Chapter 428 I Serve You
Chapter 455 I Serve You
Vampires are certainly happy to be chosen by many humans, and this proves itself attractive to them.

But now no one chooses Miss Li Kanali, and no one in the classroom dares to make a sound.

Ruan Xiaoli was not angry at all, with a faint smile on his face, still playing with his long hair with his fingers, then he raised his head and glanced at the humans standing in line.

"Is there really no one to choose me? Am I that scary?"

For human beings, every vampire is terrifying, and Li Kanali is even more terrifying.

Vampires were afraid of her, let alone humans.

Those human beings all lowered their heads and did not dare to look at her. They were all trembling, wishing they could hide themselves behind others.

Ruan Xiaoli played with his hair: "No one chooses me, it really makes me sad."

The vampires got a little nervous, and Qina Joelle was pushed forward by a girl.

Qina Joelle hurriedly said: "Miss Canali, you have a special status, why do you need them to choose you, you can choose whichever you like."

Playing games is playing games, so don't mess with this guy.

The smile on Ruan Xiaoli's face became more intense: "No one chose me, do you think I'm pathetic? My identity is suitable for usurpation."

"No, no, that's not what I meant, Miss Canali..." Qina Joelle didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Ruan Xiaoli ignored her, and glanced at those humans: "Is there really no one who chooses me? If you choose me, as long as my fangs bite you lightly, you can become a humble human being and become a noble blood race." , You don’t have to live in fear anymore, become a blood race, completely break away from the status of human beings, your life can be eternal, and your appearance will not grow old..."

Her immature voice is like a trap, seducing human greed a little bit.

She had an angelic face, but those blood-red eyes revealed the truth.

This is not an angel, this is obviously a demon that leads people to hell.

People are greedy, and when they see a little sweetness, they start to move around.

Some people's eyes began to become unsteady, and some people believed Ruan Xiaoli's words, and seemed to see another shortcut to hope.

If they are bitten and become blood clans, they can also become masters!
Qiao Huier stood behind a female blood race girl. She understood Li Kanali's words, but she was not moved at all.

To put it nicely, there is an abyss behind it all.

Qiao Huier lowered her head and hid behind everyone.

Some humans have already stepped towards Ruan Xiaoli.

At this moment, a playful voice came.

"How can these lowly human beings deserve to serve Miss Canali." Liu Sen Mori stood up and walked over.

A handsome, ordinary boy who came out of an oil painting, with a naughty smile on his face that didn't match his appearance.

"Miss Canali, your status is precious, how can such a lowly human deserve to be bitten by you."

The fangs of the vampires have other interests besides eating.

The moment the fangs were pierced, the body was excited and happy.

Blood sucking and showing fangs depends on the intention.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't expect Liusen Mo Erli to make trouble, what did he want to do?
Ruan Xiaoli leaned against the table: "Liusen Moerli, who do you think I should choose?"

"The human beings here are not worthy of serving you, so you don't have to choose any of them."

"But everyone has blood servants, but I don't?" Her small face showed an aggrieved look.

He knew she was faking it, but this aggrieved look was really alluring.

Liusen Mori approached, reached out and picked up Ruan Xiaoli's hand, knelt down in front of her like a knight, took her hand and kissed: "Honorable Miss Canali, why don't I serve you?" you?"

Serving, not blood servants.

But the service was again intriguing.

You must know that vampires and vampires will also suck blood from each other, but only those who are ambiguous will suck each other.

Xiao Evil: "What is this man mainly doing?"

The male protagonist should be right, Xiao Evil has learned to read people's feelings.

It can tell that the male lead doesn't like Ruan Xiaoli, but why did he do that?

Yes, the male protagonist is a cheap and playful person.

Is that how he thinks it's fun?

The truth about the little evil, Liusen Mori really did it for fun.

He didn't come into contact with Li Kanali before, but now he is very curious about people of primitive blood like Li Kanali.

Liusen Moerli half-kneeled on the ground, holding her hand, while Ruan Xiaoli sat lazily on the chair, looking down at the back of his hand.

"Liu Sen Mori, you are also an earl after all, and it is inappropriate to serve me."

"Yes, it is my honor to serve you, and I am far nobler than these humans, am I not?"

Human beings are too lowly to admire you, I apologize.

Liusen Moerli was clearly doing a very gentlemanly and elegant gesture, but he had a grin on his face, and it was impossible to tell whether what he said was true or false.

Ruan Xiaoli put away the smile on his face and turned back into that expressionless doll.

She withdrew her hand: "Go on, I'm not interested in this game anymore."

After speaking, she got up and left the classroom.

As soon as she left, the others finally dared to take a breath.

"Miss Lacanali came to play this game and made people angry, hey."

"Miss Canali should not be angry."

"Yo Yo Yo, there are five people behind me. Tell me about the five of you. Why didn't one of you choose Miss Canali? But if a person passes by, it won't embarrass us all."


Liusen Mori stood up, patted the dust on his knees, and glanced at the people in the classroom who had already started having fun.


Liusen Moer managed to leave the classroom.

Because it is class time now, the entire corridor is empty.

He was going to the infirmary to be alone, the classroom was too noisy.

Passing by the flower bed, a man in a suit came over: "Earl Liusen Morley."

Liusen Mori raised a smile on his face, and asked lightly, "Why did you come to school?"

This man was the housekeeper of the Morley family, and usually accompanied his father.

Steward: "Count, the Duke said that you will represent him at the Council of Elders on weekends."

The Council of Elders is generally attended by those in power of blood clan nobles.

let him go?
Although his father has let him take over some family affairs in the past few years, and he is ready to let go, is it too early to participate in the council of elders?

Going to the Council of Elders now will definitely make things difficult for you.

Is this the test his father gave him?

Liusen Mori nodded: "I see."

Steward: "The Duke has been abroad for a while, and all the family affairs will be entrusted to you during this time."

"Oh, I see."

The butler bowed and left silently.

Liusen Mori was about to leave, but suddenly felt someone not far away.

He turned back quickly: "Who?"

A delicate girl with curly long hair in a long black dress stood among the flowers, looking at him with blood red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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