Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 524 Stealing the 'Princess'

Chapter 524 Stealing the 'Princess'

Chapter 554 Stealing the 'Princess'

The queen gave birth to a child, the child was cute and cute, and he had golden hair.

Everyone said that the hair was the light of the sun, and this child was the son of the sun.

On the day of the child's full moon, the king and queen stood on the highest point of the castle with the child in their arms, accepting the kneeling of the subjects.

On that day, sky lanterns were displayed throughout the capital to celebrate the birth of the Son of the Sun.

It is very lively during the day, and it is also brightly lit at night, and it doesn't quiet down until late at night.


Late at night, in the baby room in the castle, the child fell asleep in the cradle.

A black figure flashed by the window of the castle, and a moment later, a woman with a cloak stood beside the cradle.

Ruan Xiaoli glanced at the child in the cradle, his eyes froze for a moment.

"Sure enough, she is the princess in the fairy tale world. She looks so pretty."

This kid is really good looking.

Ruan Xiaoli took the opportunity to pinch his face.

Xiao Evil frowned, princess?
Little Evil slid through the plot, because it was a dark fairy tale, and everything else was a fairy tale itself, and he had a general understanding of the plot, so it didn't read the plot too carefully.

But looking more carefully, Xiao Ei suddenly discovered a shocking secret.

"Fuck, no wonder it's a dark fairy tale."

"What's wrong?" Ruan Xiaoli asked when he heard Xiao E's voice.

Xiao Ei's small face was very tangled, and finally he just covered his face: "You will know after a while."

The only thing to blame is that it didn't read the whole story.

Forget it, Xiaoli will find out by himself.

Ruan Xiaoli felt baffled, and she ignored Xiao E.

Ruan Xiaoli took out a dagger and reached out to touch the child's face: "Your hair is golden, and my little golden flower is in your hair. I want to take my golden flower away."

She cut off a strand of hair with a dagger, but the golden hair turned brown the moment it was cut.

Ruan Xiaoli's face was calm, it was written like this in fairy tales.

But at this moment, the child in the cradle is about to wake up, and the child vaguely wants to open his eyes.

At this time, there were footsteps at the door, and it was the queen and the king who were coming.

Ruan Xiaoli narrowed his eyes, and immediately picked up the child: "I just want my golden flower back. I didn't want yours at first, but..."

She stroked the child's blond hair and said: "You stole my golden flower, then I will steal this child, one thing for one thing, this is the price you stole from me!"

After speaking, she jumped out of the window with the baby in her arms.

And the queen opened the door and saw such a scene.

"No! Who are you? My child!"

"Search the castle! Be sure to find..."


Ruan Xiaoli wrapped the child in his own cloak and led him away from the castle.

After leaving the castle, there was a strong night wind, Ruan Xiaoli simply took off his cloak, folded it up and wrapped the child in several layers.

After all, it has only been born for one month, and the baby is fragile and cannot be blown by cold wind.

The fairy tales only talked about how the witch imprisoned Rapunzel, and only talked about the selfishness of the witch.

But why not describe how a witch brought up a baby?

With careful care, a little baby waiting to be fed has been raised into a big girl.

The princess likes to paint, so the witch walked together for three days and three nights to bring her back the precious shell powder paint.

Although all these actions depend on the benefits that the princess' long hair brings to the witch...

This is a very contradictory question.

Ruan Xiaoli quite likes this kind of contradictory character.

Ruan Xiaoli walked in the forest with the soft and tender child in his arms, and the sound of wild beasts was everywhere in the forest.

From time to time, the howling of wolves was heard, and the howling of wolves was very loud and frightening.

Ruan Xiaoli reached out to cover the ears of the child in his arms, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he touched the soft little fingers.

She looked down and realized that the little princess had woken up.

The child opened his eyes wide, neither crying nor fussing, just looking at Ruan Xiaoli curiously.

Even though there were horrific howling wolves all around, the child was not afraid at all, but looked at Ruan Xiaoli without blinking.

Ruan Xiaoli stretched out his hand lightly and grabbed his face.

Xiao Evil: "Touch if you want to touch, laugh if you want to laugh, don't be so arrogant."


Xiao Evil sees through Ruan Xiaoli.

"Little Evil, this long-haired princess looks really good-looking, and the child who is only one month old looks so aura."

When Xiao Ei heard Ruan Xiaoli say the word "princess", his eyebrows twitched.


"Little Evil, I pissed."

Xiao Evil was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the child had urinated.

Ruan Xiaoli felt the warmth inside her cloak...she was a bit of a clean freak.

She froze while holding the package, peeing.

Xiao Evil couldn't laugh or cry: "Xiao Li, you're going to piss your shit out of it from now on."


This hum was filled with endless helplessness.

This villain is not easy to be.

In the past few centuries, it was to take care of a flower, but now in the past few decades, it is to raise children. Hey, this is the price of eternal youth.

As a result, the raised child killed himself.

Ruan Xiaoli found a place where the wind was not too strong, and took off the cloak. Fortunately, the child was very well-behaved and would not move around, even if he urinated, he would not cry.

Ruan Xiaoli groped and slowly pulled the diaper off the child's waist.

When the diaper was removed, Ruan Xiaoli was dumbfounded.

"Little Evil... Did I steal the wrong child?"


This is not a princess, this is a baby boy!
Ruan Xiaoli was stunned for a second, then looked at the boy's golden hair, she was sure that the golden hair was the flower she had raised for centuries.

But this is Rapunzel, not Rapunzel!
Xiao Evil was embarrassed: "Ahem, actually, when you stole the child just now, I just wanted to tell you this sentence, this is a long-haired prince..."

Ruan Xiaoli was stunned, and then it was over, she understood, it's a dark fairy tale.

Xiao Evil: "Do you know why the prince cut the princess's hair so short?"

"Because the princess is a man."


The prince knew that the princess was a man, so in the end, in order to stop the witch's idea, when he cut off the princess's magical long hair, he cut it very short.

"Is the prince male or female?" Ruan Xiaoli couldn't help asking.

Little Evil: "Male."

Ruan Xiaoli looked indifferent.

Xiao Nao felt weak: "It's a dark fairy tale."


Ruan Xiaoli was afraid that the child would be frozen, so he could only cut off a large piece of his long skirt for him to cushion, then picked up the child again to speed up the pace.

Anyway, it's all about raising children, it doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl.

The main thing is this golden hair.

It's her favorite thing.

I remember in the fairy tales, the witch Gedu likes to say to the princess: I love you the most.

Xiao Evil suddenly said: "By the way, this sentence is also your task, because it is to reflect the selfishness of the witch. This sentence is very ironic, so you should always say to the 'princess', I love you the most." .”

(End of this chapter)

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