Chapter 480
Chapter 507
Jun: 【Can I play games with your team members?I want to know more about you guys. 】

Seeing this reply, Cheng Mo quickly replied: 【Of course. 】

Jun: [I usually play games at noon and at night. If it’s too late, I won’t be online. 】

Ruan Xiaoli still politely talked about the time he played the game, so that when others ask him out, he also knows when to make an appointment.

Cheng Mo saw this reply, and then thought of his five homework that day.

Mo Cheng: [May I take the liberty to ask what grade are you in now? 】

Jun: [The third day of junior high school. 】

Cheng Mo read this reply, and his long and narrow brows twitched lightly, the other party was actually a third-year student, three years younger than himself.

[The high school entrance examination will be in a few months. If you want to enter a professional team, I suggest you enter after the high school entrance examination. Before the high school entrance examination, you should concentrate on preparing for your studies. 】 Cheng Mo sincerely suggested.

Although he heard the other party say that the five subjects were just homework, he should be a top student if he said so contemptuously, but Cheng Mo still hoped that the other party would prepare well for the senior high school entrance examination.

No matter which team you join in the future, you will enter after the high school entrance examination. After all, after entering the team, you have to focus on studying and have intensive training at the same time.

Jun: [Well, I remember it was reported in the newspaper that you also seem to have joined the Xia Zhong team in your first year of high school. 】

Cheng Mo, anyone who follows the e-sports circle must know this person.

He has been reported in many articles, and everyone knows this genius in the third year of high school.

Cheng Mo: [Well, I entered in the first semester of high school, you will be earlier than me, you are really a rare genius. 】

Cheng Mo looked at the reply above. He is only 15 years old, a third-year junior high school student. If he perseveres all the way, he will definitely shine in the world.

The two chatted briefly, and then started a new round of the game.

Two people fight monsters, and there is always a circle of people around them watching.

[Both of them have made appointments to play games, I think this Jun will definitely join Xiazhong's team. 】

[Not necessarily, you can’t draw conclusions until then. 】

[Is this Jun really attracted by the professional team?I still can't believe it, why didn't I notice this big guy before. 】

[The boss used to be low-key, but it is impossible for a powerful person to be low-key all his life. See if he shines now, playing games with Master Chengmo, I am envious. 】

[Many teams are robbing this big guy. Look at the battle over there, is it someone from some team, and the people standing under the tree are from Hualin, and the players from Xiazhong are also there Onlookers. 】

Cheng Mo and Jun fought the boss in the valley, and the surrounding hills were full of onlookers.

Many of them are members of professional teams.

It was the first time for these wild players to see so many professional players gather together for something other than the game.

Hualin training room.

Coach Liu looked at the projection screen above with a serious expression: "This person must be pulled over, the talent is too good."

When captain Liu Feng saw the picture on the screen, his expression was already numb.

At the same time, I feel...if this person comes, his position as captain will be lost.

Jun is here, so the seat of his team is...

Liu Yuqi's eyes were hot, and at the same time, she sent a private message to Jun: [Are you interested in playing games with me?Let's brush the sky bird boss. 】

Heavenly bird boss, a boss in the sky, the place where it lives is the sky.

There are only simple cliffs for players to walk on. If you are not careful, you will fall off the cliff. The boss flying in the sky will attack the player. To deal with this monster, you can only attack from a distance.

Liu Yuqi also spotted the opponent's long-range attack, so she invited this monster.

After sending it out, Liu Yuqi was a little nervous.

I don't know if the other party will agree.

But as long as the other party agrees, it means that Hua Lin still has a chance to win him.

After all, Jun is just playing a game with Chengmo now, it doesn't mean that Jun has gone to Xiazhong.

Liu Yuqi wanted to fight for it, but the other party hadn't determined where it was, so she had the right and opportunity to fight for it.

Ruan Xiaoli was playing the game when he suddenly saw the heroine's private message and clicked on it to take a look.

Is the hostess coming to your door?

She was tasked with provoking the heroine.

Ruan Xiaoli took the time to reply, Jun: [Okay, but I don't want us to form a team and fight monsters, I like to have some competitive competitions. 】

Liu Yuqi smiled when she saw the reply.

Yu Feier: [What kind of competition? 】

Jun: [Tianniao boss dies, count who hurts it more. 】

Kill the boss together, but it's a very simple competition to see who can fight more times.

Liu Yuqi thought about it, but it's actually a little unfair, because she's not very good at long-range attacks...

Yu Feier: [My long-range attack is not as good as yours, and I am not good at long-range attack. I am destined to lose in this competition. 】

Jun: [Are you not good at long-range attacks?But I saw that when you were fighting monsters last time, your team members asked you to suppress the last attack. I thought you were long-range and had high accuracy. 】

Liu Yuqi was a little embarrassed.

Although she is not very old, she has also participated in several competitions. Anyone who pays attention to competitions in the e-sports circle should know that her shining points are attack accuracy and reaction speed, and she does not have a bright spot in long-range...

Jun doesn't follow the game, so he doesn't know her characteristics?
Liu Yuqi originally thought that anyone who likes to play games, or wants to join the circle of professional teams, should know each team and the members of each team very well.

Obviously the other party didn't seem to understand her, Liu Yuqi was a little depressed.

But Liu Yuqi didn't want to admit defeat, so she finally got an appointment with the other party and agreed to the game.

Yu Feier: [Then compare it with what you said, when do you have time to play games?Or play this game with Chengmo and play with me? 】

Liu Yuqi couldn't wait to ask Shang Jun to start playing.

Let other people see that Hua Lin is the one who can make an appointment with Jun. It is not certain whether Jun will go to Xia Zhong.

With Chengmo in Xia Zhong, it is still impossible to 100% pull Jun into the team.

Jun: [Tomorrow night, I went to bed after playing this game, and I will make an appointment with you at 08:30 tomorrow night. 】

Yu Feier: [Okay. 】

Liu Yuqi was very happy, she stood up and said, "Dad, I have an appointment with Jun to shoot Tianniao at 08:30 tomorrow night."

Coach Liu was still looking at the computer screen, and suddenly he turned his head in surprise when he heard this sentence: "Really? When did you date him? Did you add him as a friend?"

Coach Liu is usually very serious and doesn't allow his daughter to call him dad in the training room.

Liu Yuqi also yelled out in a moment of joy, Coach Liu didn't care about this at all, he cared if he really got an appointment with Jun?
Liu Yuqi nodded: "I just added him, and I also made an appointment with him just now."

Coach Liu hurried over to check the chat records, and was delighted at the same time: "Qi'er did a good job this time, and Junhui agreed. It seems that he hasn't chosen Xia Zhong yet, and we still have a chance."

Liu Feng's face darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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