Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 539 Sir... Can you take me out?

Chapter 539 Sir... Can you take me out?
Chapter 569 Sir... Can you take me out?
When Suo San asked this sentence, Ruan Xiaoli instantly realized that he was wrong.

This child was ruined by himself.

Ruan Xiaoli approached and reached out to stroke his head, then tentatively reached out to caress his face.

Suo San's body trembled, not knowing whether he wanted to hide or was afraid.

Ruan Xiaoli sighed and showed a gentle smile: "Suo San, don't be afraid of me, okay? I will never hurt you, you can approach me as you like, and never be afraid of me, okay? You have to remember me I will never hate you, I love you the most."

She often leaves, causing indelible spiritual damage to Suo San.

Sure enough, as Ruan Xiaoli expected, Suo San finally formed a personality that is not insecure.

The only way to remedy it now is to try to give him a sense of security.

Ruan Xiaoli stretched out his hands to pinch his face, and said softly: "Suo San, don't be afraid of me, okay, I will never hate you, you don't need to shrink back and be timid in front of me."

She encouraged Suo San.

Suo San doesn't need to be so careful, she doesn't like to see him like this.

Xiao Evil frowned: "Xiao Li, no matter how much you say these things to him, you still have to leave the tower. Once you leave him, you will feel insecure."

"If you can say it, you can say it. Whether it works or not depends on luck."

Suo San enjoyed the feeling of her cold hand touching his face, his eyes were red: "My lord, do you really not hate me?"

"Of course, how could I hate you? You are the child I raised, and it's too late for me to love you. How could I hate you?"

Suo San's eyes flickered: "But why did your lord go out for so long this time?"

"I went out for other things. I didn't hate you so I went out for so long, Suo San, don't think about it, okay, every time I go out has nothing to do with you, I will never hate you."

"Even if I make adults angry, won't adults hate me?"

"Well, I won't hate you no matter how you mess with me or what you do, so I ask you to be more natural in front of me and don't avoid me deliberately, okay?"

"Okay." Suo San's small tone still showed a sense of grievance.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Tell me why you dare not approach me?"

Everything just now was Ruan Xiaoli's guess, Ruan Xiaoli wanted to really understand why this child didn't approach him.

Suo San lowered his head, and spoke in a muffled voice for a while: "Because adults don't like me approaching, I want to become the way adults like, and don't provoke adults, so that adults won't leave me, at least they won't leave me. After being away for so long..."

Although he had already guessed it in his heart, but hearing what the young man said with his own ears, Ruan Xiaoli felt depressed.

She stretched out her hand and pulled Suo San into her arms, holding him gently: "Silly."

She doesn't like others to be close to her, but she watched Suo San grow up, and she doesn't reject it.

Sleeping next to you and sleeping in separate beds are two different things again.

Ruan Xiaoli doesn't dislike sleeping in the same bed with him, but it doesn't mean he can do that, Suo San has grown up.

"Suo San, tell me if you have anything to say in the future, don't be bored."


This is a harmonious afternoon.

In the evening, Ruan Xiaoli asked Suo San to continue painting, and she went to make him the hazelnut soup he likes to drink.

The hazelnuts brought back a few days ago were still fresh, and Ruan Xiaoli used them to cook a pot of delicious hazelnut soup.

Suo San's favorite drink is this soup.

Little Evil said that Rapunzel in the original plot also likes to drink hazelnut soup. Every time the witch goes out, she will bring back fresh hazelnuts to make soup for Rapunzel.

Although the witch imprisoned Rapunzel, the witch took good care of Rapunzel, and even remembered Rapunzel's preferences. Even when she went out and came back to the tower, she would bring her favorite things.

Suo San finished all the dishes and soup, and he was in a particularly good mood.

After eating, the little boy sat lazily on the chair without moving.

Ruan Xiaoli packed up the bowls and chopsticks, washed his hands and dried the water, and walked to Suo San.

Suo San's hair was a little messy, Ruan Xiaoli took a comb and gently combed his hair.

Suo San stayed still obediently, enjoying with his eyes closed, as if he was a cat being groomed by its owner.

Ruan Xiaoli found that something was wrong with him, she stretched out her hand and pressed the boy's lower abdomen: "Are you full?"

Suo San opened his eyes, a little guilty in his eyes.

Ruan Xiaoli was helpless: "Even if the soup I made is delicious, you have to be a little more restrained. You drank all the soup in a big pot. Now your stomach is full, isn't it uncomfortable with bloating?"

"En." Suo San nodded.

He just couldn't get up because he was full of stomach gas and uncomfortable.

Ruan Xiaoli combed his hair, then went to find some medicine.

"Take the medicine, stand up and walk around the living room a few times, and you are not allowed to go upstairs until you have walked more than ten times."

Ruan Xiaoli was also tired, so he took the change of clothes and went to wash up.

The obedient boy in the living room is walking around the room. His long hair has reached his ankles. It is estimated that he will be able to reach the ground in a month. After a longer period of time, his hair will probably be able to drag the floor. up.

Suo San played with his hair and walked slowly, his ears were so sensitive that he could hear the sound of water coming from the bathroom.

The night is quiet and quiet. After the last time, Suo San has learned to sleep alone.

After saying goodnight to each other, the two went back to their rooms to rest.

It was late at night, and Ruan Xiaoli fell asleep lightly.

And at the stairway from the second floor to the third floor, a young man was standing there with a quilt in his arms.

Suo San looked at the arched arc in the middle of the big bed in the attic.

Suo San stood on the stairs for a while, finally gritted his teeth, turned around and went back with the quilt in his arms.


This time Ruan Xiaoli stayed in the tower for more than ten days, and it was time to go out on a mission again.

This time I went out for more than ten days.

Ruan Xiaoli put on a long purple dress and a thick black cloak.

When he was about to go out, Suo San handed over a basket, which contained various fruits and pancakes: "My lord, take these things with you and eat them on the road."

"Okay, my little Suo San is the most considerate."

Ruan Xiaoli took the basket, but found that the basket had gravity, so he held on tightly to the basket.


Suo San's eyes were watery, and he grabbed the basket firmly and looked up and asked, "My lord...can you take me out?"

"No, Suo San, I can't take you out. The outside world is too dangerous. It would be unsafe for me to take you out. Suo San, stop thinking about going out in your head, okay? Just stay here and wait." Follow me back, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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