Chapter 496
Chapter 523
While Cheng Mo was filling it out, Ruan Xiaoli sat lazily by the side, not looking at what the other party wrote the whole time.

Cheng Mo continued to ask: "When did you start playing games?"

"When I was in the fifth grade, I didn't play this kind of game at that time, I played other types of games, and then I started playing competitive games in the sixth grade."

Cheng Mo quickly wrote down the reply.

Later Cheng Mo asked a lot of questions about games, Ruan Xiaoli answered slowly, Cheng Mo listened to her and lowered his head to write.

After a while, the entire form was finally filled.

Cheng Mo put away the pen: "Okay, it's finished, you can take a look."

The sun on the playground was very strong, it wasn't too hot for the two of them sitting under the tree, but Ruan Xiaoli, who was squinting in the warm air, was sleepy.

The scalded hand is still tingling, Ruan Xiaoli is slightly irritable.

Ruan Xiaoli glanced sideways at the watch, she was looking at the questions on the back.

Cheng Mo recorded it in detail, he recorded everything she said just now.

"Well, no problem."

Little Evil: "..."

The little evil said that it saw everything.

"Xiao Li, would you like to read the previous page?" Xiao Evil asked.


"I suggest that you still read the previous page."

Ruan Xiaoli wondered why Xiao Ei said that, did Cheng Mo fill in something wrong, she turned the form over and glanced at the front.

Her face froze.

Sex: Male……

Is he that masculine in his eyes?
Ruan Xiaoli looked up at Cheng Mo seriously: "Do you think there is anything wrong?"

Cheng Mo didn't know why the elementary school boy would ask such a question, he said confidently: "I wrote down everything you said just now, there shouldn't be any mistakes in filling in, junior, please carefully look at the mistakes and tell me, I will correct them. "

Indeed, what she said just now, Cheng Mo wrote it down accurately.

But she didn't say that she was male!
This guy didn't even ask, he just wrote it up.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha, actually it seems a little bad to ask you your gender, because your can't be judged by your appearance ha ha ha." The little evil couldn't hold back anymore.

Who said that the handsome one must be the younger brother?Who said that a beautiful girl must be a young lady?
But disclosing one's gender is quite embarrassing, and Cheng Mo can understand it without asking.

"The key is that he seems to be very confident that he has not made a mistake."

Xiao Evil nodded: "Well, he is very confident, and very, very confident."

Ruan Xiaoli glanced at the man of the gender, then handed the form back to him: "Well, no problem."

Xiao Evil: "Pfft, you didn't tell him you were a woman."

"Too lazy to say."

As long as you have eyes, you will find them by yourself. If you can't see them, you are blind.

Why did she tell him?
Hard work, too lazy to say.

Xiao Evil rubbed his nose, it sensed Ruan Xiaoli's resentment, haha, I really can't blame the hero of the world for this matter, the main reason is that you are so handsome!

"Since there is no problem, then I will put away this watch." Cheng Mo put away the watch.

Ruan Xiaoli got up: "If it's all right, I'll leave first."

"Wait." Cheng Mo stood up and asked with a smile: "I just came to the playground earlier because I was in physical education get out of class. You came here after class, we haven't had lunch yet, why don't we go eat together?" How about lunch?"

He didn't want Ruan Junli to leave so soon, Cheng Mo wanted to get in touch with her more.

In the future, they will not only be seniors and juniors, but also teammates who will fight side by side.

Cheng Mo wants to get closer to Ruan Junli and get to know each other better.

have a meal together?
Ruan Xiaoli: "Okay."

Anyway, she is alone, Cheng Mo doesn't make too much noise, and Ruan Xiaoli doesn't mind having dinner with him.

"Should we eat in the cafeteria or off-campus?" Cheng Mo asked.

"I don't have a cafeteria card, and I don't eat in the cafeteria. Let's go off-campus, to the back street behind the school, where it's quieter."

"it is good."

Two people in tandem.

Ruan Xiaoli walked in front with his trouser pockets in his hands, and Cheng Mo followed her with long legs.

The distance was very close, Cheng Mo looked at the head that only reached his shoulder.

In fact, the junior should not be considered short.

As long as you don't picky eaters and grow well, you should be about the same height as yourself when you arrive.

But the elementary school boy is really thin, he doesn't have much flesh on his body, and this too thin.

Cheng Mo didn't realize what strange question he was thinking.

The two came to the back street together. There were fewer people in the back street, but there was a lot of food.

Ruan Xiaoli glanced at the shop: "Are you covering rice?"

"It will be all right."

The two entered a small shop, and there were still some students in the shop.

The two of them ordered a meal each, and then sat down at an empty table in a corner.

After Ruan Xiaoli sat down, he flicked his phone casually.

Cheng Mo found that the elementary school boy was either not talkative, or his teeth were sharp when he spoke.

Cheng Mo didn't want such a quiet atmosphere, so he opened his mouth to speak out the backlog in his heart.

"Actually, when I was waiting for you in the playground, I inexplicably associated Jun with you, but I didn't expect it would really be you."

Ruan Xiaoli looked up, it seemed that Cheng Mo's intuition was not bad.

"Well, will I be disappointed if I see it?"

After all, in reality, my influence on Chengmo should be poor students, being late, and uninhibited.

Cheng Mo shook his head: "No, how could you be disappointed? You just feel very pleasantly surprised, and then feel that you should. In fact, Jun is very similar to you. No, you are all alone."

Ruan Xiaoli showed a suspicious look.

Chengmo added: "There are similarities between you in the game and you in real life. Knowing that Jun is you, I feel pleasantly surprised and surprised, but I'm glad it's you."


Ruan Xiaoli didn't know how to reply, so he just nodded.

"Junli, you and I are both students, so we both train almost at night, and you may have to live in the dormitory in mid-summer."

"Sure, I don't care where I live."

"Midsummer is a bit far from the school. If you live there and go to school, you may have to get up early."


Cheng Mo: "If you are afraid that you won't be able to get up, I can wake you up, and then we will come to school together."

"No, I can set the alarm clock and get up by myself."

She is not a child anymore, why does she need someone to wake her up.

At this time, the meals ordered by the two of them also came.

The two ate slowly, chatting occasionally.

Cheng Mo told her a lot about Xia Zhong, such as the qualifications of some coaches.

Ruan Xiaoli's eyes were shining brightly, she was very interested in these.

"I'm looking forward to going to Midsummer."

The original owner Ruan Jun left Xiazhong for some reasons, that is, several coaches were her idols.

Before the coaches retired, they were all big names.

(End of this chapter)

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