Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 586 Breaking into the Organization

Chapter 586 Breaking into the Organization
Chapter 616 Breaking into the Organization
Naturally, to break into these people is to claim that she is also the enemy of the old emperor, and she also wants the old emperor to die.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Ruan Xiaoli even touched a little gray face on the ground, and then went in with a calm face.

There was a small evil, Ruan Xiaoli passed the code easily and met those people.

Then she started her own show.

The little girl put on a strong face, and said in a childish voice: "When Mammy died, she told me to come here to find you."

Ruan Xiaoli lied that she was the youngest daughter of a minister who was murdered by the old emperor. That minister was indeed killed by the old emperor, and that minister did have two young daughters, but they were all dead.

A heroic woman who received Ruan Xiaoli asked, "Are you the only one who survived?"

Since Ruan Xiaoli spoke vividly and provided some evidence, the woman who received her had completely believed that Ruan Xiaoli was the daughter of some minister.

Her eyes turned red, and she shook her head: "No, my sister was the only one who survived. Mammy brought the two of us out, but my house was burned."

Lu Yi couldn't bear to hear it.

Ruan Xiaoli continued: "My sister has always wanted to take revenge. She is working in the palace now, and I have been following the nanny. The nanny suddenly became seriously ill and asked me to come to you."

Luyi couldn't bear such a young child to be involved in such hatred, and said: "Since you are Master Lin's daughter, we will definitely take good care of you. Master Lin also had friendship with sister's father during his lifetime."

Luyi didn't look very old, she was only fifteen or sixteen years old, but she had the air of a heroine. Her father was a general, and he was a defender of the country. Unfortunately, she stood in the wrong team and was killed.

"I don't want you to take care of me, I can take care of myself, and I will enter the palace tomorrow, because of my sister's management, I was selected as the little palace lady for shopping today, my sister can get close to that bad guy in the harem, and I can Enter and leave the palace to give you news."

After Ruan Xiaoli finished speaking, he looked at Luyi nervously: "Sister, my sister and I want to join you, we can help. The two of us sisters entering the palace is the best determination to join."

Luyi was very surprised, the sisters had all entered the palace, obviously they really wanted to take revenge.

Just the two sisters are too risky, and they need to form a group for revenge. You must know that the object they want to kill is the emperor, the lord of the world.

"Okay." Luyi nodded: "Since you want to join, then join. You must be calm about revenge, and you must not act rashly."


Ruan Xiaoli acted very well-behaved.

Ruan Xiaoli got into the organization by relying on these fictitious information.

From small to small, sooner or later to become the boss.

By the way, I made up a sister. It is not surprising that this little girl will bring some news to the organization in the future, because she has a sister in the harem.

Ruan Xiaoli got to know several people that night, Lu Yi is definitely the core person, and it is impossible for Ruan Xiaoli to meet the other core people.

Xiao Evil laughed to death: "Live well, sooner or later you will be the boss, Xiao Li, do you know why these people don't kill the old emperor now?"

"The strength is not enough, the timing is wrong."

"Yes, the strength is not enough, and the timing is wrong. Now if the old emperor dies, the situation will definitely be chaotic. What they want is the death of their enemies, and they don't want to set off a bloodbath. If the situation is chaotic, it will be the people who will suffer." Little Evil Said.


Ruan Xiaoli has already planned in his mind how to slowly enter the core, how to become the boss, and treat these people as his own sharp edge.

As long as she has someone in hand, it will be convenient for her to do things in the future, so don't do it herself.

Xiao Evil wanted to laugh when he thought about Ruan Xiaoli's made-up appearance just now: "You are really lying, and you can tell the truth at a glance. Impress them."

"Step by step."

The reason why Ruan Xiaoli made up these things was because he wanted to proceed step by step.

This is not a fantasy novel. The young protagonist casually beats up the other party, amazes the audience with a few words, and becomes the boss in seconds.

Ruan Xiaoli is only over seven years old now, she is not in a hurry, she mixes slowly, the relationship with each other is more secure, and these people will be more loyal in the future.

It was almost dawn, and Ruan Xiaoli claimed that she was going to enter the palace, and that she was going to report to the nanny as a shopping maid.

After a night of contact, Luyi liked this smart little girl very much, she couldn't bear it: "Why don't you go into the palace, it's too dangerous."

"Sister Luyi, I'm not afraid of danger, and my sister will protect me. I also hope that I can help everyone instead of holding you back."

Luyi had nothing to say, so she could only give her a small jade pendant: "We also arranged a few people to lurk in the palace, and they were on duty in different places. If you have any difficulties, you can take this jade pendant to ask them for help." .”

Lu Yizai carefully told Ruan Xiaoli where these people were on duty and their names.

Ruan Xiaoli was a little surprised, it seemed that Luyi really believed her lie, that's why she told her their identities as internal agents in the palace so reassuringly.

Of course, this may also be a test. If there are accidents among the internal staff, it means that there is something wrong with her.

Ruan Xiaoli put away the jade pendant and left.

After making sure that no one was following him, Ruan Xiaoli quickly entered the palace, and it was probably dawn that Xianggui would wake up.

After tossing and tossing for almost a whole night, I stayed in the same room with Lu Yi for a while in the early morning.

Ruan Xiaoli returned to her room in the small courtyard of Lenggong, she quickly changed her clothes and went to sleep.

At dawn, Xianggui got up, and she went to the kitchen to cook porridge together.

She can only cook porridge.

After cooking the porridge, she went to wake Feng Liyun to get up: "Li'er got up for breakfast, why are you staying in bed today?"

My daughter usually wakes up early, so why is she stuck in bed today?

It's still very cold in early spring, maybe it's freezing.

Xianggui hurried to the side of the small bed: "Li'er, is there something uncomfortable? Why are you staying in bed?"

Ruan Xiaoli was very sleepy, she squinted her eyes: "I'm not feeling sick, just sleepy, mother, you can have breakfast by yourself, I'll have it later."

Mr. Xianggui saw that something was wrong with her complexion, so he stretched out his hand to touch her and his complexion changed immediately: "You said you didn't feel uncomfortable, but Li'er, your forehead is very hot, it's because of the wind chill."

Ruan Xiaoli was sleepy, she felt nothing else, she was suffering from a cold.

Dragging this small body out in the middle of the night and coming back before dawn, wearing thin clothes, he immediately had a fever when he came back.

The fever lasted for a whole day, but Xianggui was very anxious, she took care of Ruan Xiaoli in the middle of the night and finally the fever subsided.

Xianggui let out a sigh of relief, she got up and poured the cold water, then went into the room and slept in the same bed with Ruan Xiaoli.

Li'er is sick, so it's convenient for her to take care of her when they sleep together.

(End of this chapter)

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