Chapter 226

Let out harsh words, if Zhan Rou wants to go back to Zhan's house, he must break up with Zhan Cheng's father.

At that time, Zhan Rou was confused by love, so naturally he refused to agree.The relationship with Mr. Zhan was once very tense!
Probably as if he had never been in touch with each other, Zhan Cheng's father felt that he would not get any good from Zhan's family.Steal all of Zhan Rou's jewelry and bank cards!Throwing Zhan Rou, a pregnant woman, abroad!I secretly went to another country by myself!
Because, fearing the power of the Zhan family, and not daring to kill Zhanrou directly, he can only leave her in a foreign country to fend for herself!By the time the Zhan family found Zhan Rou, she had been starved for three days and was brought back on the streets of France!
Originally, the old man of the Zhan family was worried that the daughter of the Zhan family was wandering outside, and he had been paying attention to her all the time!

Seeing that her daughter is still obsessed and ready to ignore her, she finds that her daughter's card has been maxed out all of a sudden!Immediately aroused their vigilance!

Only then did I discover Zhan Rou who was starved and fainted on the streets of France!

Zhan Rou was already seven months pregnant when she was brought back, and she was about to give birth in a few months!For the sake of Zhan Rou's life, this child was born, he is Zhan Cheng!From then on, Zhan Rou never married again, and took care of Zhan Cheng wholeheartedly.

Zhan Rou gave birth to a child, although he was allowed to be called Zhan Cheng.But he was not welcomed by the entire Zhan Family!He is an illegitimate child who can't see the light, and he and Zhan Qi can be regarded as sympathetic!
Zhan Qi saw his shadow when Zhan Cheng was being bullied.After helping him a few times, he also relied on him!Because he was raised in front of the old man, the family did not dare to oppose him openly!

From then on, Zhan Cheng recognized Zhan Qi as the second brother!Of course, the young master of the Zhan family is Zhan Tang, his elder brother!
However, Zhan Tang always thinks that he is born out of wedlock and is more noble than others!I don't like Zhan Cheng, and I don't like Zhan Qi!

Because he felt that any boy from the Zhan family would compete with him for the property of the Zhan family!Therefore, he looks down on anyone, only he himself is the heir of the Zhan family, whoever wants to rob him is his enemy!
The playful look on Zhan Cheng's face was completely gone. At this moment, he stared at Zhan Qi seriously: "Second brother, where have you been these days? Are you going to kill me?"

Zhan Qi raised his eyes, and his deep eyes swept over Zhan Cheng's face: "I went to Nan's house!"

"Which Nan family? Why didn't you report my safety? I thought you were killed by that bastard Zhan Tang!"

"I don't have a mobile phone. I was injured on the head at the time, so it's inconvenient to call you. Besides, according to your temperament, you will definitely make a lot of inquiries. You don't need to tell everyone in the Zhan family to know."

"Did you be taken out of the hospital by that bastard Zhan Tang! I checked the hospital's surveillance system and it turned out that all of them were destroyed!"

"Well... there was a problem in the middle, although he took me away! But my consciousness gradually became clear, and finally I escaped by myself!"

"Then you said just now that your brain was injured, is it better?" Zhan Cheng then remembered and asked anxiously.

Zhan Qi's heart warmed slightly: "Don't worry, it's all over!"

Only then did Zhan Cheng notice that Zhan Qi's handsome hair had been cut into a crew cut.The handsomeness is not diminished, but there is more masculinity, and the handsome face also has a little more ethereal air, just like a fairy who is heartless and desireless!
In fact, it was a bald head at the beginning, but after a few days of growth, it almost became a flat head!

Seeing that the top of Zhan Qi's head is really healed, even the scars of the injury can't be seen, he immediately said distressedly: "Fortunately, the second brother has a physique without scars, once the wound on this head is healed, you can't see it at all. It turned out to be injured!"

When Zhan Qi heard this, a smile flashed across his eyes!
"Second brother, what are you going to do? Do you chop him up or maim him?"

Everyone knows that this "he" refers to Zhan Tang.Zhan Qi took a deep breath: "Grandpa, I'm getting old! Let's talk about it tomorrow! After all, he has raised me for more than ten years! It's not good for him to watch us kill each other! The reason why he was willing to raise me when I was young I am afraid it is to prevent this day!"

Zhan Cheng sneered: "Old Master, he is really partial!"

"Don't say that, he is also your grandfather after all!"

"Grandpa, has he admitted me from the bottom of his heart? I don't care about his Zhan family! If it weren't for the Zhan family's second brother! I would have left City C with my mother."

"I'm afraid little aunt won't agree!" Zhan Qi said in a low tone!

"I know, but I still want to try it! What if she agrees one day?" Zhan Chengyi said that his mother became infinitely silent!

When I was a child, I was ridiculed in the Zhan family, and my mother never spoke back!It's only when she scolds him that she argues with others!
In the end, the old man of the Zhan family would suppress him and not allow anyone to bully Zhan Rou, but Zhan Cheng gave him a surname, and never looked at him again!
Zhan Rou always feels that she has shamed the Zhan family.I also hate that I don't know people clearly, and the previous arrogance has basically been smoothed out.It's not good to keep a low profile in the Zhan family, and shut up in the room all day to chant scriptures, saying that it is to pray for the Zhan family!Generally, they will not leave the room easily!

So in the past ten years, Zhan Rou has been like a transparent person in the Zhan family, without much status!And Zhan Cheng is not welcomed by everyone in the Zhan family, except Zhan Qi!
"Ah Cheng, I don't want to embarrass Grandpa!"

"But, Zhan Tang, he wants to kill you? Do you not even want your life?" Zhan Cheng looked at him questioningly, his eyes were full of disappointment and pain!
Zhan Qi moran for a moment: "I know all this, grandpa may not know! So, the heir to be announced tomorrow will probably be Zhan Tang! I think he will inherit the Zhan family tomorrow, and if I lose the threat, he may not want to get rid of him anymore." Me!"

Zhan Cheng's eyes were serious, with sarcasm: "Is my thinking too complicated, or second brother, you are too naive? Then what kind of person is Zhan Tang? That is a poisonous snake and beast! Will he let you go? Second brother Stop joking!"

Zhan Qi's eyes flashed coldly: "I'll give him another chance, if he makes things difficult for me again and wants to get rid of me, I won't sit still!"

Zhan Cheng just wanted to wake Zhan Qi up: "Second brother, don't be stupid! He will never let you go. You have let him go twice for grandpa's sake! Do you think you still have a second chance?" Let him kill you three times? Do you think your life is worthless? What did he do to Zhan Tang? What did the Zhan family do? If he knew the true identity of the second brother..."

"Ah Cheng!" The tone of voice was light with warning!

"It's not that I'm unprepared. I said that giving him a chance is giving him a chance to change his ways. It's not that I just let him hurt me! I was unprepared the first two times because I thought grandpa would at least protect me a little. I only know him now." The only one who has ever wanted to protect is Zhan Tang!
The two life-and-death wanderings have paid off the debt I owe him for nurturing him!As long as Zhan Tang doesn't provoke me anymore, I'll let him live!Otherwise, find out all the criminal evidence and send him to prison to spend the rest of his life!The evil things he did are enough for him to stay in prison until he dies! "

A smile appeared on Zhan Cheng's lips, the genes of the Zhan family are also very good!Zhan Cheng is also a warm man when he smiles!
"By the way, second brother? Who is that girl outside?"

(End of this chapter)

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