Chapter 189 Mrs. Wang, Don't Run

Nan Qingqing's eyes flashed dimly: "Then what do you want to do?"

He only heard his cold voice say: "My husband wants to take little Xingxing to live outside the palace!"

Nan Weiwei was surprised: "Go live outside the palace? But Xiao Xingxing is the king's daughter!"

"Daughter? Queen, don't forget, you haven't visited Little Xingxing once in the past three years, but you don't even bother to give her a name! Nanxinxing was obtained by my husband after three years of free begging."

Nan Qingqing was embarrassed, she was not qualified to keep Little Xing Xing in this way.But after letting you out of the palace, how can she see them?

Even if you go out of the palace, there are many gauges, which is very inconvenient!She absolutely can't let them go, and leave with such aggrieved and infamy!

"I won't let you out of the palace, one is my husband-in-law, and the other is the eldest princess of Baihua Kingdom, who will inherit the throne in the future!"

"Eldest princess, she doesn't care about the throne! She just wants to live an ordinary life with her husband! The intrigues in this palace are hard to guard against! Little Xingxing can't stand it! Besides, it's not because of the little Xingxing's medicine this time. Calculating? Don’t think that if you don’t tell me, I don’t know! Little Xingxing was fine before today, and there is no discomfort anywhere!”

Looking at Baili Wuchen's eyes full of hatred, Nan gently compromised, in order not to let him deepen his hatred, she had no choice but to compromise!

"Okay! This king agrees that you and Xiao Xingxing go out of the palace!" After speaking, Nan flicked his sleeves and turned to leave!
When the maids finished serving the dishes, they found that Her Majesty the Queen had already left!

Baili Wuchen saw their cautiousness, and in order not to embarrass them, he said: "The queen has left, you can send these things to Parkson Palace!"

I saw the four maids bowed their heads together and knelt down: "As for Mrs. Zheng, Her Majesty the Queen ordered the servants to wait for Mrs. Zheng and the eldest princess to eat."

Baili Wuchen glanced at the four maids. Although that glance was ordinary, it gave the maids a chill in their hearts!
Immediately said with interest: "Slaves go down first, if Mrs. Zheng Wang needs anything, call me a slave!" After speaking, he saluted, then stood up, bowed his head and stepped back!After walking more than ten steps, he turned around and walked out, and closed the door behind him!

After everything went down, little Xingxing emerged from behind the quilt: "Father Wang, it smells so good! Are these for us to eat?" Seeing a large table of delicious food, the corners of little Xingxing's lips dripped. Drooling, the little nose sniffed vigorously!

Baili Wuchen stared at Little Xingxing sadly: "Yes, they belong to Little Xingxing, Father Wang will take you to eat!"

Little Xingxing had a happy expression on his face, and his little eyes opened wide: "Really? Father Wang let me down and I can go by myself!"

Baili Wuchen put down Little Xingxing sadly, and there was heat in his eyes!It was because he was not good enough to be favored by the Queen, that made Little Xing Xing and him suffer!It's three years old, and I haven't eaten precious things yet!She is obviously the most honorable princess in the palace, but her life is worse than that of a slave!All of this was given to him by Yanyue!
A desire to compete for favor suddenly arises in his heart, he wants to make Yanyue have nothing!He wants the Queen to experience the unforgettable regret!He wants the eldest princess to be on the throne.He wanted to trample Nan Qingqing's dignity on the ground.

Nan Qingwei checked the movement of Leng Gong with Sirius eyes, and found that Baili Wuchen's killing value was [-]% off the chart!And the happiness value is ten, so the ten happiness value may be a little star!
Nan Qingyuan planned the strategy, looking for a suitable solution with a headache!

The little Xingxing eats happily here, and he doesn't stop until his belly is full!Seeing Little Xingxing eating without restraint, Baili Wuchen's eyes flashed with distress, and he said softly: "Little Xingxing, don't eat so much, if you don't digest, your stomach will hurt!"

Only then did Little Xingxing look at Baili Wuchen ignorantly: "Father Wang, can we still eat these delicious foods in the future?"

This sentence almost made Baili Wuchen burst into tears, and there was a moment of silence.Little Xingxing immediately admitted his mistake in fear: "Father Wang, Little Xingxing is wrong! Don't talk nonsense anymore, Father Wang, don't ignore me?"

"Father Wang, I'm not angry with Little Xingxing, I promise you! Don't eat it, you've already eaten too much. Father Wang promises Little Xingxing that every meal in the future will be so rich!"

"Oh! That's great! Little Xingxing won't eat! Father Wang, let's go out to digest food?"

"Well... then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Baili Wuchen took Little Xingxing's little hand, originally he just wanted to wander around the courtyard of the Leng Palace.But Little Xingxing dragged him out of the cold palace!A pair of small eyes looked around!

Baili Wuchen originally wanted to ask Little Xingxing to go back, but no one was guarding outside the Leng Palace. They were followed by four maids, namely Dongmei, Dongfeng, Dongyu, and the four personal guards of Her Majesty Dongxue Queen. , actually followed them all the time!

I just heard Dongmei say: "The queen told me that the eldest princess in the palace can move around at will. The same is true for the husband of the king!"

Little Xingxing's round eyes stared at Dongmei brightly: "This is serious!" That cute and soft appearance made Dongmei almost stretch out her hand, wanting to pinch the princess's tender cheeks!

Looking at Dongmei who was stunned, and didn't answer the question for a long time, Little Xingxing said with a displeased face: "What am I asking you? You just said that we can walk around in this palace?"

Only then did Dongmei come back to her senses and said, "Yes to the Queen's daughter! The queen ordered it herself! The slaves dare not pass on the king's order indiscriminately!"

Little Xingxing's watery eyes flashed, and he dragged Baili Wuchen to wander around the entire palace. The princes and servants of each palace stared at the prince and the princess in astonishment, followed by His Majesty the Queen. Four guards!
It seems that the rumor that the king's husband is going to regain the queen's favor is true!

Looking at the arrogant side princes and princes who could step on them in the past, Xiao Xingxing looked happy, and now there is a maturity that does not accept the age in his eyes!
She just wanted to show these people who laughed at their father and daughter that they were back.They will definitely not let them have the opportunity to bully them again!
Baili Wuchen looked at Little Xingxing's movements indifferently, and stared at her with a gentle face!Little Xingxing should be so strong, and you should bravely fight for what is yours!Never let anyone trample on them again!

When he walked to the palace of Prince Fu Yanyue, Xiao Xingxing deliberately said: "Father, the palace in front is the Baisheng Palace of Queen Mother, let's go there and rest for a while, how about resting there?"

Baili Wuchen looked helpless and did not answer.In the eyes of Dongmei and the three guards, it is the pain of the king's helplessness!But the princess was young and innocent, she didn't know that her father was not favored, she just wanted the love of her father and mother!

Therefore, Dongmei and the three guards stared at Little Xingxing with some sympathy, and said comfortingly: "Princess, if you want to find Her Majesty, go there! After all, you are the only princess, and you will be very happy when you go to the queen." !"

"Really? Then let's go!" The tone was innocent and innocent!
Suddenly, there was a burst of "crack...crack..." from Changle Palace next to Wang Fuyanyue!
Little Xingxing was startled, crying and looking for the queen mother!Immediately, the four guards stared angrily at the direction of Changle Palace, this side Wang Fu Yanyue is too arrogant!He dared to throw something in front of the princess, and even frightened the princess, so arrogant!
(End of this chapter)

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