Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 527 Buying Baby's Items

Chapter 527 Buying Baby's Items

Chapter 557 Buying Baby's Items

It is impossible to walk the streets with a child in a cloak.

You must know that the Son of the Sun was stolen, and now there are notices posted all over the streets and alleys.

When she jumped off the window sill with Suo San in her arms, the queen saw her back.

The streets are filled with a portrait of a witch in a cloak.

It's just a back view, there is no portrait of her face.

Ruan Xiaoli dressed up in disguise, put freckles on his face, his thick curly hair was braided, and a blue silk scarf was wrapped around his head.

Wearing a dark blue low-key woman's skirt, with a basket in one hand, she has been holding the child in her arms.

This looks like a young woman.

Cross the forest and come to the urban area.

Ruan Xiaoli glanced at the child in his arms staring at him with big eyes.

Very good, very good.

Ruan Xiaoli went straight to the store where she bought baby products, picked out a lot of milk powder, diapers, and bought a lot of clothes for children.

"Beautiful lady, you have bought too many things. We can deliver them to your door. Do you want to leave an address?"

Fairy Tale World also has home delivery service?
Ruan Xiaoli nodded: "It would be even better if you can deliver it. Just help me deliver it outside the city. My husband will drive a carriage to pick it up."


Ruan Xiaoli stood in front of the shelf with the child in his arms, picking out teething toys. Although it was still some time before Xiaosuo's teething, he finally came out and bought all the things he wanted to buy.

Even in disguise, Ruan Xiaoli still looks very beautiful.

Many women who were out of shape after giving birth showed envious eyes when they saw her.

Ruan Xiaoli looked at the items on the shelf seriously, while the baby in his arms was extremely bored.

Xiao Suo San stretched out his hand and put it in his mouth. Children like to eat their hands. After eating, they pulled the clothes wrapped around themselves and wanted to send them to their mouths.

The baby's behavior of exploring the world is to bite with his mouth in various ways, anyway, the clothes are not dirty, so Ruan Xiaoli doesn't care about him.

Xiao Suo sucked the hem of his clothes for a while, and then couldn't help stretching out his little hand to pull the braid on Ruan Xiaoli's chest.


The child made a grandma's voice, and everyone around looked over.

Because the clothes blocked the child's face, they couldn't see what the child looked like in the wallet, but the arm that was exposed was so cute.

"The child's hands are so cute."

"Oh, it's good that her baby doesn't cry or fuss."

"God, why is my child always crying and fussing?"

Someone came over and asked curiously: "Is your child eating your hair? He may be hungry. This is the first time I've seen a child who doesn't cry when hungry. Your child is really obedient."

The man probed to see Xiao Suo.

Ruan Xiaoli stretched out his hand to slightly cover it: "I'm not hungry, I'm just naughty grabbing things."

"That's it." The woman who wanted to watch the child was a little embarrassed, but also knew that the rich man didn't like others peeping at her child.

Ruan Xiaoli went to the front of the stage with the child in his arms: "That's all these things, can you help me send them out of the city immediately after paying the money?"

"Beautiful lady, of course."

Ruan Xiaoli took out a small bag and directly took out a gold to pay.

After paying the money, there were several guys in the store to help with the things, and they followed Ruan Xiaoli with the things.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't plan to stay here after buying things.

Along the way, I saw notices and a portrait of Suo San. There were patrolling knights everywhere in the city. It was important for her to leave here first.

A few guys followed Ruan Xiaoli with big bags and bags.

They chatted as they walked.

"Beautiful lady, your child doesn't look very old. How old is he? Is it a boy or a girl?"

The guy didn't mean anything malicious, just asked curiously.

Ruan Xiaoli looked indifferently, and replied flatly: "Girl, one month old."

"This child is so quiet. Ma'am, you look so beautiful. Your child must be beautiful when he grows up."

"Thank you."

All the way outside the city, Ruan Xiaoli said: "You put your things on the side of the road, my husband will come soon."

Guys left everything on the side of the road.

"Beautiful madam, it would be dangerous for you to hold your child here alone in the wilderness, why don't we wait with you for a while."

"No, my husband likes to see me talking or standing with strange men."

The background of this dark fairy tale is the ancient times in Europe. Generally, women were in charge of the house and their husbands were in charge of the house.

It's not uncommon for a husband to have a problem with women talking to other men.

Upon hearing this, and avoiding trouble to the beautiful lady, the fellows bid farewell and left.

Waiting for people to leave without a trace.

Ruan Xiaoli directly took out a magic bag and put all these things into the magic bag.

This magic bag is like a Qiankun bag, it has a lot of space inside and can hold a lot of things.

Once everything is installed, today's purchase is considered a successful completion.

Ruan Xiaoli walked towards the forest with Xiao Suo San in his arms.

After walking for several hours, she would stop, find a safe place, and then take out a kettle from the Qiankun bag to boil water for Xiaosuo San to make milk.

Looking at the satisfied baby who was eating, Ruan Xiaoli reached out and pinched his face.


Seeing that she was talking to him, Xiao Suoshan immediately let go of the pacifier, and smiled.

"So stupid."

Xiao Evil was helpless: "He was born just over a month ago, how smart do you expect him to be, and he's pretty good-looking, and he doesn't look silly when he smiles, so cute."


Xiao Evil understood that Ruan Xiaoli was talking ironically.

In the evening, Ruan Xiaoli found a cave where she could shelter from the rain and wind. She took out the bread she had bought and ate it. After eating the bread, she made milk for Xiaosuo San.

After tossing for a long time, I spread clothes on the ground to rest.

Ruan Xiaoli slept sitting up at night, while Xiao Suoshan lay comfortably in her arms.

Driving in the forest is so simple.

After walking for a few days, I found the familiar cave and passed through a large area of ​​vines, and finally saw the tall tower in the distance.

This is a large canyon with waterfalls and rivers on the side, and the scenery is beautiful.

This paradise-like place is also a cage for this little guy in his arms.

The cave full of vines just now is the only way to get here.

Ruan Xiaoli pulled away the vines at the bottom of the tower, opened the secret door and went upstairs.

"When you grow up, your hair will become very, very long. In the future, I won't need to walk up this tower by myself. You have to use your hair to pull me up." Ruan Xiaoli murmured.

In fact, she has a soul-like question.

Why is Rapunzel's hair so strong? Doesn't it hurt to hang on your own hair...

(End of this chapter)

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