Chapter 369
I'm sorry, it was too late today. When I was preparing to publish the manuscript, I found that some parts were off the outline, so I deleted and rewritten... Don't worry, there are still three chapters today!In addition, thanks to the monthly ticket support of the crazy dandelion of QQ reading!


Wan Yu looked at the boy in disbelief, and asked, "What did you just say?" Don't say that Wan Yu found it unbelievable, even Cai Rong found it ridiculous.

But the boy, although a little scared, still repeated: "I heard that it was originally said by Cheng Enbo..." Then the boy went to Yongding Hou's house to mourn Cheng Engong that day, but was told by Cheng Enbo. Enbo taught Wanyu the humiliation of blocking the door, and finally affirmed: "It was at that time that Cheng Enbo said that the Lord of Yulin County was the lone star of the evil spirit."

Wan Yu supported her chest with one hand, and supported the Kang table with the other, only feeling that her eyes were turning black.Seeing that her lips were tightly pressed, Cai Rong couldn't help reaching out to support her and said, "We haven't had time to pay our respects to our cousin when we go to Beijing this time, so it stands to reason that we should all pay respects to our uncle."

When Wan Yu heard what Cai Rong said, she just nodded her head, as if she agreed with his opinion, but now she was too angry to speak.

Seeing this, Cai Rong helped Wan Yu to sit down, and ordered: "Go and pour a cup of tea." The young man looked up at Cai Rong, seeing that Cai Rong was bowing his head to Wan Yu's back, he didn't dare to look any further, Quickly bowed his head and stepped back gently.

After a while the servant knocked on the door and came in with a big red painted tea tray. Cai Rong took it with his own hands and poured Wanyu a cup of tea.

Cai Rong saw that Wanyu really felt much better after drinking hot tea, he was relieved and asked, "Grandma thinks when is the right time for us to pay homage to uncle?" Wanyu took a deep breath before returning: "Go tomorrow morning , Mo An has to give me and Yu'er an explanation for this matter!"

As Wan Yu spoke, she placed the teacup heavily on the kang table, and said, "I'll go and get ready." After speaking, she stood up abruptly.Unexpectedly, as soon as she stood up, Wan Yu felt that the sky was dark, her eyes went dark, and then she didn't know anything...

Seeing Wanyu get up, Cai Rong swayed a few times, and then got up, but Wanyu just fell backwards like that, but fortunately Cai Rong had already stood up, took Wanyu into his arms with one step, Cai Rong was already in a cold sweat from fright.

Seeing Wanyu lying in his arms with her eyes closed, Cai Rong ordered the servants to find a doctor, and at the same time picked up Wanyu horizontally, and gently placed her on the kang.Fortunately, Wanyu woke up not long after, and when the imperial physician arrived, Wanyu already felt that there was nothing serious about it. It was Princess Wujun who rushed over after getting the news and insisted that the imperial physician take Wanyu's pulse.

Not to mention Princess Wujun, even Cai Rong and Wanyu didn't expect that after the imperial doctor took the pulse, he stood up and cupped his hands to Cai Rong, saying, "Princess Wen Wan just has a knot in her chest, it's not a serious problem, just prescribe a prescription to soothe the nerves and nourish the spirit." .”

After Cai Rong heard this, he nodded and cupped his hands and said, "I'm here to thank Imperial Physician Zhong." After saying that, as a gesture of invitation, Imperial Physician Zhong followed Cai Rong out to prescribe the prescription.

Seeing that Cai Rong and Imperial Physician Zhong had gone out, Princess Wujun behind the screen also came out, frowning and asked, "Is Yu'er angry with my aunt?"

Wan Yu shook her head and sighed, "No, I just discussed going to pay homage to my uncle tomorrow." Wan Yu didn't want to bring up the matter of asking Mo An for an explanation at this time, and Princess Wu Jun didn't suspect him, so she nodded and said : "Since that's the case, I'll send you back to rest first, and then go when you feel better."

Wanyu originally wanted to go back to the inner courtyard to make arrangements, and Princess Wujun wanted to send her back in person, and Wanyu didn't object.He only waited for Cai Rong to come back, and confessed: "Master, don't forget, we will go to pay homage to uncle tomorrow morning, and I will go back to make preparations."

Hearing what Wanyu said, Cai Rong changed his face and said, "You are not in good health now, how can you be tired." After speaking, Cai Rong changed the subject: "Why don't we go again when uncle's anniversary? Or It's the same if I go by myself tomorrow, and my cousin can understand if I want to come."

Wan Yu suddenly became angry, shook off the hand of the little maid who was supporting her, walked up to Cai Rong, frowned and asked with wide eyes, "Master, did you interrupt and let me just forget about it?"

Cai Rong sighed and said, "You shouldn't have done this..." Before Cai Rong finished speaking, Wan Yu coldly interrupted: "My lord took the Baiguo brew that my sister made by herself, and when I went to meet my teacher and friends , did not say that the wine should not be drunk!"

Princess Wujun heard something from the side, and asked: "What are you doing?" Wan Yu forced a smile and said: "It's nothing, I just said that I have been back for two days, and I haven't paid homage to my uncle yet. Let's go and pay homage."

How can Princess Wujun be so easy to fool?Seeing Cai Rong bowed his head with a displeased face, Wan Yu looked unwilling to speak again, she couldn't help frowning and asked: "You should go to worship uncle, but why did I hear Yu'er mentioning it?" Arriving at Yu'er? Does Yu'er want to go with you?"

Cai Rong hurriedly shook his head and said: "No, the Princess just told me to go tomorrow, and I agreed, but now that the Princess is disabled, how can I go there again. It's better to go in a few days, even if I think about it, my uncle won't." Strange."

After hearing this, Princess Wu Jun nodded to Cai Rong and said with a smile: "My lord is right, that's the truth." After speaking, she looked at Wan Yu and said, "Yu'er can't be willful at this time, go back and rest, raise your child. It’s when you’re healthy.” Wan Yu glared at Cai Rong, then turned her head and asked, “Could it be that the concubine mother meant to forget about it?”

Princess Wujun didn't know that it was one thing for Wanyu to go to worship Cheng Engong, but more importantly, she went to ask Chengen Bo Mo'an for an explanation!Then he smiled and said: "I know you are filial, but now that you are physically disabled, naturally you can't go to worship. Your uncle has always loved you, so it's understandable. I think it's better to let my uncle go for a visit tomorrow."

Wan Yu shook her head and said, "I have to give Yu'er an explanation for this matter, we can't just let it go."

Princess Wujun heard that her voice was wrong, she frowned and asked, "What's going on? Why is Yu'er involved again?"

Cai Rong looked at Wan Yu, who pursed her lips and said nothing, with a stubborn face, shook her head and smiled wryly, and told Princess Wujun about the young man's inquiry in detail.

Princess Wujun knew about this, so when she went to pay homage to Duke Cheng that day, she specially took Daiyu with her.And because he was his own nephew, he didn't say much, but he led Daiyu there, which naturally showed his attitude.

Princess Wujun thought that even if this incident is over, it can be regarded as a major event and a trivial matter, but she didn't expect Daiyu to mention it to Wan Yu, she was displeased, and looked at Wan Yu and asked: "Yulin complained to you ?”

Wanyu knew that Princess Wujun had misunderstood her, so she quickly shook her head and said, "It would be fine if my younger sister told me, but Yu'er didn't say anything. After suffering such a big grievance, she only felt sad for herself. How can I be so embarrassing as a sister?" ? Let people know, it’s just that our Wujun Palace is protecting our relatives and not caring about the adopted daughter.”

Princess Wujun froze for a moment, frowned and thought about it: "Don't talk about Yu'er, since you have to ask Yulin for an explanation, then I will invite my uncle to come tomorrow, and I will offer incense to your uncle, and then I will invite you again." Your cousin is coming to the house, let's talk about it, that's all. They are all relatives, there is no need to make a difference."

Princess Wu Jun said again: "Yu'er, hurry up and go back to rest." After finishing speaking, she turned around and left the house, accompanied by her maid and daughter-in-law, and went to the inner courtyard, without mentioning sending Wanyu back. angry.

Seeing this, Wan Yu's eyes turned red with aggrievedness, she bit her lip and asked, "I was wrong? Do you think I'm wrong?"

Cai Rong shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not that you are wrong, it's that you made things difficult for the mother and concubine. On one side is your nephew and the face of your natal family, and on the other is you and your sister. What can you do to the concubine mother?"

After hearing this, Wan Yu's expression became a little sad, and she thought for a while and said: "Since the master said so, then tomorrow you go to burn incense for uncle and don't say anything else, just ask my cousin to come over and say that I have something to do with you." He can discuss it." After speaking, Wan Yu thought for a while and said: "If he asks about something, I will just say that I don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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