Chapter 471 Penalty Run
Chapter 498 Penalty Run
Cheng Mo fell asleep when he was woken up by a phone call from Zhang Yi.

"Captain, that Jun is online, and he's fighting a boss in the canyon. I just went to watch it. He cheated him, but it's also the fault of those people for wanting to deliberately miss him hahahaha..."

In the dark room, the boy sat up from the boat in his loose pajamas, slightly revealing his collarbone.

He took the phone away, frowning.

Zhang Yi is really noisy.


"Hurry up and go online to check it out. It's just a big show. I'm afraid you're sleeping. I've been hesitating whether to call you or not. Now it's almost over, hey."


Cheng Mo hung up the phone decisively.

He touched the switch and turned on the light, and the room was instantly brightened. He scratched his hair casually, then walked to the computer and sat down.

Turn on the computer, open the game, and log in to your account.


Cheng Mo chose to enter the canyon.

As soon as he appeared, he found that there were many people watching here, but it was obvious that the monster had already been beaten, and that Jun was no longer here.

Cheng Mo hid in the dark, watching what the onlookers said.

【Did you see the last blow clearly? How did that Jun hit the stone monster in the end? 】

[I didn't see clearly, the big move was released too fast. 】

[Is this really not a plug-in? 】

[I've opened a plug-in before, but the plug-in is not like this...]


Cheng Mo left after taking a few glances.

He stared at the computer with a faint disappointment in his eyes, it was late.

The phone was always on, and they were chatting in the WeChat group of their team.

Zhang Yi: Hey, I recorded the screen just now, praise me, praise me quickly.

xx: Praise you for being a big ghost, a phone call woke me up, and I felt lonely in the end.

xxxx: That's right, Zhang Yi, why didn't you call us earlier?

Zhang Yi: I got excited after watching this, so I forgot about you, and I was afraid that you were sleeping. In the end, I was too excited, so I called you. I called each of you one by one. Called, am I being kind, but you guys came too slowly, how did I know that big guy would play the game so fast, I thought he would play a few more games.

xxxx: I really want to kill you.

xx: Now let's go to his bedroom and beat him.

xxx: My pants are all put on, Zhang Yi, don't even think about getting a good night's sleep tonight.

Cheng Mo glanced at it, and then slid to Zhang Yifa's screen recording.

The screen recording distance is a bit far away, it should be that Zhang Yi was standing far away at that time.

Cheng Mo watched the whole video, his eyes became brighter the more he watched.

With four arrows fired at once, he should be able to shoot five arrows.

Cheng Mo gently tapped the table with his fingers, a smile appeared on his handsome face: "This person must be pulled over."

Definitely a rare talent.

But it can be seen that he is more impetuous and needs good training.

And relying on hand speed, it is completely possible to operate many types of characters.

Cheng Mo searched, but couldn't find Jun.

Coming soon...

It was late at night, and Cheng Mo sat in front of the computer for a long time, feeling that he would lose sleep tonight.


Ruan Xiaoli was sleeping soundly, Xiao E yelled and woke her up.

"Xiao Li, get up and go to school, you are still a student, the third year of junior high school, the high school entrance examination is coming soon! Get up and go to school!"

You deserve to have a small villain alarm clock.

The fake boy sat up from the bed, his hair was a little messy, and his childish and delicate facial features were a little confused.

go to school?

Yes, the original owner is still young and still in school.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't worry about the senior high school entrance examination at all, she could get full marks in the test papers, and she could control the number of points.

She can control it until she is admitted to high school.

But even this is not a reason to skip classes, it is students who cannot avoid going to class.

I played the game late last night. Although I only played one game, it was already early in the morning when I went to bed.

Although Xiao Ei woke her up, Ruan Xiaoli was late when he packed up and went to school.

The school gates are closed.

The sun was scorching, Ruan Xiaoli was wearing a short shirt, trousers, and sneakers in the morning.

The whole person looks like a young boy, and he is still a fair-skinned beautiful boy.

When the security guard saw her, he knew which class she was in.

"Ruan Junli, why are you late again? You were late again last Friday and this Monday. Is it so difficult for boys to get up?"

Xiao Evil: "Except for the class teacher, many people think you are a man."

After all, the appearance looks like a man, and the head teacher has a list, and the gender will be written on it.

But other people in the school don't know.

So everyone thought that Ruan Junli was a boy, and few people knew about it, and they wouldn't believe it when they told them.

Some students even said.

"Student Ruan Junli is good-looking, does it have something to do with his gender? Anyway, I like his face."

Ruan Xiaoli: "Do I usually not go to the bathroom at school?"

Or... go to the men's bathroom?

Xiao Evil: " don't like going to the toilet because you dislike the dirty toilets at school, and besides, the rented house is just outside the school, so you can go to the toilet when you go home for lunch at noon."


It turned out to be the case.

Ruan Xiaoli put his hands in his trouser pockets: "Uncle, open the door for me."

The voice of the young man who has not yet transformed, is slightly childish, male and female do not change.

The security guard opened the door, and said disgustedly: "Today you will definitely be punished to stand."

Good-looking people are favored everywhere, even if the security guard always dismisses her when she is late every day, but there is no malice in his tone.

But in front of Miejue Shitai's head teacher, no matter how good-looking she is, it's useless!
"Ruan Junli, stand outside for me, don't come in!"

Ruan Xiaoli hadn't had time to make a call when he reported, but the head teacher told him as soon as he stopped at the door of the class.

Helplessly, the young man shrugged, carrying his schoolbag on one shoulder, and silently walked to the corridor for punishment.

Fortunately, there is no sun in this corridor in the morning, otherwise it would be so hot.

After standing for a while, the head teacher saw his leisurely and carefree appearance from the window, and immediately became unhappy: "Ruan Junli, take your schoolbag and go to the playground for a couple of laps. If I see you being lazy, I will invite my parents!"

Is it so difficult to walk a few steps if you are late every day?

Run more and run more to build up your speed.

Ruan Xiaoli had no choice but to punish him and run away.

City A's No. [-] Middle School is divided into elementary school, junior high school, and high school. The distance between the middle school and the high school is very close.

On the other side of the playground is the high school.

Now the entire playground is covered with the sun, the boy is running slowly on the playground, his schoolbag has long been thrown on the grass.

On the forest path beside the playground, Cheng Mo walked by with a stack of test papers in his arms. He slightly raised his head and saw a small boy running on the playground in the distance.

Running here this early in the morning?
I was fined.

(End of this chapter)

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