Chapter 182 The Two-Faced God of War
But just when Prince Qin Yifeng and Taifu were overjoyed, they looked at each other and smiled.Finally got rid of a serious problem!
While the people who were being carried carried Qin Shoutian, a smile flashed in their sinister eyes. Now he finally didn't have to worry anymore, Qin Mohan would snatch his country away.

Although the surrounding ministers disdained the prince's actions, they did not dare to resist for the sake of the lives of the whole family!Submissive ready to kneel!
"Look! Who is that?" Hearing an exclamation, he saw Qin Mohan gently walking out of the ruins with Nan in his arms!
He was dressed in purple clothes, which were extremely noble, and the purple robe on his body was not messy at all!The one protecting her in her arms is Nan Qingqing!The icy breath is enough to chill everyone present!

Suddenly, everyone was dumbfounded!Seeing the two people intact, an inexplicable panic rose in my heart!It seemed that it was not King Qin who came over, but a hell Shura!
With all the sins on his body, he seeks revenge on everyone!

Qin Shoutian, who was always looking back at the light, felt at ease when he looked at Qin Mohan who was intact, and suddenly became furious!Spit out a mouthful of blood!

Suddenly there was an exclamation.

Qin Shoutian's terminally ill black lips glowed with unwillingness!Those turbid cold eyes fixed on Qin Mohan.The intense hatred in my heart was hard to calm down, and after a few breaths, I was so angry that I was alive!
At this moment, the prince's face was also flustered: "Come here, bring a bow and arrow. The prince wants to kill him himself. The prince doesn't believe that Qin Mohan has nine lives!"

However, Prince Qin Yifeng waited for a long time but did not see the guards coming up with bows and arrows, so he became anxious and kicked him out!Just wanted to kick down the guard beside him!
Unexpectedly, as soon as he moved, he felt a chill on his neck!Because of his vigorous movement, his neck hurt, and then a stream of heat flowed down his neck and into the clothes on his chest.An ominous premonition appeared in his heart!Do you think it is what he thinks?
He turned his head slowly, looking at the shadow with the ghost mask.Holding a long sword on his neck!As long as he resists a little, he can take his head!
Everyone else outside the hall was under control!There is a shadow behind every minister!Even Prime Minister Nan, who was very skilled in kung fu, did not dare to act rashly.Because the palace wall of the imperial city was full of people standing in all directions, Dragon Guards!Everyone in the field was mostly aimed at by four or five feathered arrows. Anyone who made any changes would be shot into a sieve immediately!Everyone's hearts trembled!
Qin Yifeng's heart trembled, and a fear of death enveloped his heart!

When did they appear, why didn't he, the prince, know?
Qin Mohan quickly walked in front of Qin Yifeng with his arms around Nan.

Qin Yifeng's lips trembled: "Third brother! Let me go? For the sake of past love!"

Nan Qingqing had a faint smile on his face: "When His Royal Highness wants to put my prince to death, can you think about letting my prince go?"

"His Royal Highness, when you framed my prince several times and hurt my prince's leg, did you ever think about letting my prince go?"

"I...I...I was just fascinated by ghosts, that's why... I did so many wrong things!" Although he said it nicely, Nanqing didn't see any sign of repentance in his eyes , all he sees is the unwillingness and hatred of being caught and coerced!Although he tried his best to conceal it, even a blind person could feel the unwillingness in his eyes!
"Does His Royal Highness think that you have done something wrong? Then, since you admit your mistake, you should be punished!" Nan stared at Qin Yifeng with a slight sneer. This man spoke nicely, but occasionally looked at her and Qin Mohan's eyes Full of killing intent!Then she won't let him go!She will leave this world soon, and she will never leave Qin Mohan with trouble!
"This prince, it's the third younger brother who you're asking for, why are you a woman getting in the way?" Those eyes were full of hatred, Nan Qing, you damn bitch!

Qin Mo glanced at Qin Yifeng coldly, and his cold voice carried a bone-piercing chill: "Since the crown prince pleaded guilty, he demoted Qin Shoutian to a common man according to the emperor's grandfather's will, and he will not be buried in the imperial tomb after his death! All the concubines in the harem , all without fault and without children will be sent to Taiqing nunnery for Qingxiu!
All concubines who have children are given death!In addition, the crown prince, Qin Yifeng, framed the king many times in an attempt to win over the Qin family. The crime of dishonoring the royal blood is unforgivable!Into the sky prison, life imprisonment!The second prince, Qin Langyi, was ruthless and ruthless, and harmed many loyal and good people in the court. His crime was unforgivable, so he and Qin Yifeng were thrown into the prison for life imprisonment!No one is allowed to visit without an imperial decree! "

Prince Qin Yifeng immediately softened his body after hearing Qin Mohan's verdict, and stared at the sky blankly, where was the high-spirited and elated just now!
The second prince also collapsed and sat on the ground. Compared with Qin Yifeng, he dared not say a word, especially after seeing Nan Qingqing's perverted use of poison.There is no intention of disobeying Qin Mohan's order!
The shadows quickly entrusted Qin Yifeng and Qin Langyi!

In fact, such a judgment is already a special kindness from Qin Mohan, after all, it was Qin Mohan's life that these two people wanted to kill!
The ministers all thought that such a verdict was already very merciful for King Qin!
Next is Marquis Jing An and Prime Minister Nan!I saw Prime Minister Nan staring at Qin Mohan blankly: "If you want to kill or cut, listen to your honor! This prime minister made a mistake quite a few days ago, but that was also what Qin Shoutian meant at that time. If we don't kill the prince, he will die." We! People don't want to kill the old minister for himself, but he just wants to protect his family, and he doesn't feel that he has done anything wrong?" Prime Minister Nan said fearlessly!
"Hmph... Your Excellency Prime Minister said lightly? Since it is so natural for the King of Qin to avenge his father and punish your nine clans!" Nan Qingqing had a sarcastic face!
"Nan Qingqing, you evil bastard, the old man should have strangled you at birth! If it weren't for you, my Nan family would still be a prime minister under one person and above ten thousand people! It was you, the nemesis, who killed the Nan family. Today You actually want the King of Qin to punish the nine families of the Nan family, you rebellious woman with a heart like a snake and a scorpion!"

"Prime Minister Nan, why are you pretending to be so innocent? Didn't you learn this lightly from you? Compared to you, I'm not one ten thousandth as good as you!"

"Pfft... Nanqingyou, you're going to die!" The Prime Minister spat out a mouthful of blood in anger, and he fell backwards slowly, his complexion quickly turned gray!
All Jing Anhou stared at Prime Minister Nan's fate tremblingly, he should be the next one to have something to do!
Only listening to Qin Mohan's cold voice said: "Prime Minister Nan murdered the royal family, death penalty! The prime minister's wife murdered the mistress, death penalty! Nan Yiyi framed the princess Nan Qingqing many times, the death penalty is inevitable! Sent to Baihualou as a prostitute , no one will redeem him for the rest of his life!"

Looking at the shivering Jing Anhou with cold eyes, his voice was cold and ruthless: "As for you, Jing Anhou, death is innocent! Begging for mercy, even murdering the royal family, death is not a pity, and you should be sentenced to death!"

Jing Anhou immediately panicked to the extreme, and shouted indiscriminately: "Qin Mohan, I don't accept it! Why do you impose the death penalty on this marquis? I just ask the king of Qin to give me a good time!"

Butler Hu's eyes turned cold, and the shadows blocked Jing Anhou's mouth and got out!
Qin Mohan snorted coldly in his heart, my father treats you like a brother, but you stabbed him in the back, this king will finish you for my father!
(End of this chapter)

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