Chapter 498 Girl?

Chapter 525 Girl?

City A is very large, in addition to the famous commercial street in the central area, there are some famous companies.

The headquarters of the famous e-sports company Xiazhong is here.

Ruan An drove Ruan Xiaoli to Xiazhong Headquarters, a well-known company, so it was easy to find.

Looking at this magnificent building, Ruan An suddenly couldn't believe that his daughter's game play was actually taken by such a big company.

Normally, he didn't think that Xiao Li was good at playing games, but he thought that she loved to play games, just like ordinary young children, she was addicted to games and delayed her study.

Thinking about it now, it seems that the game is not only derogatory.

"Xiao Li, I'll go find the parking lot, you wait here for me."


Ruan An went to park the car, and Ruan Xiaoli waited for him standing alone under the tree.

Today Ruan Xiaoli is wearing a simple white T-shirt, loose pants, sneakers, very youthful attire.

But her delicate and good-looking facial features do not distinguish between men and women. From the short hair and dress, she looks like a boy, but does such a beautiful boy really exist?
This side is also close to the commercial street, and many young people pass by.

At this time, a young lady came over suddenly and asked shyly, "Hello, can I add your WeChat?"

Ruan Xiaoli raised his head and said flatly, "No."

Being rejected, the girl's face turned red instantly, and she asked, "Just add it, I promise I won't bother you often."

It was rare to meet such a good-looking person while shopping, and she really didn't want to give up this opportunity.

Xiao Evil was already laughing in the space.

It looks so good, sometimes it is also a kind of trouble.

When Ruan Xiaoli was thinking about how to refuse, Ruan An came.

Ruan An parked the car and saw this scene from a distance. He strode over with a dark face: "Sorry, my daughter doesn't add strangers' WeChat."

The girl was shocked by the word daughter.


This is not a boy?
Ruan Xiaoli showed a faint smile: "I'm a girl."

She was okay when she smiled, but she looked even better when she smiled. A girl was dazzled by her smile for a moment, and when she recovered, she realized that she was actually fascinated by the girl.

"Sorry... I didn't know you were a girl..."

The man walked away in embarrassment.

Ruan An wrinkled his face: "Why do young people nowadays have eye problems at a young age, and they can't tell the difference between men and women."

His niece looks so good-looking, she is obviously a girl.

How could it be mistaken for a boy?

Ruan An glanced at Ruan Xiaoli, his expression gradually became more wrinkled: "Xiaoli, why don't you grow your hair long in the future?"

It seems that other people's eyesight problems can't be blamed, it's his daughter who has a problem with her dress.

"Dad, didn't you tell me that I looked better with short hair when I was young?"


Ruan An felt guilty.

In the past, he took his daughter alone. She was still young, and she had to tie her hair in various braids every day when she went to school.

He is such a big man, frizzy, always tearing off her hair, and after a long time, he can only put on a crooked and ugly unsightly braid, so he often makes Xiaoli cry.

In the end, Ruan An fooled his daughter into saying that short hair looks best.

But the more he watched his daughter grow up, the more he regretted it.

"Short hair looks good when I was young, but I want long hair to look good when I grow up." Ruan An forcefully said.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled back at him.

The two entered Xia Zhong's hall together, and as soon as they entered, they saw a man waiting in the hall.

Ruan Xiaoli looked down at the phone, it happened to be the appointed time, if he guessed correctly, that man should be his coach.

Coach Zhong saw the father and son entering the door at a glance, and probably guessed who they would be.

Coach Zhong walked over with a smile on his face: "Is it Jun?"

Ruan Xiaoli nodded: "Well, I'm Jun, and this is my father."

Coach Zhong stretched out his hand to Ruan An unhappy: "Hello, I am the head coach of Xia Zhong."

Ruan An checked Xia Zhong's coaches last night. Among them, this coach is the most famous, a player in the former international e-sports championship team.

Ruan An hurriedly shook hands: "Hi Coach Zhong."

After exchanging pleasantries, Coach Zhong led the way: "Because Ruan Junli is going to be a member of the main team, I am not in charge of signing the contract. I will take you to Mr. Xia's office."

Ruan An nodded.

Ruan An walked in front, and Ruan Xiaoli agreed not to speak today, and handed over all signing matters to him.

In the elevator, Ruan An also asked: "My daughter is still in school. Although I support her to take this path, but after all, she is still young. I hope her studies will not be delayed. I don't know about your daily training. How is the time arranged?"

Coach Zhong noticed my daughter's three words.


Coach Zhong looked at Ruan Xiaoli, is this a girl?
But why did the information sheet that Cheng Mo gave himself a few days ago say the gender was male?
Where did I go wrong?

Coach Zhong had a lot of questions in his mind, but he didn't ask them out. It's not good to openly ask her gender, and her father said she was a daughter.

Coach Zhong knew Ruan An's worries, and he said: "We also have some young players here who are also in school, so the training for these players is generally arranged in the evening, and the training will not exceed 10:30 in the evening. their adequate sleep time."


Coach Zhong added: "Ruan Junli will go to the company's main team. The captain of the main team is a student, and he and Ruan Junli are still in the same school."

Ruan An knew that there was a famous genius in Xia Zhong called Cheng Mo, who already had a great reputation in this circle when he was in the third year of high school.

After getting out of the elevator, there is only one office on this floor, and that is the office of President Xia Zhong.

Xia Zhong's CEO is an uncle with a beer belly, and it's hard to hide his big belly in a suit.

He smiled amiably: "Welcome, welcome, Coach Zhong showed me the screen recording of your game. It's really hard to imagine that such a genius is only 15 years old."

Ruan Xiaoli smiled politely.

After talking for a while, Mr. Xia took out the contract.

Ruan Anzai read the contract carefully, and signed the contract after feeling that there was no problem.

Because they are minors, in addition to the guardian's presence, the guardian's ID card is also required to sign the contract.

The whole process is not complicated, just sign and seal.

Mr. Xia was stunned when he saw Ruan Xiaoli's ID card, girl?
Mr. Xia glanced at Coach Zhong next to him.

Coach Zhong understood Mr. Xia's doubts in seconds, and he shrugged helplessly.

Yes, girls.

Sign the contract and leave the office.

Coach Zhong: "Let me show you your dormitory."

Summer treatment is very good, everyone is in a single dormitory.

(End of this chapter)

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