Chapter 278
After breakfast, Yi's mother took Nan Qingqing to various shopping malls and bought a lot of daily necessities!

I also bought a lot of new clothes, shoes and matching bags for her!

If it wasn't for Nan gently stopping her, Mother Yi would have bought her some jewelry to wear!

Fortunately, Nan gently pulled her out, otherwise, depending on Yi's mother's purchasing power, they might not be able to go home after walking for a day today!

She never knew that women's shopping is so crazy and scary, just buy, buy, buy with a big hand wave!

He didn't care about maxing out his card at all, and the people in the shopping mall frequently looked back and saw Yi's mother doting on her daughter, envious!
The shopping guide in the mall also noticed this, and when she saw Nan Qingqing, she praised her that there are fairies in the sky and there are no fairies in the earth, and the ones she tried on looked good, as soon as Mama Yi heard this, she would buy it immediately, It doesn't matter whether Nanqing can come here in clothes or not, as long as she is happy, she can empty out the shopping malls in the entire building!
Although I really like how Mama Yi cares about her appearance, she can't wear many clothes at all!
Immediately pulled Mama Yi out of the mall, saying that she was hungry!

Mother Yi just checked the time, and it turned out that it was getting late, and it was one o'clock in the afternoon!

Hearing that Nan Qingqing was hungry, he found a high-end Chinese restaurant that he often goes to on weekdays, and took Nan Qingqing to eat!
Mama Yi is the guest of honor at this Chinese restaurant, so the food is served very quickly!

Although Nan Qingqing was a little hungry, she was not inferior in any way to Wenya Bizhiyi's mother, an old lady!There is also a little more incomparable dignity faintly!

Mother Yi looked at Nan Qingqing's dining etiquette, and nodded in satisfaction!The more I look at it, the more I like it. This is simply the good girl that my parents dreamed of, a gentle and elegant lady!
She didn't expect that she could find such a smart, soft and cute daughter in this life. She simply doesn't know what kind of virtue she has accumulated in her previous life!

"Sunny, are you full?"

Nan raised his head slightly, put down the chopsticks in his hand, swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "Godmother, I've already eaten!"

"Then let's go back quickly? Go back and take a nap. I'm tired from shopping all morning!"

Originally, Yi's mother was paying the bill, but Nan Qingqing wanted to go to the bathroom at this time: "Godmother, I'm going to go to the bathroom, my stomach feels a little uncomfortable!"

"Is there anything wrong? Shall I go with you?"

"No godmother, I just ate too much, go to the bathroom! Wait for me here, I'll be back soon!"

Nan went to the toilet lightly, and bumped into someone's arms as soon as he came out after washing his hands.

Only a cold voice said: "Can't you look at the road when you walk?"

Nan slightly raised his head and took two steps back.A pair of big black jewel-like eyes stared at the man in front of him in confusion: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! Because someone is waiting for me in the restaurant... ah! What are you doing?"

The moment the man saw Nan Qingqing, he hugged her into his arms with one hand, and said affectionately: "Qingqing, is that you Qingqing? I finally found you!"

She hugged Nan Qingqing's waist more and more tightly in her hands.

Nan Qingqing only felt that her waist was about to be strangled: "Sir, did you admit the wrong person! I am not Qingqing. I am sunny!"

Hearing this, Zhan Qi let go of Guan Nanqing's hands.

Then he clasped her shoulders tightly to prevent her from leaving!Make her face him!
I saw him with fine and stylish short black hair and wearing a black shirt. He looked mysterious, dignified and extraordinary!
It's that handsome face that is more handsome than a star, people will be obsessed and crazy when they see it!
But Nan Qingqing is not an ordinary person, what she thinks is not how handsome he is, but whether he is taking the opportunity to molest her!

"Let go, what are you doing? Are you going to let me go and call someone!"

Zhan Qi was anxious: "Call me! I'm holding my wife by myself, who else dares to say anything?"

"Who is your wife? Don't mess around! I don't know you!"

"Stop making trouble gently, okay? Do you know how long I've been looking for you?" The handsome man's eyes as deep as obsidian were a little bit aggrieved!

If other women would have been fascinated by him long ago, but Nan Qingqing was not fooled by his beauty: "Let me go, I don't know you at all! And if I don't call you Qingqing, My name is Sunshine!"

"Who are you? Let go of my daughter!" Hearing that Yi's mother had settled the bill, she waited for a long time and didn't see Nan Qingqing coming over, so she hurried to find her in fear of any trouble.

Sure enough, as soon as she came over, she saw a man touching her goddaughter!

Zhan Qi looked at the person with cold eyes, and said displeasedly: "Go away, what business do you have if I talk to my own wife?"

Seeing Yi's mother approaching, Nanqing hurriedly shouted for help: "Godmother, save me! There is a psychopath here! He insists that I am his wife, but I don't know him at all!"

Nan's soft answer attracted many people dining in the restaurant!
Zhan Qi Jian frowned slightly: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a couple quarreling?"

"Who is your wife, let go of the sunny day! You crazy!" Yi's mother was anxious, picked up a mop from the restroom of a restaurant, and wanted to greet Zhan Qi!

Zhan Qifeng's eyes were cold, and his deep pupils were as black as ink!If this woman dared to hit him, he would definitely not let her see the sun tomorrow!

Nan gently observed Zhan Qi's expression, and found his bloodthirsty killing intent, fearing that he would harm his godmother, he immediately said: "Godmother, I seem to have remembered a little bit, I really know him!"

Mother Yi held the raised mop in her hand, no way!She just recognized a daughter and her family came here first!

At this time, Zhan Qi finally understood, and a mosquito could be pinched to death between his frowning: "Qing, have you lost your memory?"

Immediately, the mop in Yi's mother's hand could no longer be beaten, and she really lost her memory on a sunny day!She knows this, but she can't remember anyone!

Zhan Qi felt distressed and wanted to hug Nan Qingqing into his arms, but Nan Qingyuan put his hands on Zhan Qi's chest, vowing to die.

The frost in Zhan Qi's eyes was replaced by distressed affection: "Gently, don't be afraid! I'm here to take you home!"

Mother Yi immediately panicked: "You can't take Qingtian away, who knows if what you said is true? What evidence do you have to prove that Qingtian is your wife? Otherwise, I won't let you take Qingtian away!"

Zhan Qi looked at Yi's mother coldly: "She was originally my wife, but I lost her when we were about to get married! I won't watch Qingqing disappear before my eyes again! "

That kind of heart-piercing pain that can't be vented, one experience is enough!He will never go through it again!

Nan Qingwei looked at Zhan Qi speechlessly: "Although you are handsome, you may be cute, but I really don't know you! Think about it, you recognize me as your wife, that's for sure I think we look alike. If your wife is still waiting for you somewhere, but you recognize the wrong person! Do you think this is the most heartbreaking thing in love? Maybe where is your wife waiting for you? Let me go, I won't run, you're going to crush my shoulders!"

Zhan Qi heard this and let go decisively. Nan gently stepped back to Mother Yi's side, spotted the crowd watching the excitement over there, and immediately dragged Mother Yi into the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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