Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 580 He took out the treasure of Zhenguo Temple

Chapter 580 He took out the treasure of Zhenguo Temple

Chapter 610 He took out the treasure of Zhenguo Temple

After Ruan Xiaoli warmed one of his hands, he took the opportunity to quickly change his hand to hold Feng Ancan when he was turning.

And said: "I don't know what to do, I can only find the emperor's uncle, my mother just vomited blood, and now she is unconscious, I am so worried that something will happen to her..."

Feng Ancan was trembling from the cold of her hands, and before she could speak, she heard the little girl's worried voice as if she was about to cry.

Feng Ancan hesitated to speak, but finally said in a cold voice: "It will be fine."

He is not good at comforting people, and in the end he only choked out these few words.

The little girl in front didn't look back, she was still walking quickly.

"Well, with Uncle Huang here, I also believe that mother will be fine."

This sentence was full of trust, but it also gave Feng Ancan a sense of responsibility invisibly.

Feng Ancan didn't know what kind of illness her mother had, but vomiting blood must be serious.

Along the way, the two of them walked quickly, twisting and turning, and finally came to the cold palace.

Feng Ancan glanced at the dark and dilapidated Leng Gong, then retracted her gaze and followed Ruan Xiaoli into the alley.

Then I walked for a while, and after a while I arrived at a courtyard.

The courtyard is a bit bleak and dilapidated, but it is obviously well taken care of by the owner.

There is no snow accumulation or weed roots in the yard.

Ruan Xiaolihao let go of Feng Ancan's hand without hesitation, she ran over and opened the door: "Uncle Huang, my mother is inside, come in."

Feng Ancan followed in.

It was fairly warm inside.

As soon as Feng Ancan came in, she saw the pear wood stool and the fine silver charcoal burning in the corner of the room.

Followed by the silk quilt covering the body of the unconscious woman on the bed.

These things will not appear in the cold palace.

Feng Ancan glanced at the anxious girl standing beside the bed.

You can't bear to say no to the girl who stares at you with a pair of thin eyes.

But none of these appearances can conceal her means.

To be able to get these things in the cold palace is quite ambitious.

Ruan Xiaoli sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at Feng Ancan who was standing inside the room.

Standing in this dilapidated house, Feng Ancan is out of place in this dilapidated house. To be precise, he is out of place everywhere, because he is a Buddha and has no connection with dust.

"Uncle Royal."

Ruan Xiaoli urged.

Feng Ancan stepped forward and knew that this woman's life would not be long just by taking a look.

"Uncle, can my mother be saved? What is she suffering from? She keeps coughing and coughing up blood..." Ruan Xiaoli's eyes were full of fear and sadness: "I can't live without my mother, she is My only relative, I can't lose her, I don't want to live here alone."

The little liar.

A few days ago, she also said that he was her only relative who was good to her besides her mother, but now she finally told the truth, the only relative in her eyes was her mother.

Feng Ancan: "She suffers from tuberculosis."

In the end, he brutally told the truth.

Ruan Xiaoli was stunned, staring at him in a daze, and then slowly his eyes were red with big tears: "Is my mother still saved?"

All she wanted to know was if her mother could be saved?
Feng Ancan pursed her lips, he could tell the truth, but he couldn't bear to see the little girl like this.

He had seen many people who came to worship Buddha with hope and prayer in their eyes, but he had rarely seen such desperate and begging eyes.

Ruan Xiaoli stood up from the bed and walked to Feng Ancan, reached out and grabbed his clothes: "Uncle Huang, my mother can be saved, right?"

"Uncle, can you speak well?"

"Uncle Emperor..."

Ruan Xiaoli threw herself directly on his lap, hugging him with her thin body.

She was crying, but she didn't cry a little, she was very stubborn.

Feng Ancan couldn't move, his eyes were cold: "Release."

"Save my mother."


There was a stalemate in the room like this, and the picture was deadlocked for a while.

Feng Ancan reached into her sleeve and took out a box: "Here, feed this to her."

Ruan Xiaoli looked up, her eyes were red, she quickly snatched the box away as if she was afraid that he would take it back.

She didn't ask what was inside, and directly took out a pill in the box and fed it to Xianggui.

After feeding it, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Ancan was shocked by her behavior: "You dare to feed it without asking what kind of medicine it is?"

Ruan Xiaoli turned around and said viciously, "Don't ask, but if something happens to my mother, I'll kill you."

A girl who was only seven years old said such words, the sharpness in her eyes was like a crawling wolf cub.

This wolf cub has grown up to be incredible!
Feng Ancan tidied up her sleeves and said, "I gave you the life-saving elixir, and you're talking to the emperor like this?"

"What kind of medicine is that?"

"Now that I know I have to ask, I'm not afraid that it might be poison when I just fed it."

"If it's poison, if something happens to my mother, I will definitely kill you."

"Don't worry, it's not poison, but life-saving medicine." Feng Ancan turned around and left resolutely after speaking.

He walked quickly, and walked very simply.

When Feng Ancan left the courtyard, she felt a little annoyed, and just took out the medicine.

The elixir enshrined in the Zhenguo Temple, the flesh and bones of the living dead, have been given to the kings throughout the ages.

"Forget it, maybe this medicine is destined for them."

It is just a life-saving medicine, and it is the same for everyone. All living beings are equal before the Buddha.

Feng Ancan left the cold palace and disappeared into the snowy night.

And Ruan Xiaoli was sitting on the side of the bed with a smile on her face, and she was very happy when she saw Xiang Gui, who was breathing obviously calmly.

She is not so big-hearted and careless.

How could it be possible to feed the medicine to the Xiang nobles casually.

Hey so recklessly just now, that's because when Feng Ancan took out the medicine, the little evil in her mind reminded her what it was.

Xiao Evil is still surprised: "The hero of the world actually gave you the elixir that was given to kings in the past."

"Well, so this is also a windfall."

Xianggui's illness will be cured, and he will not die.

Ruan Xiaoli really wanted to break down the medicine to see what it was, she didn't have such data in her brain.

It seems that my knowledge is not so encyclopedic.

"Fortunately, I didn't miscalculate. After spending so much time getting close to Feng Ancan, I finally got something."

The Xiang nobleman is alive, and this harvest is great.

Little Evil didn't know that the hero of the world had this kind of medicine in his hand. Many things triggered the plot when they first arrived in this world.

When Feng Ancan took out the elixir, there was an explanation on Xiao Evil's light screen immediately.

What Xiao Evil is focusing on now is: "This medicine is for the king. In the original plot, you poisoned the emperor and killed his father to seize power. But the first time you failed because of the medicine that saved the emperor. The second time It was successful, and because the emperor knew that someone was going to kill him, he became more vigilant, and it took you a lot of trouble to kill the emperor."

"Really? It seems that I will do it once this time in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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