Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 613 I Invest 2 Million

Chapter 613 I Invest 20 Million
Chapter 645 I Invest 20 Million
Cold fingers touched his cheek, and Xu Shanghao's body froze for a moment with the overwhelming disgust in his eyes.

This is the world of capitalism. Even after making movies for several years, there are still some things that he can't change.

Xu Shanghao turned his face sideways: "Since Boss Ruan doesn't think about it anymore, then I'll go back first."

Saying that he got up.

Ruan Xiaoli leaned on the sofa and smiled: "Did I say no to it?"

Xu Shanghao didn't pause in his footsteps. He knew that the consideration she was talking about was actually a deal, and he couldn't afford it.

Just as he was about to walk out of the room, a lazy woman's voice came from behind him: "I'll invest 20 billion, and the person I'll put in will be the male number three."

She didn't ask for the male number two anymore, and the male number three gave him face very much.

Xu Shanghao, who pursues the quality of the film, is actually reluctant to part with the third male role, but without her investment, the film might not have been made at all.

He turned his head and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I'll give him the third male role, but my rule is that if he can't perform well, I will keep grinding him. If he can't bear the hardship by complaining to you, then he can only go back. cameos in supporting roles."

Ruan Xiaoli laughed, bending over and laughing, his stomach hurts.

Xu Shanghao frowned and looked at the woman who suddenly smiled, what was she laughing at?
"Director Xu, I've always heard that you have a weird temper. I think it's not that you have a weird temper, but that you are very tough in your bones. It's ridiculous."

She invested 20 billion, not 200 million, so she got the role of a male number three.

If the money is placed in other places, the male lead can be chosen by her at will, and she can even add various dramas.

He still looks like he has a bottom line even though he got it cheap.

Xu Shanghao didn't like to be in the same room with her, her eyes were too explicit and made him uncomfortable.

He still said: "Mr. Ruan, thank you very much for your investment. I will definitely spend this investment reasonably."

Ruan Xiaoli didn't laugh anymore, she returned to her indifferent Yujie look, and said, "The 20 billion repayment will arrive in the afternoon, and I need the flow of every investment."

This is a routine operation, especially since she has invested so much, she must take care of where the money goes, what if someone swallows it?
Xu Shanghao nodded: "Okay, I won't disturb Mr. Ruan's rest time if there is no other matter."


Secretary Cheng Shan didn't speak until the people left, "President Ruan, this investment discussion group has been rejected, you"

"His movies can't lose money."

The movies of the male protagonists in the world will only explode, and will not lose money.

Ruan Xiaoli's head hurts, why did the former bartender drink so much last night.

Cheng Shan could tell from her movements that she was uncomfortable: "Mr. Ruan, there is a meeting after four o'clock in the afternoon, and you still have three hours to rest."


Ruan Xiaoli got up and went back to the room to rest.

The little evil rolled around in the space clutching his stomach: "I laughed so hard, just now you were so arrogant, this is the rhythm, please enjoy unspoken rules for others, this world is a vacation for you, it's fun. "

"Vacation? Thinking about managing the company, and various wine bureaus, are you sure you want me to go on vacation?"

"These things are easy for you with a high IQ."

"But I'm also tired."

"But there are many good-looking people who let you dive."

"Do you think I like it?"

Xiao Evil raised his eyebrows: "Don't you like Xu Shanghao? Don't you have a soft spot for the male protagonist of the world?"

Ruan Xiaoli lay on the soft bed with deep eyes, yes, she has a soft spot for him, he is the only hero in the world.

Although he was rejected by Xiao Evil last time, Ruan Xiaoli believed in his intuition.

Xiao Ei found a void in her heart: "Xiao Li, what are you thinking?"

"I didn't think of anything."

The system can hear most of the host's heart, but Ruan Xiaoli finds that Xiao Ei can't hear her thinking about some private things.

She smiled and covered the quilt: "Sleep, there is a meeting in the afternoon."

In this world, she is a female version of a domineering president.
Xu Shanghao took the elevator down to the underground garage, and his assistant was waiting for him in the garage.

When Zhang Qi saw the boss coming, he immediately opened the car door. The boss didn't look very good.

"Director Xu, has Mr. Ruan agreed to invest?"

This is what their entire working team is most concerned about, because the filming is about to start, and the investors suddenly withdraw their funds.

This time Director Xu came to talk about it himself, but he didn't know if it was successful or not.

Xu Shanghao nodded: "She agreed to invest."

Zhang Qi was happy for the boss when he heard the news, but he didn't seem very happy to see the boss's expression.

Xu Shanghao got into the car, and Zhang Qi slowly started to reverse the car. Seeing the boss's expression on the rearview mirror was not very happy.

"Director Xu, Mr. Ruan re-invested, why do you still seem to be in a bad mood, are you worried that she will withdraw the investment again?"

Xu Shanghao looked sideways out of the window, but he didn't speak.

Zhang Qi did not continue to ask.

The car drove out of the underground garage all the way, the scenery on the road was reversed all the way, Xu Shanghao looked out the window thoughtfully.

Indeed, as Zhang Qi said, he was really worried that Ruan Wenfan would withdraw his capital midway.

Every time a film is shot, the most difficult thing is not the story line and the acting skills of the actors, but these investors...

It's not that Xu Shanghao has never met someone who withdraws his capital midway.

But he believes his film appeal can attract new investors.

But now this movie is too special, many people dare not invest and the investment is huge, only Ruan Dian can...

Xu Shanghao closed his eyes and suppressed all his troubles in his heart.

Take one step at a time.

This movie is a must-make in his life, and he will never give up.

If the movie is a big hit, he won't have to worry about investors withdrawing their money in the future.

Persevere and persevere.


"The hero of the world didn't get up until after the filming of this movie. His movie was a big hit and made a lot of money. Since then, he hasn't bothered about investment anymore."

Xiao Evil: "All in all, he has no money now. After the filming of this movie, he will have money, and he will not be suppressed by capitalists like you."


Ruan Xiaoli always felt that Xiao E was scolding him.

Where has it been lately?

"Well, then how did the heroine of the world and the heroine of the world meet?"

Her villain's mission in this world is very clear and clear, as long as Ruan Xiaoli wants to know more about the main story of the protagonists, that's fine.

Xiao Evil: "The heroine has just become popular, but she can't be said to be a stable line, let alone a queen or something. These male protagonists are equivalent to the benefactors of the heroine, because he saw the shining points on her, right , as far as the current movie is concerned, the heroine will play the second heroine in it."

"The number two leading actress in the world?"

Ruan Xiaoli was a little surprised. It seems that Xu Shanghao's requirements for his films are indeed quite strict.

Xiao Evil: "Xu Shanghao's next movie invites the heroine to play the leading role. At present, these two people have not yet reached the peak period, so you have to bully them two unspoken rules. conduct!"

After all, the last sentence is the key point of Little Evil.

(End of this chapter)

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