Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 473 The Great God Comes to Add Friends

Chapter 473 The Great God Comes to Add Friends
Chapter 500 The Great God Comes to Add Friends
xxx: When you find out that he is online, you should hurry up to hook up and control our efforts. What if he goes offline again?
Zhang Yi: He will shoot all four arrows at once, this is a big boss, I am a little panicked.

xx: The identities of the members of the Xiazhong team are not bright enough, why are you panicking?
xxxx: Okay, stop talking, Zhang Yi, hurry up and add him as a friend, this good seed cannot be snatched away by others.

Zhang Yi: Alright.

Ruan Xiaoli was manipulating the characters to buy rare metals on the street, when suddenly a barrage popped up, saying that someone wanted to add him.

What's the name of this?
Ruan Xiaoli ignored it, because there were too many people who added her since she just went online, and the notifications of adding friends kept appearing, which disturbed her playing the game.

Ruan Xiaoli ignored the upper left corner.

Summer training group.

Zhang Yi: ... 10 minutes have passed, and the boss didn't respond.

xx: No way, you add him, but he doesn’t respond, is it because too many people added him as friends and didn’t see you?
After all, this Jun is very famous now. It is estimated that many people will add him once he goes online. This is not acceptable. What if other teams add him and poach him?
xx: I will add one to try.

10 minutes.

xx: ... didn't respond to me either.

xxx: No way, did this kid not look at the computer while going to the bathroom?I'll try it.

In the end, they went to add friends one by one, but they didn't get any response.

The group fell silent, it was a bit embarrassing, when did they become so unpopular in Xia Zhong?

Xiao Evil saw that Ruan Xiaoli was playing the game very well, and reminded: "There are many players from the Xia Zhong team joining you."

"Is there a male lead?"

"He didn't add you for the time being."


If there is no male protagonist, then you don't agree with these people.

The original owner Ruan Junli admired and admired only Chengmo who wanted to compete, so she wanted to join Xia Zhong, and arrogantly wanted Chengmo to join her.

Ruan Xiaoli opened the place to add friends and took a look. In fact, besides the people from Xia Zhong, there were also many people from the training camp who added him.

Take, for example, the well-known Hualin.

Ruan Xiaoli silently ignored those requests to add friends.

The original owner, Ruan Junli, gave himself the first choice to join Xiazhong, to compete with the great god he worshiped at close quarters.

The second choice is to join Hualin, because Hualin is Xia Zhong's deadly enemy, joining Hualin will definitely meet Chengmo, and he can compete with him to death.

It can only be said that the original owner, Ruan Junli, had a clear mind and was stubborn.

Ruan Xiaoli continued to play the game.

After more than ten minutes of silence in Xia Zhongqun, Zhang Yi said: Why don't we ask the captain to add it?
xx: Doesn’t the captain have an exam this afternoon?I guess I'm reading a book now.

It's a bit funny to say, they are all dedicated to professional e-sports, they are not in school anymore, and they are one or two years older than the captain.

They spend a lot of time training every day.

Chengmo has to go to school most of the time. Under the high-intensity training, he occasionally takes time out to study, and his academic performance can still maintain the top ten in the school, and he can still play games so well.

There are really geniuses in this world, and some people are far behind many others in terms of talent.

This kind of thing, people without talent can't keep up with scratching their heads.

Cheng Mo is indeed reviewing. His last exam was almost tenth in the whole grade. He wants to break into the top five this time, so when he returned to the rented house at noon, he was seriously reading and did not turn on the computer to log in to the game as usual. .

Cheng Mo made a set of test papers, took a look at his phone, and saw the news in the group.

Can't add Jun?

Cheng Mo frowned slightly, he got up and took the laptop from the sofa, and turned on the computer to log in to the game.

Sure enough, he saw Jun online, and he sent it as a friend without hesitation.

Cheng Mo never thinks that he is a master, or in other words, when he adds people, he adds people. He appreciates talented people who love games.

After adding friends and sending it out, Cheng Mo put the computer aside and continued to work on the questions.

Because he thinks that he is probably like the group of teammates in the group, adding a friend notification, it takes a while to send it, or there is no response.

Cheng Mo was working on a question, and only after writing a few words, he heard the computer beep.

So fast?
Cheng Mo hurriedly hugged the computer over. His game ID is Mocheng, which is the reverse homonym of his own name.

Before he could speak, Junxian sent a conversation.

Jun: [Chengmo]

He is the only one who can be called by this ID name and at this level, and no one who plays this game does not know him.

Mo Cheng: [Well, it's me, are you interested in playing professional games? 】

Cheng Mo is a famous genius, his words are not cold at all, but rather gentle.

But Ruan Xiaoli thought of the person he met this morning, gentle?No, there is evil hidden under gentleness.

Jun: 【Are you poaching me? 】

Cheng Mo was taken aback, and continued typing: [Well, are you interested in playing professional competitions?Xiazhong sincerely invites you to join. 】

I don't know if the other party is willing to join?
In fact, there are many young people who like to play games because they feel that games can relax them. Now they can meet all kinds of people in games, and playing games is a way of life for them.

Enjoying playing games and playing professionally are two different things.

To play a professional game, you have to put your whole body into it and carry out boring training every day. At first you may find it interesting, just play games every day, but after a long time, you may lose your interest in the game. all likes.

So if you want to play the game, you have to love it very, very much.

Cheng Mo didn't know the mentality of the other party.

Jun replied almost in seconds: [I want to play professional games, but why should I join your Xiazhong? 】

If it was anyone else, they would have been overjoyed to be invited by Zhong Xia.

But he is calm.

Cheng Mo began to introduce some equipment in Xiazhong, as well as the coaches and teachers, and then waited for the other party's reply.

Jun: [What you said, Hua Lin also has. 】

When Cheng Mo was about to continue talking, Jun sent another message.

Jun: [But Hualin is without you. 】

When Cheng Mo saw this, his fingers paused on the keyboard...

Jun: 【What time do you play the game every night?Come fight monsters with me a few times, I want to see if you are as powerful as the legend says. 】

Obviously the other party is someone she admires, but Ruan Junli doesn't like to reveal it. She has her own judgment and plans, and she likes to compete with outstanding people.

Cheng Mo didn't expect the other party to say that, but he actually wanted to know more about Jun.

Mo Cheng: [Okay, it will be online at about 09:30 tonight, and then I will invite you to form a team. 】

Jun: [Yes. 】

After a brief negotiation, it was considered an acquaintance.

Xiao Evil raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you go with the flow and join their team directly? Then your mission will be completed~"

"The original owner's character will not directly agree, she is stubborn."

Xiao Evil followed the points table, covered his mouth and laughed secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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