Chapter 485

Chapter 512

Logged out just after finishing the game?Is there something urgent about this all of a sudden?
In Liu Yuqi's understanding, people who like to play games will not go offline so early, how can they leave after playing a game?

Coach Liu took a look and said, "Since he's offline, let's stop here for tonight's observation. I won't train you today. Go back and write a strategy for the Tianniao line..."


After the coach left, the students started to make noise one by one.

"Yu Qi, how did you join Jun? I sent him a friend request a few days ago, but he didn't agree. I wondered if he didn't know me, right?"

"Not to mention, I really think the other party may not recognize us."

The two boys smiled shoulder to shoulder.

Liu Feng stood up: "People who love to play games don't know us? I think he is just proud and conceited. As for why he added Yuqi, he probably has ulterior motives. Yuqi, be careful with him, you know we are across the computer. What kind of person is sitting down?"

There seemed to be nothing wrong with what he said, but Liu Yuqi felt uncomfortable listening to it.

Liu Yuqi: "What are you afraid of? He can't do anything to me. It's a good thing to add him. Maybe I can bring him to Hualin."

"Hmph, if you want to come to Hualin, why don't you join me as the captain instead? He must have ulterior motives for you, so be careful with him."

Liu Feng packed his things, and left the training room with a cold face.

The other team members looked at each other in blank dismay, and some old players probably understood what Liu Feng was thinking now.

Someone sighed.

In this era, it is impossible to admit defeat. In this industry, there will be new people coming in, young and talented, and I am getting older slowly, so I cannot admit defeat.

Especially those who rely on talent to make a living.

Sometimes the word hard work can only comfort yourself. In front of talented people, no matter how hard you try, you can't catch up.

But work hard, at least you still have a little bit of progress.

People must know how to admit defeat, and don't be stubborn with yourself.


Cheng Mo waited and waited until the game was over, thinking that the other party would have time to reply to him.

The results of it?Click to see that the other party is offline.

Very abnormal.

Jun didn't see the message, did he log off after playing the game?

Always felt a little abnormal.

Cheng Mo stared at the game, inexplicably expecting his avatar to light up and go online again.

But Jun didn't go online very late.

Cheng Mo suffered from insomnia that night, obviously he and Jun were not familiar with each other, it was just a game, but thinking of his various abnormalities tonight, Cheng Mo was inexplicably worried.

It was windy and rainy at night, Ruan Xiaoli turned off the computer after playing the game, she frowned looking at the situation outside.

Xiao Evil saw through what she was thinking, and said, "You have a fever now, and it will be even more uncomfortable if you don't go to the hospital for an injection. Although it's windy and rainy, you can take a taxi there. Don't take the trouble, your health is important."

You want to say that Ruan Xiaoli is hardworking?Xiao Evil was the first to disagree.

This woman is so lazy, as lazy as she can be.

Now that she is sick, she is too lazy to go to the hospital seeing it is windy and rainy outside, she must be crazy.

Ruan Xiaoli took a coat and a black peaked cap and put it on his head.

She used her mobile phone to hail a taxi while going out.

Going to the hospital alone in the middle of the night felt a little bit of loneliness.

This kind of loneliness is familiar to Ruan Xiaoli. She used to be very lonely, staying alone in that big house, except herself.

It is already very good now, Ruan Xiaoli is very satisfied with his current life.

Xiao Ei obviously felt that Ruan Xiaoli was a little depressed.

Maybe people are more vulnerable when they are sick.

A young boy took a taxi in the middle of the night and still went to the hospital. The driver looked back and saw that she was quite thin, and asked worriedly, "Why did you go to the hospital in the middle of the night? What's wrong?"


Ruan Xiaoli's throat was very sore at the moment, and his voice was a little hoarse.

The driver frowned: "Seeing that you are not very old, why don't you let your family accompany you to the hospital, this night is quite dangerous."

"Parents are busy."

"Hey, today's parents, no matter how much money they earn, they can't accompany their children. They are still busy this evening..." The driver's voice became softer and softer, because he realized that he was also busy now Did not go home to accompany the children.

That's life, and nothing can be both.

When I arrived at the hospital, when I got off the car, the driver also told me: "It has been raining every day for the past few days, and the temperature has suddenly dropped. Take an umbrella every day when you go out."

The boy was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Thank you."

In the middle of the night, there was a doctor on duty in the hospital, and Ruan Xiaoli skillfully went to register to see a doctor.

Unfortunately, she has to hang water, and there are four bottles in one hanging.

After the injection, go back, it will be dawn, right?
Xiao Evil: "Take a leave of absence, go to bed after getting the injection, and don't go to class tomorrow."


Ruan Xiaoli sat on a chair, rested with his eyes closed, and a needle was still inserted in his right hand.

After returning home after the injection, Ruan Xiaoli fell down and rested.

She set an alarm clock for seven o'clock, and when the alarm clock rang at seven o'clock, Ruan Xiaoli got up in a daze and sent a message to Ruan An.

Tell him that she had a fever last night and was hung up in the hospital, and today she wants to ask for leave and not go to school.

As soon as the news was sent out, Ruan An called.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a fever last night? It's not safe for a girl to go out to the hospital in the middle of the night. Don't do this next time, you know?"

Ruan An's tone was full of distress.

Because he often has to go on business trips, he can't accompany his daughter, hey.

"Well, it won't be like this in the future." Her voice was hoarse.

Ruan An felt distressed when he heard this voice: "You have a good rest, I will call your homeroom teacher in a while, and I will invite you for two days. I have time at noon tomorrow, and I will come to cook you a meal. If you are sick, you have to make up for it. Make up for it."


After hanging up the phone, Ruan Xiaoli could finally have a good rest.

Early in the morning, Cheng Mo only squinted for a while when it was dawn, and now he wakes up to turn on the computer and log in to the game.

Jun's avatar is still gray, there is no reply, and he is not online.

Cheng Mo's eyes dimmed, he reached out and turned off the computer, rectified after a while and went out to school.

It's a little far from the school.

Only when there is training at night, Cheng Mo will come to Xiazhong, and then sleep in the dormitory here at night.

At other times, Chengmo lived in the community opposite the school.

Living near the school, it is more convenient for him to go to school, and he can take a longer rest in the morning.

It rained heavily yesterday afternoon, and it was raining again this morning. People on the road were hurrying with umbrellas.

"The temperature changes as soon as it is said, it is strangely cold."

"Isn't it? I have a bit of nasal congestion now. I drank a cup of hot water when I went out to sweat to prevent colds."

Cheng Mo waited for the traffic lights and listened to the conversations of pedestrians passing by.

He glanced at the rain curtain and saw that the temperature had suddenly dropped.

(End of this chapter)

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