Chapter 394
This is the last chapter, and Gu Jing will try his best, but if the fever does not subside, Gu Jing may not be able to maintain the continuous updating of the whole book... Please forgive me.Thank you for your continuous support, encouragement, and love for Gujing and Gujing's Daiyu!

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, Daiyu's life has become more and more leisurely. The Lin family is now performing their own duties, and there is no need for Daiyu to bother. Daiyu also believes that she is more suitable for doing familiar things she likes because she has a specialization in art. Son.

The results of Qiuwei in September were sent to Daiyu. This time, 27 students from the Lin Family Academy ended up, 19 of whom won the title of scholar.

Seeing the result, Daiyu was also very excited, but in the end she calmed down, smiled and rewarded the members of the Lin clan who came to report the letter, and asked him to bring back the money for Mr. Feng.Then he sent Lin Ping to the city to find Huang Jiyun.

The autumn wind was already a bit chilly, Huang Jiyun was wrapped in a squirrel cloud brocade over his official robe, and came to Daiyu Zhuangzi before the city gate was closed.

Daiyu saw that Huang Jiyun was still wearing an official robe under his lame clothes, so she knew that Huang Jiyun had come out of the palace, so she came directly, and was very moved. She ordered people to cook food, and warmed the wine with her own hands. Huang Jiyun looked at Daiyu Looking busy, he thought very comfortably: If there is a woman like this, what more can a husband ask for?
Daiyu saw Huang Jiyun staring at her with the corners of her mouth curled up, she couldn't help asking, "Master, why are you laughing?"

Huang Jiyun raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "It's a pity that my teacher doesn't have a son, otherwise it would be better to marry Yu'er back home!"

When Daiyu heard it, she knew that Huang Jiyun was teasing her, so she pouted and stomped her feet in disbelief, "Master makes fun of Yu'er again, but Yu'er will just...just..." Daiyu didn't think about it for a while. , Huang Jiyun smiled proudly: "Tell me, what does Yu'er plan to take as a teacher?"

The master and the apprentice chatted and laughed for a while, and there was a sense of family affection in their hearts. It was not until Daiyu served Huang Jiyun for dinner, and the two moved to the study, that Daiyu showed Huang Jiyun the letter written by the patriarch of the Lin clan. .Huang Jiyun was also taken aback seeing Lin Family Academy's achievements, and looked at Daiyu in disbelief.

You know, Lin Family Academy has only been around for a few years since its establishment, and because of Daiyu, the teaching in the past two years has been "reformed" even more. Originally, Huang Jiyun was not optimistic about such "reforms". Unexpectedly, the effect was unexpectedly good.Looking at the letter, Huang Jiyun couldn't help frowning deeply.

Seeing this, Daiyu didn't bother, and sat quietly by the side making fruit tea for Huang Jiyun, while Huang Jiyun frowned and looked at Daiyu who lowered her head and concentrated on making tea.

After a long while, Huang Jiyun asked with vacant eyes: "Yu'er, please come here and show me this letter, but what do you think?"

In Huang Jiyun's mind, Daiyu must feel that her method has been proven to be successful now, and she wants to build an academy on a large scale.Huang Jiyun absolutely disagrees with this!

Daiyu looked up at Huang Jiyun, as if she had guessed what Huang Jiyun was thinking, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just think that the Holy Majesty knows about such a thing, instead of being bored, it's better for the master to write a note for the Holy Majesty , How to do it specifically, but the Holy Majesty has made a decision, and Yu'er has done her best. I don't know what the master thinks?"

Hearing what Daiyu said, Huang Jiyun heaved a sigh of relief, but at the same time his eyes lit up, he nodded and said with a smile: "Yu'er is very thoughtful!" After speaking, he burst out laughing.

Daiyu also didn't participate in the content of the booklet, and only briefly shared some of her thoughts with Huang Jiyun, and then stopped mentioning the matter, turned around and took out a piece of material and handed it to Huang Jiyun, looking at Huang Jiyun carefully with bright eyes. "What do you think of this material, master?"

The material is off-white, not as smooth as silk, nor as soft as cotton. In fact, it is a small piece of undyed fabric that is called denim in later generations.Huang Jiyun frowned, looked at Daiyu puzzled and asked, "What is Yu'er planning to do?"

Daiyu smiled mysteriously and said, "This material, Yu'er sees, is dense and thick. It is much softer and more comfortable than linen, and it is also stronger and more durable than silk satin. It is also very easy to color. The master does not feel that it is laborious, or... hunting At what time, is it suitable to use material to make clothes and trousers?" Daiyu said, her eyes sparkling slightly.

Hearing what Daiyu said, Huang Jiyun carefully looked at the small piece of material in his hand again and again.Finally, he pursed his lips and thought for a while, "This material is woven with cotton thread, isn't it?"

Daiyu understood what Huang Jiyun wanted to say as soon as she heard it, she pursed her lips like Huang Jiyun and said, "Master, does one piece of clothing cost more cotton? Or do three pieces of clothing cost more?"

Huang Jiyun raised his head to look at Daiyu, finally said with a smile: "If Yu'er has any ideas, feel free to say so."

Daiyu cleared her throat, looked at Huang Jiyun very seriously, and said, "Yu'er thought, if military uniforms are made of this kind of material, which is durable and warm, it will be popularized and it will be very popular for farmers to work in the fields." OK."

Looking at Daiyu like this, Huang Jiyun smiled wryly and said: "Yu'er, do you know that most of the clothes made by farmers today are cloth woven by themselves? Why spend money to buy clothes made of such materials? Although the world is said to be peaceful now, how many farmers have that kind of cloth?" Spare money to buy materials? Or materials for working like this?"

Daiyu laughed at this time and said: "Yu'er wants to invite the adults from the Ministry of Industry to help improve the loom. If it can be mass-produced, then we can hire those peasant women who have nothing to do at home. The clothing material is produced, and the peasant women have added income to the family, and they have been in contact with it for a long time and naturally understand the benefits of this material."

Speaking of this, Daiyu paused for a moment before continuing: "With money, naturally they are willing to buy some things, and peasant women are busy weaving, so naturally they don't have so much time to mend clothes and pants, so it's just a matter of time." There is a market for sales."

Huang Jiyun looked at Daiyu with a half-smile, and asked after a while, "Has Yu'er ever gotten to know any peasant women?"

Daiyu frowned, and said softly: "Yu'er actually just wants those big landlords to shift their attention from the land to industrial production, so as to increase taxes and reduce land enclosure..." After speaking, Daiyu lowered her head in a bit of disappointment, and realized that maybe she thought things were too simple.

Seeing that Daiyu was very disappointed, Huang Jiyun frowned and thought about it: "If Yu'er thinks that this material can be made into soldiers' clothes, she might as well make some first, and then contact the household department. If it can be popularized in the army, Yu'er's idea is not impossible. But Yu'er is the magistrate of the county, so it is not appropriate to come forward directly."

Hearing what Huang Jiyun said, Daiyu laughed as if she had hope again: "Since that's the case, Yu'er will make some riding clothes first, and show them to the generals first. If it's good, there will naturally be merchants thinking about it." production, let’s talk about the rest later?”

Huang Jiyun took a sip of the fruit tea that Daiyu handed him, and frowned. He really didn't like the taste, but who asked his precious apprentice to make a special trip to cook it for his own health?Huang Jiyun smiled and said: "If you are not in a hurry, you can achieve great things. Although I don't expect Yu'er to achieve great things as a teacher, I also hope that Yu'er can make steady progress step by step."

Daiyu smiled and stood behind Huang Jiyun, pinching his shoulders for him, and said with a smile: "Then Yu'er will make the clothes when the time comes, and the master can send Yu'er to the generals in the army and the Ministry of Industry." Will the grown-ups take a look?"

After hearing this, Huang Jiyun turned around, pointed at Daiyu and said with a smile: "You ghostly girl! I called you as a teacher today, and I'm hot wine and tea, and now I'm still pinching my shoulders, I'm afraid it's because of this sentence Right?" Daiyu pursed her lips and smiled, not denying that although her master Huang Jiyun didn't promise, she knew that her goal had been achieved, and her master would not ignore it.

(End of this chapter)

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