Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 366 The grass grows and the warbler flies

Chapter 366 The grass grows and the warbler flies
Thank you Yuanlai is you, Mengwei's monthly ticket support!

Wanyu was able to come back, not only Princess Wujun and Daiyu were happy, not to mention Princess Hanyi, but the three sisters of the Huang family couldn't help but surround her.After another good meeting, everyone sat down.

After lunch, the three Mrs. Huang followed Princess Wujun to Youfangting to listen to the storytelling by the female gentleman.Although it is the period of national mourning, all sacrifices, marriages, rituals and music are stopped.But with friends who have good friends, it is not a big problem for a few people to gather together to listen to books, and no one comes back to investigate.

The female gentleman wears a moon-white brocade shirt and eight Xiang skirts with a moon-white skirt. Her jet-black hair is pulled up in a ponytail, and three wooden hairpins are inserted obliquely.Followed by two little girls, one is holding a pipa, the other is holding a hole flute.The female gentleman herself sat sideways between the two little girls, her eyes were calm and upright, and her voice was melodious and clear.

Princess Wujun and the three Mrs. Huang sat in the pavilion listening to books. Princess Hanyi and the eldest aunt of the Huang family, Yuehua, were also left behind because they were pregnant.

The grass grows and the warbler flies to the February sky, and the willows are drunk with spring smoke when they blow the dike.When the spring is the most beautiful, Daiyu and others set up refreshments and fruits in the Linhu tour. Some people play backgammon, some play with Kong Mingsuo, some people overlook from the pavilion, some chat and laugh, but they are leisurely.Daiyu sat with Wanyu and asked about Huguang in detail.

Although Princess Wujun stayed with the guests for dinner, everyone left one after another.Not to mention that both Hanyi and Yuehua are pregnant, but most of them are already married now, so it’s not good to stay out too late, even the unmarried Bilian is also engaged and waiting to be married, if it wasn’t for Princess Wujun who posted the post , It was not easy to walk around at will.

Although there were only three or two tables, Daiyu had a very happy birthday this year.Of course, a lot of gifts were received, not to mention Huang Jiyun, Princess Hanyi, Princess Wujun who were present today, even the Emperor Empress and Yiqin Princess, etc., all sent congratulatory gifts one after another.

The Xue family even gave Daiyu a pair of red sandalwood and ivory eight hundred arhat screens, which made people admire that they are worthy of being an imperial merchant.If it was usual, Xue Baochai would feel a little uncomfortable in his heart, but now, Xue Baochai accepted it calmly, and said with a smile: "What's the matter? When Yu'er came out of the cabinet, my mother said that she should put on makeup for her." Woolen cloth!"

Daiyu's [-]th birthday ended in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. At the end of February, all the members of the Zhen family were escorted to the capital, and the seventh prince, Prince Yi, returned to Beijing to return to his command.

Daiyu originally thought that the trial of the three courts would be delayed for a year or so, or that the family in Beijing who had a good relationship with the Zhen family would lend a helping hand to some extent, but things were beyond Daiyu's expectations, but In a few days, the head of the Zhen family, Zhen Yingjia, and his two younger brothers were sentenced to death.

The emperor obviously did not intend to let the rest of the Zhen family go. All males above the age of seven were exiled for three thousand miles, and even the female family members of the mansion were also exiled for one thousand miles.The servants are even pretending to be officials and selling.Only the old lady of the Zhen family escaped exile for the sake of taking care of the Supreme Emperor, but all her family assets were seized and confiscated into the national treasury.

The family of Zhong Ming Ding Shi, a century-old family, disappeared like this. Lin Zhong and Lin Yi knew the inside story of Jia Min and Lin Ruhai's death. The loyal servants of the Lin family celebrated every festival, but Daiyu suddenly lost the ease and joy of getting revenge.

On March [-], starting from Fuzhou Port, going along the coastal road to Tianjin Port, abandoning the ship and changing trains, and accompanying the envoys from the Qianxiang Kingdom to Beijing to meet King Wu Jun, arrived in the capital.

The princess of Wu County led Wanyu, Wanqing, Wanrong, Wanyun and Daiyu to welcome them at the Yimen, accompanied by Consort Hou, Concubine Qian, Concubine Zhou and Concubine Shen.Hongshi, the second son of King Wu Jun who stayed in the capital, led the housekeeper, opened the middle door wide, and sent out one after another to investigate.However, after King Wujun returned to Beijing, he went directly to the palace.

When Hong Shi came to report to Princess Wujun, Concubine Hou smiled tentatively: "Sister, let Shi'er go to the palace gate to pick it up? Or continue to wait at home?"

Wan Yu frowned when she saw this, but she heard Princess Wu laugh and said: "In that case, let Director Zhou wait in front of the palace gate, there must always be someone to take care of you in the mansion, we are all female relatives, many things are inconvenient Come forward, Shi'er is the only son of the prince who stays in the capital, so he has to support the front."

Although Concubine Hou was very dissatisfied, Hong Shi was satisfied.When stepping back, he raised his eyes and saw Daiyu, who was standing beside Princess Wujun, involuntarily slowing down.

The skin is still as white as fat, the black jade-like cloud bun, the gown with light yellow and fresh green, large magnolia flowers with folded branches, and the blue smoke skirt embroidered with emerald green willow leaf patterns.The magnolia flower hairpin is inserted obliquely in the cloud bun, overlapping the jade hands in front of her, revealing the watery jade bracelet.

Hongshi's eyes couldn't help but burst out with splendor, thinking that the Holy Majesty would marry the person in front of him to Mo Xuan who he had never liked before, Hongshi's eyes could not help but flash, with a cold smile , turned around and left.The rumors that spread years ago were not suppressed, and everyone forgot about it. Thinking of Cheng Enbo... Hong Shi even pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth.

Daiyu wondered in her heart whether or not she should bring up the matter of the Navy and Zhang Zheng and his son after Prince Wu returned to the mansion. If she didn't mention it, how would King Wu respond?

When Huang Jiyun came back and asked her to stay away from the government, Daiyu agreed, but now that she thinks about it, what if someone asks her?What is beneficial to the people, should we talk about it, or not talk about it?If the king of Wujun asks, what should he do?
Daiyu was thinking about her own concerns, so naturally she didn't notice the strange look in her eyes at the time, but standing beside Daiyu, Wanyu who was already married to someone else could see it clearly.Looking at Hong Shiyuan's back, Wan Yu couldn't help frowning, and seeing that Daiyu was standing straight, but her eyes were dull, she knew she must be distracted, and she couldn't help being a little funny.

Gently touching Daiyu's arm, Wanyu lowered her voice and asked, "What is Yu'er thinking?" Staring blankly at the front, it is obvious that she has already wandered into the sky, Wan Yu couldn't help showing a helpless but doting smile.

Daiyu didn't hear it, but Wanrong, who was standing behind Daiyu, heard it clearly, her eyes flickered slightly, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

At the beginning of the Wei Dynasty, the king of Wujun still did not come back. Later, he came to report again: "The Holy Majesty stayed in the father's palace for dinner, and said that he would not come back for a while." After hearing this, Princess Wujun let out a long sigh of relief, nodded and said: " Now that it's all gone, I'll be here to greet the lord at three o'clock in the afternoon." After speaking, he took Wanyu with one hand and Daiyu with the other, and went to the main courtyard.

Standing behind Concubine Hou, Hong Shi glanced at Daiyu's back from afar, and there was indeed a chill emanating from her body.

Wanrong glanced at Hongshi with a smile, followed Hongshi's gaze, looked in the direction where Princess Wujun was leaving, and followed Concubine Zhou Shu with her lips pursed.Naturally, Wanqing and Wanyun will not stay.It is even more impossible for Concubine Qian and Concubine Shen to stand here with Concubine Hou.

When Hong Shi accompanied Concubine Hou back to Ningzhuang Garden, he frowned and asked dissatisfiedly: "Didn't Concubine Mother say that the girl was favored by the Holy Majesty, and she was kept in our mansion under the pretense, is she the Majesty's forbidden child? Was married to that bastard?"

Concubine Hou's tone was also very bad and she said with a straight face: "You ask me, who should I ask? People are willing, so are you willing? Remember, you are the son of Prince Wu, you don't need to go If you fight for that official position, I will ask the prince to find you an errand later."

Hong Shi frowned when he heard this, and said hesitantly: "The concubine mother thinks...but why does my son look like nothing?"

Concubine Hou snorted coldly and said: "Who knows... what kind of idea is she making? If it's really nothing, look at how many noble girls in the clan have not been formally conferred. She is the daughter of an extinct Marquis. How can she get it?" His majesty's edict?"

(End of this chapter)

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