Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 466 World 12: Gaming: Junior Brother, You Look So Good-looking

Chapter 466 World 12: Gaming: Junior Brother, You Look So Good-looking

Chapter 493 World 12: Gaming: Junior Brother, You Look So Good-looking

"The last world clearly promised me to leave early, but you forced me to leave for 200 years." Xiao Evil said with a pout.

Ruan Xiaoli's soul has just entered the space, and she can still feel the tingling of the silver dagger piercing her heart.

To love the other is to kill the other.

Hiss, it hurts...

Ruan Xiaoli sat down on the carpet, wanting to lean against Xiao Ei.

Xiao Evil moved his ass away: "Don't rely on me, hurry up and go to the next world to do the task."

Ruan Xiaoli glanced at it: "Are you angry?"

"I'm going to be mad at you? Huh."

Ruan Xiaoli leaned on Xiao E with a smile: "It took 100 years to get married, and 100 years after marriage, it's pretty good."

Xiao Ei also thought it was meaningful when he heard this, but he looked at Ruan Xiaoli suspiciously: "Are you reluctant to leave that world?"


There really isn't.

Xiao Evil was a little depressed when he heard this, he felt a little pity for those male protagonists in the world.

"It's fine if you don't feel reluctant, well, go to the next world."

Xiao Evil slid the light screen and sent Ruan Xiaoli into the new world.


In an old community, a man in his 40s entered a low building with a large bag of vegetables.

The corridors are very narrow and a bit dark. This neighborhood is very old, and the houses are very old, but the best thing about the old neighborhood is the greenery. There are many decades-old trees, green and lush. When you open the windows, the air is full Plant smell.

Ruan An carried his things up to the fifth floor, knocked on the door, and waited at least a minute for someone to answer the door.

The one who opened the door was a 15-year-old 'boy' with short hair and small and delicate features. He was wearing men's pajamas. Perhaps he had just woken up and was very lazy.

Ruan An frowned: "Xiao Li, you are not young anymore, can you look a little girly?"

Ruan Xiaoli has just woken up, and she hasn't had time to accept the information of this world yet.

Xiao Evil reminded: "The original owner's name is Ruan Junli, a girl, but she looks like a boy. This is the original owner's father, Ruan An. The original owner's mother died of illness when she was young. His father took care of the original owner. Ruan An rented the apartment for the convenience of the original owner's schooling. This house belongs to the original owner."

So, this is the modern campus?
Xiao Ei heard her voice and replied: "No."

When Ruan An entered the house, she was relieved to see that the ground was clean everywhere. Apart from her daughter not looking like a girl, and her studies were a bit weak, everything else was fine, for example, she was very hygienic and self-reliant.

Ruan An opened the refrigerator and saw that it was full of vegetables, and immediately became unhappy.

"Xiao Li, I give you a lot of living expenses every month. You can buy more meat. It's all vegetables, hey."

The bags that Ruan An brought were almost full of meat, and he put them in one by one.

"I just went to work this afternoon. I'll make you a meal later. I bought pork ribs. Do you eat braised or stewed?" Ruan An asked.

Ruan Xiaoli was stunned for a moment, a single-parent family, but this father cared about the original owner very much, he was a very careful father.

She said, "Let's make the soup."

"Okay, I'll make ribs soup for you, you go wash up and do your homework."

It seemed that the original owner's father was like this every time he came, buying vegetables and cooking for the original owner.

Ruan Xiaoli turned and went to the bathroom to wash up, while listening to Xiao Evil's explanation of the world.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't know what he looked like until he looked in the mirror. He was really an immature and handsome young man.

15 years old, the same age as a flower, with short hair, bangs on the forehead slightly covering the eyebrows, a pair of watery eyes, a delicate nose, a small mouth, and the facial features put together make him a clean and tender beautiful boy.

Wearing dark blue men's pajamas, Ruan Xiaoli glanced at his flat chest, and fell silent.

Xiao Evil glanced at her: "Don't be sad, it will grow."

At 15, there is still a chance to develop.

Ruan Xiaoli picked up the toothbrush, squeezed some toothpaste, and began to brush his teeth.

Xiao Evil also finished watching the original plot: "The original owner Ruan Junli, I just told you about her family, she has a relatively cold personality, because she was brought up by her father when she was young, and she wore boy's clothes when she was young. Short hair, I haven't changed it since I grew up."

Ruan An has always been troubled by this. When she was a child, she just wanted to raise her better. It is more convenient to raise a boy.

How do you know that when you grow up, you won't look like a girl anymore.

"The original owner's grades are very poor, and he has no interest in learning. The only thing he is interested in is playing games. He even wants to enter a professional e-sports training camp, but suffers from lack of channels and insufficient funds."

It is not so easy to play e-sports.

In addition to being interested, you must also have talent, and have channels and funds.

Obviously, the original owner's family conditions did not support it.

Ruan Xiaoli: "Well, what then?"

Esports, that's where it gets interesting.

"The original owner is only 15 years old, and her talent is already very awe-inspiring, but she hasn't met Bole yet. She will meet a professional e-sports player in a few months, and the story will begin at this time."


Xiao Evil took a look at the villain missions: "Your villain missions are a bit scattered. I will temporarily release the small missions to you. Let me tell you about the major main missions. You want to provoke the heroine, and have a PK competition with the heroine. In the end, you were rejected The male lead fell in love with him and was trained in a professional training camp, and he and the male lead became brothers, and the male lead will be your captain in the future, but you have been competing with him."

Challenge the heroine, compete with the heroine?
"Provoke the heroine? Is the heroine also an e-sports player?"

"Yes, but the training camps for the female lead and the male lead are different, and every match is against each other." Xiao Evil pulled the original plot to the bottom, and quickly scanned the words on the light screen: "You will You are on the same team as the male lead, and the final final is to play against the female lead's team, but you suddenly didn't come in the final, which almost caused the team to lose the game, and you were fired by the coach in the end."

So this is the final villain mission.

Didn't go to the finals.

That's tough enough.

But the original owner should really love e-sports, why didn't he go to the finals?
There must be a reason behind this.

Xiao Evil: "Probably the main story is like this. I will remind you when there are temporary odd tasks."


Although he was curious why Ruan Junli didn't go to the finals, Ruan Xiaoli didn't ask Xiao Ei, just letting things take its course, walking this route by himself, he could understand why he didn't go.

After washing, Ruan Xiaoli took off his pajamas and casually put on loose clothes.

With a white T-shirt, black loose pants, short hair and exquisite facial features, she doesn't look like a girl at all.

Such a young boy walking on campus must have attracted the attention of countless girls.

Xiao Evil: "You are the school grass of your school."


(End of this chapter)

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