Chapter 616 The Same Person
Chapter 649 The Same Person
Xu Shanghao was stunned for a moment when he heard the assistant's words, and then remembered.

The surname is Ruan, and she is the only one who is hotly searched in the scandal.

In this entertainment circle, if someone is not a star but is on the top searches again and again, the first person who comes to mind is the president of the Ruan family.

Xu Shanghao didn't care about these things: "Zhang Qi, what happened to the things prepared for the opening ceremony?"

"Everything is ready and placed in the warehouse, and the pork head meat for that day has also been ordered."

Every TV movie has a ceremony when it is turned on, and incense is offered to worship the heavens to bless the safety and security during the filming period.

When the incense is served, the pork head meat and some miscellaneous things should be placed in front.

All these matters were handed over to Zhang Qi, and Xu Shanghao was particularly relieved when Zhang Qi handled the affairs, after all, he had been with his assistant for several years.

Xu Shanghao: "It's almost time to call it a day, and the greenhouse will be ready in about an hour. After everyone has left, you can check it again. After making sure there is no problem, lock the greenhouse until the shooting can be opened."

Several large sheds were built for the filming, and many things in them had to be shot to the end, and it was absolutely impossible for people to come in casually and damage them.


There is nothing wrong now, Zhang Qi continued to look down at the gossip.

Zhang Qi turned his head and saw that his boss was always frowning. Obviously, the investment matters had been settled, but the boss still seemed to be in a bad mood.

Zhang Qi simply shared the gossip with him.

"Director Xu, our investor is really a genius. You said that she is not very old in her 20s. She manages such a large company and invests tens of billions of things. These things are enough for her to be busy." How can she still have time to take care of celebrities?"

There are many legends in the industry, but as long as it is mentioned that the elimination of young people must have the President Ruan.

A woman in her 20s, who has just graduated from college, is already in charge of a company worth tens of billions.

All the investments in the past few years have been in order, and she has never heard of a failure case.

The outside world praises her a lot, but she also has a lot of scandals.

I've heard that bosses raise female celebrities, but I've never heard of people in their twenties adopting celebrities.

When Xu Shanghao heard what his assistant said, he unconsciously thought of Ruan Wenfan who he saw at the hotel that day.

Ruan Wenfan is beautiful, knowledgeable and capable. Xu Shanghao has met many people of all kinds, as well as various first-line stars, but there is no one whose temperament can be compared with Ruan Wenfan. An innate temperament.

Xu Shanghao: "Just take care of yourself, other people's lives belong to others."

Zhang Qi smiled: "Director Xu, did you see any celebrities when you went to the hotel to discuss investment with her last time? I'm curious who the little fresh meat she raised this time is the one who fortressed in?" Actor?"

Zhang Qi worked with Xu Shanghao and heard many scandals about celebrities, and he has seen all the scandals that the media did not report.

"I didn't see anyone." Xu Shanghao said indifferently: "The actor named Bu Rui will play the male number three. At that time, there is no need to give him special care, and he can be treated as he wants."


From these words, Zhang Qi knew that the actor was indeed recruited by investors.

Therefore, the rumored boyfriend that the young Mr. Ruan kept was probably that actor.

Hey, this kind of thing is not surprising.

The greenhouse was almost built, and the workers went out one after another. Zhang Qi also got up, took a notebook and a camera to check every corner.

Xu Shanghao got up from his chair and said to the people around him: "The props team will check the shooting props for the last time, and finally make sure if there is any problem."

There are many props throughout the movie, and some props are disposable and customized a lot.

It's a lot of stuff, and it's busy even when the movie isn't filmed.

After working all day, Xu Shanghao returned to the hotel after dark.

After returning to the hotel, Xu Shanghao took out the photos and introductions of each actor and looked at them.

The actors he personally selected were already familiar with their appearance introductions.

Xu Shanghao took out the information of the actor named Bu Rui.

I have acted in two idol dramas and played supporting roles in four or five dramas. These dramas all have one thing in common, that is, they are all soap opera idol campus love.

Bu Rui's appearance is also very sunny, delicate and good-looking, very suitable for playing such a high school student or something.

Xu Shanghao began to have a headache: "Can he really play a monster?"

A ruthless and ugly monster who likes to seduce women by pretending to be a handsome and handsome man, but in the end he fell in love with a woman, but the lovely woman didn't love him, so he went crazy in the end.

Although there are not many roles for this role, acting skills are required every minute and every second, and his entire story line is also very attractive.

Xu Shanghao flipped through the photos, and suddenly the phone next to him turned on and an entertainment news was automatically pushed out.

#Ruan Zongxinhuan#
#Ruan total kung fu is very good#
#谢huanhuan said she misses her ex#
The first three hot searches were automatically pushed, and Xu Shanghao glanced at it with his mobile phone and clicked on one.

Among them is a photo taken in the basement of Mr. Ruan Xinhuan. The woman's appearance can be seen from Ruan's figure and hairstyle, but the actor's back just happened to be facing away and the front face was not photographed.

Xu Shanghao reached out and took out a photo of Bu Rui's back from the side file.

Compare the photos with the ones on your phone.

"the same person."

Xu Shanghao turned off the phone after looking at it for a few times, then arranged all the actor's materials and put them on the table without moving.


All the actors and actresses were present at the opening ceremony of the movie "Spring Out of Spring".

Neither the male lead nor the female lead in this movie belong to popular actors, but they are both good looking and acting.

The most famous one is Zhao Yun, the second female lead in this show. The last time Zhao Yun acted in a martial arts drama, it just became very popular.

Cheng Shan: "Mr. Ruan, there is still an hour to the shooting location, you can take a rest."


Ruan Xiaoli was wearing a blue dress today, with delicate makeup and fluffy long curly hair.

The good-looking Ruan Wenfan looks like a superstar no matter how she dresses up.

During the opening ceremony, several team leaders were busy everywhere, and Zhang Qi entered the room: "Director Xu, some investors have arrived. Mr. Ruan may be a little late because of a temporary meeting, but he can catch up with the opening ceremony."

Ruan Wenwen is the biggest investor, and she must be in the front row when the time comes.

Xu Shanghao looked up: "Let me know when she arrives."

(End of this chapter)

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