Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 534 This Is Your True Face...

Chapter 534 This Is Your True Face...

Chapter 564 This Is Your True Face...

He must be reminded of the gender difference, how can a ten-year-old boy sleep with an adult?
What's more, she is an adult who has no blood relationship with him.

I have to sleep separately now, the gender difference will be bigger when I grow up...

Suo San is actually very vague about gender, except that he knows that there are differences between men and women in books, but what is the difference?

Ruan Xiaoli didn't know the children's books he bought for him, he just told the children the difference between boys and girls in a very general way, and didn't have any other detailed knowledge.

Suo San was stubborn, hugging his quilt tightly but not going downstairs, he put it on the stairs and looked at her: "Even if I am a man, haven't I always slept with you since I was a child?"

"Now that you've grown up, you can't be with me anymore."


"You are not a child now, you have to learn to sleep by yourself." Ruan Xiaoli said resolutely.

Suo San stood there hugging the quilt without speaking, his legs were not ready to retreat, and he stood stubbornly on the stairs.

Ruan Xiaoli's expression was cold, but he was helpless in his heart. Why is this child so stubborn?

A well-behaved baby is very obedient in everything, but he is stubborn in sleeping separately.

This matter must be resolved today, and we cannot fool around like the previous few times.

Ruan Xiaoli's face became even colder: "Hold your quilt and go down."

"No!" Suo San was very stubborn.

The little evil covered his face, he couldn't see.

Xiaoli was too kind to him and pampered the child.

"Huh? Really not going down?"

Ruan Xiaoli sneered, his eyes were indifferent, as if the woman who spoke softly to Suo San was not her at all.

Suo San looked at her with special eyes in his heart. This is probably the real face of the adult, right?

All the tenderness, smiles and care for him are probably fake...

What Ruan Xiaoli said next made him see the reality more clearly.

Ruan Xiaoli stood up straight without leaning on the handrail of the stairs. She looked down at the young boy and said, "Since you won't go down, you can sleep on the stairs."

If you don't sleep in a good bed, then stay on the stairs.

Let's see who is more stubborn than others, but anyone with a smart mind will choose a comfortable bed, but if you are smarter, don't be stubborn in front of her, because it will only wear down her patience.

Ruan Xiaoli turned indifferently and went back to sleep.

Put it on the stairs and you can see the bed on the third floor.

The third floor is directly up the stairs, and the bedroom has no door at all, so I can clearly see the furniture above it.

This is an attic, not very big, but it is full of life atmosphere of the two of them.

The second floor is bigger than this one, Ruan Xiaoli gave Suo San the biggest and best room, but in the past ten years he has never had a rest, just put his clothes away.

Ruan Xiaoli likes to read books by the window sill on the third floor, and Suo San also reads books and paintings here, which is not his room at all.

The more Ruan Xiaoli thought about it, the more depressed he was, and he gave him the best room, but ended up using it to store clothes, which was a waste.

Ruan Xiaoli is also raising a child for the first time, she is the best materially, and she is as gentle as possible to him spiritually, the only thing that is not good is that she occasionally leaves him for a few days.

Suo San is also very good at ordinary times, Ruan Xiaoli feels that he will not raise this child as a disabled child.

Now it seems that he is disabled, and the sleeping part is considered to be broken. Seeing that the child has not fully grown up, hurry up and break it.

He must learn to be independent and not cling to her anymore.

Xiao Evil: "Don't be too nervous. It's the first time you've brought up a child. I think you've done a good job. At ten years old, there is still room for growth. You can still correct some of his shortcomings."


Ruan Xiaoli is already thinking about how to get rid of some of his bad habits, how to make him not stick to himself.

Suo San hugged the quilt and stood on the stairs, he didn't go down, he didn't come up, he just stood there.

Ruan Xiaoli took off her outer robe, she was wearing suspender pajamas, lying on the bed with a good figure, covered with a thin quilt, sleeping comfortably.

To take care of children, you must first be ruthless.

Since you won't go down, just stand there, you will go down to sleep sooner or later when you are tired.

If you are smarter, you will choose a comfortable bed, and it will do no one any good to be stubborn.

Ruan Xiaoli fell asleep lightly, she didn't hear any movement, she didn't hear anyone going down.

In the middle of the night, Ruan Xiaoli slowly opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the stairs. From her angle, she could see a small head.

Ruan Xiaoli was taken aback, he was still standing there?

Hmph, so stubborn, then continue to be stubborn.

Ruan Xiaoli turned over, turned his back to the outside, and continued to sleep.

And Suo San heard the sound of turning over from above, his eyes lit up, but he only heard the sound of turning over, not the sound of her getting out of bed, nor the sound of her calling himself.

Adults don't care about themselves, and don't care about themselves anymore.

Suo San knew that his current behavior was stupid, but he would not give in. If he went to sleep by himself, he knew very well that with this beginning, he would not be able to contact adults...

A ten-year-old child is more thoughtful than anyone else. He doesn't care whether he is comfortable or not. He only knows that his purpose is not to be separated from adults.

Although living in the same tower, sleeping separately is completely different.

During the day, the adults don't like to touch her by themselves. The adults always hold the book quietly, and they can't get close to her.

Only at night, only at night can you stick to adults and touch adults.

This is his favorite time, this is the last thing he sticks to, and it must not flow away from his hands.

Suo San was sleepy and tired, but he just stood there motionless, never putting down the quilt on his hands.

In fact, he can make himself more comfortable, such as putting the quilt on the stairs, sitting down or lying down by himself.

While lying down on the stairs is uncomfortable, it's better than standing.

But he just didn't do that, and a half-grown boy stood upright all night holding the quilt.

Ruan Xiaoli slept a little deeper in the second half of the night, and woke up when the sky was bright in the morning when the chirping of birds came from outside.

After waking up and opening her eyes, it took a few seconds for her to wake up. The first thing Ruan Xiaoli did after waking up was to turn her head and look towards the direction of the stairs.

Looking over, I saw a small head.

She still knows the character of the child she raised, and he must have been there on the first night.

Ruan Xiaoli's eyes are cold, it depends on how many days you can hold on.

Ruan Xiaoli sat up, without even looking in the direction of the stairs, she asked the quilt to be spread.

She has a little obsessive-compulsive disorder. The first thing she does when she wakes up is to tidy up the quilt and pillows. She doesn't like messes.

Suo San was tired and sleepy, and even his body was numb, but when he heard the sound, he immediately saw upstairs.

Upstairs, adults are making quilts, adults are putting on thin coats, adults are opening windows.

The adults are doing what they do every morning in an orderly manner.

It's the only thing that didn't give him even the slightest look...

(End of this chapter)

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