Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 373 Why Forgive?

Chapter 373 Why Forgive?
O(∩_∩)O~ Furui worked very hard, and finally finished coding on time today!Praise~O(∩_∩)Ohaha~ It was originally agreed that only the seven-day National Day holiday will be added, but I couldn’t add the update on the first day, so I will make up one day today.In addition, special thanks to yzakrr for the support of the monthly ticket~!


The smile on Daiyu's face seemed to have stimulated the new Cheng Enbo. At this time, Cheng Enbo's face was flushed, and he could no longer maintain the posture of bowing and saluting. He immediately stood up and looked down at Daiyu, with eyes like If it can be turned into a knife, I am afraid that Daiyu has already been cut into pieces by thousands of knives at this time.

After he stood still, Daiyu slowly said: "Grand Yu, you are Cheng Enbo, who was personally appointed by the sage, and I am only a county lord, so I can't be your word 'under'. You are my fiancé, Mo Xuan's elder brother, who is my future uncle, I can't bear the word 'under' from you."

Speaking of this, Daiyu paused, and didn't look at Mo An's dark face, didn't look at Cai Rong's appearance of wanting to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and didn't look at Princess Wu's raised eyebrows. Interested eyes.

Daiyu said with a cold smile: "Besides, since you hurt me, why should I forgive you?" Seeing that Mo An was about to speak, Daiyu quickly finished speaking: "What does it matter if I don't forgive you?" ?" Daiyu stopped talking after finishing speaking, and looked at Chengen Bomo'an coldly.

Seeing that Mo An was deflated, Mrs. Cheng Enbo stood up and smoothed things over: "Just now you said it yourself, Uncle Yu Si is your uncle. Why do you hold on to it?"

Daiyu glanced at her and said with a smile: "Mrs. Cheng Enbo's words are quite funny." After speaking, she took a sip of the tea, and without looking at her face, she continued: "First of all, Mo Xuan and I are not yet married. !Secondly, I am not only a girl from the Marquis of Yongding, but also the county lord of the Prince Wu's Mansion personally appointed by the Holy Majesty."

Speaking of this, Daiyu smiled coldly and said: "I am not only representing myself, but also two families. Why should I forgive? I can forgive. Are the families behind me shameless?" When Daiyu said this, she smiled and said, "Forgive me? Can I say sorry for killing someone?!"

Daiyu's voice was high and sharp.But both King Wujun and Princess Wujun were stunned for a while, and did not show any signs of anger, and even Princess Wujun's face showed a hint of contemplation.

Daiyu didn't want to let go of this opportunity, anyway, it's already like this, it can't be worse than this, and then said: "I don't care about these rumors, plus my parents died early, no one is worried about it Uncomfortable! But what if my parents were here? Wouldn’t they be pissed to death? If there are some girls who care, wouldn’t they have to die to apologize?”

Speaking of this, Daiyu asked softly, "Is Cheng Enbo planning to go to the tombstone to apologize?"

Daiyu's words made Wanyu's face turn pale, even Princess Wu could not sit still, yes, she never thought about it, what if Daiyu committed suicide because of this? Princess Wu Jun thought about what King Wu Jun said to her last night, and she couldn't help but shed a layer of cold sweat on her vest, and she looked at Mo An harshly for the first time.

Mo An naturally felt the coldness in the eyes of his aunt Princess Wujun, and while secretly annoyed, he replayed Daiyu's words in his mind, and suddenly realized that if it was true, it might be a big deal. Mo An was conceited, but He is not an idiot!
Huang Jiyun's high position and weight, his influence on the court, and the importance he attached to Daiyu; the emperor's generosity and love for Daiyu are all obvious to all.

Thinking of this, Mo An moved his lips and wanted to explain a few words.But Daiyu said with a smile at this moment: "Perhaps... Cheng Enbo can enter the palace and ask the empress for a posthumous title for me at that time! Isn't it?" Daiyu's smile looks very bright, but the words But it is very cold.

Cai Rong, who was sitting opposite Daiyu and Wanyu, didn't find it funny anymore, and even looked at Daiyu with a bit of solemnity.Daiyu, on the other hand, calmly tilted her head and looked at the man in front of her who looked a lot like Mo Xuan.

Sensing Daiyu's gaze, Mo An subconsciously took two steps back, and then remembered to defend himself without waiting for him to speak. Mrs. Cheng Enbo standing behind him raised her eyebrows and sneered: "Feng you A county magistrate, also for the sake of my aunt, you still want to chase after him? Just dream!"

As soon as this remark came out, not to mention Wanyu's face was ugly, even Princess Wujun couldn't bear it, she didn't care to refute her family's face in front of her daughter, son-in-law and King Wujun, and scolded: "If you can't speak, tell me!" Shut up!"

Cheng Enbo and Mrs. Cheng Enbo didn't feel that what they said was wrong, but Princess Wu's furious appearance still frightened them. Mrs. Cheng Enbo hurriedly stood behind, thinking she was hiding, and pulled Cheng Ember's sleeve.

Cheng Enbo thought more than Mrs. Cheng Enbo, and then looked at Daiyu and found that in the anger of Princess Wujun, she was still so calm, fiddled with the lid of the teacup, and said nothing else , just this skill of nourishing qi is very good.

Mrs. Cheng Enbo saw that Princess Wujun was still staring at her, she felt a little flustered, she pulled Cheng Enbo's sleeve, but Cheng Enbo ignored her, and could not help whispering: "Uncle, you should say something." Unexpectedly, Cheng Enbo shook her arm and shook off her hand, Mrs. Cheng Enbo couldn't help but shut up, feeling a little flustered in her heart.

Cheng Enbo stared at Daiyu for a long time, finally took a breath and took half a step forward, bowed and saluted: "I was the one who caused trouble to Yulin county magistrate with my speechless words before, please forgive me, if there is any order , Mo Anwan dare not resign!"

Daiyu raised her eyes and saw that Mo An's expression was sincere this time, and her words were even more sincere, she nodded and said: "I didn't worry about it, but this matter has brought a lot of harm to my family. If it's a mistake, then you can help me find the person who has the heart, and we can settle the matter." After Daiyu finished speaking, she paused, and then asked, "I don't know what Cheng Enbo wants?"

Not to mention Cheng Enbo Mo'an, even Wujun Wang and his wife and Wanyu and his wife didn't expect that Daiyu would lift her up high and put her down gently.

Princess Wujun heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that Daiyu had given her face after all, so she smiled and said: "It should be so, in my opinion, An'er will bring a twelve-color gift box over tomorrow to make amends to Yu'er. Finding out the person who spread the rumors is what An'er should do, it's not an apology."

Mrs. Cheng Enbo's face was very ugly when she heard this, but Cheng Enbo Mo'an smiled and said: "Just do as my aunt said, tomorrow I will definitely bring a twelve-color gift box, and I will formally miss Yulin county magistrate Apologize, and ask aunt to set a table for me."

After finishing speaking, Mo An bowed deeply to Princess Wujun, who naturally responded with a smile.Unexpectedly, after Mo An got up, he frowned again and looked at Daiyu, looking hesitant to speak.

Princess Wu Jun frowned and scolded: "Even if Yu'er is my adopted daughter, there is no reason for you to stare at me like this!"

Princess Wujun's words made Cheng Enbo blushed immediately and lowered his head, not daring to look at Daiyu again, but Mrs. Cheng Enbo immediately looked at Daiyu, her eyes were nailed on Daiyu's body like knives.

Cai Rong felt that something was wrong, and said softly, "Brother, what is the embarrassment?" Mo An glanced at Cai Rong gratefully, nodded and said, "It is because I don't know how to talk about it that I lost my mind for a while." Said After a salute, he said, "Mayor Yulin County please forgive me."

Daiyu got up and turned slightly to one side, received half of the salute from him, then squatted down and said: "Cheng En Bo is very polite." The voice was soft and soft, and it was completely different from before, but Mo An and Cai Rong had to do it again. Give her a high look.

King Wu Jun nodded lightly and said: "Mo An, tell me, what is the embarrassment?"

Mo An hurriedly withdrew his thoughts, and replied respectfully: "At the beginning, I was annoyed because I had just quarreled with Brother Xuan in the mourning hall, and I heard that it was a person from Yongding Hou's mansion who was bestowed by the Holy One, so I just spoke I made bad words. I didn’t want to hear the rumors later, and I was very disturbed, and I wanted to apologize but I couldn’t save my face.”

Mo An saluted Daiyu again, but Daiyu accepted it calmly, and then Mo An continued: "So I also thought about making amends and finding out the person who spread the rumors, but Mo Xuan moved faster, not many Days later, the rumors were suppressed. And the previous investigation results..." When Mo An said this, he looked at King Wu hesitantly.

King Wu Jun immediately narrowed his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "There are no outsiders here, but it's okay!" The county king and his wife, Cheng Enbo and his wife, Wanyu and his wife, and Daiyu.

Mo An looked at the people in the hall, nodded, lowered his voice, and bowed to the king of Wu County, "I don't know if Mo Xuan found anything, but my nephew, my nephew finally found out who was the guard next to the fourth prince." On my cousin..."

Now, not to mention Wujun Wang and his wife and Wanyu and his wife, even Daiyu couldn't help but change his face, and asked with wide eyes in disbelief: "Is this true?!"

(End of this chapter)

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