Chapter 139 Hi!camel senior
When Luo Yan brought Nan Qingqing home, Huang's mother was very happy, Xiaoyue was also at home, Xiaofeng said that she went out to play with friends!
"Miss Qingqing, you're here, come and sit!" Nanqingqing sat down unceremoniously, and Xiaoyue suddenly became a little more happy!
"Miss Qingqing, you and elder brother are going to get married next month, what kind of wedding are you planning to hold?"

Nan smiled lightly and indifferently: "Let's have a traditional Chinese wedding!"

Huang's mother smiled: "Well! The Chinese style is good, festive! I'll go to discuss with Qingqing's parents tomorrow about the matters needing attention in getting married!"

Nan Qingqing smiled sheepishly, and Luo Yan walked over: "Mom, I have already talked with Qing Qing's parents, so we will do as Qing Qing said!"

Mother Huang smiled, your speed is really fast!But for a moment, her eyes were a little sad, her son was about to get married, and his father hadn't come back yet!In the past few years, she has not had any serious physical problems, and life at home has improved, but in a corner of her heart, she is getting more and more restless!
In the past, she only cared about food and clothing, but now that all these are settled, she wants to find Luo Yan's father. Even if she can't find her, she still wants to go to the place where his father died. She waited for so many years, but he never came back!

Luo Yan couldn't bear to see her mother sad alone, so she asked Nan Qingqing to talk with her for a while longer!Finally, after Nan Qingqing's infinite efforts, Huang's mother finally smiled happily.

Nan Qingyuan returned to the guest room, and Luo Yan followed immediately: "Qing Qing, I've already put the water for you, you can take a bath now!"

Nan Qingyuan felt a sweetness in his heart, and said gently: "Thank you!"

Luo Yan looked at Nan Qingqing dotingly: "You don't need to tell me thank you! I am very willing to do things for you to make you happy!"

"The mouth is so sweet, come here and give you a reward!"

Luo Yan walked over obediently.

"Close your eyes!"

Luo Yan smiled gently, as if he knew what Nan Qingqing was going to do!
He closed his eyes and deliberately brought his face up to give Nan a gentle kiss!
Luo Yan only felt a burst of Jasmine's clear thoughts, and then a burst of pain came from his forehead.

Opening his eyes subconsciously, he saw Nan smiling softly, "You just stay here! I'm going to take a shower!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly went to the bathroom and locked the door behind him!

Luo Yan covered his aching forehead, pampering Nan gently naughty with a helpless expression!It's so good, it's like returning to the intimacy of five years ago!She is still so lively and cute!I feel a little trance in my heart and feel very unreal!As if this was an illusion!
Nan Qingqing took a shower very quickly, and when she came out again, Luo Yan was making her bed. The bed in the guest room had not been slept in for a long time, although her mother would change and wash it frequently, but considering that Nan Qingqing was not used to sleeping, it was difficult for her to sleep. She got a brand new thin quilt!
After making the bed, adjust the temperature of the air conditioner, for fear of catching a cold if the temperature is too low and the wind is too low!
As soon as Nan gently opened the door, Luo Yan knew it. At this moment, she saw Nan gently coming over with a gentle smile on her face.

"Gently, come here!" Luo Yan's voice was gentle, thinking of the cool summer breeze, which made people feel happy!
Nan walked over gently. She was wearing a silk pajamas and trousers, so she came over without fear.

Luo Yan carefully took a towel and gently dried the water on Nan's hair.Then, she took a hair dryer to dry Nanqing's hair, kissed Nanqing's forehead lightly, said "good night" and went back to her room!
Although Nan Qingqing was very curious about how Luo Yan would be so easy to talk tonight, but there was still the most important thing for her to complete!

Nan Qingqing contacted Xiao Qi in the system: "Xiao Qi, have you found out where Luo Yan's father is? Is he still alive?

System Xiaoqi turned on the positioning system and turned on the surveillance video, and soon saw a dilapidated ship in a sea, sinking on a pile of rocks in a deep sea, and the bones of Luo Yan's father were scattered there. piled on the rocks.

Nan Weiwei stared at the screen nervously, looking at the bones scattered all over the ground, his heart groaned.It can be imagined that their bones would have been swallowed by the beasts in the sea long ago if they were not in the reef pile!

Knowing that Luo Yan's father is actually dead, Nan Qingqing felt sorry for Luo Yan's childhood experience, but suddenly remembered that although he found his bones scattered in the sea, he wanted to pick up all his bones, But it is a problem, after all, it is hundreds of meters deep sea!How to get it has become a problem!

She can ask Xiao Qi to help, but she can't let Luo Yan find Xiao Qi!If they expose the mission, they will also fail!

In the end, she decided to go to the sea area where the accident happened first to see if she could get his father's bones up first!
The next day, Nanqing pestered Luo Yan to go to the sea to take wedding photos!

Luo Yan's request to Nan Qingqing is naturally obedient!
Huang's mother also agreed, taking wedding photos is the only time in this life, and before leaving, she told them to play for a few more days!
Luo Yan booked a plane ticket to the sea in the afternoon!The sea area is not far from city A. It takes more than a day to drive, but if you take a plane, you can get there in an hour!

Nan Qingqing and Luo Yan's plane arrived at Haiyu City at four o'clock in the afternoon after taking the plane at three o'clock in the afternoon!
Luo Yan had already taken care of everything before leaving, because he had been here for the past five years and wanted to inquire about his father, so he had a residence here.

Luo Yan took Nan Qingqing to the seaside villa he bought before. From the floor-to-ceiling windows of the villa, you can see the outline of the entire sea area, and the view here is very good.

As soon as Luo Yan entered, he packed Nan Qingqing's luggage and some of his own clothes. After putting everything away, Nan Qingqing walked around the entire villa!The overall decoration is still generous and simple!I think it's decorated according to Luo Yan's preference for cooler colors!

Taking advantage of Luo Yan's tidying up the house, Nan Qing carefully observed the direction of the sea area, and finally found the remains of Luo Yan's father 1000 meters away from the villa!
It has a depth of 500 meters!Nan frowned slightly, unexpectedly it was quite deep!

Luo Yan had already packed up at this time, looked at Nan Qingnian and frowned at the distant coast, and asked worriedly: "Qingan, what's wrong with you?"

Nan Qingyuan turned to look at Luo Yan when he heard the words, Luo Yan was tall and handsome, he was originally a cold person, but he was gentle to himself in every possible way.In order to make up for the shortcomings of the five years, he pampered her with all his heart, and he agreed to almost everything she said!

Nan shook his head lightly: "It's nothing, it's just that I haven't seen such a beautiful coastline for a long time, so I was stunned for a while!"

Sure enough, when Luo Yan looked into the distance, the sea and the sky wanted to meet him!The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the sea surface, moving with the wind, arousing layers of rays of light on the water surface, beautiful like a fairyland on earth!
Luo Yan withdrew his gaze and stared at Nan Qingqing's side face closely. Nan Qingqing's white, tender and elastic cheeks were reflected in his cold eyes, and he smiled slightly, surpassing all the beauty in the world!

The cold voice is full of infinite tenderness: "It's beautiful! It's so charming that I can't extricate myself!"

Nan looked back and smiled slightly: "Do you think people are beautiful or the sunset is beautiful? Don't look at it and it will make your mouth water!"

Luo Yan was not angry, but still looked at Nan Qingqing dotingly: "Qing Qing is really naughty, the beauty of the sunset belongs to everyone, but you belong to me alone! In my heart, the sunset is not as beautiful as you!"

Hearing this gently, Nan lowered his head shyly, a trace of panic flashed in his clear water eyes.The sweetness in my heart can't be stopped!

(End of this chapter)

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