Chapter 259 The boss's cute little wife
Nan Qingqing swears to the system Xiaoqi: Xiaoqi, I swear that I have absolutely no intention of driving him out of the room!
The system Xiaoqi gave her a blank look, and you can tell by the way your eyes shine!Needless to say!

Once in the room, close the bedroom!Zhan Qi immediately let go of Nan Qingqing's hand, not only let go, but also wiped his hands with a wet towel several times in disgust!

It seems that there are some germs on Nan Qingqing's hands that will be contagious!
Seeing this, Nan Qingwei was anxious: "What are you doing? Your hand is already dirty after pulling mine. You should chop it off to clean it completely!"

Zhan Qi Wenyan narrowed his phoenix eyes, and said calmly: "You mean for my own safety, I should chop off both of your hands?"

Nan Qingqing: "...Male god, it's not good to be so violent!"

"You're not called Brother Qi anymore?"

"Uh...these are my pet names for you, husband. If you like it, I can think of one for you every day for 360 days. I will call you whichever one you like!"

Zhan Qimo is really infatuated!He was almost moved, and said with a calm face, "Call me husband from now on! After all, you are married to me!"

"Would it be too intimate to call her husband?"

"Are you still thinking of getting a divorce?" Zhan Qi's voice was stern.

"No, I... I have been looking forward to it for too long, and it feels unreal when my dream comes true! But, husband, are you sure you want to discuss this with me so late?"

Zhan Qi approached Nan Qingqing viciously, Nan Qingqing was a little hopeless and her legs were weak, she would never say that she was unable to walk under the feet of being fascinated by beauty!

At this moment, Zhan Qi, with a sultry expression and an intoxicating smile on his lips, looks very evil!
Nan pinched his thigh lightly and hard, and stabilized himself, but don't indulge in beauty at the critical moment, it is very likely that he is another trap!
Because the kill value and Xin Fu value on Zhan Qi's head have not changed at all!
Nan Qingqing felt that Zhan Qi hadn't fallen in love with her yet, and felt that it was impossible to have any affection for her!
How to do?Could he be trying to strangle her?

"Don't come here again, I tell you that killing people is against the law!"

A smile flashed across Zhan Qi's eyes, and he continued to approach Nan gently, unhurriedly!
Nan gently watched him take a step forward, so she had no choice but to take a step back, calling Xiao Qi desperately in her heart: Xiao Qi!Your heartthrob skill is not a fake, is it?Why does Ah Qi look like he wants to kill me?

Xiao Qi, are you there? If you are, tell me I'm a little scared?Nowhere to be seen, damn the broken system!
Finally with no way out, Nan Qingqing was stuck on the closet by the spine!
Zhan Qi also stopped in his tracks, propped his hands on the closet behind him, and seemed to wrap Nan Qingqing in his arms, Nan Qingqing could smell the heat of his breath!A scent of clean lemon from a boy came, and Nan Qing's mind froze for a moment!
It was the taste of her nostalgia, and she slowly closed her eyes!Waiting for the kiss to fall!
Unexpectedly, "Pa..." a slap slapped Nan Qingqing on the shoulder, Nan Qingqing was speechless: "Why did you hit me?"

"Are you awake?" Zhan Qi's voice was much calmer than before!

Nan Qingwei didn't know how to offend him, so she lowered her head in embarrassment and said awkwardly: "I tell you, I didn't think you were going to kiss me. I closed my eyes in fear. I didn't expect you to hit me!"

Nan said softly and resentfully.Zhan Qi's expression didn't know why he didn't want to play tricks on her just now, after listening to Nan Qingqing's words, he just hummed lightly!
"Then why did you hit me?" Nan said lightly, covering his shoulders, although the hit was not heavy.But it was the first time she was beaten by Zhan Qi!Of course she will not be happy!
Zhan Qi's eyes were deep, he looked at Nan Qingwei's aggrieved expression thoughtfully, and after a while he said: "You blocked the door of the closet and I want to get the quilt inside!"

"The closet?"

"Yes! Right behind you!"

Nan lightly jumped away immediately, and then Zhan Qi opened a closet door as expected, took out two quilts from inside, spread them on the floor, and was about to go to bed, because the bedroom was on air conditioner, it would be okay to cover the quilts Will not feel hot!
Nan Qing watched Zhan Qi spread the quilt, and then lay down by himself!

Zhan Qi's series of actions confused Nan Qingwei: "What are you doing? If you don't want to, don't talk about sleeping with me! There are so many bedrooms outside, why should you wrong yourself?"

Zhan Qi looked at Nan Qingqing who was about to cry, and felt a little irritable in his heart: "Didn't you say that I forgive you for a month and want to get me back and tell everyone in the Zhan family that I agree with you? I am I'm saving face for you! What are you angry about? Or, actually, do you want me to hug you and sleep together on the bed?"

He was about to get up, as if he really wanted to sleep with Nan Qingqing, Nan Qingyuan looked at it and immediately disliked it: "Whoever wants to sleep with you, it would be nice to have a bed on the floor. In order to compensate me, I announce that now The castle is mine now! You are just a guest! Do you hear me?"

Zhan Qi said with a bit of a headache: "I see you are so cute in front of grandpa, why did you come in front of me as if I were your father-killing enemy?"

"Although grandpa hasn't cared much about me these years! But he has never treated me badly when it comes to food and clothing! My reckless behavior is all due to grandpa's care for me. What's wrong with me being obedient to grandpa? It's you and me It was used to protect you from disasters, but you disliked me in every possible way! It was all your fault that I was bullied as soon as I came here, and I was able to develop such a temper in the end!
So, why can't I be a little more fierce to you, compared to how you treated me before, that's nothing!Let me tell you, although I still like you, I will never be so humble and let you spoil me wantonly! "

"Well... go to sleep!" After finishing speaking, Zhan Qi fell asleep alone.

Nan Qingqing thought that he would feel guilty for lowering his murder value and increasing his happiness value?Who knows that other people's data has not changed a bit!Nan Weiwei was speechless, and her feelings were wasted again. How could she have acted for so long?

Who knew that he was singing a lullaby to him!

Reluctantly looking at Zhan Qi who was asleep, he also climbed onto the bed and fell asleep slowly!

At night, Zhan Qi opened his deep eyes and stared at Nan Qingqing when Nan Qing fell asleep!It seems that I can't get enough of it.In this way, the sky was slightly brighter.

He got up in shock and put away the quilt!Opened the door and went out to go for a morning run!

The air in the morning was cool, and the servants watched Zhan Qi come out, greeted him respectfully, and got busy again!
Although I was curious about why Young Master Sun got up so early, I couldn't go up and ask if it was wrong!
Nan lightly fell asleep until dawn, and when she woke up, there was no sign of Zhan Qi in the room!The quilt on the ground was also put away!

Nan gently got up to wash up, and found that Zhan Qi came back from the outside, as if he had gone for a run, sweating profusely!

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Nan Qingqing, seeing her ignoring him, his eyes were slightly cold: "Didn't Qingqing see your husband come back?"

Nan Weiwei gave Zhan Qi a cold look: "He has hands and feet, I'm afraid he doesn't need me to do anything!"

"Heh... I don't have the self-consciousness of being a woman at all. Go and get me a change of clothes! I'll wear them after I take a shower, and then I'll take you out!"

 Thank you for the recommendation ticket of "Sorrowful Beauty of Pinellia", thank you for the recommendation ticket of "Looking for Dreams", thank you for the recommendation ticket of "Smiling to Warm", thank you for the recommendation ticket of "Youth is a perfunctory time", and thank you for the recommendation of "遇见@" Recommended tickets, thank you for the recommended tickets for "The Sky of the Stars", thank you for the recommended tickets for "Yuma", and thank you for the recommended tickets for "Confused"!
  Thank you for your support!


(End of this chapter)

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