Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 401 Brother and Sister

Chapter 401 Brother and Sister
I would like to thank Chen Yu for his monthly ticket support!Thank you for your love for Gujing and Daiyu of the Gujing family!


After the verdict came out, Mrs. Jia was very ill, but she never cried again, and she didn't ask anyone to trust her relationship.

Daiyu stayed in Jia's mansion to serve the sick, and finally lived in the old lady Jia's bisha cabinet. Fortunately, Jia Baoyu had already been exiled to the southwest at this time.The second uncle, Jia Zheng, and the second aunt, Mrs. Wang, were exiled to the Northeast.

Old lady Jia had been ill until years ago before she got better, but even Daiyu and Wang Xifeng waited on her in undressed clothes these days, but she couldn't get old lady Jia a good look.Mrs. Jia either sleeps, chant scriptures in the Buddhist hall, or sits on the kang with a stern face all day long.

Daiyu didn't care, and when Mrs. Jia got better, she said goodbye and went back to the village outside the city.Seeing Daiyu's return, everyone in Lin's residence was overjoyed, busily preparing new year's goods, giving out new year's gifts, and preparing for the new year.

Just when Daiyu's village was in full swing and preparing for the New Year, Jia Lian smiled mysteriously when giving Daiyu a New Year's gift: "This year's New Year's gift is fine, but next year my sister will prepare a big one for your sister-in-law." Only then, otherwise, as an older brother, I will lose face."

Daiyu was taken aback for a moment. Over the years, she had given the couple quite a lot of annual presents, so why did she suddenly mention this matter this year?

Daiyu's thoughts turned sharply, she pulled Jia Lian's sleeve and asked, "Second Uncle and the others really emptied the mansion?" After she finished speaking, she looked around, and waved her hand to get Nanny Tang and the others to retreat. Then he lowered his voice and said, "Sister-in-law put my things here, did brother know?" Jia Lian didn't expect Daiyu to ask such a question, so she couldn't help being taken aback.

Seeing that Jia Lian was stunned, Daiyu cried out in her heart: What a tragedy!But Jia Lian smiled and said, "Your sister-in-law has been of the same mind with me all these years. How can you hide anything from me?" I have always remembered what I said back then!"

Daiyu was puzzled for a while, and frowned. Seeing this, Jia Lian realized that he hadn't made it clear, so he followed Daiyu's example and said in a low voice, "Your sister-in-law will give you another nephew and niece next year." Son, shouldn't my younger sister back up a big gift?"

When Daiyu heard this, her eyes lit up immediately, and she asked a little excitedly, "Brother, don't lie to me! Are you serious? Did you ask the imperial physician to make a diagnosis?"

Seeing Jia Lian nodding with a smile, Daiyu was even more delighted, and hurriedly called Lin De's family to come in and ordered: "Go to the warehouse to see, ginseng and bird's nests and so on, pack them up and send them to sister-in-law!" Jia Lian was also taken aback, she didn't expect Daiyu to be so excited, and she was moved but persuaded: "I have them at home, you just keep them for yourself."

But Daiyu took a deep breath, shook her head and said, "I don't know, brother, my sister-in-law hurt her body badly last time, and now it's better to make up for it, and don't be tired." Then she patted her chest and laughed: " Fortunately, the second aunt is back now." Having said this, he paused, without concealing his dislike for Jia Zheng's room, and continued: "The second aunt has also moved out."

Daiyu didn't say Mrs. Wang was exiled, but just moved out, which made Jia Lian stunned, and said with a restrained expression, "Your sister really intends to take care of their affairs?"

Daiyu smiled and said, "What is my identity? I'm just a courtier and an orphan. How can I interfere with such a big event? I don't have to get myself involved, let alone ruin the century-old reputation of the Lin family." After finishing speaking, Daiyu sighed. He said in a tone: "There are still some ways to come to Uncle in the Northeast, after all, Dengzhou is not far from there."

Daiyu saw Jia Lian's eyes flicker when she said this, so she smiled and said, "Brother, don't hide it from me, don't I know the principle of breaking bones and connecting tendons? I think my uncle has already made arrangements. The southwestern side I actually wrote a letter to sister Wanyu, and she also said that she entrusted her brother-in-law to find someone to take care of her."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Jia Lian nodded and said with a smile, "Since that's the case, I won't say much else, as long as my sister knows it well."

After finishing speaking, Jia Lian changed the subject: "Now that the Supreme Emperor's Longevity Day is approaching, it's fine in previous years, but now it's sixty years old. I'm afraid it will be a big deal, and many things have to be prepared."

Daiyu nodded and said: "Don't worry, brother, I know these things well, but brother, don't bother with sister-in-law recently, if not, I will go and take care of sister-in-law, brother can study at ease." After speaking, Daiyu paused, Pursing his lips for a while, Fang lowered his voice and said, "It was originally said that the department would open in the next year, but I reckon there might be Enke on Wanshou Festival."

When Jia Lian heard this, his eyes lit up and he asked, "Master didn't say that either. Where did my sister get the news?" Seeing Daiyu's smile, Jia Lian asked even more excitedly, "But Mr. Huang said it?"

Daiyu shook her head and said: "That's not true. Master has been very busy recently. It is reasonable to say that the pen is closed at the end of the year. There should be nothing to be busy with. However, the Holy Majesty often summons the master to the palace, and the master rarely comes. I'm here."

After finishing speaking, Daiyu paused, took a deep look at Jia Lian, and said, "I sent a New Year's gift to Sister Hanyi a while ago, and Sister Hanyi seemed to say something unintentionally. Brother, don't make it public, the Holy One didn't say anything." , it’s not sure, but it’s always right to prepare yourself.”

Jia Lian nodded and said: "Since my sister said so, I also understand. You don't have to worry about anything else, just live your new year with peace of mind. I think my sister will be busy in the coming year, but no matter how busy you are, you will still be able to smoke two times a year." Go home every day, and everyone in the family misses you."

Daiyu nodded, and Lin De's family came to report: "Girl, there are not many ginsengs. I only found two 50-year-old ginsengs and one [-]-year-old ginseng. In addition, there are half a catty of blood bird's nests, and more golden bird's nests." A little over two catties. I wrapped it all up for Grandma Lian."

After hearing this, Daiyu nodded and said, "I don't need it either, I'll take it all for my sister-in-law." After she finished speaking, Daiyu smiled slyly at Jia Lian and said, "If it's not enough, I'll go to sister Hanyi's house to play the autumn breeze."

Daiyu's words amused the Linde family, but Jia Lian looked at Daiyu and sighed: "All these years, my elder brother not only failed to take care of you, but made my younger sister bother you everywhere. ’” Jia Lian sighed and smiled wryly, “I don’t know if my uncle blamed me…”

Speaking of Lin Ruhai, even after so many years, Jia Lian was still very sad.Seeing that Jia Lian was in a bad mood, Daiyu gave Jia Lian an annoyed look and said, "Could it be that my brother has to have something happen to me to be happy?"

Jia Lian was taken aback, and blurted out: "What nonsense!" Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said, "Yes, I've been doing well, and these years can be regarded as smooth sailing, so why do I need my brother to do anything? Besides, our family, how can we still talk about it?" Does it have to be so clear?" Jia Lian breathed a sigh of relief when she heard what Daiyu said, and nodded with a smile.

At this moment, when Jia Lian was about to say something to Daiyu, Zhixuan's laughter came from afar: "Girl! Girl! The New Year gift from the Northwest is here!"

Daiyu blushed immediately when she heard this, and secretly looked at Jia Lian, only to see that Jia Lian was looking at her with raised eyebrows, and Lin De's family also pursed their lips and smiled.Daiyu immediately annoyed and said, "Go and see! You've been taking care of this girl for so many years, and you haven't learned any rules! Let Nanny Tang teach you better!"

As soon as Zhixuan entered the door, she raised her brows and asked, "Who is the girl talking about? Who came to the girl again and broke the rules?"

Not to mention Linde's family and Jia Lian, even Daiyu was dumbfounded by what she said, and she didn't bring up the previous incident.Seeing that Jia Lian was present, Zhixuan didn't mention the New Year gift from Northwest.

On the contrary, Daiyu smiled generously and said, "Qiluo has brought us some good things again, let's share a portion for my brother to take back."

Hearing that Daiyu only talked about Qiluo and not Moxuan, Jia Lian said with a smile, "Why didn't my brother-in-law bring my younger sister a new year gift?" As if she didn't hear it, Jia Lian frowned and said, "Even if this is a marriage bestowed by the Holy Majesty, if it's not good for my sister, I won't open the door when that kid comes to marry me."

As Jia Lian spoke, he remembered some things in the past, changed the topic for a few words, then got up to leave, and walked out without letting Daiyu see him off.

What Daiyu didn't know was that after Jia Lian went back, he searched through boxes and cabinets. Wang Xifeng asked curiously when he saw it, "What's the matter, sir? Could it be that the money in the private house disappeared?"

Jia Lian pulled Wang Xifeng back, pinched her cheek and said with a smile, "Grandma doesn't know if you have money from your own house?" After speaking, she smiled mysteriously and said, "Find an old thing and give it to the Northwest as a gift."

Wang Xifeng raised her eyebrows and said, "But to give a gift to my sister's fiancé-in-law?" After thinking for a while, he said: "Where is there a gift for an old thing? There's no shame in it! If our house can't do it, there are still three catties of nails on the rotten boat !"

But Jia Lian shook his head and said, "It's a rare treasure. I'm afraid it might not be good to have an old thing like my master." After Jia Lian finished speaking, he raised his voice and said, "Go! Find Hongxiu and come in! Let's talk about grandma. Find her."

Hongxiu has been out of the mansion for several years, and Jia Lian has never looked for her, but at this time he mentioned that he wanted to find Hongxiu to come in. Wang Xifeng couldn't help frowning and asked, "What is the Lord doing?" I am afraid that only Hongxiu knows about the things in Yangzhou, so why don't you ask her?"

Hearing that Jia Lian said that he was looking for things from Yangzhou, Wang Xifeng pursed his lips and said: "At that time, what good things can I have? It will take a lot of money to find them and give them away! This is really embarrassing. "After speaking, he slammed the curtain and entered the back room.

Wang Xifeng went in, but her heart was still outside.As soon as Hongxiu entered the room, Wang Xifeng came out.Seeing this, Jia Lian didn't avoid her, and asked Hongxiu: "Master came back from Yangzhou back then, and brought back a set of bookmarks, palm-sized leaf veins, landscape pictures embroidered between the meridians, and small characters embroidered on the side. The kind. Do you remember where you put it away?"

How long ago was that?Not to mention that Hongxiu was stunned by the question, even Wang Xifeng and the maids in the house were also stunned on the spot.

After a long while, Hongxiu smiled and said, "It's the set that Miss Lin gave you, right? I remember I kept it in a nanmu box. As for where I put it, I can't remember the servant girl. If I want it again, I can ask Miss Lin for it." One set is, hasn't Miss Lin done a lot?"

Hearing Hongxiu's words, Wang Xifeng also said angrily: "What kind of treasure do I take! As for the bookmark, my sister brought Qiao to make it before. If I am embarrassed to ask my sister for it, I will let Qiao write it later. I'm going."

But Jia Lian didn't know how to explain it for a while, so he waved to Hongxiu and said, "Since that's the case, go ahead and look for it later." Under the disbelieving eyes of Wang Xifeng and Hongxiu, Jia Lian really made people continue to search.

It was Zhao'er's family who secretly asked someone to bring a letter to Zhao'er. After getting the letter, Zhao'er came back and said, "Sir, don't look for it in the house. You keep that set of bookmarks in the study outside." It's over.

Later Wang Xifeng asked again, and Jia Lian told Wang Xifeng about Mo Xuan's visit to the Lin Mansion with Wu Junwang's family.

When Wang Xifeng heard that the three of them were hiding in Qingfengju and were smashed by Daiyu and Wanyu, she also found it funny. Although she knew that it was Mo Xuan who bumped into Daiyu that attracted the relationship between Wujun Wangfu and Linfu. Wang Xifeng didn't know about this part, and now hearing it, she just smiled and said: "This is fate! It's fitting that they should be together."

(End of this chapter)

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