Chapter 149 The Two-Faced God of War
The atmosphere in Chaobao Hall was very delicate, the emperor stared at Nanqing calmly!There is already impatience in the eyes!Eunuch Liu, who waited on the emperor, was the most observant. Seeing that the emperor was impatient, he immediately shouted: "Princess Qin, how can you be disrespectful in front of the emperor? Seeing the emperor not only being rude, but howling loudly, it really is a bit impolite !"

Nan gently heard the words, his mind turned, and he immediately raised his wet eyes and said: "I have grievances in my heart, is it against the law to cry?"

Eunuch Liu was stared at gently by Nan, it was very awkward!How could a fool have such clear eyes?
Looking at the emperor without saying a word, he said again: "You have lost your face in front of the imperial court and you will lose your head!"

Nan Qingyuan stopped crying immediately, but immediately started crying again: "Sure enough, those servants in the palace said it well, Father hates Qin Palace very much, and hates Qingqing even more, so he bestowed the marriage on Qingqing. Prince Qin!"

"Presumptuous!" The emperor was very angry!

"Princess Qin, who told you these things? Huh?" The emperor's expression was ferocious and terrifying, as if Nan Qingqing was going to kill her if he said a wrong word!

If other people might have been frightened by the emperor's aura, but Nan Qingqing won't!Who told her to be a fool?

I saw her reddish eyes staring stubbornly at Tian Yan.He said straightforwardly: "That's what the servants of the palace said, and they also said that I am a fool. Father, look at my eloquence, how can I look like a fool? They even scolded me! Wei Wei was very angry and beat the maid A meal! Then let the servants of the palace sell them and they don't listen to it lightly!"

The emperor's calm eyes twitched slightly, he could think of a scene of a fool chasing and beating someone!
"Father, please judge, are those dog slaves bullying the master? Do I have the right to sell them?"

The emperor pondered for a moment: "Mmm! You have already beaten me up, so forget it!" This is the final word!

But is Nan Qingqing willing?Certainly not!She raised her voice: "Forget it, how can you forget it? Don't talk about me, just talk about my prince, he has protected the lives of thousands of people in Chenwu Kingdom, and his legs are only used to protect our country. In Wei Wei's eyes, my prince is a great hero! Although a great hero can't protect us now, but his military exploits are enough for him to enjoy peace for the rest of his life! Royal Father, are you right?"

The emperor looked at Nan Qingqing suspiciously, and spoke clearly and logically, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't think he was a fool!
"Father, are you right? Everyone says I'm a fool, but I'm not stupid, I'm just too simple!"

The emperor's eyes were gloomy: "What do you want to do after talking so much?"

Nan Qingyuan looked around the Chaobao Hall, then approached the Emperor mysteriously and said: "Father, I will tell you a secret!"

The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, secret?
I saw Nan gently said without hesitation: "I suspect that the servants in Prince Qin's mansion are all spies!"

After saying this, the emperor was stunned!
Just listen to Nan Qingqing continue: "I personally saw them passing the news to the outside world!"

The emperor: "..." He dares to say such things. His princes and princesses always hide their schemes and tricks, and they have never said the matter openly!At this moment, he finally understood why it was rumored that the third lady of the prime minister's residence was a fool.She is not a fool, she is short-sighted!
"Father, if you don't believe me, you can ask Dali Temple to investigate!"

The emperor: "..." Is there any need to check?Isn't that obvious?Didn't he turn a blind eye and close one eye to indulge in this situation?

So the emperor said: "Those slaves are indeed too arrogant, just do as Princess Qin said, beat them all up for a while and sell them all!"

Nan Qingqing immediately said happily: "Father is wise, I only knew that my prince is a great hero before, but today I found out that it is my father's genes that are so good! My prince just inherited his father's advantages and carried forward! Father is wise and powerful Long live!"

The emperor closed his eyes and meditated in satisfaction, eh!good!The last few compliments are very useful to him, so he won't bother with her, a heartless princess!

Nan Qingwei looked at the emperor and closed his eyes to rest his mind, but she must not leave until she has achieved her goal today!
Then he said: "Father, look at those slaves who don't take you seriously, it is true that you have nothing to rely on, or else the father will give you a token, so that those dog slaves will not take you seriously in the future." eyes!"

The emperor suddenly opened his eyes, and stared at Nan Qingyuan sharply!
Nan Qingqing still had those pure eyes, looking at the emperor innocently and harmlessly, not frightened by the emperor's aura at all!

The emperor's heart was filled with embarrassment, if the other princesses saw him angry and didn't even have the courage to raise their heads and look at him, they would have knelt down to plead guilty!But this Princess Qin is not afraid of him!She is a fool again if she wants to punish her!Originally, he was afraid of King Qin Mohan's power. Although King Qin's legs were crippled, his prestige in the army was undeniably high!Originally, he was given the silly lady of the prime minister's family, in order to provoke and humiliate him!But the King of Qin could bear it, there was no reason for him to punish him!
Originally, he thought today that he would be able to take back the soldier talisman justifiably when King Qin's furious rebellion came, but he didn't expect that it was the stupid princess who married in the past who came to stand up for him!
It's really good, but I don't know if the princess is really stupid or fake, and who taught her what she said today!How dare that old Prime Minister lie to me?

Right now, he can't deal with Princess Qin, after all, if he does too much, he will fall into disrepute!
Those sons of his are also useless waste, and they were discovered by the foolish princess when they passed the news!

Reluctantly, he took out a jade token that he was playing with in his hand, and threw it to Nan Qingqing: "If you want a token, take it! But you, a princess, are crying and fussing like this today, if it spreads, it will damage the royal family's face. Later, I will reward you two old mothers in the palace, and bring them back to the palace to teach you the rules! In addition, my prince and those dog servants dare to be contemptuous, and I will personally choose some fine guards to escort the Qin palace. You go back to Prince Qin's Mansion. From now on, they will stay in Prince Qin's Mansion and wait for your orders. So Rong Chong won't say that I don't want to see Prince Qin's Mansion!"

Nan Qingyuan was secretly startled.I thought those spies could be wiped out immediately!Unexpectedly, the emperor was so cunning and cunning that he wanted to send people into the palace in an open and honest manner!

If it were another princess, she might have to obey her orders, but who told Nan Qingqing to be a fool!Her nimble eyes narrowed slightly, and she said with a thoughtful face: "Father, that's not okay, you gave so many fine guards to the Qin Palace. What if those princes think too much about framing my prince? Originally, my prince's legs... have already... It's pitiful enough, but it would be even worse to be envied by the princes! In my opinion, I can take those two old nuns back to learn the rules, and forget about those Jingwei!"

"It's unreasonable. Princess Qin has a limit to her nonsense. I have never regretted what I have said so well. You want me to be an emperor who does not keep his word? What is your intention?"

(End of this chapter)

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