Before she finished speaking, Daiyu herself denied it first, shaking her head and said: "No, Seventh Prince It's gone too, Master must be with the Seventh Prince." When she said this, Daiyu's eyes were already red, and tears were rolling in them.

When Aunt Luo saw Daiyu like this, her heart ached so much that she hurriedly hugged Daiyu in her arms, stroking her slightly trembling back just like when she was a child.

Just when Daiyu was struggling to leave Aunt Luo's arms, Aunt Luo quickly said two words in an inaudible voice: "Jiangnan" and then let go of her voice: "Don't worry, Yu'er, the old lady said Well, your master has such a temper, these few years you are still young, and you have been honest in the capital for a few years because of you, it’s not that you are engaged, and he doesn’t know where he went to visit the mountains and rivers.”

When Daiyu heard the word "Jiangnan", not only did she not feel relaxed, but she felt that her heart was in her throat, and she always felt that she had overlooked or forgotten something, but she didn't mention it now.

Daiyu nodded and said, "Since that's the case, let's go with Yu'er to greet Mrs. Tai, and I want to see Bilian later. I heard that the third wife has arranged for Bilian. I haven't gone to congratulate her yet."

Luo Sujuan lovingly straightened Daiyu's untidy bun, straightened her hairpin, got up and took Daiyu's hand to Mrs. Huang's room.

Mrs. Huang was very happy to see Daiyu coming. She was leaving food and talking and joking. In the end, it was Bilian who heard that Daiyu was here and looked for her. Then she sent Bilian to accompany Daiyu to the flower hall. With tea.But Bilian wanted to lead Daiyu to visit the garden, and the old lady Huang asked: "It's still cold today, what is there to do in the garden? There's no need to suffer from the wind."

Aunt Luo saw Bilian's pouting, and persuaded: "The two girls haven't seen each other for a while, let them play by themselves." She handed Mrs. Huang a cup of tea and said with a smile: "That's right. I just want to find a reason, to talk quietly."

Only then did Mrs. Huang let go, she called Daiyu and Bilian to her side, held one hand and said, "Don't get caught up in the wind, come to my place for dinner later." Daiyu and Bilian spoke to each other. After a glance and a response, they both resigned.

Bilian took Daiyu's arm, and sent the maids to follow from a distance. The two of them walked on the bluestone path in the garden. At this moment, the garden is still bare, unlike previous years where there have been new shoots.

But at this moment, the two were walking side by side, one was wearing a green silk fur collar leather jacket.A light yellow cloak with a Firefox fur edge and embroidered willow leaf patterns.Looking at it from a distance makes people's eyes bright.On the contrary, it makes this garden more spring-like.

Daiyu glanced at Bilian and said with a smile: "I heard that the third wife is engaged to you?" She blinked her eyes, looked back at the maid following behind and asked, "Tell me, which family is it from? Let's also inquire about it."

Bilian glared at Daiyu with blushing cheeks, and said angrily: "When Cheng Engong heard such rumors before, the mansion was busy making an order for me not to go out, and you didn't come to see me. Thanks I was still worried about your discomfort! Now you have the heart to tease me!"

Daiyu smiled disapprovingly, "Rumors are only limited to wise men, and besides, their mouths grow on other people. I can't control it even if I want to, can't I? Why bother yourself."

Bi Lian gave Daiyu a disapproving look and said, "You don't even know that during that time, Fourth Uncle was not in the house, and Fourth Aunt was in a hurry. Even Mother and Aunt were also very angry. I dare not let the old lady know. It doesn't matter to you."

After Bilian finished speaking, she looked up at the octagonal pavilion in front of her, and said, "Let's go over there and have a conversation." Without waiting for Daiyu's response, she waved to the back and said, "Go and tidy up the pavilion. , and prepare some refreshments, I'll talk to Sister Lin for a while." The servant girl didn't make a sound, and after listening silently, she squatted down and retreated, apparently to make arrangements.

After the maid walked away, Bi Lian continued: "At that time, my mother also said, 'Seeing that this marriage is bestowed by the grace of the Holy Spirit, but if you marry, then the third master of Cheng'en's mansion will feel uncomfortable. , remember to hate this matter, I am afraid that you will have a sad life in the future."

Speaking of which, Bi Lian paused and sighed: "You don't even know how worried my mother was with my aunt and four aunts in those days, which made me very nervous."

Daiyu knew that what she said was the truth, she smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "I didn't think about it that much, but I worried my aunt and sister." What he said, and the bottle of Jinchuang medicine, he couldn't help lowering his head slightly, his cheeks blushing.

Actually speaking, Mo Xuan has quite a lot of things in Daiyu's house now, not to mention the various gifts given every year on her birthday, even the small things that Mo Xuan has entrusted her to take care of over the past few years, first is the parrot, then the Mynah, later fostered a high-backed turtle with her, and gave her rabbits, sables, golden pheasants...

Thinking of this, Daiyu couldn't help laughing.Bilian took a look and asked: "What are you laughing at?" After a pause, she saw that the maids were all in the distance, and approached Daiyu's ear and asked, "But did you receive any gifts from the northwest?"

Bi Lian did not forget that it will be Daiyu's 16th birthday in a few days, and she also knows that every year Daiyu will receive gifts from Prince Wu's son, Princess Wanyu, and Princess Wu's nephew - Mo Xuan.Of course, the presents of the prince of Wujun are all sent by the concubine of the prince of Wujun.

Daiyu shot her an angry look and said: "Sister Wanyu brought me a gift, and this year the concubine is following." Daiyu blushed and paused before continuing, "I haven't given it yet."

Seeing this, Bi Lian raised her eyebrows and said: "Sooner or later, I will give it to you. I have been giving it to you for so many years, so why don't you give it away when you see that you are going to get married?" Don't be afraid, you will pack it up and send it back to him sooner or later."

Daiyu must have scratched Bilian's creaking nest resolutely, the two of them had been having a frenzy in the garden for a while, when they saw a young woman in a pink and purple leather jacket, holding a hand stove, and wearing pearls to wipe her forehead, coming over, they stopped. down.

Daiyu saluted and said, "I've seen my sister-in-law." Bi Lian stepped forward and took the young woman's arm and said coquettishly, "Sister-in-law wants to make the decision for me, sister Lin is bullying me!"

The young woman gave Daiyu a little blessing, and said: "I have met the Yulin County Lord." Daiyu stepped aside, not accepting her courtesy, tilted her head and said: "I call you sister-in-law, Treating you as one of my own, but you still want to call me the county lord, it can be seen that you want to push me out."

That young woman is the eldest daughter-in-law of Huang Mengxue and his wife Qiu Shi - Gan Shi.Also from a scholarly family, he looks very gentle, but he is actually a bold and generous person.

Hearing what Daiyu said, Gan smiled and said: "Since sister Yu'er said so, if I don't take advantage of this, I'm afraid I will go to my ancestors to sue me soon, and my mother-in-law will not know about it." , and even annoyed me." When Daiyu heard this, she covered her mouth and smiled, "It's good that my sister-in-law knows, and if I'm careful, I'll file a complaint with my auntie, saying that you despise Yu'er!"

Gan Shi laughed for a while, seeing Bilian's eyeballs rolling around, she didn't know what the hell she was thinking, just reached out and touched Bilian's forehead, pursed her lips and smiled, revealing her dimples, and said: "I'm getting married soon, You don't have a decent job either, and Third Aunt should tell you when she sees you!"

A few people talked and laughed, walked into the Bajiao Pavilion, and after spending some time, they were almost greeted by the nanny in Mrs. Huang's room. After dinner, Daiyu went back to Yongding Hou Mansion under Huang Bingyuan's escort.The uneasiness and anxiety these days have also dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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