Chapter 483 Slow Hand Speed

Chapter 510 Slow Hand Speed

The other party is a student?

The coach's eyes shone with joy. It's good for the students. If you are young, your career will be longer.

And if it is cultivated well, there will be a lot of room for development.

When Liu Feng saw that reply repeatedly, he was slapped in the face. The other party did not break the appointment, and the other party was still a young student...

Liu Feng thought about himself, at the age of 24, he is the oldest in the entire team, and he is the captain by virtue of his qualifications.

But how long can this captain stay?
If Jun didn't come, he could still be in office for at least two years, but when Jun came, Liu Feng had a premonition that he would step down soon...

Liu Yuqi couldn't hold back, and replied: [You were doing your homework just now?Can you tell me how old you are? 】

Liu Yuqi subconsciously thought that the other party was a high school student.

Ruan Xiaoli doesn't want to chat with the heroine of the world, she is top-heavy now, if she doesn't have an appointment with the heroine, Ruan Xiaoli would like to wrap up in a quilt and have a good rest right now.

I don't know if I can perform well in this state.

But you must not miss the appointment.

If I didn't guess wrong, there must be members of the entire team and the coach watching on the other side. If I miss my appointment, the heroine will be very embarrassed.

Ruan Xiaoli just wanted to finish the game quickly.

Jun: [I don't want to reply about my private life, let's form a team now, and then go to Tianjing. 】

Ruan Xiaoli got up and poured a cup of hot water.

Coach Liu saw the reply on the screen: "Yu Qi, don't ask him privacy questions, just play games with him, and ask him after you get familiar with it."

Liu Yuqi nodded: "Okay, I understand."

Team up with two people.

Recently, Jun has been shining brightly in the server area. As long as his name appears on the world bullet screen, everyone will be shocked.

No, Jun and Yu Feier formed a team, and the wild players were all excited when the barrage information came out.

[Who did the boss team up with again? 】

【Yu Feier, isn't that a member of Team Hualin?She is also coach Hua Lin's biological daughter, Hua Lin is going to compete with Xia Zhong for her. 】

[Fuck, this is a posture of stealing people, which means that Jun has not entered Xiazhong yet. I saw him playing games with Master Chengmo yesterday, and I thought he had already entered Xiazhong. 】

[These two people are going to fight the Tianniao boss, hurry up and watch in the front row, I didn't get a good seat yesterday. 】

Not long after, the entire street was empty, and all the players went to Tianjing to watch.

There are no fewer people today than yesterday.

Cheng Mo saw this bullet screen as soon as he started the game, and Jun went to play with Hualin's people.

Cheng Mo didn't think there was anything wrong with Jun's doing so, but he was inexplicably disappointed.

Because there is still a paragraph on his computer that has not been sent yet.

Mo Cheng: Are you playing games? Go and fight Tianniao. [not sent, to be edited]

He originally planned to ask the other party to hunt Tianniao, but Cheng Mo silently deleted that line, and then clicked on the map to go to Tianjing.

If you can't ask him to play together, then you can only become a bystander.

Like the monster in Mirror Lake yesterday, the Tianniao dungeon is a player suitable for long-range attacks.

Yu Feier and Jun stood on the cliff, a male and a female game characters stood on the edge of the cliff, surrounded by clouds and mist.

The characters produced in the game are very exquisite. From a distance, it looks like a pair of stunning men and women in ancient costumes standing on the edge of a cliff, inexplicably matching each other.

This is paired with the sunset, or sunrise, this picture is enough to write a novel.

Yu Feier: [I'll go and lure the boss out first. 】

Jun: [Yes. 】

Ruan Xiaoli didn't bother to lure the boss, she was groggy now, her cheeks were extremely hot.

I regret it a bit, I told the hostess about it if I knew it earlier.

But now that they have all come here in a team, they can't just say no to playing.

Xiao Evil worried: "Let's make a quick decision."


Liu Yuqi quickly drew the monster out, and before she could make a move, Jun flew into the air and quickly attacked the boss.

A blood.

Jun's operation speed was extremely fast, Liu Yuqi was stunned, and then quickly boarded, taking advantage of the boss's injury, she also attacked.

Both of them hit with one hit, so it was a tie.

Jun continued to attack, and Liu Yuqi followed closely.

Liu Yuqi watched the opponent's speed getting faster and faster, and was inexplicably aroused with enthusiasm. She refused to admit defeat, and she had been trained professionally anyway, so she must not be too ugly.

Just like that, Liu Yuqi followed closely behind.

Coach Liu glanced at the girl who was serious about playing games. This was his daughter.

She has embarked on this path because she has been influenced by her ears and eyes since she was a child. She has talent, but she hasn't made much breakthrough in the past six months. I didn't expect that she would break through in this game with Jun today.

The wild players watching around couldn't understand.

[These two people are trying their best to get the boss's blood volume, but they didn't get a critical hit. What are they doing? 】

[Do you feel that these two people seem to be comparing each other, who has beaten the boss more times? 】

[Yes, I also have this feeling, they all played their own games without any cooperation at all, as if they were simply competing. 】

[I always feel that these two people seem to have made some kind of bet, hahahaha, maybe Jun will enter Hualin after losing. 】


Cheng Mo frowned and stared at the computer, did Jun make a bet with Hua Lin's people?
Although he wasn't sure if they had any bets, Cheng Mo was sure that the two were competing.

"That's not right..." Cheng Mo murmured softly, "Why is Jun's speed slower tonight than last night..."

At first, Cheng Mo thought that Jun was normal, but after looking at it gradually, he found that according to Jun's hand speed, he could obviously attack with three consecutive strikes, but he let the monster go away after one hit.

These operations are obviously slower than last night.

Jun's speed can actually beat Liu Yuqi by a large margin, but the current situation does not.

Is he giving way to Liu Yuqi on purpose?Or other reasons.

If Cheng Mo could see the problem, the older coach would naturally be able to see it too.

Coach Liu watched the game between Jun and Chengmo last night, and he was very aware of Jun's hand speed.

"Jun's speed is obviously slower now than last night."

Liu Yuqi was distracted when she heard this and asked, "Are you slow?"


Liu Yuqi's first reaction was that the other party was giving way to her, and she felt a little empty in her heart.

Why let yourself?
Liu Yuqi was very happy just now, thinking that her speed had caught up with Jun, and felt that she had made a big, big breakthrough.

In the turned out that the other party slowed down the speed to make way for him.

This is simply an insult, okay?

Liu Yuqi quickly sent a text.

Yu Fei'er: [Jun, you don't have to let me, how you fought Cheng Mo last night, you can fight me tonight. 】

Coach Liu frowned, the only bad thing about his daughter was that she was too impetuous.

Ruan Xiaoli has been holding on to his spirit, and he is stunned when he sees the words sent by the heroine of the world.

I didn't let you...

(End of this chapter)

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