Chapter 257 The boss's cute little wife
When eating dinner, the Zhan family adhered to the principle of not talking when eating or sleeping.

There was only the sound of chopsticks touching the bowl, Nan Qingqing ate quickly, not at all like a lady.

Just because of her rude eating, Zhan Qi looked up several times!
But Grandpa Zhan felt more and more guilty towards Nan Qingwei!If it weren't for Zhan Qi, a brat, he wouldn't be able to tolerate a little girl.

Seeing her eating happily, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. On the contrary, I feel that other ladies are full after eating a little bit gracefully. She eats so much and doesn't care about getting fat at all. This is very cute!

Grandpa Zhan, who has always been strict and pays attention to the distance, even smiled and offered to ask Nan Qingqing to eat more!

Nan gently raised his little head buried in the pile of food, looked at Grandpa Zhan cutely and said sweetly: "Thank you, Grandpa!"

There is also some sauce on the face, which is very funny!But she unknowingly showed her small white teeth and smiled silly!

Zhan Qi resisted his indifference, but he was almost defeated by Nan Qingqing's appearance!

Pulled out a piece of paper on the dining table, and carefully wiped off the sauce on Nanqing's face!
His expression was indifferent, but his movements were extremely gentle!
Nan Qingwei stared blankly at Zhan Qi, only feeling like he was dreaming!
The small hand slowly pinched Zhan Qi's handsome face, and a fingernail mark was left on Zhan Qi's handsome face!

Grandpa Zhan's hale and hearty eyes glanced over Zhan Qi and Nan lightly, as if he had discovered something extraordinary!
Jun's face darkened slightly, and he spat out coldly: "What are you doing?"

Nan Weiwei withdrew her hand in shock. Did she touch Zhan Qi's face and pinch him just now?Hallucinations, must be hallucinations?

"I had hallucinations just now, Brother Qi, I definitely didn't pinch you, did I?"

Zhan Qi didn't speak, but just pinched the half of Nan Qingqing's face and turned it to Nan Qingqing's line of sight, so that she could clearly see the nail marks on his face!
Nan shook his hand lightly, and the chopsticks in his hand fell to the table!

Zhan Qi looked at the fear in Nan Qingqing's eyes, is he so scary?Did he get scared like this before he even said anything?
"Now I know I'm afraid, who gave you the courage to touch my face!"

Grandpa Zhan immediately became angry: "What's wrong with touching you? What's wrong with her touching her husband?"

Zhan Qi: "Grandpa, don't be deceived by her appearance! In fact, she..."

"I'm not old and dim-sighted yet, immediately apologize slightly and let me see you bullying her, I'll break your leg!"

Zhan Qi: "...Grandpa, I am your grandson!"

"You still act like a spoiled child at such an age, girls are not as squeamish as you!"

Is he kidding?What kind of ecstasy soup did Nan Qingwei pour her grandfather into so that he could protect her all the time?

Nan gently looked at Grandpa Zhan's intention of protection, and was also very surprised.But if they really quarreled and left her behind, wouldn't everything she did today be in vain?

"Grandpa, it's all my fault! Brother Qi, he's right, it's me who's wrong. I'm just too excited to make sure that it's true that Brother Qi wiped my face! Brother Qi, I'm sorry! How about you Pinch it back!" Nan gently revealed his face, ready to let Zhan Qi pinch him back!
Zhan Qi's eyes are cold, if possible, what he wants to pinch is Nan Qingqing's neck!

Trying to cause trouble for him, Nan Qingwei looked at the distraught Zhan Qi, and gave him a provocative look in private, come on!Hurt each other!
Damn, Nan Qingqing is really faking it!This kind of her not only didn't anger him, but made him more interested in her, so he wanted to see what she was up to!
Even being forced to go back to live in the castle doesn't seem so unacceptable anymore!
There was a faint light in his eyes, he wiped his mouth and said gracefully: "Grandpa, it's time for us to go back!"

Grandpa Zhan had reason to suspect that his grandson had thought of some way to punish him, because he saw the glint in his eyes!

In the beginning, he might still be interested in seeing his grandson's jokes, but now that he suddenly feels guilty towards Nan Qingqing, he wants to make up for her!Don't let her be wronged!

If Qingqing goes back and is punished by his grandson, he won’t feel at ease: "You can go back, and you will have to take Qingqing back to the old house at least twice a week from now on. If you let me know that you have bullied Qingqing, I will deal with you according to the family law." !"

Zhan Qi Ruhua frowned slightly: "Got it!"

At this moment, Xiao Yu walked in from the outside, handed the picture of spring to Grandpa Zhan and said, "Master, don't worry! Young Master Sun will definitely not bully your wife!" After speaking, he handed it to Grandpa Zhan. of ancient paintings.

This time Grandpa Zhan asked Cai Cai to put it away without even looking at it.He is also going to do ideological work for Zhan Qi, and his wife is here to pamper him!It is not used as an enemy to practice!

Seeing this, Zhan Qi Meifeng raised his hand and glanced sideways at Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu immediately took out the ten black cards prepared for Nan Qingqing, handed them to Nan Qingqing and said, "Madam, this is a gift from Young Master Sun." your present!"

Nan Weiwei accepted ten black cards in a daze, did she make a mistake and give her another card?
At this time, Grandpa Zhan became angry: "Do you have a little sincerity to give someone a few broken cards?"

Zhan Qi smiled coldly: "Grandpa, it seems that there are quite a few broken cards!"

"I gave it to my granddaughter-in-law's living expenses. You have no sincerity in sending a broken card!"

Xiao Yu rubbed his nose, and said apologetically for Zhan Qi: "Master, the card you sent is your card, but the card that Young Master Sun sent is his card!"

Grandpa Zhan: "..." There seems to be some difference in saying this!
Zhan Qi looked at Grandpa Zhan who wanted to understand, and then he didn't care whether Nan Qingqing was full or not, he pulled her hand with great strength, and walked quickly towards the car!

I only heard Nan's soft voice: "Why are you doing it before I finish eating?"

"You eat more than pigs, eat less and you will lose weight!"

"I haven't said goodbye to Grandpa yet?"

"Grandpa sees us being so close, he only has blessings, and he doesn't think too much about it."

Nan Qingqing: "..."

Grandpa Zhan: "..." My grandson still understands me!
Nanqing was held hostage by Zhan Qi and carried into the car, and after getting in the car, the two stared at each other!
Zhan Qi's cold swishing eyes glanced at Nan Qingnian, Nan Qingnian only felt a burst of cold air hit her, and she shivered from the cold!
"What are you looking at me for? If you don't want to go back to the castle, don't go back if you have the ability!"

"Finally show your true colors! You said you changed for me, I think you are full of lies!" The coldness released by Zhan Qi didn't even need to turn on the air conditioner in the scorching summer night.

"Yes! So what! You forgive me in the castle for a month, I don't want to lose face? Of course you want to get you back, let everyone in the Zhan family see, in fact, Zhan Qi, you admit my identity !"

Zhan Qijun's face darkened: "Are you not afraid that I will throw you off the car now?"

"Did you throw it away? You threw me away, and I immediately took a taxi to the Zhan family's old house and told grandpa that you bullied me! You even threw me in the barren mountains and wild mountains. As long as you are not afraid of pissing off grandpa to death, just throw it away! I admire you for throwing it away!" You are a man!"

Jin-Woo, listen to the following conversation.Trembling with fright!
How has this wife changed for the better?This is getting smarter!
Nan Qingwei said without fear of death: "What? You want to kill me? I just like the way you want to kill me, but you have nothing to do with me!"

 Thank you for the monthly pass of "Take the corners of your lips"!Thank you for the recommendation ticket of "Confused and Confused", and thank you for the recommendation ticket of "Unreasonable and Strong"!Thank you for the recommendation ticket of "Mengmeng", thank you for the recommendation ticket of "Alien Planet", and thank you for the recommendation ticket of "Fairy"!Thanks for the recommendation ticket of "Because there is no medicine for funny comparison"!Thank you for the recommendation ticket of "Eating Groundhog", and thank you for the recommendation ticket of "Ban Xia Sad Plastic Beauty"!Thank you for the recommendation ticket of "Xunmeng", and thank you for the recommendation ticket of "Dislike"!Thanks for the recommended ticket for "Rainbow After the Storm"!Thanks to "Bitter" for the recommendation ticket, thanks to "Mengmeng" for the recommendation ticket, thanks to "Bingxuexin" for the recommendation ticket, thanks to "Purple Memories" for the recommendation ticket, thanks to "Angry Birds" for the recommendation ticket, and thanks to "Xianxue" for the recommendation ticket , "Recommended ticket!Thanks to "Bingxin Doudouqing" for the recommendation ticket, and thanks to "Lucifer" for the recommendation ticket!
  Thanks for the support of the little gods!This is a recommendation ticket plus update for the little cute gods!

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  One day Emperor Yuehua discovered that his spiritual energy from the heavenly realm had disappeared very quickly. When he was checking the problem, he saw Lord God holding the Spirit Gathering Pagoda in his hand and took away a large amount of spiritual energy from the heavenly realm!

  Heavenly Emperor Yuehua said angrily, "Master Lord God, what are you doing?"

  Zhan Qi gave him a cold look: "My wife said you cheated us so many times, let me collect some interest!"


(End of this chapter)

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