Chapter 572
Chapter 602
"Mom, I have a way to prevent people from finding out."

Xianggui took a sip of tea and felt much better. She looked at her daughter's familiar face.

My daughter has changed a lot. Although there is a sense of strangeness, she is very happy.

Become better, with such a personality and style, life will not be hard in the future.

"Li'er, I'm a little sleepy and want to rest for a while."

"Then you have a good rest, I will watch over you here." Ruan Xiaoli helped Xianggui to lie down.

Xianggui fell asleep and still held the handkerchief tightly.

She was very tired and fell asleep after a while.

And Ruan Xiaoli saw that she was asleep before reaching out and slowly taking the handkerchief away from him.

When the handkerchief was lifted, there was blood on it.

Ruan Xiaoli took a handkerchief and went out to wash with a sullen face.

To invite the hero of the world to treat Xianggui, you must first get to know the hero of the world and attract his attention.

A person like a Buddha should be merciful to all living beings, right?

So pretending to be pitiful, will the Buddha save people?
No need to pretend to be pitiful, she was pitiful enough.

After Ruan Xiaoli cleaned the handkerchief, he hung it on a branch to dry, then changed his clothes and went out.

She changed into a set of very old clothes. The clothes were very old and even a little small and thin, but they were cleaned very cleanly.


There is a golden palace in the palace, incense is burned all around the palace, and there are Buddha statues in the palace.

The pool of the whole palace is also full of lotus flowers.

Lotus flowers usually bloom in summer, but this pond of lotus blooms in winter.

Because the emperor specially hired skilled craftsmen to build an underground channel, and led the hot spring from the mountain behind the palace into this pool.

The hot spring waters the lotus, so the lotus blooms in winter.

It was snowing heavily, but the whole palace was filled with smoke and heating.

There is a snow scene on the eaves, but there is a little heating inside the pool, and yellow lotus flowers are blooming in the pool.

This yellow lotus is also called Buddha lotus, and it is extremely delicate and extremely difficult to plant. This kind of lotus is generally only planted in temples.

Feng Ancan, who was dressed in blue, passed by the lotus pond, and he glanced at the lotus in the pond.

The eunuch immediately stepped forward: "His Royal Highness, the lotus is still the same as when you left last year, and this year there are nine lotus blooms, which is an auspicious number."


Feng Ancan replied lightly.

The eunuch was not sure about His Royal Highness An's mood, so he backed away after speaking.

His Royal Highness Wang An seldom returns to the palace, and he only comes back for such a period of time every year.

And every time I come back, I feel like a Buddha to everyone.

Indifferent and supercilious.

Even they couldn't feel the master's emotions.

They didn't dare to get close because they were not sure about His Royal Highness An's temperament.

Feng Ancan stood outside the main hall and said, "You all go back."


His Royal Highness King An likes to be quiet, and they knew this, so everyone withdrew.

Only ten monks sat outside the hall, and they meditated on the spot and began to knock on the wooden fish.

There are rhythmic wooden fish sounds, the rhythm of this wooden fish sound is very slow, as if it can slow down the heartbeat of people.

If a person listens to such a voice for a long time, his personality will inevitably become slow and empty.

Feng Ancan seemed to be used to the sound of wooden fish, he opened the door and entered the hall.

The entire main hall is very luxuriously furnished, showing Buddhist attire everywhere.

Both sides are covered with curtains painted with scriptures, and under the curtains are rows of offerings.

Feng Ancan stood alone in the hall, he raised his head and glanced at the big Buddha, it was the disgust that flashed in his eyes.

That's just a moment.

That moment seemed to be an illusion, because Feng Ancan turned into the appearance of Folian again at this moment.

He went forward to light a stick of incense, and then quietly meditated on the mat.

It was getting darker and darker, and there was no other sound in the whole hall except the sound of the wooden fish.

Feng Ancan has been sitting on the cushion with her eyes closed for the whole afternoon.

Suddenly there was a slight sound in the hall.

A little black hand emerged from behind the curtain, and she quickly took the fruit from a plate on the ground in a corner.

After a while, the hand stretched out again and took another fruit.

The hand kept stretching out, and there was only the last one left in the plate of fruit.

The hand quietly stretched out again...

But at this moment, he said in a cold voice: "Children, don't be greedy in doing things."

As soon as the voice came out, the frightened little hand froze for a moment, and then quickly retracted it after being stunned for a moment.

The palace was quiet, only two shallow breathing sounds.

Feng Ancan opened her eyes, turned her head and saw the bulging little bag.

A small bag bulged from behind the yellow curtain, and a child was hiding there.

Feng Ancan stood up and stroked the folds of her clothes lightly, then walked over with long legs.

Hearing footsteps, the little bag trembled slightly.

Feng Ancan stood in front of the curtain: "Come out."


"Come out." Feng Ancan repeated again.

His voice is very cold, no matter how people speak, there is emotion, but he speaks without the slightest emotion, giving people an invisible pressure.

A hand stretched out from behind the curtain and gently pushed aside the yellow curtain, and saw a little girl in shabby clothes sitting on the ground.

The girl's face was a little yellow, and the clothes on her body were thin and even a little wet, probably soaked by snow.

The little girl was sitting on the ground holding several fruits in her arms at the moment, she looked at him with some fear and some curiosity.

"Who are you?" She asked crisply.

Feng Ancan stood straight and said, "Why do you come here to steal things?"

"I don't count it as stealing. No one eats these things. Anyway, no one eats these things and they will throw them away in the end. I'll just take a few back."

"Isn't this stealing?"

"I..." Ruan Xiaoli bowed his head, but he was obviously dissatisfied.

Feng Ancan's eyes quickly swept across her face, and then said: "These fruits are dedicated to the Buddha, you will lose your life if you take the dedicated fruits."

The little girl was stunned for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, "I don't believe that my life will be shortened. There are no gods or Buddhas in this world. I only know that I can live longer if I take these fruits."

Feng Ancan frowned slightly, this kid was very greedy, even rebellious.

"Don't you have anything to eat?" Feng Ancan asked.

"Yes, but those things are not edible. The things they send are rotten. If you eat them for a long time, you will get sick. That's why I came here to get the fruit."

Ruan Xiaoli raised his head: "There are always all kinds of delicious food in this palace. Every time I come to get it, I don't see anyone else there. Who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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