Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 414 The Heart of a Daughter to Be Married

Chapter 414 The Heart of a Daughter to Be Married ([-])
Thanks to Fengli, Fengwu, Jiutian, yzakrr, Lazy Girl, ぶ Seven Nights Butterflyぶ, riamon, and Chen Yu for their support.I was very grateful and moved when I saw a message from a relative who cared about Gu Jing's body.In addition, Gu Jing would like to say that everyone must pay attention to the body, especially the cold.Gu Jing also thought it was a cold before. He took medicine for several days at home, but it didn’t work and he didn’t go to a regular hospital. He hung up the liquid for two days in the community. As a result, not only did he not relieve the fever and cough, but he even sprayed blood all over his body when he coughed. , I was so scared to death that I thought I had lung cancer... When I went to the hospital for an examination, the doctor let me go to the hospital, but it turned out that myocarditis was delayed for too long, and then it caused lung problems... As a result of the infusion, the back of my hands and feet are swollen up to now. up...


No matter how Princess Wujun tried to stop her, Mo Xuan thought that Daiyu said it would be used to open the letter, and in the end he still gave the dagger to Daiyu.

Princess Wujun went to Gusu, Yangzhou and other places to buy a dowry for Daiyu all the way, so she came back relatively late, and it seemed that Chunwei was about to come, and Cai Rong was also going to end.On the day of his return, he picked up Daiyu and met Mo Xuan.Although because Wanyu was afraid of hurting Daiyu's arm, she insisted that Daiyu take off the bracelet, something would happen instead, but in the end she was still happy.

On the second day, Princess Wujun met with several princesses who had made good friends with Beijing and China, and handed over the post to enter the palace to sit for a while, and then began to prepare things for Cai Rong's end.

The pen, ink, paper and inkstone, test curtain, and other things have already been prepared. Even the clothes to wear, Daiyu ordered Rongyun Nishang Pavilion early, and prepared a woolen gown, which is much warmer than those single clothes.Naturally, it was not easy for Daiyu to send Wanyu there in person, so she sent someone to invite Wanyu over.

Seeing Daiyu take out two red woolen gowns trimmed with indigo blue, Wanyu smiled and said, "Where did you use them?" After she finished speaking, she felt that she had lost her word, and was about to say that she would wear them on weekdays as well. excellent.But Daiyu smiled and said: "One is for my brother-in-law, and the other is for my brother. This year, my brother and brother-in-law are going to die. I see this red is auspicious."

When Daiyu said this, Wanyu was a little surprised, and then she laughed, pointing at Daiyu's forehead and said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, our Yu'er is still a housekeeper!"

Daiyu didn't think so, she pursed her lips and said: "Brother-in-law is well, sister will be well too, and sister is well, naturally there will be more places to help Yu'er, Yu'er dare not be careless." Said Wan personally poured a cup of tea for Wan Yu, and continued: "Besides, my sister also knows that my brother is not just my brother."

Speaking of this, Daiyu's expression became more or less sad, Wanyu patted Daiyu's hand when she saw this, and Daiyu smiled and said: "Sister also knows, my brother grew up in our family, my father has no son, Treating my brother as my own is the opportunity for my brother to end, and it was also won by my father when he was dying..."

Daiyu's voice became quieter as she spoke, and finally seemed to be caught in the past. Seeing this, Wanyu's heart ached, she quickly stood up and held Daiyu in her arms, and said softly: "Sister, don't think too much, don't worry about it." To talk about other things, just say that when your brother broke into the palace for your father, it was not in vain for Uncle Lin to educate him."

Daiyu nodded, wiped the corners of her eyes and said with a smile: "It's New Year's Eve, what are you talking about? Elder sister quickly took the clothes and went back to give her brother-in-law a try. If there is anything that doesn't fit, let the little girl bring it back. I'll let someone modify it." Wan Yu nodded, and then carefully looked at the woolen gown.

Slanted lapel collar, smooth and dense stitching, two gold-coated sapphire buttons, simple and elegant, you can feel warm and comfortable when you hold it in your hand.

Wan Yu looked at Dai Yu for a while, then looked at Dai Yu with a half-smile and said: "I remember, that day when Brother Xuan entered the mansion, what he wore under his leather robe seemed to be similar to this, a moon-white woolen gown, right? After finishing speaking, Wanyu followed Daiyu's example, tilting her head and blinking her eyes.

Daiyu blushed immediately, but muttered, "Rongyun's Nishang Pavilion sells it! He wore one, so it can't be said that I gave it to him." After finishing speaking, she regretted that she didn't tell herself... He stamped his feet and chased after Wanyu and made a fuss.Biansheng Daiyu's left hand was still hanging on her chest, making her movements inconvenient, and in the end she was chased by Wanyu and had to beg for mercy.

The two sisters quarreled for a while before calling the maid to come in to freshen up. Seeing that it was getting late, thinking that Daiyu would send someone to Ningrong Street to deliver things, she would not stay too old, so she took the woolen gown for Cai Rong. The courtyard where Cai Rong lived temporarily.

Here, Daiyu sent Shinan to deliver the woolen gown to Wang Xifeng in person, but when she came back, she not only got a reward from Wang Xifeng, but also got a prescription, saying that someone gave it to Jia Lian.

Daiyu opened it and saw that it was the recipe for jerky pancakes. This was the recipe for dried meat pancakes last winter. Daiyu figured it out and sent it to Mo Xuan. She knew that Mo Xuan was afraid that Jia Lian's food would affect the exam. , ordered someone to send it to Jia Lian.Wang Xifeng knew that Wanyu's husband-in-law was also going to end, so she sent him here as a favor, Daiyu couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled.

Seeing Daiyu smiling happily, Shinan was also very happy in her heart, so she tentatively asked, "Miss, do you want to send it to the princess right now?"

Daiyu thought for a while, shook her head and smiled, "Seeing that dinner is about to be served, I'd better show it to my concubine when it's time for dinner." Looking at Daiyu, Tang Nanny, who was packing Daiyu's jewelry box, nodded and smiled, "It can be seen that the county lord is more transparent now."

After finishing speaking, he took a set of hairpins from the Nanzhu hairpin that Princess Wujun had sent to Daiyu just now, and shook it in his hand.

Shinan suddenly realized: "It's the servant girl who didn't think clearly, thanks for not misleading the girl." She also squinted her eyes and laughed.Daiyu walked over, looked at the jewellery, which had more than doubled in value in the past two days, picked out a pair of lilac flower earrings, rewarded Heather, and said, "Take it for fun."

Daiyu often rewarded them for their close service, but Shi Nan didn't think much of it, so Nanny Tang shook her head and said, "The five good things, the Pianxian County Lord has dismantled them."

When Shinan heard this, it turned out to be like this, so she hurriedly returned the pair of lilac earrings to Daiyu, but Daiyu raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Since they are five small pieces, then I will reward her with a complete set." She looked at Shinan as she spoke. She glanced at Tang Nanny and said with a smile: "She has also been with me for more than ten years, and she is also a big girl, so I will keep it for her as a dowry."

Daiyu said this casually, but Nanny Tang happily picked out the remaining few pieces, but Shinan's face was pale with fright, looking at Daiyu, she didn't know what to say for a moment.I want to kneel down and beg Daiyu for mercy, but I don't know where to start.

Nanny Tang found the remaining two hairpins, one was distracted and the other was a ring, wrapped them in a big red velvet brocade, put them in a brocade box, and handed them to Shinan with a smile: "Thank you, the county lord, for your kindness." ?”

Shinan took the brocade box tremblingly, put the pair of lilac flower earrings in it, then kowtowed to Daiyu twice on her knees with her head down, and didn't raise her head when she got up. Only then did Madam Tang realize that something was wrong. .But Daiyu was interested at this time, and wanted to give a set to each of the big maids around her, and was busy picking through the dowry, but she didn't notice it.

Mother Tang didn't want Daiyu to notice anything, so she smiled at Shinan and said, "I made a pot of pear soup for the county magistrate on the stove, you can go and have a look." After bowing her head and bowing, Shinan backed away out.Nanny Tang also found an excuse to follow out.

At this time, Daiyu picked another set of five small pieces, which happened to be in the shape of lily-of-the-valley, and happily asked Nanny Tang to help find the brocade box, only to find out when Nanny Tang and Shinan were actually Not in the room, could not help frowning.

Nanny Tang went out to the small kitchen in Daiyu's courtyard, and happened to block the somewhat dazed Heather in the kitchen.

Shinan didn't think much about it at first, but when she saw Nanny Tang following her, she knew that the girl or Nanny Tang must have something to say and wanted to explain herself, so she couldn't help but pursed her lips, and her face turned pale again.

Seeing this, Mother Tang looked at Shinan even more sharply, and said in a cold voice, "What? Is it because I dislike the county magistrate's reward? Or do you want to stay in the house to serve my uncle in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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