Chapter 131 Hi!camel senior
"Oh! It's fine if it doesn't take long!" Dongfang Muyang looked a little disappointed!Nan Qingqing always thinks that Dongfang Muyang is weird!

"Well! I'm sorry, Muyang! Next time I have time, I will go to your house!"

"OK then!"

"Goodbye, Mu Yang!"

After speaking, Nan lightly stepped on a pair of white shoes and left happily!

When I got to the classroom, I found that everyone looked at her strangely!Nan gently felt baffled!

Xiao Xiao stared at Nan Qingqing jealously, and came to Nan Qingqing's side unconvinced!

Nan Qingqing didn't want to talk to her at first, but looked at the seat next to her, it was almost class time, Luo Yan didn't come!

"Nan Qingqing, you are really shameless, you can't seduce Luo Yan, and you have your eyes on Young Master Dongfang so soon. You want to be worthy of Young Master Dongfang? You don't even look in the mirror, what are you? How dare you Get involved with the two male gods of our law department! I'm going to teach you a lesson today!"

The classmates in the classroom looked at Nan Qingqing and felt that such a soft girl would definitely be beaten and cried!

A slap in the face!Nan Qingqing will not let her hit it down, her face will be swollen with such a heavy hand, okay?

He picked up the book on the table and blocked his face!

"Slap... ah...!" Xiao Xiao, who was in pain, immediately stretched out his hand back. It turned out that Nan Weiwei hastily picked up the book to block Xiao Xiao's slap, but unexpectedly, her hand hit the hardest corner of the book superior!
Nan Qingyuan looked at Xiao Xiao coldly, Xiao Xiao was stared at by Nan Qingqing's cruel eyes, his pupils trembled, and fear arose in his heart!
"The next time I hear you talking nonsense, slandering me, and making troubles, you also studied law. Even if you fail every day, you should at least understand a little bit!"

The classmates who were watching a good show were suddenly full of admiration for Nan Qingyuan!Wow!She is so good!

"You..." Xiao Xiao stared at Nan Qingqing angrily and ashamedly, wishing to tear her mouth apart!
"What are you? You're all in class, what are you still doing here? You want to fail but others don't!"

Hearing the footsteps of the teacher's high heels getting closer, Xiao Xiao went down unwillingly and sat down!

During class in the afternoon, Nan Qingqing was always wandering: "Xiao Qi, where did Luo Yan go?"

The system Xiao Qi checked: "He went to the automatic counter to send money! However, just after he finished sending the money, someone from his hometown called and said that his mother passed out and was hospitalized!"

"What?" Nan stood up with a soft exclamation!

The teacher on the podium looked at Nan Qingqing unkindly: "Student, do you have any questions?"

Only then did Nan Qingqing realize what an embarrassing thing she had done just now, and all the students in the class looked at her in surprise except for a few who didn't come!
"Teacher, my stomach... hurts suddenly! I..." After finishing speaking, I lowered my head in embarrassment, blushing all over my face!

The teacher looked at Nan Qingqing's appearance, as if a girl's aunt had come, and said mercifully, "Go out!"

Nan Qingyuan immediately expressed gratitude: "Thank you teacher!"

After walking out in a few steps, the expression on Nan Qingqing's face immediately became serious as soon as he went out: "How long has he been gone?"

"That's just two hours away!"

"Where is his home?"

"Host, are you going to find him?"

"Yes, didn't you say that his mother's illness may require a lot of money? I'm going to see him so I can rest assured!
"Are you afraid that he will sell himself for money?"

"Well! He has lived in that kind of family since he was born, and he probably cares most about his mother. If he doesn't have the money to treat his mother, and he can't figure it out for a while, the whole person will be blackened, and the murder will be inspired by him, then it will be difficult to deal with. !"

"Then you're gone, what about the school?"

"Also, what about your cousin? Want him to come and live on the street?"

"His family has a house here, but it's a little far away from the school! It takes four or 10 minutes to drive! Xiaoqi, you imitate my voice and call him to tell her. I have something to delay for a few days! Let him live in his house first If he doesn't do it, you can give him the key to the doorman and let him get it by himself!" Nan finished speaking quickly, packed a few clothes and took some cash, and went to Luo Yan's hometown!
From city A to city C where Luo Yan's family lives, it takes a one-day and one-night drive, and then they have to transfer to their villages and towns when they arrive in the city. Finally, they have to walk for an hour to Luo Yan's hometown, but she can't go back to his hometown.

Because Luo Yan's mother is currently hospitalized in the Central Hospital of City C!

Nanqing took the plane from city A to city C, so he arrived more than ten hours before Luo Yan!

As soon as she got off the plane, she took a taxi from the airport to the Central Hospital in City C!With the help of Xiao Qi from the system, I found Luo Yan's mother's ward!
I saw a plainly dressed teenager sitting on a chair in the hospital, sobbing softly.Crying very sad!

Nan Qingqing had already sent her luggage elsewhere before going to the hospital!

Nan patted the boy's shoulder lightly: "Luo Feng!"

When the boy heard someone calling him, he immediately wiped away his tears!
He raised his head and saw a good-looking older sister, looking at him with a gentle face!
Luo Feng immediately lowered his head in embarrassment, but when he thought of his mother lying on the hospital bed, his mood fell to the bottom of the valley again!
Nan gently put his hands on Luo Feng's thin shoulders, encouraging him: "Luo Feng, don't be afraid!"

Then, I entered the ward. There was also a 15-year-old girl, Luo Yue, in the ward. She was Luo Yan's younger sister!Luo Feng is Luo Yan's younger brother!
Her eyes were red and swollen from crying, and their mother was lying on the hospital bed dying, staring blankly at the roof of the hospital!
Nan Qingqing watched sadly, she had just turned 50 years old, and she had full head of gorgeous hair, and the years had left layers of ruts on her face.Originally a 50-year-old person, now she is sick and looks like an old woman who is 80 or [-] years old!
Huang Linghua on the bed felt someone coming in, surprise flashed in her eyes, but when she saw Nan passing by gently, the joy in her eyes disappeared again, she thought it was her Ah Yan who came back!She was content to see him for the last time before she died!She has suffered so many children for so many years, she is most sorry for Ah Yan!

Ever since he was sensible, he never asked her for a penny!

"Auntie, I'm Luo Yan's girlfriend. The promise will be here tomorrow. I'm here to play. When I heard that Auntie is sick, I'll come to see you!

Now you can rest at ease, you don't have to think about money, A Yan and I can solve it!You'll be fine. Here's the fruit I bought.Luo Yue, Luo Feng, come here and wash some food! "

He took out a few hundred yuan from his wallet and handed it to Luo Feng: "It's dark now, I haven't eaten yet, can you go to the supermarket and buy me something to eat?"

Luo Feng nodded quickly: "I'll buy it for you!" Originally, he didn't want to take Nan Qingqing's money, but all his money was spent on his mother's hospitalization expenses!
Luo Yue stared nervously at Nan Qingqing: "Is my sister really my brother's girlfriend?"

"Yeah! Otherwise, how would I know your names? Your brother told me all about it! Now I'm going to the doctor to find out about Auntie, so you take care of Auntie here first!"

"Girl, don't go, I know my body, I am very happy to see Luo Yan and his girlfriend before I die, but I can't drag you down!"

(End of this chapter)

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