Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 578 It's New Year's Eve

Chapter 578 It's New Year's Eve

Chapter 608 It's New Year's Eve

Except for being late that day, Ruan Xiaoli arrived at the Buddhist hall on time almost every night.

It's very quiet every time I come, I sit on the ground and eat obediently, and walk away after eating.

Feng Ancan would open her eyes to take a look every time she came.

The days passed by, and it will soon be New Year's Eve.

On New Year's Eve, you need to keep the New Year's Eve, but you don't keep it in this temple.

There is a big banquet on New Year's Eve, and all concubines above the rank of concubine in the palace who have given birth to emperor's heirs can go to the banquet.

The ministers participating in the banquet must be of the fourth grade or above, and they can bring their family members.

And Feng Ancan, as the holy son of Buddha lotus, His Highness Wang An, wanted to attend the banquet even more.

Preparations for the New Year's Eve banquet had already started a few days ago, and the whole palace was even more busy on the New Year's Eve day.

Red silk and red lanterns were hung with lanterns and festoons everywhere, and the snow-covered palace suddenly became angry.

The imperial dining room was full of busy cooks all day long, and there were hundreds of delicacies for the banquet, and they had been preparing for it since before dawn.

And the corridors, corridors, and paths in the palace are full of court ladies and eunuchs busy up and down.

Today they all put on new clothes one by one, very festive.

Many places in the palace are prosperous, but some places are still luxuriant and cold, such as Lenggong.

The people living in the cold palace are crazy, crazy, sick.

Throughout the whole Leng Gong, there is only one courtyard that is more festive.

Ruan Xiaoli stole some raw ingredients last night, and today she has to cook by herself.

To be exact, the nobleman from Hunan was cooking, and Ruan Xiaoli was helping.

Xianggui has raised her for a while, and now she is in good spirits.

She got up early and cooked a whole pot of Laba porridge, and the Xiang nobleman held the steaming porridge and said, "Li'er, let's have porridge for breakfast first, and mother will cook you a big meal after breakfast."

Ruan Xiaoli sat in front of the table and waited to eat: "Okay."

Xianggui put the porridge on the table. In fact, she was a little nervous. Before she entered the palace, she occasionally cooked for her parents, but she had never cooked in the ten years since she entered the palace.

This porridge looks okay, tastes...

The Xiang nobleman regretted not having a taste in the kitchen just now.

The Xiang nobleman served Ruan Xiaoli a bowl of porridge, and said, "Taste how it tastes."

Ruan Xiaoli blew on the hot air, took a mouthful of porridge with a spoon and drank it.

It felt a little hot in the mouth, and then continued to drink Ruan Xiaoli's face froze.

Xiao Evil was nervous, the original owner's mother was a kitchen killer, right?

Xianggui also noticed something wrong with his daughter's expression, so he quickly said, "Is it hot? Or is it not tasty? If it's not tasty, spit it out quickly and don't eat it."

She stuttered a little nervously.

Ruan Xiaoli swallowed the porridge forcefully, then frowned and was confused: "Mother, is there any more rice?"

The Xiang nobleman was a little confused, and nodded: "Yes, there is still some rice that I plan to keep for cooking at night."

"Okay, I'll make porridge again now." Ruan Xiaoli stood up and went to the kitchen.

This resolute little back has already explained everything.

Xianggui's face blushed from illness, she picked up the spoon that Ruan Xiaoli had eaten and took a sip of the porridge.


Xianggui couldn't hold back and vomited it out.

It's so unpalatable...

The taste is very strange, a salty taste.

Xianggui wiped the corners of her mouth and looked at the pot of porridge, then she went to the kitchen and saw Ruan Xiaoli who was lighting a fire.

"Li'er, mother... Mother is not good at handicrafts, I'm really sorry..."

I wasted the ingredients my daughter brought back.

Ruan Xiaoli raised his head and smiled: "It's okay, I'm already very satisfied today to taste what mother made, but it's too bad, I really can't eat it, mother, you just sit and wait for me to cook porridge."

He was very satisfied after eating the food made by his mother, but she couldn't eat it because it was too bad.

What Ruan Xiaoli said made the Xiang nobleman depressed and ashamed to death.

The Xiang nobleman could only sit obediently by the side and wait for food.

Then he asked worriedly: "Li'er, you haven't cooked, can you do it, or should I teach you?"

"Mom, are you sure what you teach is edible?"

Ruan Xiaoli just cut some side dishes for Mrs. Xiang, and during the cooking of the porridge, Mrs. Xiang said that the kitchen was too stuffy and asked Ruan Xiaoli to go out.

As a result, the pot of porridge collapsed.

Xianggui blushed: "Then mother won't say anything, Li'er depends on his own feeling, it's okay if he doesn't make it well."

What she did was too horrible to be able to teach, huh.

Xiao Evil didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Xiao Li, we can be more gentle and don't be so straightforward with the Xiang nobles. I think they will shame the Xiang nobles."

Ruan Xiaoli: "...Okay."

In the end, Ruan Xiaoli boiled a pot of white rice porridge, which was sticky and fragrant. With some side dishes, it was perfect.

The Xiang nobleman was very depressed when he ate it. Compared with the pot of porridge he made, it was like heaven and earth.

I am not even as good as my seven or eight-year-old daughter.

The Xiang nobleman didn't stop until he ate two bowls of porridge this morning.

It was supposed to be a New Year's Eve dinner for her daughter at night, but Xiang Guiren was suddenly at a loss when he saw the fresh ingredients.

If it's unpalatable, isn't she wasting food?

Today is the new year, there are people everywhere in the palace, it is not easy for Li'er to go out and steal things.

Ruan Xiaoli knew what Xianggui was thinking when he saw the tangled look on her face.

Ruan Xiaoli sighed: "Mom, let me cook the New Year's Eve dinner."

"Okay." Xiang Gui quickly replied.

Ruan Xiaoli: Why does it feel like she's just waiting for her words?
You said that the mothers in other plots are good at embroidery, playing the piano, reading, writing, and cooking. Why is your mother really...

Xiao Evil: "The kind of mother you mentioned is the protagonist's mother. You are the villain's mother. It's fine if you don't give you a vicious mother."


Ruan Xiaoli cleared the snow after eating.

Ruan Xiaoli likes watching snow scenes, but hates shoveling snow because she is afraid of the cold!

After removing the snow in the yard, Ruan Xiaoli was shivering from the cold.

The Xiang nobleman hurriedly dragged her into the house: "It's freezing, hurry up and warm up."

Her Li'er is really too sensible.

The Xiang nobleman looked very distressed.

Fortunately, Li'er cleared the snow every day, otherwise the heavy snow would have continued for half a month and their entire yard might have been covered.

After Ruan Xiaoli warmed up, he went to process the ingredients for cooking.

Many things have to be stewed for several hours, and now you can have a hearty New Year's Eve dinner tonight.

This is her first year in this world.

This year has been very quiet, only Xianggui and himself.

Ruan Xiaoli stewed the black-bone chicken, and the other dishes were cut up early.

Then she took a big cattail fan and sat on the edge of the stove to fan the fire and warm herself by the fire.

Other places in the palace were very lively, but those excitement had nothing to do with the mother and daughter.

The Xiang nobleman came over with a suit of clothes: "Li'er, here are the new clothes I made for you, come and try them on, and wear new clothes for the New Year."

(End of this chapter)

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